Chapter 17
"Zhizhi, take someone to see what's going on?"

Mrs. Gao listened to the screams in the bar with a gloomy face, she turned her head and ordered.

A black-clothed ninja stepped out of the shadows and knelt down on one knee towards Mrs. Gao.



At this moment, Mrs. Gao suddenly felt a chill down her spine. That feeling seemed to return to when she was in Kunlun, when she faced the angry Lei Gong.

The feeling that life and death are held in the hands of others, and life is hanging by a thread.

Madam Gao let out a low cry, and swung her backhand, the horizontal knife in the wooden stick was unsheathed, and a white light suddenly appeared in the night sky.

The piercing saber air tore through the night sky, and the cold light caused Jin Bing's hairs to stand on end.

The thumb-thick iron guardrail was directly divided into two by the saber air.

No one was there, Madam Gao danced Tang Hengdao in her hand, and looked around like a torch.

At this time, more than a dozen black-clothed ninjas emerged from the shadows all around, with their backs against Mrs. Gao, and surrounded her to protect her.

That feeling was still there, Mrs. Gao clenched Tang Dao tightly, and her back felt like a needle-like pain.

At this time, on the roof, in a world that ordinary people cannot see, thousands of resentful spirits filled the entire roof to the brim.

Wraiths squeezed Wraiths, and even several Wraiths were stacked together, as if they were double images.

They stared at Mrs. Gao, as if there was a big meal in front of a starving ghost.

It's just that in their eyes, these living people on the roof have clusters of flames representing yang energy burning on their heads and shoulders.

These flames seemed to burn their souls, and they were temporarily inaccessible.


The secret technique from Kunlun allowed Mrs. Gao to exercise her five senses which are so sensitive that they are almost extraordinary.

Although she couldn't see the wraiths around her, she could feel something peeping at her around her. That kind of malice stimulated her to wave the Tang knife in her hand directly.

The two black-clothed ninjas with their backs turned to Mrs. Gao were directly slashed by her. The blood shot to the sky, and more than a dozen black-clothed ninjas were sprayed all over their bodies.

The dozen or so black-clothed ninjas were as if they were logs, they didn't move, they were still loyally guarding Mrs. Gao.

Jin Bin looked at Mrs. Gao who was in a state of madness. He subconsciously stepped back and clenched the thick cane in his hand.

His custom-made cane can shoot lasers and smoke, making opponents hard to detect.

A dozen well-trained gunmen stood in front of him at the same time.

"Madam Gao?" Jin Bin looked at the crazy Madam Gao with some apprehension.

At this moment, the sprayed blood completely aroused the viciousness of countless resentful spirits on the rooftop.

These wraiths rushed towards Mrs. Gao frantically, biting them.

It seems that something broke the medium between yin and yang, and the wraith, who could not touch living things, seemed to have the ability to attack the entity.

In an instant, Mrs. Gao was bitten off with countless bloodstains all over her body at the same time.


Mrs. Gao uttered screams and frantically swung her knives in all directions.

The fierce saber aura bloomed like flowers in the night sky, and the saber aura criss-crossed, leaving traces of marks all over the roof.

Six or seven ninjas in black were directly dismembered by the sword energy.

However, this fierce saber energy seems to be in another latitude for the wraiths, and it can't cause any harm to them.

The resentful spirits swarmed up, and there were bite wounds on Mrs. Gao's body. Pieces of flesh and blood fell off Madam Gao's body, and were eaten by countless resentful spirits.

In just a few dozen breaths, under the watchful eyes of Jin Bin and the Hand ninjas, Mrs. Gao turned into a bone that had been eaten to pieces.

"Go! Get out of here!"

Jin Bin looked at the white bone covered with tooth marks left by Mrs. Gao, even a gangster like him who had experienced countless life and death crises and killed without blinking an eye, felt a chill down his spine.

Jin Bing hurriedly left the rooftop with a group of gunmen. On the empty rooftop, only a bloody bone was left, and a group of hand ninjas who slashed their knives wildly at the air.

"Resentful spirits who have never been sacrificed are a little afraid of the yang energy of living people after all!"

On the rooftop, the remaining Hand ninjas were packing up Mrs. Gao's bones.

A slightly dissatisfied voice suddenly sounded.

"Bastard, who are you?"

The black-clothed ninja named Zhizhi stared at the figure who appeared on the rooftop at some time, and asked.

Tang Song didn't seem to see these ninjas in black at this time, he scanned the countless wraiths on the rooftop.

After all, it is a resentful spirit that has been freed. In terms of ferocity, it is not as fierce as those monks in Heshan Road.

He once saw a monk of Heshan Road fighting with others in Yanfu World.

The fierce souls refined by the Taoist sacrifice were enshrined in the white bone banner, and they were released with shaking hands, and there were thousands of fierce souls, which directly emptied the flesh and blood of the scattered cultivators on the opposite side.

On the other hand, his vengeful spirits cringed in the face of the three yang fires on ordinary people. If he hadn't used the straw man to cast spells, it's hard to say whether these vengeful spirits could get close to Mrs. Gao's body.

However, these wraiths are not useless, and they can be regarded as a trump card if they are sacrificed and refined.

After all, this is not Yanfu Continent, there are no monks, and only a few people can see these wraiths.


The neglected leader of the black-clothed ninja suddenly took a quick step and charged directly at Tang Song with a knife.


Tang Song rolled his eyes, opened his mouth, and two white lights suddenly appeared.

These two beams of white light were as fast as lightning, circling and staggering around the ninja in black on the roof, turning into two balls of white gas and being breathed into Tang Song's body like a milk swallow throwing a forest.

Plop plop~~

The corpses of ninjas in black knelt down on the ground, their heads rolled everywhere.

The smell of blood filled the entire night sky for a while.


puff puff...

Matthew leaned on the railing, his hands trembling a little, and the beating of his heart thumped in his chest.

Fear, this word has not appeared in his world for more than ten years.

Since the tragic death of his father and his blindness, Matthew has never known what it is to be afraid.

He turned into Daredevil, shuttled through the darkness of New York, and punished evil.

He has seen too many vicious villains, gangsters organize human body drug trafficking, put people into buckets, fill them with cement and throw them into the sea.

He has even seen the legendary vampires who feed on human blood and raise people as pigs.

In front of these, Matthew didn't feel the slightest fear, all he burst out was anger.

He destroyed the strongholds of the gangsters one by one, washed their goods into the sea, tied them up with their criminal evidence and threw them at the gate of the police station.

Facing the legendary vampires, Matthew chose to stab his cane into their hearts.

Fear, fear, Matthew thought that this emotion would never appear on him again.

However, Matthew touched his heart, and the throbbing heartbeat proved that he was indeed afraid.

In order to save a blind man when he was young, Matthew was blinded by the radioactive material spilled from a passing truck;

All four of his other senses have been enhanced and a new fifth sense has evolved: the radar sense.

With this organ, Matthew can see many things that ordinary people cannot see, such as the densely packed undead on the opposite rooftop.


The death of Mrs. Gao of the Hand has caused an uproar in the New York underworld.

As the largest killer organization in Southeast Asia, the Hand Association's power in New York is second only to the underground emperor Jin Bin.

As one of the five fingers of the Hand, Mrs. Gao is also the person in charge of the Hand in New York. Many bosses in the underground world are quietly waiting for the Hand's counterattack.

As for the target of the counterattack, the news of the Hand's raid on Scavenger Tang is no secret to the sensitive underground world.

But to everyone's surprise, in the underground world, the Hand, which has always been arrogant and domineering, chose to die down. Not only did it not retaliate, but it shrank its hands, like a poisonous snake curled up into its hole.

On the other hand, Jin Bin's reaction was also very strange. Some senior brokers in the underground world revealed the news that Jin Bin was in contact with some existences in the real dark world, trying to reach some deals.

So, under the watchful eyes of many interested people, Tang and Song Dynasty expanded their territory wantonly, smuggling arms, cars, and crude oil...

Even selling prostitutes, Tang and Song unceremoniously robbed Jeffrey of two streets of business.

After half a month of turmoil, Tang and Song took over several strongholds of the Hand Association and took over half of the Hand Association's business in New York.
Just when all the bosses in New York's underground world felt that Tang and Song had risen too fast and were vigilant,

Tang and Song stopped suddenly. He had about [-] more people under him, and he began to consolidate his territory and do some business.

(End of this chapter)

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