Beauty Comic Cultivation Record

Chapter 63 Blood Cow Mission (Thanks for the reward from the weird boss)

Chapter 63 Blood Cow Mission (Thanks for the reward from the weird boss)

On the high seas, on the luxury cruise ship Costa, the cruise ship at this time is miserable.

A huge octopus was entrenched on the deck of the cruise ship, spitting lazily. Green acid was sprayed on the deck, corroding the ground into potholes.

From time to time, the acid was accompanied by several corroded and disfigured bones.

The giant octopus, which was full of food and drink, was basking in the sun. Its eight nearly [-]-meter-long tentacles shook and pumped a few times from time to time. Every time it pumped the hull, the whole ship seemed to shake violently.

Every time the cruise ship shakes, some survivors hiding in the corners of the cruise ship feel their hearts tremble.

They curled up in the corner, covering their mouths with their hands, not daring to speak at all.

Because while avoiding the giant octopus tentacles, the survivors discovered that the sea monster on the deck seemed to rely on its auditory system to find food.

"First officer, how long will we have to wait for rescue, if we let this monster go on like this, the ship will sink!"

A dozen seamen hid in a soundproof room specially built for the entertainment of big shots.

The original design standard of this soundproof room was to break the throat inside, and no one would hear it outside.

I have to say, at least in this room, the original decoration workers did not cut corners.

The chief mate of the Costa is an Italian in his 40s, wearing gold-rimmed glasses and looking refined.

"I checked the communicator. The captain sent out a distress signal before he died. We can only wait now?"

"Then when will it be?" A voice in the crowd muttered softly.

The first officer's expression changed immediately, and he stared fiercely at the direction the voice came from: "Wait until the rescue ship, or wait until the sea monster is full! It left by itself!"

The first mate, who was always gentle and refined, showed a ferocious face at this time, and the dozen or so crew members who were frightened suddenly fell silent.

The crew member who was muttering just now wanted to tuck their heads in their crotches. If he remembered correctly, there had always been a rumor on board.

The reason why the chief mate was able to secure the position of second in command on the ship was because his family was a well-known mafia family in Italy.


A giant octopus was entrenched on the deck, and a truck-wide tentacles rested on one side of the deck. The wheel-sized suction cups on the tentacles did not listen to wriggling, and the deck floor was crackling. .

A skull with the thickness of a thumb rolled under the tentacles of the giant octopus at some point.

In the case of giant octopuses, the almost invisible skull opens its jaws and bites down on the giant octopus' tentacles.

The skull is so small that even if it hangs on the tentacles of the octopus, the giant octopus will not notice it.

The sharp teeth of the skull seem to be hollow, sucking the blood of the giant octopus.

In just a dozen or so breaths, the entire skull turned blood red, like a blood skull pendant.

The skeleton demon devoured the blood of the giant octopus, like a baby who had been hungry for a long time biting a canteen with plenty of milk.

As more and more blood was swallowed, blood-colored spirit patterns quickly formed on the bones of the skeleton monster.

These spirit patterns spread like vines all over the bones of the skeleton demon, forming an earth evil restriction everywhere...

Tang Song watched this scene through the miniature camera inside the skeleton demon's skull.

To refine a magic weapon-level skeleton demon, instead of the evil cultivators in Yanfu World, at least hundreds of people must be slaughtered to collect blood and soul.

But looking at the lazy posture of this giant octopus, it seems that the blood energy swallowed by the skeleton monster may not be as good to it as a human being bitten by a mosquito.

If this giant octopus is squeezed dry, maybe the string of skeleton demons in his hands can evolve into twelve forbidden flying skeletons!

Tang Song twirled the bone beads on his wrist, looking at the screen from the computer, thoughtful!
"Boss! I got the item!"

The door of the restaurant was pushed open, and a big German man in a black suit came in, walked up to Tang Song, lowered his head, and reported.

Tang Song took out a towel beside him and wiped his hands, then took a folded soft cloth from the big man.

The cloth looks very old, it looks like a baby's swaddling cloth, and a simple mountain trend map is drawn on it with a pen. The drawing is very scribbled, but the latitude and longitude are marked on it. If you find the corresponding mountain range, you should be able to find the target point .

"Can this picture be confirmed to be true or false?"

Tang Song simply scanned the map and asked.

The big man lowered his head slightly: "Using Veritaserum, what he said matches the picture!"

"Well! Good job, come back to Ryan and add half a year's bonus!"

Tang Song raised his hand, and the bodyguard bowed and retreated.

Tang Song looked at the road map in his hand, his mind spinning rapidly.

He wants Wakanda's vibration gold, but he doesn't want to end this feud.

Wakanda's military and intelligence agencies are very strong, and it would be troublesome to be bitten.

He had watched the Avengers series before traveling, but he knew how advanced Wakanda's technology was.

However, both vibrating gold and dollar bills are too fragrant.

You need to find a scapegoat for this matter!

Tang and Song searched for a suitable person to take the blame in their minds, to see if there was any kind of grievance that could be exploited!
After thinking for a moment, Tang Song took out his mobile phone, took out the mute symbol and pulled out a mute barrier.


After Tang Song dialed the phone, Kane's steady voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Kane, take your people, choose thirty good players, and go to Africa!"

"By the way, go to the venue and bring four armored corpses with you. The corpse-controlling bell is under the altar. This bell can control four armored corpses for seven days, and bring them back within seven days!"

"Boss, who is the target?!"

Kane was a little surprised. With the firepower prepared by the Tang and Song Dynasties and four bronze armored corpses, they could completely subvert a small African country.

"Don't be careless, the goal this time is not easy," Tang Song said: "Go to Wakanda and steal a batch of vibration gold ore!"

steal? !

On the other end of the phone, a dozen shirtless men were training in hand-to-hand combat in the empty training ground.

Kane, wearing a camouflage jacket and a pair of dark green trousers, was on the phone while patrolling the training ground.

Kane was surprised when Tang Song used the word "steal". If the boss really wanted something, he could get it back with the current force configuration of their gang.

However, the rigid character of the Germans makes Kane's work as thick as marble.

As long as he obeyed the boss's order, he didn't care about the opponent and difficulty.

Passing by a solid steel column buried underground for training, Kane whipped his leg over.

The pure steel pillar as thick as an adult's thigh was directly swept off by Kane's leg. The steel pillar flew out and hit the wall five or six meters away. It fell to the ground with a loud bang, smashing several stone slabs .


"What's the situation in New York now?"

"It's very chaotic now, the underground world is spreading rumors that Jin Bin is about to fall, and now New York's big and small gangs are waiting for opportunities, and small frictions continue. They all want to take advantage of Jin Bin's downfall to occupy more territory!"

Listening to Kane's words, Tang Song was not surprised. These things were all in his expectation.

Even the current situation in New York's underground world is promoted by him alone.

"Where is Jin Bin, have you found his trace?"

"Boss, Jin Bin was assassinated and many people died. It is very difficult to find his trace now!"

"However, in half a month, the New York court will try the New York Police Department's charges against Jin Bin, and there is a high chance that Jin Bin will attend!"

(End of this chapter)

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