Chapter 93
"Repurchase my shares?"

Tang Song put down the knife and fork in his hand, picked up a salt-baked crab leg on the dinner plate,
Pick up the scissors, gently cut the crab legs of the pine leaf crab, and pull out the white and tender crab meat inside.

The crystal white and tender crab meat was placed on an exquisite plate, and Tang Song turned around and snapped his fingers.

"Jarvis, can I have some crab vinegar, please!"

Tang Song's request was quickly answered. A mechanical arm stretched out in front of Tang Song, holding a plate of prepared crab vinegar in the mechanical hand.

"Thank you!"

Tang Song took the crab vinegar and thanked him politely.

"You're welcome, sir." Jarvis's steady and thick stereo voice seemed to ring in Tang Song's ears.

"Artificial intelligence, it's hard to imagine that we humans can rely on technology to achieve this level!"

Tang and Song thought of the magic weapon of Yan Fu world from the artificial intelligence Jarvis.

The most essential difference between a magic weapon and a magic weapon is the self-generated spiritual consciousness.

Unless the master and apprentice teach each other, or choose the master, others will never take it away.

Even if the mana is ten times higher than the original owner, it can only be detained. This is the same as Jarvis. Unless authorized, other people have no way to use it.

Unless the spiritual consciousness of the magic weapon is broken,

But in that case, this magic weapon fell to the level of a magic weapon, and it was not as agile as a replica.

Only those who have cultivated the primordial spirit can refine the magic weapon. If you want to manipulate the magic weapon, the minimum is to condense the evil spirit.

Magical weapons of this level are called imaginary spirits in the world of Jambudvictus.

Tang Song poured crab vinegar on the crab meat, forked a piece of crab leg meat and put it into his mouth, enjoying the sweet and fragrant crab meat in his mouth.

Seeing Tang and Song's delicious food, Tony Stark helplessly ate a nutritious meal.

Freshly squeezed bitter gourd juice and some coarse buckwheat bread are really indescribable.

Seeing Boss Tang happily eating the crab and wine, Tony Stark couldn't help his emotions and said:
"He was created by Stark, unique in the world!"

"Indeed, a uniquely intelligent brain," Tang Song did not refute Stark's words, but praised him along with his meaning.

"Many people only look at the ups and downs of Stark's stock price, but what I like is Mr. Tony Stark's smart head!"

"Artificial intelligence can be developed. I believe that even if Stark Industries leaves the arms industry, with Mr. Tony Stark around, the company will still have a lot to do!"

"I am very optimistic about the development of Stark Industries, so sorry, the shares in my hand will not be sold!"

At this time, a woman in business attire hurried in with a bag, as if she heard Tang Song's words, she didn't even have time to put down the bag in her hand.

"Mr. Tang, maybe you don't have much idea about the company's operations. After Stark Industries cut off the weapons manufacturing department, its revenue capacity has dropped by at least 60%," Pepper Pepper tried to persuade Tang Song:

"Currently speaking, the stock of Stark Industries that you spent a lot of money on has shrunk by at least one-third.

If I were you, cashing out and leaving the market now would be a wise choice to stop losses in time. "

Pepper Pepper, a legendary woman.

After all, not just any woman can manage Tony Stark.

To be honest, Pepper's appearance is not outstanding, at least in Tang Song's eyes.

She was dressed in business attire, and her barely handsome face was dotted with a few freckles.

However, she acted vigorously and resolutely, in a hurry, with the appearance of a strong woman.

It's right to think about it, if in Mary Sue's novel, Pepper is a proper winner in life.

From a female secretary who counterattacked to become the wife of a billionaire president, she defeated countless mistresses who wanted to be in the top position.

When she was a female secretary, she had to send Tony Stark to deal with the women in the room every morning.

Later, he served as the executive president of Stark Industries, and his business ability can be said to have surpassed Tony Stark.

Even Boss Tang couldn't help but look sideways at this kind of woman.

"Hello, Ms. Pepper, I'm Tang Song!"

Tang Song looked at Pepper Pepper, got up and stretched out his hand.

"Hello, Mr. Tang!"

Pepper smiled and shook hands with Tang Song.

Tony Stark was on the sidelines, keeping his eyes on the hands of the two of them. Seeing that Tang Song just shook hands and then let go, he let out a long sigh of relief.

It's really a bit of tofu in brine, one thing drops one thing, "hearing" Tony Stark's sudden change in breathing rate, Tang Jinyan laughed for a while.

Radishes and cabbages have their own preferences, but Boss Tang doesn't like Pepper's.

Although Boss Tang doesn't have any criteria for finding a woman, he has a prerequisite, which is to be beautiful.

Little Pepper perfectly fits the sentence, marry a wife and a good man, as for appearance, it depends on personal taste.

In fact, it is not to blame Tony Stark for being nervous. As a veteran of flowers,

Boss Tang is handsome and rich. Standing beside Pepper, even Tony Stark can't help but feel a sense of crisis.

Tony Stark walked up to Pepper and asked about the company, intentionally or unintentionally, separated the distance between Tang Song and Pepper.

Tang Song's refusal made Pepper's expression a little ugly.

It was actually her idea to invite Tang Song to the villa as a guest.

Because Boss Tang now holds 7.5% of the shares of Stark Industries.

Stark Industries was founded by Tony Stark's grandfather.
Howard Stark, Tony Stark three generations, it took Stark Industries to develop into the world's top industrial company.

But because of the exchange of interests, resources are bound.

Stark Industries, like many other large companies, has exchanged cross-holding interests with some stakeholders.

The military, some partners, and a well-known secret service organization all hold a large number of shares in Stark Industries.

Although the Stark family has always been the largest shareholder of Stark Industries, their family's shares are not as large as imagined.

Compared with Norman Osborn, Tony Stark has the right to speak in Stark Industries by virtue of his indispensable smart brain.

Essentially speaking, to put it bluntly, Tony Stark can lead everyone to make money, so in the company, what Tony Stark said and what it is.

However, this time Tony Stark announced the closure of the weapons manufacturing department, and instead intends to fully enter the energy industry.

It's like Penguin's Little Ma holding a press conference and announcing that Penguin has completely withdrawn from the game industry, and the group will no longer develop and operate any games in the future.

Then you see if Penguin's shareholders will agree, and then see what will happen to Penguin's stock price.

Tony Stark's decision is undoubtedly bloodletting on the main artery of Stark Industries.

Shareholders were blown away at that time.

The feedback given to them by the financial market is the most authentic.

Similarly, less than a day after Tony Stark announced the closure of the weapons manufacturing department, the stock price of Stark Industries plummeted.

Stark Industries ushered in the most serious market negative in history,
Everyone is frantically selling the shares of Stark Industries in their hands.

For Tony Stark, this is an excellent opportunity to recover his shares.

Tony Stark is an inventive genius and was once hailed as one of the eight smartest people in the Marvel universe.

Although his business acumen is not as gifted as his invention, but he also has a pepper Pepper who is good at management.

As Tony Stark's life and administrative secretary, Pepper, like everyone else, does not understand why Tony Stark gave up the arms market.

But she believed in Tony Stark, especially after Tony Stark showed her his Ark reactor.

She realized the huge profits that could come from a sharp drop in stock prices.

Therefore, after discussing with Tony Stark, Pepper and Tony Stark decided to take this opportunity to repurchase the shares of Stark Industries.

Pepper directly used the authorization of Jarvis given by Tony Stark to conduct equity repurchases through several secret overseas accounts of the Stark family.

Multiple accounts, large quantities, and small amounts of goods are scanned in the secondary market, and artificial intelligence such as Jarvis can perform the most refined operations.

Logically speaking, with the support of the Stark family's huge family funds, Pepper is confident that he can increase Tony's stake in Stark Industries to more than 40%.

Unexpectedly, after only one day of operation, Jarvis was keenly aware that there were still a group of people in the financial market who were quietly buying shares of Stark Industries.

Under Jarvis' investigation, and Boss Tang didn't deliberately conceal it.

That's why Tang Song received Tony Stark's invitation.

"What is the underlying logic of Jarvis? If he is given real "freedom", can he evolve into a real intelligent life!"

Tang Song ignored Pepper, instead he looked at Tony Stark.

"Freedom, what do you mean? To me, Jarvis is more like a family member than an intelligent life!"

Tony Stark shrugged, and while speaking, accidentally spilled most of the glass of bitter melon juice in his hand.

Pretending not to see Pepper's "fierce" eyes, Tony Stark put down the bitter melon juice in his hand with a sigh of relief.

"If you are referring to the three laws of robots, the underlying logic itself has problems. Using it to restrain intelligent life will be counterproductive!"

The Three Laws of Robotics
A robot must not injure a human being, or allow a human being to be harmed;
A robot must obey human orders unless it violates the first law;

A robot must protect itself unless it violates the first or second law.

This is from Asimov's "I, Robot" in 1950.

Many people regard these three laws as a treasure book, but it can be seen that Tony Stark is somewhat disapproving.

"The most amazing thing about human science is that it can make some impossible things possible. Some of the most basic codes can form life even if anyone can think of it!"

On the topic of artificial intelligence, Tang Song and Tony Stark had a heated discussion.

"Don, if it's a plant or a fungus, they can develop civilization after tens of millions of years of evolution. I believe that if a stone really has the energy of heaven and earth you mentioned, then this is beyond the scope of science!"

Just as Tang Song and Tony Stark were having a heated discussion about the philosophical question of whether a stone can produce a soul after being injected with energy.

A loud bang.

With a violent explosion, the whole villa seemed to shake.

"Stinger Missile!"

Tony Stark's face changed suddenly. As a big arms dealer, he could identify the source of the explosives just by listening to the sound.

Although the construction of the villa is equipped with a lot of bulletproof structures, it is definitely not enough to defend against such missiles.

"Sir, the outer bulletproof glass has been completely destroyed, and 38% of the inner bulletproof structure has been damaged. It is recommended to go to the lower space to hide!"

Jarvis' meticulous prompt sounded.

"Open Peripheral Surveillance Video"

Tony Stark ordered Jarvis to call out the surveillance on the outside of the villa.

Although many monitoring facilities had been destroyed by the missile attack, a projection appeared.

The general situation outside caught the eyes of several people.

Tony Stark and Pepper were taken aback.

Outside the villa, there are shadowy figures, at least hundreds of people

Looking at their weapons and equipment, it is obvious that they are going to do a big job.

More than a dozen Humvees were mounted with heavy machine guns and even rocket launchers.

A 1.9-meter-tall blond man was half-kneeling, and behind him two muscular black men were carrying a Stinger missile.

Among the crowd, the bald head of a eagle-eyed wolf Gu was particularly eye-catching. He was covered in a layer of iron armor, leaving only one head outside to direct the mercenaries to attack.

"Jarvis, open the elevator!"

"As you wish, sir!"

Ding, following the notification sound, a hidden elevator door opened.

"Pepper, Don, and you all, follow me!"

Tony Stark took the lead, taking Tang Song, Pepper, Ryan, and Natasha into the elevator together.

The elevator quickly reached the negative floor, and Tony Stark walked out quickly.

The negative floor is very empty, with an area of ​​about 400 square meters, and there are extended mechanical arms and mechanical parts everywhere.

Of course, the first thing that caught Tang Song's attention was a gold and red steel battle armor.

Boss Tang's first reaction when he saw this battle armor was to touch the five-yin bag wallet in the inner pocket of his chest.

But watching Tony Stark "wear" the armor in a hurry,

Tang Song touched his nose and gave up an idea. The technical content of the steel armor is actually not as advanced as imagined, at least before the Mark 5.

The two most valuable things of the steel armor developed by Tony Stark are not the armor itself, but the energy system of the Ark reactor and the intelligent control system.

Needless to say the former, without the Ark reactor, even if a steel battle armor could be made, it would be a defective product with five hours of charging and five minutes of flying.

As for the control system, the Iron Armor is essentially a single aircraft,

The nerves of ordinary people can't keep up with the reaction of the Iron Armor. Most of the manipulation of the Iron Armor is performed by artificial intelligence.

Kakaka, just as Boss Tang was looking at him, Tony Stark was already wearing his battle armor.

The gold and red battle armor looks extremely flamboyant.

The Mark 2 battle armor is made of super strong titanium alloy. This material used on satellites is strong and resistant to damage.

"Pepper, Don, stay here and don't go out, I'll deal with those terrorists!"

After Tony Stark finished speaking, he put on a visor on his face, and a circular hole was opened on the top of his head that reached two meters into the sky.

The feet of the steel armor and the hands ejected blue propulsion flames, leading Tony Stark soaring into the sky.

The golden and red silhouettes shuttled quickly in midair, firing cigar-sized missiles from time to time, blowing up the militants outside the villa.

With the speed and defense of the Mark 2, there is no way for ordinary firearms to cause damage to Tony Stark.


Tang Song did not hide in the basement, but came to the terrace of the villa, leaning on a cane, watching Iron Man fight the terrorists with great interest.

"Use Stinger missiles!"

Obadiah looked at Tony Stark flying in mid-air, and ordered angrily.

Because the butterfly flapped its wings in Tang and Song Dynasties, there was a slight deviation in the original plot.

Obadiah was removed from the access authority of Stark Villa early,

Tony Stark also paid more attention to him, and there was no scene of being stolen in the original plot.

Without the Ark reactor, although Obadiah also created an Iron Overlord based on the fragments provided by the Ten Rings.

But without sufficient energy support, this big guy is obviously more like a decoration.

However, the gunmen hired by Obadiah were also well-trained, and he gave an order.

Several shoulder anti-launchers aimed at the golden-red figure in mid-air.


Although Tony Stark fired a missile and killed two mercenaries with stingers on their shoulders.

But there are still three stingers successfully vacated...

Stinger missiles equipped with heat-seeking sensors chased Tony Stark into the sky.


Ryan did not know when he appeared on the terrace, holding a black Beretta M9 pistol in each hand.

"Well," Tang Song looked back at him, picked up his cane, walked to a wicker chair and sat down.

The height of the terrace is just right for enjoying the night view outside. Tang and Song raise their legs and watch the fireworks blooming in the sky.

"Ryan, take care to protect Miss Pepper!"

Pepper Pepper on the side was looking at the golden-red figure in the sky with a worried face.

Tang Song waved his hand, and Ryan held two guns and stood in front of Pepper.

In the shadow of the terrace, the Black Widow put down the small pistol in her hand.


"You guys, go to the villa and get Pepper out!"

Tony Stark is at a high altitude, and with the mobility of the Mark 2, Obadiah has nothing to do with him.

As for the Stinger missile, it is designed to destroy large targets such as tanks and armed helicopters.

It is very impractical to deal with a small armor like the Mark 2.

Obadiah brought a total of more than a dozen Stinger missiles, which were about to be used up, but now he didn't even touch the shadow of Tony Stark.

Obadiah was a little out of breath for a moment.

More than a dozen mercenaries came directly towards the villa with guns.

Tony Stark in the sky scanned the movement of the mercenaries and swooped down directly.

da da da da...

On the Hummer on board, several anti-aircraft cannons slammed on Tony Stark.

The golden red mecha did two or three flips in mid-air.

Tony Stark finally stabilized his figure, and two rockets shot at him head-on.

By the time he dodged the rockets, a dozen mercenaries had already broken into the villa.


Tang Song waved his hands at Ryan, Ryan shook his hands, clicked twice, the bullet was loaded, and nodded to Boss Tang,
Walk quickly towards the bottom of the terrace.

The villa that suffered two stinger missiles became a bit dilapidated, with broken walls and ruins everywhere.

More than a dozen mercenaries broke into the villa, carefully searching for Pepper Pepper.

It was pitch black under the night, and Ryan's figure was like a ghost in the night.

puff puff...

A pistol equipped with a flash suppressor sounded like a roar of a wild animal. Whenever the gun sounded, two mercenaries would surely fall to the ground.

These mercenaries fired wildly in the direction of the gunshots.

But how fast Ryan, who has practiced the transformation of gods and demons, is so fast. It can be said that even without a gun, killing these mercenaries is no easier than killing a chicken.

A mercenary was leaning against the wall nervously, holding the gun tightly in both hands, looking around nervously.

He didn't notice that a black shadow hung down above him.


Ryan pulled the dagger out of the mercenary's heart.

In less than 3 minutes, the entire villa was littered with more than a dozen corpses.

The air was filled with the pungent smell of blood.

Ryan glanced at the direction of the stairs, clicked twice, retreated and reloaded, ready to meet the next batch of enemies.

At the corner of the stairs, the Black Widow subconsciously clenched her pistol.

Such a strong skill, she looked at Ryan with an inquiring look in her eyes.

Outside the villa, listening to the loud gunshots in the villa, a smile appeared on Obadiah's face.

As Tony Stark's godfather, he stands on the sidelines and understands what Pepper means to him better than Tony himself.

As long as Pepper is caught, he still has a chance to come back.

The gunshots in the villa fell silent, and Obadiah looked at the half door that was knocked down by the stinger, quietly waiting for the mercenaries under his hand to bring Pepper out.

1 minute, 2 minutes... After waiting for a total of 5 minutes, there was no sound from the villa, and there was a deathly silence.

Obadiah's face became a little ugly, and he looked at the few mercenaries beside him.

"You guys, go and catch people!"


Kacha, a strong white man with a beard was holding a shotgun in his hand.

He walked quietly in the villa as if there were meat pads under his feet, and the military night vision goggles on his head allowed him to see the night at a glance.

The dozens of corpses on the ground did not affect him at all,

He and the other three were spread out, but they formed a vision and mutual assistance with each other's horns.

A figure suddenly jumped up in front of him, and without thinking about it, he pulled the trigger quickly and accurately.

The shotgun sprayed out, and the dense rain of bullets instantly smashed the black shadow into a sieve.


The burly white man cast his eyes at the dead body. This outfit was the group of mercenaries who broke into the villa just now.

His expression changed, and he quickly raised his gun.

Two bullets were shot from the position of the door.

The back of his head shattered in an instant.

bang bang bang bang bang...


Boom boom boom!
The missiles carried by Tony Stark seemed to have been exhausted, flying at low altitude, attacking the enemy with the energy pulse hand cannons in both hands.

A group of mercenaries attacked Tony Stark,

At this moment, dozens of men in black appeared on the periphery of the mercenaries and launched a surprise attack on them.

A black suit, obviously dressed as an agent.

The agent at the head looked a little old-fashioned, with a bald head, holding a pistol in both hands, and shooting with his head from time to time.

"Is the efficiency of government departments so poor now?"

Tang Song raised his wrist and looked at the time: "One hour!"

It took a whole hour from the time Obadiah attacked Tony Stark's villa until the SHIELD agents appeared.

Boss Tang naturally didn't believe that S.H.I.E.L.D.'s work efficiency was so poor. Nick Fury, the king of secret agents, obviously did it on purpose to impress Tony Stark.

Like saving lives.

The S.H.I.E.L.D. agents who arrived belatedly caught the mercenaries by surprise.

Tony Stark took the opportunity to land, and the two-handed cannon blasted towards Obadiah.

Obadiah drove the Iron Overlord into a rampage, swung an iron fist and smashed Tony Stark's head.

Tony Stark crossed his right arm, and the palm cannon on his right arm hit the iron bully's chest heavily.

A large piece of Iron Overlord's armor was forcibly dented, but the Iron Overlord built by Obadiah was not useless.

The heavy tonnage makes the Iron King worthy of the name, just like a steel king.

Although Tony Stark's palm cannon was powerful, it still didn't break through the Iron Overlord's shell.

Iron King's fist hit Mark 2's head hard, and the huge attack made Tony Stark dizzy for a while.

Of course, Iron Overlord didn't just rely on fists. Two heavy machine guns fired on both sides of his shoulders at the same time.

Da da da da da da da...

The dense bullets instantly covered the surface of the golden-red Mark 2 armor with indentations.

Obadiah smirked, and stretched out his two arms directly, and the Iron Overlord firmly locked the Mark 2 armor.


On the chest of Iron Overlord, two missile nests were opened, and two missiles specially made by Stark Industries locked on Tony Stark.

"Jarvis, activate the emergency ejection system, and activate the self-destruct mode after the backup energy ejection is successful!"

Tony Stark calmly looked at the two missiles in front of him, without panicking at all.

Following Tony Stark's order, the Mark 2 armor quickly disassembled.

Tony Stark only wore a pair of combat boots, and the boots erupted with blue flames, taking Tony Stark into the air.

Obadiah looked at the two arm armors held by the Iron Overlord in a daze, before he could react.

The intense flame instantly engulfed him.


Obadiah covered his broken right arm with his left hand and crawled out of the ruins with a limp.

He glanced around. The mercenaries he had hired with a lot of money were beaten back by a group of agents and policemen, and fled in all directions.

Obadiah couldn't help sighing, looked at Tony Stark who was not far in front of him, and said a little decadently.

"Tony, I lost...uh..."

On the terrace of Stark Villa, Tang Song inadvertently tapped his cane.

Before Obadiah finished speaking, his complexion turned pale for a while, he suddenly covered his heart with his left hand, and fell down slowly.

Tony Stark stood in front of Obadiah's body with a complicated expression.

In all fairness, since Howard Stark died, Obadiah has been taking care of him and helping him manage Stark Industries.

The relationship between the two is also uncle and father. Even if Obadiah wanted to kill him, Tony never thought that one day Obadiah would die indirectly in his hands.


Pepper walked up to Tony Stark and looked at him worriedly.

"I'm fine!"

Tony Stark shook his head lightly and said: "Pepper, let the people in the public relations department block the news, and tell the outside world that he died of a disease!"

Obadiah pursued fame and glory all his life, and Tony Stark decided to give his godfather a final dignity.

Pepper nodded silently.

"Mr. Stark!"

Phil Coulson, who was directing his agents to clean up the battlefield, saw that Tony Stark's condition had improved, and strode over.

His gaze seemed to have swept across the Iron Overlord inadvertently.

"Mr. Agent, thank you this time!"

Tony Stark was not in the mood to talk too much now, and reached out to shake Coulson.

"I'll leave the aftermath to you! But I want to destroy this big guy!"

The smile on Phil Coulson's face suddenly froze. Before he could say anything, a blond Caucasian agent walked over.

"I'm afraid not, Mr. Stark, these are criminal evidence of terrorists, you have no right to handle them!"

Tony Stark looked at the speaking agent and sneered, "Agent, this is something that belongs to Stark, not anyone else."

The blond agent in front of him suddenly became Tony Stark's emotions and seemed to have found a vent.

Tony Stark seems to be that swaggering, wayward playboy again.

The blond agent froze, could he provoke Tony Stark?the answer is negative.

But this Iron Overlord armor was requested by the big man behind him, and the blond agent's expression changed several times.

"Mr. Stark, please don't interfere with our official duties!"

"Perform official duties," Tony Stark spread his hands, "What department are you, FBI, CIA, or IRS, no matter what organization you are, if you want to take away this armor, let you and my legal team talk!"

"Tony, you misunderstood!"

Facing the aggressive Tony Stark, the blond agent was a little overwhelmed for a while, but Phil Coulson came up to smooth things over with a good-natured smile.

"The responsibility of our organization is to contain unstable objects that endanger public safety. If this armor falls into the hands of terrorists, once it is mass-produced, it will be too harmful!"

Tony Stark looked at Phil Coulson, smiled and snapped his fingers handsomely:

"Instead of being contained by you, I'd rather destroy it. Your Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Bureau must need a lot of money to contain dangerous objects, isn't it?!"

The smile on Phil Coulson's face couldn't be held back any longer. He appeared next to Tony Stark, using the identity of a CIA agent.

Where did Tony Stark hear the name Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Agency.

Tony looked at Phil Coulson mockingly. It was the biggest mistake to hand over his computer equipment to a top hacker.

Because of the existence of Jarvis, an intelligent life, many people have overlooked that Tony Stark himself is a top programming expert.

Jarvis was created by Tony Stark.

Out of curiosity, or a sense of security just escaped from Ascension, Tony Stark quietly left a small back door in Phil Coulson's notebook.

Using this backdoor program, he found a lot of things.

"I will not allow the things I made to be used for war killing!"

"Mr. Stark, if I remember correctly, this armor is not yours!"

Phil Coulson said neither soft nor hard.

As a qualified agent, he can see the huge benefits behind this armor. If the scientists of S.H.I.E.L.D. can thoroughly understand this technology, then S.H.I.E.L.D.'s force will be improved qualitatively.

"It belongs to Stark!" Tony Stark said firmly.

The atmosphere was momentarily awkward.

"Without enough energy support, this armor is just a piece of paper," a voice sounded.

Tang Song walked out of the villa unhurriedly, walked to Tony Stark, stood side by side with him, rubbed his cane and asked:

"Mr. Stark, do you need help?!"

"No one can rob the Stark family!"

Tony Stark rejected Tang Song's kindness and glared at Phil Coulson.

Tang Song was not surprised by Tony Stark's reaction, and he didn't really want to intervene in the dispute between Tony Stark and S.H.I.E.L.D.


On the Rolls-Royce car returning to the manor, Tang Song sat in the back seat and closed his eyes to rest, just in time for the meeting.

Not really, most of New York's underground world is his territory,

His power is like a giant cobweb over New York,

As long as he thinks, the whole underground world can't hide the slightest disturbance from him,
What's more, Obadiah intends to pay for such a big event as murder.

Maybe the intermediary brokers he hired to hire murderers were all Boss Tang's people.

As for Obadiah's attack time set for today, it is not known whether there is a pusher in it.

Who can tell.

 I feel like it should be nothing serious, just a cough, a bad cough, today is another unsatisfactory chapter, the writing is bad, I didn’t want to follow the plot, so I read Iron Man again.

  Are the last two chapters very watery? There is a comment section to express your opinion.

(End of this chapter)

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