Coach, I don't want to retire yet

Chapter 429: Celtics championship?

Chapter 429: Celtics championship?

On June 2015, 6, the entire city of Los Angeles is now going crazy for the upcoming tiebreaker of the Finals.

The game is at 10: tonight.

But early in the morning, there were already a lot of Los Angeles Lakers fans carrying various slogans, strutting through the streets outside the Lakers' training facility, outside Coach D's basketball parks, or outside various internet celebrity street intersections in Los Angeles.

Of course, in contrast, there are definitely not a few Celtics fans wearing Celtics jerseys on the streets. Many, many Boston fans came from Boston for the most important championship in team history.

By winning this championship, the Celtics will once again tie the Lakers and become the most powerful team in NBA history.

And it’s the number one wealthy team in history that came with the Lakers.

Defeated the strongest head coach in history and became the most powerful team in NBA history.

Is there anything more memorable than this?

Of course not, this is history, so they all want to witness such history.

Faced with such extrovert behavior from Celtics fans and Lakers fans, Los Angeles city managers were afraid that fans from both sides would start fighting in the streets.

After all, this finals is definitely not that peaceful.

It would be an understatement to say that the Celtics have always been hacked.

However, what relieved the Los Angeles managers a little was that the Lakers' atmosphere during the game meant that the resentment of Boston fans was not directed at the Lakers or Los Angeles.

Therefore, Boston fans in Los Angeles are still very civilized.

Well, compared to the reputation of Boston fans, their behavior in Los Angeles is indeed very civilized.

With the coming of the big battle, not only the fans on both sides seemed to be engaged in a big battle.

In fact, the coaches and players on both sides are very nervous now.

Let’s talk about the Celtics first. Monty Williams has been watching Jokic’s video.

Jokic has been lying like a beggar in Coach D Basketball Park these days. The whole world knows this, and even many good fans are filming the video 24 hours a day.

Jokic is really just eating and sleeping at Coach D's Basketball Park these days. He doesn't do anything else. Well, he doesn't even take a shower.

Many people say that Jokic is no different from a beggar now and does not look like a multimillionaire at all.

"Will such a person be Coach D's secret weapon? Monty, are you overthinking?"

Monty Williams didn't know how to answer.

As for Jokic, if Coach D hadn't intercepted Hu, he would have been a Celtics player.

Danny Ainge and he both like Jokic very much. Jokic's athletic talent is indeed not that outstanding, but his golf IQ is extremely outstanding.

Although his model is Yao Ming, in terms of strength, he is definitely far from Yao Ming, who was at his peak last season.

However, some of Jokic's temperament and characteristics are indeed very similar to Yao Ming.

At the very least, it gave them great expectations at the time. Later, the Lakers selected him with the No. 1 pick, but the inspection failed, which also made Danny Ainge and him breathe a sigh of relief.

After Coach D selected Jokic, he has been giving Jokic opportunities and has been working hard to train Jokic, but Jokic has not improved much, which shows that they have indeed made a mistake.

After all, for a player who even Coach D makes mistakes, it actually doesn't matter if they make mistakes.


Coach D has never admitted that he made a mistake.

"Do you think that in the face of such a big battle, Coach D still has the heart to care about a person who is of no use to the team?"

Monty Williams' rhetorical question made all the Celtics staff around him not sure how to answer.

It should be said that this principle is also a big paradox.

They look down on Jokic.

Why would coach D come to Jokic at this time?

If Jokic is really Coach D’s secret weapon.

So, why has Jokic fallen to this point?

Popovich is not blind, so how could he be so dismissive of such an outstanding young player and the center player the Lakers desperately need?

This doesn't make sense at all.

So, can they really just laugh at Coach D like the people outside because he has exhausted his talents and was forced to go to the hospital by the amazing Monty?

Is it better to laugh at Coach D and ask Yao Ming to play through injury than to ask Jokic to come back and play center?

In fact, that's what they are.

They had actually been laughing at Coach D just now.

In this finals, the cooperation between Big Eyebrow and Paul was the Lakers' Achilles' heel. The Lakers were almost unable to parry.

The Lakers need a center player.

A standard center player.

Antetokounmpo and Ebanks are not as tall or as strong as their eyebrows.

Garnett doesn't have thick eyebrows.

Barkley doesn't even have thick eyebrows.

Garnett is the Lakers' best player against thick eyebrows in this finals, but Garnett has to defend Randolph, and with thick eyebrows, Garnett is really exhausted.

The Lakers really need a center who can stand up to Big Eyebrow and Randolph.

This frees up Barkley, as well as Antetokounmpo and Ebanks.

Everyone knows this truth.

However, out of consideration for Jokic's past reputation, no one really wants to believe that Jokic is the suitable center candidate in Coach D's mind.

If it hadn't been for the fact that Miracle Monty hadn't followed the trend, I'm afraid the entire Boston coaching staff would now be mocking Coach D for retrieving Jokic.

Originally, the whole world was optimistic about it, and the only thing they were worried about was Coach D. Now that even Coach D is acting like this, it's hard for the Celtics not to be disappointed.

Monty Williams has never been a head coach who second guesses what other people are thinking.

Therefore, he never thought that this was Coach D's arrogant strategy.

If it's Popovich and Phil Jackson.

It must be a contemptuous smile now. Coach D’s arrogance strategy made us all feel that he was really stupid and crazy.

However, what Monty Williams is thinking about is that Coach D really thinks Jokic can be used.

What Monty Williams thinks is that according to the current situation of the Celtics, the Lakers really need a center if they want to defeat the Celtics.

And Jokic is the center.

Now that Coach D is looking for Jokic, although he doesn't know why Coach D trusts Jokic so much, then, even if he doesn't know why, Jokic is still useful enough.

If you are simple-minded and focus all your attention on basketball itself, you will actually be able to see clearly many false things.

However, there are still too few people in this world who can truly speak directly to their true feelings.

If it weren't for Monty Williams' special experience, he actually wouldn't be able to develop such a style.

Monty Williams was touted by the world, but he knew exactly what he was getting into.

Therefore, he knows better than anyone how false the public opinion outside is.

He knows what reality is better than anyone.

He is false.

Public opinion is false.

Only the basketball itself is real.

Even he himself is false, so can others trust him?

So, focus on yourself, focus on your own basketball, no matter what others do, just focus on your own basketball, no matter you win or lose, no regrets. Focus on your own basketball. If Jokic is really the starting center for the Lakers in the next game, then how should the Celtics focus on their own basketball?

Monty Williams asked his questions.

The assistants around him all had better basketball knowledge than him, but they were once again left speechless by Monty Williams' question.

It’s not that this question is too difficult, it’s that this question is too simple!

"If Antonio beats Jokic, it should be casual, right?"

"With Antonio's athletic ability and Chris' organizational ability, Jokic shouldn't be any threat, right?"

Monty Williams smiled, seeming to agree with his assistants' answers.

Then, Monty Williams asked back.

"Since we all know the truth, how can coach D not understand it? Since Jokic is so terrible defensively, then coach D must not use Jokic's defense, but use Jokic's offense. "


After Monty Williams finished speaking, everyone on the scene was dumbfounded.

And something happened that made the scene even more stunned.

"Antonio's training this morning was mainly confrontation training, allowing LeBron to simulate Yao's center attack in front of Antonio."

Let James simulate Yao Ming's organization center's offense? !

Let’s not talk about whether James can imitate Yao Ming.

But, amazing Monty, why do you think Jokic's offense is comparable to Yao Ming's? ! ! !

"I don't know what Jokic is like. I just hope that Antonio will not be suddenly attacked by Jokic on the defensive end and caught off guard, thus affecting his own defense and offense."

As long as the thick eyebrows can not be caught off guard, with Jokic's athletic ability, the thick eyebrows will never be afraid. In the end, the Celtics are still stronger than the Lakers.

Monty Williams has great authority in the current Celtics.

What you say is what you say.

Although it is strange to ask James to imitate Yao Ming's organization center and wear thick eyebrows.

But the Celtics' training ground immediately got into gear.

No one questioned what was wrong with Monty Williams' arrangement.

On the other side is the Lakers training facility.

At this time, the training hall was completely surrounded.

Compared with the Celtics' fully closed training, the Los Angeles Lakers' training facility, which is almost separated by a wall, is open to all aspects.

"Did Jokic gain weight during this period? Is it my imagination? Jokic, it does seem like he has gained weight, right?"

"Hahahaha, you eat so much and don't move, you will gain weight too, hahahaha..."

For these reporters at the scene, the player they paid most attention to was not the Lakers' top supervisors, nor Popovich, the first assistant coach in NBA history, but Jokic.

Before Coach D arrived, everyone was paying attention to Jokic.

Jokic's beard and hair have been cleaned up.

It was completely different from the sloppy look he had when Coach D took him away early yesterday morning.


It still seemed strange to many reporters at the scene.

"When Jokic came to the Lakers, domestic fans all said that Jokic was the most beautiful player on the Lakers. He was so handsome that he didn't look like a young basketball player."

Although Jokic was a little chubby when he was a child and has always been a bit chubby when he grew up, he was indeed a handsome boy at that time.

But now, when I see Jokic again, not only is his face a lot more weathered, but his body shape is also a lot broader.

Also, it doesn't look very muscular.

"Although I don't mean to say this, Jokic now looks a bit like the national football team..."

"Like the national football team? Killing the chicken for nothing?"

Yes, in the minds of many Chinese reporters, when they saw the current Jokic, they did immediately think of a meme about the national football team, the meme about killing chickens for nothing.

The biceps of other NBA centers are bulging, but there is no muscle at all on Jokic, especially on the exposed arms. They are slippery, shiny, and extremely rosy.

Does it have any special significance to bring such a player back in such a crucial game?

"Many experts say that this is Coach D's trick to make Monty Williams believe that Coach D is in urgent need of medical treatment and is no longer alive. Then, Coach D will surprise Monty with a surprise attack."

"It seems that this is the only reason, but Monty Williams was not fooled by Coach D in the last game. Is Coach D too naive this time? The amazing Monty is not another NBA head coach. "

"Coach D is here! Coach D is out!!!"

After Du Kang came out, the Lakers reporters at the scene became noisy again.

After all, they haven't seen Coach D for a long time!

After Du Kang appeared, the focus of the Lakers training center instantly shifted from Jokic to Du Kang.

Du Kang did not say hello to Mr. Zhang Lili and the others. Although they had not seen each other for a while, Du Kang was now focused on work and the finals in the evening.

"Are the Lakers training against each other this morning?"

"Jokic, Garnett, Barkley, Seth Curry, Wade, are these the Lakers' starters for tonight's game? Ebanks, Antetokounmpo, and McAway, none of them will be on the roster. Really? Have the Lakers completely given up on defense?!"

"Or does Coach D think that Jokic's defensive role can replace all of Antetokounmpo's roles?"

"This is just a confrontation training. It's hard to say whether he will start in the evening."

There were different opinions for a while.

Under such divergent opinions, the Lakers' morning confrontation training ended.

The intensity is not high, and the game is not exciting. Everyone is just warming up, passing the ball, shooting, and more like finding a tacit understanding.

The more confrontational training was like this, the more frightened the Lakers supporters at the scene were.

Finally the training is over.

Teacher Zhang Lili found an opportunity and immediately surrounded Du Kang.

Zhang Liangzhi had the first interview rights in Los Angeles.

"Coach Xiao Du, will Jokic start in tonight's game?"

Now the expression on Teacher Zhang Lili's face is as uneasy as possible.

In fact, many people at the scene were staring at Du Kang anxiously.

Then, Du Kang spoke.

Du Kang looked at Teacher Zhang Lili with a smile and nodded.

"Teacher Zhang Liji understands the game. In tonight's game, the Lakers' starting lineup will be Jokic, Garnett, Barkley, Wade, and Seth Curry."


There was silence.

Even Teacher Zhang Lili felt his heart skip a beat.

After coming back to his senses, Zhang Lili almost cried.

I know a lot about football!

Coach Xiao Du, this starting lineup is unreasonable! ! ! !

The camera looks outward.

Before the start of G7 of the Finals, the Lakers' championship odds, which were already miserable, completely collapsed.

On the streets of Los Angeles, Celtics fans across from Lakers fans have changed their chants.

"Celtics, championship!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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