Coach, I don't want to retire yet

Chapter 40 Mentality really collapsed!

Chapter 40 Mentality really collapsed!
As a pretty face-saving player.

Losing a one-on-one matchup with Kobe is already a shame.

Originally, I hoped to break the Lakers' "Jordan Law" to make myself comparable to Jordan, hoping to get most of my face back.

But just when he was about to succeed, he was blocked by that Chinese doctor at the moment when he was most excited and looking forward to it!
If it was an ordinary block, he would yell at Tan Tanshou next to him, foul, didn't you see it? !

Just now, he was really angry, angry, and he didn't even go through the usual process of looking for the referee.

From the very beginning of this match, he had all kinds of troubles, all kinds of embarrassment, and it felt as if a pair of invisible hands were deliberately messing with him.

It has been ten years since he entered the league in 2003. He has played many uncomfortable games, but there are not many who have been targeted so hard.

Moreover, that black-hearted coach D didn't target him tactically!

It's all about mentality!

Blacker than Popovich!
This is even more disgusting!
"Coach D, I will cut off all your invisible hands!"

"Now, let's start with this China!"



The game restarted and it was the Lakers' turn to attack.

Because of the past record of the Lakers this season, coupled with the fact that the role players of the Lakers are not well-known, Du Kang does not use some well-known players like Antawn Jamison and Chris Duhon.

So seeing Nash with such a group of stinky fish and rotten shrimps really makes people think that the Lakers' rotation is not good.

But from Du Kang's point of view, it is not the case.

Jordan Hill, Yi Jianlian, Earl Clark, Meeks, these people really can't defend, it's nothing to say, after all, the Lakers may only have Kobe, Howard, Artest and Gasol on the defensive line now. Indeed no one is available.

But in terms of offense, the offense of this lineup is still okay.

Jordan Hill, Yi Jianlian, and Earl Clark can all shoot. They are all big men over 2 meters in height. They have good athletic ability and can play pick-and-rolls with Nash.

Even if the three of them can't defend well, but they run fast and can double-team James who has no emergency stop jumper ability at the basket. If you James dares to break through and call Nash, I will serve you according to Jordan's rules.

If you want to score points on Nash's head, I won't give you points!

Well, it can be Nash's wings on the offensive end.

It can also protect Nash on the defensive end.

This is really possible.

Du Kang really doesn't know any tactics and systems.

But he knew that since he was going to hug his thigh.

If you let your thighs feel comfortable, then you will definitely feel comfortable too.

In short, for Du Kang, this set of rotations has already been made up by him, and it is considered to be the most suitable set of rotations for Nash.

Du Kang was very satisfied with the defense of James in this rotation just now.

"Now it's all about the offense."

Du Kang said expectantly.

It is different from Du Kang who is expecting and smiling beside him.

At this time, Darwin Hamm next to Du Kang was hopeless.

Offended James so much just now, how will he mess around in the NBA in the future?

In the NBA, things don't turn around, especially as a coach, you have to be a bit more talkative, maybe today your opponent will become the player you coach.

LeBron James is so powerful in the NBA...

For a rookie like him, the shortcut to becoming a head coach is to be a super giant nanny head coach.

And now most of the super giants in the NBA are James' brothers!

Ham felt that he might have to hold Du Kang's thigh even tighter.

Although Du Kang led him to struggle for 20 years, from the day he followed Du Kang, he lost the freedom of choice in life and was firmly bound by Du Kang...

Not only can't be Aunt Jenny's inner ghost, but now she can't be in Cao Ying, looking forward to establishing her own family soon.

Suddenly, without knowing it, almost all of his possible life choices, click, click, were cut off by Du, and the only thing left was to be Du's assistant, and there was no possibility of betrayal.

He really didn't think about mutiny.

But this doesn't even give a chance to's too...

too dark!
Du is so...



Darwin Hamm

Favorability towards you: 85 (Coach D is the most pure and flawless person in the world!)

Just squinted, huh?Du Kang, who looked over with a bang, immediately opened his eyes and nodded in satisfaction.

It seems that there has never been any darkness in this world.

But at this moment, Hamm's back was almost soaked in that moment, the moment his eyes came over.

This is too strong!
Du can't really know magic!
Ham looked at Du Kang, blinking his little eyes in shock and respect.

The little heart was beating non-stop.

However, at this time Du Kang had withdrawn his attention from Hamm and walked to the sidelines again.

Because James' pupil of death came out just now, even the ordinary audience on the scene can clearly feel the game attitude and defensive enthusiasm of the players on the Heat's court.

James' pupil of death is not only a weapon against opponents, but also a spur to teammates.

In addition, the Heat's forward defense is really good. Battier and James, together with Cole and Chalmers, are both fast and capable of grabbing.

Nash and Yi Jianlian's pick-and-roll cannot get misplaced opportunities.

The Lakers' offense quickly went from rushing to positional play.

And this is also a problem that often occurs with Nash-driven running and gunning.

That is, if the opponent's defensive rotation and speed are fast, and the discipline is very good, it is easy to be forced to switch to a positional battle.

Even the running and bombing of the sun driven by the peak Nash can't solve this problem.

Seeing that the Heat forced the Lakers' offense so uncomfortable at this time, the Heat fans on the scene also cheered.

"Our team showed the attitude of the finals!"

Driven by the live DJ, the Heat fans seemed to have forgotten the scene where Yi Jianlian blocked James just now.

Driven by the live Dj again, he cheered for the Heat and taunted the Lakers.

"You scumbags from Los Angeles, you will be killed by our king!"

"Oh~ King!"

"Oh~ kill them!"

At this time, the Heat fans were stimulated by James' death pupil just now, and they really felt a bit like Boston fans.

For a while, the situation became extremely unfavorable for the Lakers.

The Heat's defensive aggressiveness is too high, and any pass may be missed.

Can't pass the ball needlessly now, move the ball!
In the face of Chalmers' crazy harassment, Nash has always kept the ball under his hands.

This is the experience of a veteran, and it is also the experience of an MVP point guard.

Facing the Heat's defense, the most taboo thing is to be frightened, and then the ball is hot and crossed to teammates.

At this point, the best option is to observe.

Observe your teammates first, if you really don't have a chance, do it yourself!

Nash took a look at these teammates on the Lakers court now.

I have to say that the Heat's defense is really strong when it comes to seriousness.

It seems that I can only do it myself!

"The offense of the Lakers was killed. LeBron James and the Heat showed the attitude of the finals. The Lakers are in danger!"

Teacher Yang Huahua, who had been slapped in the face countless times in this game, was a little excited.

The penguin netizens in the live broadcast room were also quite worried at this time.

28 to 24, this is not an insurance score.

"Mr. Yang, the situation of the Lakers reminds me of the 2011 Finals. They also faced the oppressive defense of the Heat. At that time, you said that the Mavericks were dangerous, and then you were PS."

"Hahahaha, in the face of this kind of oppression, Nash can indeed stabilize the situation like Kidd, but to solve the situation requires a player who can pierce the opponent. The Mavericks have Nowitzki, what does the Lakers have?"

"Mr. Yang, you forgot that the Lakers have Ah Lian."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

The two deliberately sang and sang together in the live broadcast room, which disgusted the netizens in the live broadcast room.

But in the face of such yin and yang and strange two people, the netizens in the live broadcast room were angry and anxious at the same time, but there was nothing they could do.

Still the same sentence, before Yang Huahua was slapped in the face, his eloquence was really good. Although his words were always yin and yang, they sounded quite reasonable.

Standard Zhuge Liang before the game.

Just when Yang Huahua and his godson were chatting and laughing in the live broadcast room.

The audience in the live broadcast room who were watching the game suddenly got up!
"Damn it, coach Xiao Du really let Ah Lian break the game!"

"Damn it, coach Xiaodu actually asked Nash to pass the ball to Alian, who was closely watched by James!"

"Damn it, Coach Xiaodu is really going to use Ah Lian as Nowitzki!"



Penguin's live broadcast room was going crazy.

At the same time, the scene of the game!

"The king wants revenge!"

"Ow~ Revenge!"

Driven by the on-site DJ, the entire arena seemed to explode, and all the fans were waiting for James to respond to Yi Jianlian's block just now.

But at this time, on the court, Yi Jianlian, who received a pass from Nash, was unusually calm in the face of the sound of the attack from the tsunami.

In the past, at this time, he would definitely not be able to do this.

After all, the offensive stability was only 60 at that time, and now Du Kang has directly raised a level to 70.

In addition, his own ability has also improved visible to the naked eye, and his self-confidence has also increased.

Mainly, the head coach next to him always applauds and supports him amid boos all over the world!

The scene that made him flustered before made him full of motivation now!
Yi Jianlian took the ball and James defended. At this moment, the whole world seemed to be left with these two people.

James' defense is very tight, he is different from Garnett, he is not afraid of Yi Jianlian's breakthrough!

And Yi Jianlian faced James's pressing defense, preventing him from shooting, and letting him break through. Yi Jianlian remained unmoved and still held the ball high.

In the past, he was still not confident in his shooting, so it must have been sudden.

But now, it's different!

Seeing that Yi Jianlian could not be tempted to make a breakthrough, James immediately went on to increase his defensive strength against Yi Jianlian.

Pushing, grabbing, squeezing, and cutting, under the defense of James' teeth and claws, chest and belly, Yi Jianlian kept holding the ball, his feet were still, his body was twisting, and the ball in his hand was avoiding James' cutting ball.

"For the first time in the regular season to see LeBron such a crazy defense!"

Wade off the court, Anthony and Paul in front of the TV, even the Heat fans on the sidelines and the three commentators from TNT were all stunned!

"China Yi couldn't stand it anymore, his foot was unstable, and he was blown away by James' aggressive defense!"

I have to say that James' defense, if you take it seriously, is really top.

Yi Jianlian is already working very hard to protect the ball in his hand.

The ball was indeed protected by his height, but James' crazy defense still made it difficult for Yi Jianlian.

The chance is not good, garlic should be mixed with the feet, the situation is a little dangerous...

And at this moment...

"Ah Lian, shoot him!"

Amidst the boos of the audience, an extremely familiar voice appeared in the noise.

Facing James' final hard top, Yi Jianlian jumped back. The basketball in his hand was not passed out, nor was it cut off by James, but was about to be thrown by him!

The golden rooster is independent!

The pose is really similar!

But there are many, many players in the NBA who will take the golden rooster independent action, and they are all similar, but Nowitzki has only one player in the entire NBA, which cannot be copied!

Therefore, the Heat fans at the scene immediately booed and laughed wildly after a short period of suffocation.

"You are also worthy of being independent in front of our king!"

"Oh~ you deserve it too!"

The DJ at the scene led the Heat fans to laugh wildly, the basketball was flying, and the tide of ridicule turned into silence after two seconds!
A swipe!
Accompanied by the crisp sound of the basketball brushing the net, the mocking smiles on the faces of the Heat fans at the scene froze.

Because, the person who was crazily ridiculed by them really hit the incredible Golden Rooster Independence like Nowitzki in front of their king and James!
In front of James!

In the case of losing balance!
In the shock of everyone, Yi Jianlian hit the incredible golden rooster independence!
At this time, the fans of the Heat were silent, and James, who was in front of Yi Jianlian on the court, was stunned at this time.

The pupil of death is still there.

The expression on his face changed from arrogance to astonishment.

"My God, China Yi actually hit this shot like Nowitzki!"

"LeBron's defense is good enough. Except for Nowitzki, I really don't believe anyone else in this world can use this method to diffract James!"

"China Yi's shooting is unbelievable! What's even more unbelievable is that he didn't have such a shooting before. It is rumored that Coach D has been training his shooting for more than a week!"

"Incredible Chinese Yi, incredible Coach D, my poor King-James!"

Barkley, Kenny Smith, and O'Neal seem to be crazy at this time.

And in the Penguin live broadcast room, Yang Huahua and his godson, who were still eccentric just now, were all dumbfounded.

"Swollen, swollen, he's swollen again!"

"Hahahaha, our coach Xiaodu never slaps his face overnight, it's so cool!"



Yang Huahua, who had recovered from the crazy barrage, was extremely embarrassed.

"This is not the Ah Lian I know. Coach Xiao Du is amazing!"

After Yang Huahua finished speaking with an embarrassed smile, the barrage in the live broadcast room became even happier.

"I still like your eccentric, rebellious appearance!"

"Ha ha ha ha……"



On the court, James was really angry!

The offense was blocked, the defense was shot, and he just lost to Kobe in the heads-up, now he will lose the heads-up to this Chinese Yi who couldn't even look at it before? !
I want to score!

I want data!

I want to get back all the face I lost in this game!
James is really fast!
The Lakers' defensive colanders, under the continuous stimulation, are really active in double-teaming!
"Jordan's law, Jordan's law again, the more he wants to score, the more James wants to prove himself, the more he struggles!"

"James still didn't pass the ball! James was blocked again in the crowd!"

"It's Yi again, it's singles again, it's still James singles!"

"Go in, go in, go in again! Chinese Yi hit the Golden Rooster Independence again in front of LeBron James!"



Watching this incredible game on TV, Popovich was dumbfounded!

Many people say that he is the most ruthless head coach who plays James.

Before this game, he himself thought so.

But now, I can't accept it!

Are you not the eye of death?

If you have the ability, score under my Jordan rules!

Are you not the eye of death?

On the offensive end, I play you, the pupil of death!
"Too cruel!"

After Popovich finished speaking in shock, Budenholzer next to him said something subconsciously.

"That's horrible!"



On the court, the rotation time is over.

James looked at Yi Jianlian in front of him, which was his psychological shadow in 2011.

James looked at Kobe who played while stroking the golden wristband on his wrist, which was the psychological shadow of his heads-up.

Look at Howard who came up with Kobe, gritted his teeth, and wanted to show off. This is his psychological shadow in 2009.

Wait a minute, they're going to fuck him together!

What about Nima!


"Oh my god, King James' eye of death is broken!"

"King-James' eye of death was forcibly broken by Coach D!"

"Coach D, after sealing Kobe's death glare, smashed James' death glare!"

The three commentators of TNT are crazy.

The Heat fans at the scene were dumbfounded.

Spoelstra on the sidelines, who originally had a sad face, looked more like he was about to cry.

At this time, Yi Jianlian, Kobe and Howard were watching, James, who was staring at him...

The mentality is really broken!



 This is today's Chapter 1. Forget it, the fisherman is showing off. Anyway, it's going to be on the new book list, and it's going to be on the shelves anyway. The word count doesn't matter. I hope you enjoy reading it.

  Finally, if you have a ticket, you can ask for a ticket, a monthly ticket, and a recommendation.

  It would be even better if the book could be genuinely supported by the fisherman when it goes on shelves next Friday.

  Thank you all for your support over the years, love you all!
(End of this chapter)

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