Beauty Comic Cultivation Record

Chapter 8 Killer Scavenger

Chapter 8 Killer Scavenger


Seeing Tang Song coming out of the secret door, Ryan, who was sitting on the sofa wiping the wine utensils, got up quickly.

"Ryan, you are here alone, what about Kane and Frank?"

Tang Song, dressed in loose white casual clothes, walked to the sofa and sat down casually, raising his hand to signal Ryan to sit down.

"Boss, there's a big order from the Continental Hotel, and Kane and Frank are taking people out!"

"Big order!?" Tang Song stroked the black jade wrench on his thumb, motioning Ryan to continue.

"Someone violated the rules of the Continental Hotel and killed someone in the Continental Hotel. The Continental Hotel issued a reward overnight, and many killers in New York were dispatched!"

Um! ?Murder at the Continental Hotel.

Hearing Ryan's words, Tang Song became interested.

The Continental Hotel is a veritable behemoth in the underground world.

The Continental Hotels scattered all over the world are the most famous killer shelters in the underground world, where bounty missions are released.

The Twelve Elders of the High Table behind him represent one of the top underground forces.

As far as Tang and Song Dynasties knew, Jin Bing, known as the underground emperor of the Federation, was only one of them.

The alliance nature of the Continental Hotel makes many organizations like to offer rewards in the Continental Hotel.

The Continental Hotel doesn't have any position to speak of, but it has its own rules, one of which is not to kill people in the hotel.

In the underground world, no one dared to touch this rule of the Continental Hotel.

Because once it is violated, it means that it will encounter the endless pursuit of the Continental Hotel and the forces behind it.

"John Wick!"

Tang Song dug up the name from his long-lost memory, and then he got confirmation from Ryan.

The story of a quick chase, also known as a murder caused by a dog!
A retired killer who was robbed of his car and killed the pet dog left by his deceased wife, an old story about revenge in anger.

The guy who was revenged was the only son of a Russian gangster. After the accident, he hid directly in the Continental Hotel, trying to survive by using the rules of the Continental Hotel.

But he was directly beaten to death in the hotel by John Wick.

"Lian, let me know who is that unlucky gangster?" Tang Song stroked the black jade thumb and paused: "Look at what business he is involved in?"


"John Wick! I'll kill him, I'll kill him, for a dog, a dog, and he killed my son!"

of. ”

In a mansion in New York, Viggo, whose eyes were bloodshot, held a bottle of vodka in his hand, and his face flushed from drinking.

The knuckles of his hands holding the wine bottle turned white, obviously exhausted.

As Russia's largest arms broker in New York and a dignified gangster, he was unable to protect his own son.

"John Wick, John Wick, John Wick..."

Vigo chanted this name, his words were full of resentment, but a touch of fear flashed under his ferocious face.

A dog, just because of a dog, that crazy John Wick.


"Damn guy, where did he go!"

In a street in Brooklyn, a black car stopped.

Several big white men cursed and got out of the car, holding M11 submachine guns openly in their hands, not minding that someone might notice them.

Just less than two meters away, a drunk man reeking of alcohol walked across the street with a scantily clad woman in his arms, suddenly pointed at one of the big men and laughed: "Hey, what do you guys do? Is the gang smuggling drugs..."

The safety of the seven submachine guns was released at the same time, and a big man in the lead said coldly to the drunk, "If you don't want to die, get out of here."

The drunk man pushed the woman forward fiercely, pushed her to the feet of the big men and let out a scream, then slowly swayed and approached the leading big man, and said with a smile: "What? If I don't leave, will you shoot me? Dare you try."

The big man in the lead was shocked to find that the drunk man's eyes were so clear and full of murderous intent, he opened his mouth to scream, but it was too late,
The drunk's right hand swung out fiercely, a sharp special dagger slipped from his cuff, directly cut off the big man's neck, and wrapped his left hand around the big man's corpse.

In an instant, the drunk had transformed into a ruthless killer, his eyes exuding a cold murderous look.

puff!When he raised his hand, the dagger turned into a ray of cold light and flew out, directly sinking into the throat of a big man.

The remaining five big men raised their guns, but they forgot about the woman on the ground. The woman twisted a few times like a snake, leaving a few afterimages all over her soft and boneless body. The fingernails lightly scratched the carotid arteries of the four big men, and then hissed, and lightly licked a trace of blood from his fingers.

"The killers at the Continental Hotel are really worse than the next generation, John, you really shouldn't retire!"

The woman smiled coquettishly, her pupils suddenly turned into reptile-like vertical pupils, hissing.

Seeing the forked red tongue revealed by the woman when she spoke, John Wick silently checked the gun in his hand.

As the legendary killer of the Continental Hotel, John Wick is also well-known in the underground world. Although facing the powerful Continental Hotel, many of his old friends choose to be wise and safe.

But it's not like no one is standing beside him, just like "Snake Girl"!
"Bina, don't rely too much on your abilities, the Continental Hotel doesn't have mutant killers!"

John Wick pressed one after another of the special brass bullets into the magazine, clicked, the bullets were loaded, turned the muzzle of the gun, and turned the handle of the gun towards Snake.

"Take it!"

Snake took the gun from John Wick, and gently scraped his fingers across John Wick's palm.

But seeing John Wick's expressionless cold poker face, she could only sigh softly in her heart.

Facing the charming snake girl in front of him, John Wick turned around abruptly, pointing the two guns in his hand at the back alley without any thought of pity.

"come out!"

The snake girl came to her senses, quickly raised her gun, and pointed it at the back alley.

In the shadow of the back alley, a tall figure stood there quietly.

"Don't be nervous, we're just here to dispose of the corpse, if you don't mind, you'd better leave this place quickly, I'm in a hurry!"

John Wick's hands were steady, and his two guns were firmly aimed at the tall figure who was speaking. His tone was a little puzzled:

"Scavenger? When did your speed get so fast?"

"It has nothing to do with you!" The tall shadow's voice was cold, "30 seconds, get out of this place!"

John Wick took a deep look at the tall figure, and ran towards another alley with the dissatisfied snake girl.

(End of this chapter)

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