Beauty Comic Cultivation Record

Chapter 4 Flying Snake and Gu

Chapter 4 Flying Snake and Gu
"Oh Maikar, Tang, what have we bred? This creature is perfect!"

Bob leaned in front of the observation window, looking almost obsessively at the experimental subjects in the cultivation room.

In the cultivation room of more than ten square meters, the water mist is hazy, a black shadow shuttles in the air, and lightning flashes in the mist from time to time.

Bob frantically pressed the switch, and in the laboratory, the strong wind blown by the blower quickly blew away the fog, revealing a black figure.

The black snake is as black as ink. Its body has grown from the thickness of chopsticks to the thickness of a thumb. Its body is covered with fine and dense scales, and there is no trace of scars. Electric lights flash from time to time on the black jade-like scales.

The most striking thing is that the fleshy membranes on both sides of the black snake's body are flapping, and the black snake is soaring in mid-air like a mythical beast.

Flying snakes, Bob's eyes full of fanaticism, this is simply a biological miracle.

The only snake in nature that is related to flying is the Golden Flower Snake in the jungles of Southeast Asia, which can hop between trees.

But in fact, the Golden Flower Snake can't actually fly, it just glides between branches, just like a flying squirrel.

And the black snake in front of him really flew up by relying on its fleshy membrane.

"Tang..." Bob looked at the black snake swimming in the air, and couldn't help turning his head to look at Tang Song excitedly.


Just as Bob turned his head, the world spun before his eyes, and he fell heavily to the ground with a plop.

The black-gray aura swayed at Tang Song's fingertips, like a candle.

The little ecstasy technique, one of the unpopular little techniques in Heshan Road
It was originally an unreputable spell used by some low-level heretics to confuse good families, but unfortunately, in this world, the ecstasy method used by a small flower picker actually consumed a little bit of energy in Tang and Song Dynasties.

In the land of doom, Tang Song felt the loss of energy in his body, sighed secretly, extinguished the aura at his fingertips, grabbed Bob by the back collar, lifted him up, and put him on the rest chair beside him .

So what about the land of the end of the law, it seems that I am on the right path!
Tang and Song looked at the black snake that looked like the "snake" in mythology, but they were excited for a while.

His idea is indeed correct, technology and immortal way can be combined, this Gu has been completed!

Gu, according to legend, take a hundred insects in a container, let them devour each other, and finally eliminate all competitors and survive is "Gu". This is a mysterious oriental legend in the eyes of the scientific community.

The black snake cultivated in the Tang and Song dynasties is a real Gu worm. The cultivation method comes from the mysterious Hundred Thousand Mountains, which is an untold secret of a sect.

The Hundred Thousand Mountains does not refer to the Yunnan-Guizhou Mountains and Rivers in the eastern country, but the Hundred Thousand Mountains in the world of Yan Fu.

Yes, in the world of Yan Fu, Tang Song is not from this world, but an unlucky guy who was affected by a dispute.

The world of Yanfu is a world of advanced practice. The great power of the practitioner belongs to himself. If he practices to the highest level, he can pick up the stars and take the moon, live forever, and those with great supernatural powers can even reopen the earth, fire, feng shui, and recreate the world.

According to the scientific view of this universe, it has the ability to restart the universe.

But this is nothing, the legendary ten patriarchs of the Taoist sect in the world of Yanfu, and the five emperors of the Demon Sect have obtained the Dao fruit and surpassed the great world of Yanfu.

Of course, this kind of realm is beyond the imagination of little people like Tang and Song Dynasties.

He was originally just a wandering lonely soul in another world, but by chance, he devoted himself to a dying casual cultivator.

The so-called loose cultivators are monks who have no background, no backing, and no sect. It is not that there are no tyrannical powers in the practice of casual cultivators.

Like the Nine Patriarchs of the sect, they are all great masters in the world of Jambudvipa, and even the Buddhist and Taoist families have to be courteous.

As for the person possessed by Tang and Song Dynasties, he can barely master two or three kinds of spells, which is better than ordinary people, but his strength is limited.

For two years, Tang Song relied on a few small magic skills to hang out in the world, but he also became a rich man in the world.

He bought a large family business, married three or four concubines, and lived a very enjoyable life.

It's just that he still has some reconciliation, and he also wants to find an opportunity to join the Daoist sect and find a way of longevity.

It's a pity that the person he reincarnated had no qualifications, no luck, no luck.

Some well-known sects didn't like him at all. Just when Tang and Song were discouraged and planned to lie down and hang out in the world, an accident happened.

The sky is falling!
The consequences of the confrontation between two great supernatural beings are no longer an adjective.

The entire heaven and earth really split into several pieces, the entire Yanfu world seemed to fall into soybeans on a millstone, crushed by squeezing, and turned into a complete chaos.

As for Tang and Song, he didn't feel anything, that's all!

He opened his eyes to the ceiling of an apartment in Brooklyn.

World imprint, this is the bottom layer of the world, the most original substance,
All living things in the world have been imprinted in the origin of the world from the beginning of their birth.

The reason why great supernatural beings are not afraid of destroying the world is that they can intercept these imprints in the origin of the world, reopen the world, and restore the world to its original state.

As for Tang and Song, he was an unlucky guy, a foreigner, and he was directly deported without any information about the origin of Yan Fu World.

But the good news is that Tang and Song got some benefits when Yan Fu World reopened.

Some practice knowledge imprinted in the world.

People left their names, and geese left their voices. When the entire Yanfu world was restarted, some knowledge imprinted in the most secret place between heaven and earth was thoroughly displayed in front of Tang and Song Dynasties.

The Tianhe Sword School's true "Tianhe True Method", the Demon Sect's secret "Black Water True Method" and "Tianpeng Vertical and Horizontal True Method", the Daoist's "Huang Ting Inner Scene Scripture", the Buddhism's "Three Generations of Reincarnation"... …

The method of refining Gu in the Tang and Song Dynasties came from the "Heshan Jing" of Heshan Dao. The founder of Heshan Dao was Zha Zu, one of the nine patriarchs of the sect.


Tang and Song controlled the computer, and the wall on one side of the training room slowly moved to both sides. Almost at the moment when a gap opened in the wall, a black shadow flew out like lightning, and rushed towards Tang and Song.

"Naughty!" Tang Song's eyes flashed, and a blue aura flew out between his fingers.

The cyan aura moved towards the black shadow, and ripples like water waves shone in the aura, and finally turned into a worm-shaped inscription, which was printed on the black snake's head.


Seeing the Juanwen rushing towards him, a hint of spirituality flashed in the black snake's cold pupils, his flesh flapped, and he wanted to avoid the Juanwen.

It's a pity that before it turned its direction, as layers of blue light appeared on the meaningful text, streaks of blue aura appeared on the surface of the black snake's scales.

The body of the black snake stiffened all of a sudden, and the blue Junwen directly sank into its head.

(End of this chapter)

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