Beauty Comic Cultivation Record

Chapter 35 Recruiting Blood Shadow

Chapter 35 Recruiting Blood Shadow

The Soviet-made 2S4 240mm artillery is the mortar with the largest caliber in contemporary times.

Its barrel length is 3340 mm 22.25 times the caliber.



When launching extended-range nuclear projectiles, the maximum range can reach 20 kilometers.The excellent curved fire of the mortar has considerable lethality against the enemy on the reverse slope.

The bomb bay is used to feed the bombs (20 rounds in each bomb bay), and it is equipped with a simple loading machine. However, due to the heavy shells, the rate of fire can only reach one round per minute, and it takes 10 minutes to prepare for shooting.When launching ordinary grenades, the maximum range is 9.65 kilometers.

This heavy artillery, which was equipped to a mechanic of the Soviet Army during the Cold War, made its roar in the federal mainland for the first time in a way that no one thought of.

Due to transportation reasons, the giant cannon transported from the Russian Far East by the Tang and Song Dynasties was a castrated version, with only the body of the cannon and no matching tracked chariot.

As for tactical nuclear artillery shells, they were transferred away by an order from an unknown big shot in the logistics department of the Soviet Army as early as during the Cold War.

The largest mortar in history now uses conventional shells loaded with 130kg of high explosive.

Although it is a conventional shell, a single shell can easily destroy a five-story concrete building.

In half an hour, under the operation of twelve Russian gunners, the two tulip heavy artillery fired six shells.

The earth roared, and the whole beach seemed to be plowed by a wild ox.

Smoke and dust rose everywhere, forming a small mushroom cloud in the distance.

The waves were rolling on the sea, and at a naval outpost six nautical miles away, several federal navies listened to the sound of rumbling guns close at hand, hiding in the bunker of the checkpoint, frantically dialing the satellite phone, reporting, and asking about the situation.

They hadn't been notified of any drills nearby recently.

God, although they are the Federal Navy, they usually deal with smugglers at this checkpoint.

The roar of the heavy artillery now, could it be that the guns are coming!

Not to mention the flustered movements of the navy.

On the rickety roof, the young priest held the phone in one hand and covered his mouth with the other, explaining to the person on the other end in a low voice.

Judging from his bitter face and non-stop apologetic posture, the job of explaining is obviously not easy.

Under the bombardment of three rounds of heavy artillery, the soil layer near the lighthouse was completely lifted.

What kind of dark castle, vampire, the two are now completely combined, and in the shattered concrete, there are tattered blood and flesh everywhere.

Obviously, under the heavy artillery of human beings, even a vampire with tenacious vitality is no different from an explosion of this intensity.

Tang and Song Dynasties once heard a saying that as long as it is a carbon-based creature with flesh and blood, no one can withstand the bombing of cannons.

If there is, it means that the caliber of the cannon is not large enough, and the power is not strong enough.

If it doesn't work, try again!
West, who was standing beside Tang Song, watched the scene in front of him, and the corners of his eyes couldn't help but twitched.

The destructive power brought by this kind of heavy artillery made the deputy chief judge of the Inquisition feel impulsive. He used a few giant cannons, went to Europe, and found several old castles to bombard.

Look at those old vampires who can take a few shots head-on.


Tang and Song stood beside the five or six meter deep pit, the dust billowed up, and they could barely see the broken concrete, broken steel bars, and bunker buildings below.

This is an air-raid shelter and coastal defense fort built by the Federation against the Soviet Union during the Cold War.

It was originally built by the federal government against the worst situation during the Cold War, and it was built to defend against the former Soviet Union's raid on the federal mainland.

The Soviet-made heavy artillery easily tore a hole open.

Although some of the fortifications were abandoned and in disrepair for a long time, it can also be seen that the big guys in the former Soviet Union are stupid and tough.

"Boss! I'll take people down!"

Frank led dozens of gunmen around the pit and volunteered.

Tang Song waved his hand, signaling Frank to be calm,

"Isn't there a gas station near here, go get some gasoline!"

Tang and Song's spiritual sense swept across the underground palace, and there were still many little mice hidden inside.

To deal with mice, Tang Song asked himself some ways.

"Damn humans! They turned their cannons on us!"

Lucien hid at the corner of a corridor with a few werewolves, holding various weapons such as submachine guns and shotguns, waiting for the enemy to come down.

He didn't want to work for Dicken Firth, but now the secret passages in and out of the bunker were blocked,
Lucian could only do his best to see if he could hold some humans back out of the encirclement.

"What is the taste!"

After waiting for a long time, Lucien did not see any signs of humans coming down, but instead smelled a strong smell of gasoline.

The sound of rushing water reached Lucien's ears, and his expression changed drastically.

"Come on!"

Lucian roared, and he transformed into a werewolf directly, and rushed towards the depths of the corridor.


At one end of the federal interstate, more than a dozen police cars and a large number of police officers dispatched late at night to seal off all the passages leading to this abandoned small pier.

The cordon stopped several sensitive news gathering vehicles, as well as the gossip party who heard the movement and came to watch the excitement.

"Sheriff, we're reporters from the New York Daily News, what's going on in there?
We have the right to interview, and you cannot interfere with the freedom of the press!They have a right to know! "

Beside the cordon, a newsgirl in a beige business suit with a deep career line was arguing with the sheriff who was blocking her.

Seeing the sheriff standing in front of her, the woman put on her big hat skillfully.

The fat-headed sheriff, with his enlarged beer belly, stretched his arms and stopped in front of the blonde.

"Ma'am, it's dangerous inside. We've been ordered not to let anyone in, not even journalists!"

Mr. Sheriff carried out the orders above righteously. If his eyes hadn't been on the girl's career line, he would have been a model of the New York Police Department's impartiality in law enforcement.

"Mr. Sheriff, tell me, what happened inside?"

After being stopped a few times, the blond girl learned to behave. She reached out and hugged the sheriff's arm, shaking and pleading.

Feeling the soft touch on his arm, the sheriff swallowed reluctantly. Looking at the flashing red camera not far away, the sheriff struggled to pull his arm out.

"I'm sorry ma'am, you'd better get out of here as soon as possible!"

"Cut, Faqueu!" The blonde cursed in a low voice, turned around to greet the cameraman on the side, and was about to walk to the interview car next to her.


At this moment, two headlights illuminated the interstate highway, and many onlookers and policemen blocked their eyes with their hands, blocking the strong light that was shining on them.

The two tank trucks honked their horns and slowed down not far from the blockade line, and stopped slowly.

"The road is closed here, you need to go back and change the road!"

The sheriff brought two policemen to the front of the tanker, holding a police officer's card in his hand, and motioned impatiently to the driver's seat of the tanker.

Sitting in the driver's seat was a big white man with a cropped cut. He looked down at the sheriff with cold eyes, without any movement.

"Hey, let me tell you, do you not understand human speech? I'll let you go back..."

Seeing that the white driver did not move, the sheriff yelled at him angrily.

"Sheriff, he's wearing body armor!"

A sharp-eyed policeman noticed the driver's upper body at this time, and he was wearing a black heavy body armor.

He hurriedly leaned to the sheriff's ear and reminded him in a low voice.

"Hey, put your hands up where I can see them!"

The sheriff quickly drew a pistol from his waist and aimed it at the tanker driver.

Several policemen also drew their pistols from their waists.

"Relax, Sheriff, you need a call!"

In the co-pilot's position, a young priest in black robe stretched out his arm from the driver's seat with a tired face, holding a satellite phone in his hand.

The sheriff looked at the priest suspiciously, and took the satellite phone.


"This is the Special Events Office of the Ministry of Defense. This is Major General Harris. No matter who you are, get out of the way!"

The voice on the phone was even more irritable than the sheriff, with a strong wake-up air, he ordered directly and bluntly.

"Beep beep..."

After speaking on the other end of the phone, he hung up the phone immediately.

The sheriff held the phone, hesitated for a moment, and handed back the satellite phone in his hand.

"Get out of the way, let them pass!"

The sheriff trotted over to clear a path for the police behind the isolation strip.

clack clack...

After the two tank trucks passed by, many reporters who were stopped again frantically pressed the shutters on the tank trucks.


Two tanker trucks rolled off the interstate, staggering through the potholes made by the shells, and came to the huge crater.

Two strong men stepped forward, connected the water pipe, and turned on the water valve.

Gasoline rushed down the water pipe to the depths of the bunker.

West stood by the edge of the pit, under his feet was a pothole full of smoke and dust, and clods of soil fell into the hole from time to time.

Seeing the gasoline rushing into the huge pit like water, he looked at Tang Song with a little more appreciation.

"I have dealt with these vampires for decades, and I never thought of dealing with them in this way!"

Tang Song took a silver cigar box from Frank, took out a thin cigar, and handed one to West.

After hesitating for a moment, West took the cigar, held it between his fingertips, and put it near his mouth.

The priests next to him all looked at this scene in disbelief, and couldn't believe their eyes.

They are West's personal deacons, and the longest one has been with West for ten years, and they have never seen the chief referee smoke.

Tang Song took out a gold-plated lighter, lit it, brought it to West's mouth, helped him light the cigar, and took out another one from the cigar box, and lit it!

"I'll still settle the bill. The two fuel tanks don't exceed 10 U.S. dollars, and the pension of my subordinates alone exceeds 20 U.S. dollars," Tang Song said, throwing out the Chanel gift lighter in his hand.

"Vampires, nobles in the dark, to put it bluntly, they are some shameful creatures! Light the fire, just in time for them to see the light!"

Tang Song waved his hand to signal the empty tanker to stay away.

The lighter in his hand threw an arc and landed directly in the huge pit.

The flame instantly rose four or five meters above the ground, and the tongue of fire licked everything, and the raging flame instantly illuminated the night sky.

The gunmen who were closer were swept by the high-temperature flames, and a large piece of hair was instantly singed. They stepped back in a hurry.

Tang and Song didn't dodge or retreat, the palms were pressed, and the flames that soared into the sky seemed to be forced back into the bunker by an invisible barrier.

These flames burned everything crazily along the traces of gasoline flowing in. The tables, chairs, benches, furniture, decorations, and instruments all caught fire under the fire.

Thick smoke, fire, the inside of the bunker seemed to have turned into a large country hearth!

Inside the burning red stove, the vampires inside became roasted mice in the stove one by one.

"Cough cough!"

West took a puff of his cigar, choked on the smoke twice, coughed a few times, and faced Tang Song's looking gaze.

He smiled and explained: "I haven't touched this thing for nearly 30 years, and the smoke is quite strong now!"

West took a few more puffs, and seemed to have regained the feeling of smoking.

He and Tang and Song took advantage of the firelight of the huge pit to stand by the pit and swallow clouds and fog.

Seemingly sensing that the two of them had something to say, the gunmen under Tang Song and the priests under West retreated a certain distance.

"Don, with your ability, it's really unworthy of you to just stay in New York and be a gang leader!" West held a cigar and exhaled a puff of smoke from his mouth. His wrinkled face was somewhat vicissitudes.

Tang Song laughed, and laughed at himself: "If you don't want to be a gang leader, does the referee want me to be a pastor with you, and listen to other people's prayers for atonement? I can't do this!"

"It's not bad to be a gang leader, at least I have a good life in New York!"

Tang Song's mind turned, and he remembered that he had eavesdropped on the conversation between West and the priest. Hearing this, West wanted to lure him into the gang, Brotherhood of the Holy Shield!
But Tang Song naturally wouldn't show it on his face, he managed his expressions well and pretended to be stupid.

West turned his face and turned his head to look at Tang Song, "Pastor, hehe, God doesn't want everyone to believe in him, pastor is just a profession!"

"Don! There are 70 billion people in this world, but to put it bluntly, the right to speak will always be in the hands of a small group of people, and gang leaders are not included here!"

West flicked the cigarette ash, "Don, have you heard of Freemasonry?"

Freemasonry, not the Brotherhood of Sacred Shield?Tang Song was taken aback for a moment, but then he said in surprise:

"Freemasonry, that legendary organization that secretly ruled the world? Chief referee, are you a member of Freemasonry?!"

Listening to the astonishment in Tang Song's tone, West disdainfully denied Tang Song's words:

"To rule the world, rely on a stonemason organization that has been established for less than a few hundred years!
Tang, a truly powerful organization will not be easily displayed in front of the world. They are like icebergs. Those with real foundation and strength are often hidden under the water!
I'm just using Freemasonry as an example, we..."

"Wait!" Tang Song interrupted West, looking at the red bottom of the pit, and asked with a strange expression: "Chief referee, are you sure you have sent the blade away from New York?!"

West looked at Tang Song puzzledly, and didn't understand why Tang Song raised the blade, but he said with certainty:
"We have checked the classics in the church. To summon an evil spirit like the blood god, a daywalker is needed as a sacrifice. We can't take risks. Now the blade should be in the monastery of the Vatican!"

"What's that over there?" Tang Song asked, pointing to the huge pit where the flames rose.

in?West looked at the huge pit, and in the raging flames, a blood-colored figure flew out like a blood shadow~
(End of this chapter)

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