Coach, I don't want to retire yet

Chapter 34 The King of Gold Class CIC!

Chapter 34 The King of Gold Class CIC!
With the analysis of a capable assistant like Steve Clifford, Du Kang has a more intuitive understanding of the Heat, the strongest team in the NBA.

Defensive counterattack, running and blasting, the combination of Jordan Bulls and Nash Suns, when you are not serious, it is just teasing you.

In today's NBA, no team can restrain them, and no team can beat them in a series, win them a game, and they can only pray for God's blessing.

A very disappointing team.

After Steve Clifford's analysis, Du Kang finally understood why James, Wade and Chris Bosh teamed up so many professionals in the NBA.

At the same time, Du Kang also understood why Nowitzki's reputation in the NBA and American basketball professional circles rushed directly from the sewer to heaven after the Mavericks won the championship in 2011.

Although the Heat in 2011 were far from the opponents of the Heat in 2013, it is still a miracle to beat them.

In short, in the current NBA, whether it is the Heat in 2011 or the Heat now, as long as whoever can beat them in the playoffs or the finals, whoever can become a god!

Judging by Clifford's desperate analysis, it's no joke.

Du Kang finished the team's three-person combat meeting and returned to the hotel in the lower tower to prepare for the next game and the simulation of the Heat.

After gaining a certain understanding of the Heat, Du Kang had more goals and clearer goals when making simulation settings.

First of all, the choice of tactical system.

The Heat's system is defensive counterattack running and bombing, so the Lakers need to reduce mistakes and slow down.

The Lakers will definitely not be able to beat the Heat.

Therefore, to fight the Heat, the system should choose the system of positional warfare!
Secondly, Clifford said that it is a big center with excellent offense and defense that restrains the Heat, so Howard must be the first offensive point in the simulation.

For the Lakers, only Howard is the point that the Heat can't match. Haslem is too short, and Chris Bosh is too soft compared to Howard.

As for Yi Jianlian and Kobe...

Yi Jianlian has Bosh to match.

For Kobe...there are James, Wade, Ray Allen, Battier...

Let Kobe be the main attacker, that would be too embarrassing for Kobe, this game will exhaust Kobe to death.

I have to say that Clifford, a senior and capable assistant coach who has been with the Van Gundy brothers for more than ten years, is really not covered.

Although he didn't formulate a strategy for him to beat the Heat, his analysis of the Heat is really sharp.

Without Clifford's analysis, Du Kang would have to explore by himself, and he might not be able to find so many clear clues if he didn't simulate a few times.

With Clifford as an assistant, he can save a lot of MP over time.

Du Kang strung together the clues of the Heat's fight from beginning to end, and set the tone for the tactical system used in the game against the Heat.

"Starting to play one inside and four outside with Howard as the core!"

"Ding, do you use the main inside tactical system in the simulated game?"

"Ding, your main insider tactical system is not proficient enough, and there is no system bonus, but the players are capable of implementing your main insider tactical system, and the system is set successfully."

Although his head coach does not have system proficiency now, he can rely on the Lakers players to play some systems by themselves.

There are actually quite a few systems that the Lakers can play now, such as running and bombing with Nash as the core, triangle offense with Kobe Gasol as the core, and one inside and four outside with Howard as the core.

The players are now obedient, which is a very good thing.

However, because the head coach can't run and shoot, not D'Antoni, the Lakers' running and shooting will definitely be worse, and the same goes for other tactical systems.

As for the difference, Du Kang himself didn't know.

Fortunately, the previous game told Du Kang that although it was worse, it was indeed enough.

If the player's tactical system also has levels.

Nash's running and bombing level is very high, and Kobe's triangle offense is also very high, which can lead him, a rookie head coach.

After Du Kang finished setting all the parameters of the simulated game on the coaching interface of the system, he returned to the calendar on the home page.

Before simulating, Du Kang took a look at the current chemistry of the Lakers.

Now the Lakers' chemistry is 70%.

This chemical reaction is much higher than the chemical reaction when he took over the team. ,

If the chemical reaction is low, even if you are five-star, you may lose every game.

The chemical reaction is high, even if you are single-core, you can win a lot of balls.

In the NBA, when the level of players is very high, the value of chemical reaction is very important, and it is also reflected in all aspects of the game.

Because the tactical system of this simulation is one inside and four outside, the starting lineup for the Lakers is Howard, Yi Jianlian, Artest, Kobe, and Nash.

Yi Jianlian, Artest, Kobe, and Nash can all open up space for Howard and create opportunities for Howard to eat the Heat's inside line alone.

Except for Howard, everyone else can handle the ball and everyone can shoot.

This starting lineup is definitely the Lakers' strongest starting lineup for the inside system.

As for the Heat, they are still the regular starting lineup of Haslem, Chris Bosh, James, Wade and Chalmers in this game.

Haslem and Chalmers are pseudo-starters. At critical times, the Heat trust Battier and Ray Allen more. Therefore, when the Heat want a wave of opponents, the lineup on the field will become Chris Bosh, James, Battier, Ray Allen and Wade ace lineup.

Ray Allen, Battier is not young after all, it is impossible for the Heat to seriously play high-intensity for 48 minutes.

Many people joked that when Haslem and Chalmers are on the court, the Heat are playing for leisure and playing with you. Only when Ray Allen and Battier are on the court at the same time, the Heat are serious and kill you.

"Maybe this can be used?"

After thinking about it for a while, Du Kang clicked on the simulation game to start.

At the start of the game, Howard won the first offensive opportunity of the game for the Los Angeles Lakers, and soon, the game began to motivate.

The Lakers play the Heat, known as the NBA Spring Festival Gala, this is no joke.

Although the Heat are just playing lineups with you for leisure, the intensity of the game is not low.

However, Du Kang's well-prepared response still faced the intensity of the Heat.

Even judging from the process of the game, the Lakers still have the advantage when facing the Heat!
Du Kang, who was standing on the sidelines, could hear the live DJ exclaiming Howard in his ears.

"Dwight Howard hit UD with his back, Dwight Howard wanted to force our powerful UD, he raised his elbow, foul, foul, this is a foul, this is a basketball game, not boxing, why not blow!"

"Ow~ Our king, he crushed Steve Nash! Dwight Howard helped defend, beautiful second acceleration, bang! LeBron-King-James!!!!"

"It's Dwight Howard again, the 'darling' of the league. He has played in the NBA for 9 seasons, but now he can only use his hands and feet to shoot back at the basket. Our poor UD, I'm really worried about him s face!"



In this game, Howard was full of presence and vitality on both ends of the offense and defense.

Offense is the first main point of attack. It is necessary to crazily oppress the Heat center, hoping that the Heat will double-team and then pass the ball, so that the Lakers' offense will open up.

Defense against Howard is the team's sole pillar. Both Nash and Yi Jianlian's defenses are unstable and often miss people. Artest's current lateral movement speed is not good enough, and someone slips in accidentally.

Artest can only defend against him now, he wants to fight against James, James is not stupid, James doesn't want to fight against him, is it good to play against Nash?The current Artest's speed is simply unable to switch defenses.

Artest, once the strongest wing defender in the league, is now unable to defend whether it is James, Anthony or Durant.

Of course, James, Anthony and Durant are the three top small forwards in the entire league. Artest can't stop them now. He can block some ordinary small forwards and scare some young small forwards.

However, when facing the Heat, the Lakers' outside line will inevitably appear full of loopholes.

And that's how hard it is for Howard.

Although this is a virtual game, I watched Howard go crazy on the offensive end, run crazy on the defensive end, help defense crazy, and fight fires crazy on the court.

Du Kang looked at the monster that had been gnashing its teeth, and was quite moved for a moment.

This is really for him and for the team.

A gentleman doesn't care about his deeds, Howard, he was really limp...

Don't be lame, the Lakers really can't live without you!
The Lakers' style of play in this game is definitely the style of play that Howard is most looking forward to, and it is also the style of play he most hopes for.


Playing the Heat, this style of play consumes too much for Howard!
Du Kang felt distressed while watching.

With 2 minutes left in the third quarter of the game, Nash was once again broken by James, and Howard immediately rushed over to defend, but James' speed had already rushed up.

The two directly collided head-on in the air.

Howard straightened up, James jumped with an impact, Howard was knocked to the ground, and James also fell.

After James fell, he got up immediately and stomped his feet, and he was fine.

And Howard, after falling, covered his back with his right hand and never got up again.

"Steve, no foul, no stop clock, no timeout, keep attacking!"

Seeing the pain on the ground, with one hand covering his back, and the other firmly pressing Howard, who James wanted to give Nash with the basketball just now, Du Kang was greatly shocked.

He was still calling Nash to attack!

Is this the Serious Beast?
Is this the serious beast that regards the Lakers as its own team?
The strength of Serious Beast is not comparable to that of Happy Beast...

Nash, Kobe, Artest, and Yi Jianlian ran in front.

Howard gritted his teeth and sat in the backcourt roaring ferociously.






Howard was injured in the third quarter, and the Lakers, who had been anxious for three quarters with the Heat, were finally pushed one by one by the Heat in the fourth quarter.

At the end of the game, Du Kang glanced at the data of the Lakers players.


Kobe was 19 of 11, 28 points and 9 assists. Kobe played very efficiently with Howard attracting firepower.

Yi Jianlian scored 17 of 8 with 18 points, Artest scored 11 of 3 with 9 points, Nash scored 8 of 5, 6 of 4 three-pointers and 5 of 5 free throws with 19 points.

In addition to Artest, the other starters have Howard to contain the Heat. In fact, they all played well offensively.

In the end, the Lakers lost to the Heat 109 to 119 away.

He and the Lakers have tried their best in this game.

The Lakers rotated 8 players throughout the game, and Du Kang has almost filled the time of the team's star players.

But in the end we still lost.

The Lakers scored 109 points, of which 106 points were scored by F5 and Yi Jianlian, and the other two players who played scored 3 points.

The other Lakers players couldn't show their strength at all in front of the Heat.

And Howard didn't insist on playing full, and was injured in the third quarter.

"If Howard is not injured, can he win?"

Thinking of Howard who was injured on the court and shouted offense.

Du Kang shook his hands tightly.

"Ding, do you want to save this simulation?"

"do not save!"

Howard can't get hurt!
Not even any hidden dangers that may cause injury!
Du Kang is not sure when the hidden danger of Howard's injury fell, so no second of this game can exist!

"The same settings, continue to simulate, start from scratch!"

Any second of the last match cannot exist, so Du Kang naturally had to choose to start from the beginning instead of starting from a certain period in the middle.

If Howard is not injured, the fourth quarter is a wave, and it is best to start from the fourth quarter.

In the second simulation, Du Kang bet that if Howard is not injured, whether the Lakers can rely on 7-man rotation and win the Heat!

Yes, Du Kang set this game to be a 7-man rotation. Howard was injured in the last game, so it was an 8-man rotation.

There is no way, the Lakers now have combat effectiveness, and there are only a few people who are eligible to play in such a critical and intense game.

This is why many NBA head coaches don't like to use rookies and young people in the playoffs.

There are too many problems with rookies and young people. Any small problem may be caught by the opponent, and ordinary games are fine. This kind of highly targeted playoff-intensive game, with those problems, the strength is average. players, that is courting death.

Of the current 15 Lakers players, Kobe is basically the one who has no problems, and everyone else has problems, and they are the kind of problems that can be severely caught by opponents.

Howard's free throw.

Nash, Yi Jianlian's defense.

The moves of Artest and Gasol.

This is why many people are not optimistic about the Lakers' playoff prospects.

There are so many problems that the opponent doesn't know which one to catch.

"Still hurt..."

In the second simulation, with 3 minutes left in the fourth quarter, Howard fell to the ground after a violent collision and once again clutched his back in pain.

After Howard went down, the Lakers were once again beaten by the Heat.

The Lakers lost again.

Seeing that Howard's injury caused the Lakers to lose again, Du Kang was a little overwhelmed.

"Continue without changing the settings...wait a minute!"

When Du Kang was on top, the system showed that he still had 614MP remaining, which made him give up instantly.

"Stop the simulation!"

Calm down, no senseless gambler mentality!
In the simulation of two consecutive games, Howard ended with a back injury, which already clearly shows him that Howard now has hidden dangers of injury!

Such a high-intensity use of Howard's game, even if Howard was not injured in the end, it must have aggravated the hidden danger of Howard's injury.

At that time, there is really no chance to regret it.

Du Kang looked at the durability of Howard's various parts of the body. The back is indeed at a moderate risk of injury, which is the same as Kobe's legs.

It seems that the moderate risk of injury is really dangerous.

"Howard's one-in-four-outside system is indeed effective for the Heat, but Howard cannot be used in such a high-intensity game. Now Howard can only choose to be the main offense or the main defense. He must not be the main one. His current body is carrying Can't stop!"

Howard's main offense or defense?
Du Kang bit his fingers with a troubled face.

Howard's main defense, it's okay to say that, if Howard didn't defend, the Lakers collapsed directly.

Then who will attack?
Let Kobe die to James, Wade, Battier and Ray Allen, Du Kang is afraid that Kobe's feet will not be able to stand it.

Let Nash and Yi Jianlian's running and bombing system assist Kobe's main attack, can Yi Jianlian do it now?Can Nash withstand the Heat's high-intensity pressing consumption from the outside?

Try every possibility, can his 600MP handle it?

"Ding, your player Yi Jianlian completed the high-quality training of hitting 1000 mid-range shots that day, and activated the gold-level 'King of Mid-range Shots', please pay attention to check."


Seeing the prompt that popped up suddenly by the system, Du Kang froze for a moment, then subconsciously looked at the pendulum clock in the room.

Time, 23:50.

Here's the buzzer done the job

Moreover, at this point, the UAE is still on the training ground...



"I hope it can give the coach some help."

In the next game, the Heat are really too strong...and the coach wants to win.

Yi Jianlian, who was lying on the floor in the Cyclones training hall of the University of Miami, had a gratified smile on his face.

Tired, really tired...

Smiling and laughing, he closed his eyes, unable to open them again.


After packing his backpack, Nash turned his head and saw that Yi Jianlian had fallen asleep.

Walking over, looking at the tired and snoring Yi Jianlian at this time, Nash sat down beside him with a smile.

Looking at the bright moon outside the window.

"so good……"



 Today's first update, continue to read, seek investment! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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