Kakarot, the strongest Hokage in history!.

Chapter 100 The ninja world is united, starting from Yuyin Village! (1)

Chapter 100 The Ninja World is unified, starting from Yuyin Village! (4600)

Not only Hiruzaru Sarutobi was surprised by this regular army, but other ninjas, even the patriarchs of the ninja clan, were also very surprised when they saw the names on the list. Mukakashi) make friends, and there are very few such team constraints, so they agreed to join some junin from the clan, but unexpectedly, this lineup appeared in the end.

It can only be said that such a remarkable team has been made by accident.

They carefully browsed the more specific composition of the "root" regular troops.

It was impossible to enter the "roots" of Konoha's two wealthy families, Uchiha and Hinata, this time, a large number of ninjas joined them.

The Uchiha family has the largest number of ninjas, including Uchiha Shisui, the number one master of Uchiha, and Naoto Uchiha, the captain who resigned from the police department. There are 15 people including the two.

The Hyuga family also joined quite a few, nine of them, and the leader surprised them even more. Hyuga Hinata, this is the younger brother of the Hyuga clan leader. It is said that his strength is no less than that of the clan leader Hyuga Hinata. I don’t know if it’s true or not. But enough to make it impossible to ignore his strength.

There are also nine members of the Younv Clan, among whom Zhihei Younv is obviously the strongest, able to control nano-scale poisonous insects to fight, it is very difficult for people to resist.

Four or five people from other families also joined.

At present, the number of ninjas in the regular army has exceeded 190, and nearly one-third of them are jōnin. This number makes the chiefs of the major ninja clans very speechless. I complained to them for the first time, saying how difficult it was to rebuild the roots. They also heard the rumors of those few days, and they thought it was true, so they increased their support for them.

This kind of team, they have no pressure...

The pressure is the one from Hokage Building, after all, dark and root are often compared with each other.

At this time, in Hokage's office, Hiruzaru Sarutobi was still looking at the list of regular troops.

He moved his eyes up and looked at the name of the person in the first position, Uchiha Shisui.

After the elite class was forced to announce its disbandment, Uchiha Shisui quickly returned to the Konoha Police Department. He thought that Shisui wanted to work for Uchiha again, and there was a rift between him and Uchiha, so he didn't force him.

Unexpectedly, he was recruited by Gen so quickly.

Probably because of Nohara Yuu who has always regarded Shisui as a brother.

After all, it was because of Shisui that Yuu had the genocide against Itachi Uchiha that night, and he also made trouble with Uchiha.

He thought to himself, it seems that Shisui doesn't really want to get close to him, but Shisui is at the root, not Uchiha, this result is beyond his expectation, but it's okay.

"Elephant, is there a regular army that puts people in there?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at Anbe Ninja in front of him, "Is there any special information?"

"Elephant" said: "There are people who arrange! There is no special information! However, their management of ninjas is slightly different, not Kakashi, Kakashi's management is the same as when he was in Anbu, but Nohara Yuu."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi was surprised: "Can this kid have management skills?"

Xiang nodded and said: "You also know that during the Danzo period, what he preached to the root members was that they had no past, no future, and no feelings, and they could only have tasks in their hearts. Almost the exact opposite."

He recalled what he saw in the intelligence scroll, and continued, "He told the root members many times in public that ninjas have feelings, a past, a future, and a family, and he, like them, It’s just a part of Konoha’s work, I’m just lucky to be their boss, the rest is no different.”


Hiruzaru Sarutobi was even more surprised when he heard that: "Is there any more, let's continue."

Elephant said: "Nohara Yuu also said that root ninjas, like other ordinary ninjas in Konoha, are fighting for Konoha's people, but obviously, root members have paid more for Konoha, and we cannot demand more from them. Too much, root members should not only consider the interests of Konoha, but also consider themselves and the family behind them, and do their best for the task, don't force it."


Hiruzaru Sarutobi faintly felt that this kind of thinking was contrary to the "will of fire".

After pondering for a long time, Hiruzaru Sarutobi thought to himself, did he underestimate this child too much? Where did he learn these things?What Ninja School learns is "Will of Fire", it's not something like this... no, this kid hasn't attended school for many days at all.

Miscalculation, at that time he should be forced to take more classes.

"Will Yuu's thinking cause Gen to have a big problem? Why didn't Kakashi stop this kid from messing around?"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi felt very wrong in his heart, he shook his head, decided to ignore the matter, and let them toss, he browsed the other mission scrolls on the desktop, one of which was that Anbu's tracking force found the group Zang's whereabouts, Danzo's purpose is the country of rain?
Going to Hanzo, who had a cooperative relationship with him?
Hanzo is known as the demigod of the ninja world, the figure who stands at the apex of the ninja world.

If Danzo hides in the Land of Rain, there will be more restrictions on Anbu's actions, and it will be more difficult to arrest this person... Bad news.

He looked at another piece of information, which was about "Xiao". Xiao's people appeared in Yuyin Village?Are you active in Yuyin Village... Danzo, Yuyin Village, Akatsuki... Sarutobi Hiruza immediately realized that there is some kind of connection between these.

He arranged the new order and ordered the Anbu's intelligence forces to investigate again.

"Lord Hokage."

Seeing that he was almost busy, "Elephant" reported to him, "After the Yamato class is disbanded, how will Yamato and Haifeng make arrangements so that they can come back to our Anbe?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen thought for a while, looked at him, and said: "Since the Yamato class has been disbanded, and Yuuha and Shisui have both entered the root, let them also enter the 'root', after all, the four of them cooperate very well. There is a tacit understanding...you can just let them both come to the Hokage Building to report regularly."

"Yes, I understand."

When Yuyu learned that Yamato and Hayate had returned to him, he was a little speechless. He didn't feel bad for these two former teammates who had invited him to dinner. It's just that the two of them were devoted to the Hokage Building, but, on second thought Thinking about it, I don't have any thoughts or actions against Hokage now, so let them follow.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi likes to brainwash people, and he will too——Yamato, you must remember that you are one of the more than 60 experimental subjects for children, right?
Let's just think that Sarutobi Hiruzen sent two good combat powers to their regular troops.

In the following time, under the attention of Konoha's public, "Root" who had initially completed the reconstruction started the daily task.

As an organization, specific tasks are formulated by the leader according to the corresponding events, and then dispatched to the ninjas under him to execute and complete. Therefore, many things can be done bypassing Hokage, which is why Danzo has done so many things Sarutobi Ri Zhan didn't notice.

Sarutobi Hiruzen also notified a large number of "events" to Root as usual, and asked Kakashi and Yuu to send people to solve them.

As the days go by, Gen's performance is getting better and better day by day. Whether it is internal or external, Gen's policy is no longer "rather kill by mistake than let go." Internally, Uchiha Shisui and Uchi Bo Zhiren, two captains who have served in the police department for many years, are in charge. They have rich experience in dealing with internal problems in the village, which is convincing and proper, while Yu Yu is mainly in charge of external affairs.

Yu Yu's idea is to talk if you can.

If you don't talk, then fight, and beat the opponent until he is convinced.

If you still refuse to accept defeating the opponent, and you still want to fight with them, then kill them. He has no such thing as kindness.

Moreover, he often rushes to the forefront in battles in order to complete the task of "record". This behavior of taking the lead has moved a large group of his subordinates... Facing the tide of praise from his subordinates after the battle, he Very speechless, fortunately he was thick-skinned enough to accept it all.

Root is excellent in dealing with both external and internal issues, so it was naturally recognized by the public in Konoha. In just three months, Root's reputation in Konoha was completely reversed, and many people began to join "Gen" Proud, just like many people are proud to be able to join Anbu directly under Hokage.

Before, those who learned about the role of Danzo and root in Konoha were very worried that Konoha would be in trouble after losing the root elite and Danzo. However, after only three short months, there is no such thing as This kind of doubt.

At this time, they have already begun to speculate whether Gen can create brilliance under the leadership of Kakashi and Yuu.

The reputation of "root" has skyrocketed, and the "darkness" to which it is often compared has been mentioned more times at the same time.

Compared with the "New Root" with excellent performance, Anbe's performance, as usual, seems to be much mediocre, which puts Anbe under a lot of pressure.

On the morning when Kakashi and Yuu became the leaders of Root for one day, Root held a small celebration internally. At this time, they heard an amazing news that "Anbu" was defeated--Operation in the Land of Rain The Anbu team was almost wiped out.

Kakashi called the celebration to an end.

He and Yu Yu returned to the root leader's office together.

Soon, they heard a knock on the door, and an Anbu ninja walked in, sent them information about Anbu's operation in the Land of Rain, and then left.

The two browsed through the confidential document and found that things were much more serious than they had imagined.

The number of Anbu who went to the Land of Rain to arrest Danzo this time is a full 300 people. Such a powerful team is indeed almost wiped out.

Only a dozen of the 100 Anbu ninjas escaped back. The dozen or so ninjas who fled back to Konoha judged that among the [-] Anbu troops, about [-] died, and nearly [-] people may have been captured. Life and death are uncertain.

The reason for their defeat was that Danzo, who was familiar with Anbu, was extremely ruthless. He joined forces with Hanzo of Yuyin Village and designed an ambush against them.


After reading the information, Kakashi asked, "Yuyu, what do you think?"

Yuu frowned and said, "This is rather strange. Hanzo is no longer the Hanzo he used to be. This kind of person who has lost his faith and become rotten must be greedy for life and afraid of death. Where did he get the courage to take Konoha S in?" Super rebel ninja gangzō, who still fought fiercely against Konoha, and killed so many Konoha ninjas?"

"Yes." Kakashi nodded, "That's the problem."

He looked at the document on the desktop again and said, "You Yu, do you see anything else in this document?"

Youyu's eyes fell again, he found that there was a name he was familiar with in the "very likely" list of captives, Uzuki Xiyan... Has Yueguang Gayfeng's girlfriend been captured? If he was captured, then—well, Kakashi looked at him wrongly, he must not be talking about this, after thinking about it, he said,

"The third generation sent us such detailed information at the first time, that is to say, Anbu was defeated, but he couldn't spare manpower to carry out the next Rain Country operation. He will most likely let us take responsibility, and he will soon Will call us both over."

"Very well, you can see that."

Kakashi praised, "Although you are a little strange when you look at the name of your ex-teammate's girlfriend."


Yu Yu felt that Kakashi was weirder than him, this guy must have read too many novels not suitable for children.

As Yuu had expected, after waiting for more than ten minutes, another Anbu ninja appeared at the door of their office, that person came to inform them——Hokage summoned the two of them to go.

Soon after, the two came to Hokage's office.

When they walked in, Sarutobi Hirzen was standing in front of the window, smoking a pipe and looking sadly at the village.

Yuuha observed Sarutobi Hiruzen's face, and he found that this time the Anbu team's defeat in the Land of the Rain seemed to hit Hokage more than the previous Uchiha incident.

"Hokage-sama." Kakashi stepped forward.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi turned around and looked at the two of them. After he ordered two chairs to be brought for them to sit on, he sat back on his seat and said, "You know the details of this incident, right?"

He sighed and said, "Unexpectedly, Anbu would be ambushed by Danzo and Hanzo - after I lost so many people in Anbu, I won't be able to mobilize so many troops in the short term, and the number of your root members, thanks to The two of you have worked hard and are almost back to your prime.

"Especially your regular troops, not to mention the large number of Junin, the number is already close to [-].

"So, this time the operation of the Kingdom of Rain will be entrusted to your 'roots'. This is detailed information about the Kingdom of Rain."

He passed a large number of documents to Kakashi and Yuu.

The two browsed through these confidential documents, and they found that the current situation in the Land of Rain is quite complicated, not to mention that the Akatsuki organization is very active in it, there are also traces of ninjas in other villages, such as the ninjas of Sand Hidden Village, and, information The department guessed that not only Sha Yin Village, but also the ninjas of Yun Yin Village seemed to be among them.

"Kakashi, I think you can see the anomaly of Hanzo of Ukage Village."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi smoked his pipe and said, "Based on our information sources, Hanzo would not have done this. There must be a reason for it. What do you think it will be?"

Kakashi looked at the third generation shrouded in smoke, shook his head, and said: "There are several possibilities, and I can't confirm which one it is for the time being. I have to go there myself to come to a conclusion."

"That's right." Hiru Sarutobi nodded, "Are you leaving now?"

Kakashi was taken aback: "In such a hurry?"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi put the pipe on the table and said: "... After all, there are still a group of people in Anbu who are still alive. The sooner you start, the higher the possibility of rescuing them." He was silent for a while, and then said , "The village is talking about this a lot now, and many people are targeting me. My reputation doesn't matter. The key is that all the surviving Anbu ninjas must come back alive."

"Yes, Hokage-sama!"

Kakashi nodded gravely.

The discussion between Hiruza Sarutobi and Kakashi did not ask the opinion of the eight-year-old child next to him, and Yuuha was too lazy to argue with Hiruza Sarutobi. His eyes were falling on his own panel, looking at the "main line mission", he is not young now, he is already eight years old, and he is one of Gen's leaders, so, let's start the main mission——

The unification of the ninja world begins with Yuyin Village!

Yu Yu was planning the operation of Yuyin Village.

In one of Akatsuki's bases, several Akatsuki members gathered using the technique of magic lantern body.

The phantom of Payne, the owner of the circle and wavy eyes, looked at the members of Akatsuki, and said in a cold voice: "I think you all know that Konoha Anbu was ambushed and wiped out by the entire army in Yuyin Village. A powerful village like Konoha will definitely have the next batch of ninjas coming to die."

The voices of several people sounded one after another:
"I can have a lot more puppet materials."

"Will there be a lot of high bounty ninjas coming?"

"Is the Konoha kid who can explode coming? If he comes, I will definitely let him know what the real art of explosion is! Yes!"

"Ah, can I, Akatsuki's intern, participate in your actions?"

Payne waited for these voices to fall, and said slowly, "God, will come to Yuyin Village! Dominate Yuyin Village! It's time to let Konoha feel the pain! After that, it will be the Tailed Beast Project!"

(End of this chapter)

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