I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 55 The TV station is banned!

Chapter 55 The TV station is banned!
"Of course, this actually has nothing to do with me. Everyone carefully looked at the sock that slipped a little when taking off, and as a result, a backflip made a mistake. And I believe friends who are familiar with backflips should have seen this His actions were also extremely irregular.”

No shoes were worn when accepting the award.

Just wearing a sock!
As a result, the backflip is not standard!
To be honest, it was all because I pretended to be struck by lightning.

Today, he wanted to use this program to wash away his label of living Hades!

Immediately afterwards, I went to bring goods to make money, and by the way, I managed my own funeral shop well.

Strive to become bigger and stronger!
Of course, being bigger and stronger is not about killing more people.

It means selling goods.

For example, buying goods from him for Qingming Festival or funeral sacrifices.

More and more people really want to die.

That would violate the teachings of the ancestors.

It is no different from those pharmacies who buy two hundred medicines today and send two catties of eggs.

The virtue of ancient pharmacies is that they would rather have dust on the shelves of medicines than suffering in the world.

So he had to explain it well.

Because this itself is indeed an accident!
His own system can only see the probability of danger, and does not have the ability to kill.

"Actually, as a coach in a martial arts school, I can't bear to complain. Is this called somersault? This is obviously a failure of pretending! Because the movement of somersault is completely absent, and there is no necessary essentials. If there is nothing, just take off and fall back. Of course, usually It may be possible to succeed with strong explosive power, but as long as there is a slight imbalance, there is no chance of rescue!"

"I don't have the basic movements of swinging hands, jumping, tucking knees, backflips, and backflips, so I just make fun of my own life. Flips are extremely dangerous movements. Everyone either doesn't practice them, or find a professional training institution to practice! Otherwise, this is an example!"

"This guy told us, don't just show off what you're not good at, and do it after you've mastered it!"

There are still knowledgeable water friends in the live broadcast room, and many people agree with this statement.

It is agreed that people with strong limbs and simple minds have failed to pretend to be coercive.

"So Mr. Zhang means another test?"

The host Mei Ling asked tentatively.

"You can test another one, and you can still continue to start the countdown of 1 minute and 47 seconds."

Zhang Lingtian nodded.

He agreed to test another one, and also offered to turn on this so-called morning and evening rule.

After all, these things are all nonsense.

Accidents don't happen twice at the same time, and the clarification should be clarified together.

"Okay, then our countdown will start again, and then we will find another video blogger for you to pay attention to, but before that, the majority of netizens are curious whether this black bodybuilding champion is dead?"

Follow the will of Hades.

After all, my account has not been canceled yet.

But at the moment, many water friends are very curious, whether the bodybuilding champion who was carried away is dead or alive.

"There is still hope."

Zhang Lingtian didn't dare to comment rashly because the system didn't remind him now.

But I guess he's not dead yet.

"As Mr. Zhang wished, I will choose another anchor. I believe that the possibility of me choosing two accidents at the same time must be lower than buying a lottery ticket, right?"

Mu Meiling joked about it himself.


Zhang Lingtian agrees with this. .

If the people selected twice are accurate customers, and they are both cold within a day, then the host can really buy lottery tickets.

"Mr. Zhang, what if something happens to the second lucky one?"

After adjusting her mentality, Mu Meiling asked half-jokingly.

Now she is more curious about what will happen then.



Or a showdown? !
"It can't be an accident."

Zhang Lingtian waved his hand and smiled.

How could there be such a coincidence.

"Just in case, after all, there is always this possibility, right?"

Let Meiling say it.

"Yes! What if? Tell us it was an accident again?"

"That's right, since the first one doesn't count, then the second one will always count!"

The barrage of water friends is also floating.

"In this way, if the next one has the same accident as this one, then I just admit that I am the king of living Hades who came to the world to harvest."

Zhang Lingtian spread his hands.

According to what they are saying now, whoever he pays attention to will die!
If the life of the person Mu Meiling chooses twice is in danger, then he can really buy a lottery ticket to win the first prize.

But will this happen?

Obviously impossible.

After all, the director does not allow it!
"Okay! Friends in front of the TV, netizens in the live broadcast room, let us witness the moment of miracle!!"

Mu Meiling's voice suddenly became louder!

"We will trust you again!"

"Okay! That's what you said, as long as it's an accident the second time, you will stop pretending to be the living king of Hades!"

"Damn, why do you feel so emotional after watching a live broadcast!"

The popularity of the live broadcast room has reached a new high.

All the water friends stared at the screen expectantly.

And their current show is obviously a morning show.

But the ratings are surprisingly high!
It broke the highest ratings of Chunjiang Focus in history.

"Brother Mo, why do you feel a little unhappy?"

Backstage Xiao Wang looked at Mo Dao.

Obviously the ratings are new high.

The live broadcast room also squeezed to the top of the list.

But the director seemed worried.

Shouldn't this be happy?
"According to the law of living Hades, this is a bad omen."

Mo Ming frowned.

Take a deep breath.

The mood is also very heavy.

Because the law of the living Hades is that if you want to perish, you must first make him crazy!

For example, Brother Extreme Yang and Meizhao Sisters have all been on various lists before.

Immediately after that, there was a gag!
I hope I think about it too much.

Maybe Spring River Focus will be an exception.

Thinking of this, Mo Ming looked towards the studio.

"Everyone said just now that they want to choose a Chinese. After all, the Chinese are under the control of the King of Hades, so how about we choose a rabbit this time? It happens that there are many Chinese who are abroad in the international area."

Mei Ling flicked through the video to choose candidates.

"I'm OK."

Zhang Lingtian nodded.

A countryman is a countryman.

It doesn't matter.

"That's it, African Brother Zhengyi! Please let our Mr. Zhang pay attention to him!"

After a few seconds.

Mu Meiling clicked into a live broadcast room called Brother Zongyi.

The other party is currently live broadcasting on the street.

"no problem."

Zhang Lingtian took the phone.

Directly followed.

And showed a wave.

He also advertised himself.

After all, they say their ad is a spell.

Since it is for clarification.

Naturally, a whole set has to be done.

"Okay! Now let's start the countdown!!"

The countdown starts from Zhang Lingtian's attention.

The huge time counts from 1 minute and 57 seconds.

Zhang Lingtian took another sip of the freshly brewed tea from the program crew.

Let's start with the first rumor!
"Ah—, help!"

Suddenly at this very moment.

Screams came from the live broadcast room!


Zhang Lingtian turned around to his back, and the scene shown on the camera made him lose all the teacups in his hand.

It fell to the ground with a bang!


In the next second, the host Mu Meiling covered her face and screamed!



Thousands of netizens shouted exclamation points!
White knife in, red knife out!

Brother Yi, who had just been watched by the Living Hades for less than 20 seconds, was stabbed on the street.

[Reminder: Spring River Focus has been banned! 】


 At 01:56, I don’t remember how many hours I spent, I just know that I kept writing and writing, and finally at this moment I can update and sleep, please ask for a ticket!Thank you guys!It would be even better if there is a reward, hahaha~

(End of this chapter)

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