Kakarot, the strongest Hokage in history!.

Chapter 177 Kaguya City and Otsuki Information

Chapter 177 Kaguya City and Otsuki Information
Otsutsuki Kaguya's pale face was full of despair, she was silent, as if she hadn't recovered from her fiasco at this time.

After sitting on the ground and contemplating for a long time, Kaguya looked over and landed on Yuu who was walking around in the supergravity space, and said,
"Nohara Yuu, if you want to study my body to your heart's content, it's not impossible."

You Yu turned her head to look at her, and her expression eased a lot: "You are still struggling with this? There are conditions, right? Let's talk about it!"

He knew that this woman possessed the super space-time shuttle ninjutsu of "Huangquan Biliangsaka". If she wanted to, she could travel out of this world at any time.

So, after deciding to release her from the moon, either kill her, and once you cooperate with her, you must not push her too hard.

"The conditions for mourning the family, first."

Otsutsuki Kaguya combed his long hair that was messed up by the war, pointed to the snake-faced man hiding behind everyone, and said, "The research on Aijia must not be entrusted to this disgusting man."

The cold sweat on Orochimaru's body broke out crazily again, and he finally understood why the Chakra ancestor wanted to kill him, even for this...

Yu Yu had the same strange expression as the others here, he nodded and said:
"This condition is normal. Even if the volunteers don't raise it, our biological research department will respect the volunteers. Only female researchers in our scientific research department will come into contact with female volunteers like you."


Kaguya added, "All experimental projects must be approved by Aijia before they can be carried out."

Youyu thought that his original idea was to draw blood from her body for experimentation, but he never thought about doing too much. Hearing her words, such a simple request to draw blood should not be refused.

He still nodded and said: "As long as you can cooperate with some simple experiments, then there will be no problem."

Kaguya nodded: "There is one last condition."

She was silent, staring at Yu Yu with eyes full of curiosity, she said,

"Aijia cooperates with you in your research, and I want to get an equivalent exchange from you, on the condition that you tell Aijia why you are so powerful, Nohara Yuu!"

"..." Everyone was very surprised.

Knowing that the other party has the ability to kill you, but still asking You Yu such an excessive condition, isn't she afraid of death?

You Yu was not too surprised, he nodded slightly and said, "Yes!"

He looked at the surprised crowd again, "This is not really a big secret. Besides my extraordinary talent, the biggest reason is the special chakra in my body. Many of you know that, I call those special chakras, 'gas'!"

Special Chakra?gas?Everyone fell into deep thought.

They have also heard related rumors in the past two years that this special chakra was discovered by the first generation Kakarot of the Light Organization, and then passed on to the second generation?

Yuu finished speaking, and looked at Otsuki Kaguya again: "That's all I said, it's time for you to decide! Tell me what you know!"

Seeing that the child didn't want to say more, Huiye felt helpless. She also knew that she had no choice, so she didn't ask any more questions. She struggled to stand up from the ground and said,
"It's not convenient to talk here, let's change to another place, you all come with me!"

The next moment, Hui Ye left, taking everyone here except Yu Yu.

After Yu Yu found their Qi, she also left here.

After they left the hypergravity space with Otsutsuki Kaguya, they appeared in a new space outside the "Heavenly Imperial Center".

The land and mountains here are covered with white snow, and before their eyes, there are many magnificent old castles.

However, the big old castle has been in disrepair for a long time and is dilapidated. Even the vault is broken. Was it crushed by Bai Xue?

Hui Ye led the crowd past a pile of broken stone statues beside the castle, glanced at the Queen Hei Jue obediently following beside him, and introduced them,

"This is the seventh space I created, and it is also a unique semi-open space. As long as you have the eyes of reincarnation, it is not difficult to find it.

"And this house is the former residence of the Ai family. I call it the 'City of Hui Ye'. Generally speaking, this is the place where I receive guests. Is it okay?"

"... City of Huiye?"

Everyone looked up at the unique building in front of them. It was huge, but would it really not be blown down by the wind?

They followed Kaguya all the way and found that the castle was built with special rocks, even if it has not been maintained for thousands of years, it will not be blown down by the wind.

After Hui Ye led them into the dimly lit reception hall, she took a scroll from the air, and summoned a dozen or so strangely dressed people through the scroll.

Everyone was startled, and soon realized that these "people" were actually lifeless puppets.

After the puppet servants appeared, they began to clean the reception hall.

Kaguya's servants have a clear division of labor, those who light candles, those who sweep the floor, those who clean the tables and chairs.

In just a moment, the brightly lit, clean and tidy reception hall was ready.

After everyone was seated at the ten-meter-long stone table, the servants got wine and clean glasses from who knows where, and poured a glass for them all.

"..." They looked at the strangely colored red wine in their glasses and murmured in their hearts, this wine is at least a thousand years old, right?Can you really drink it?
After taking a sip of the red wine, Hui Ye said, "My former partner liked drinking this kind of wine very much, so he collected a lot of it. I didn't expect that there would still be a lot of wine to drink after a thousand years."

Yu Yu also sat down on the seat, he thought to himself, what is Kaguya talking about Otsutsuki Ichishi?
He looked at the glass of red wine in front of him, took a sip, and found that the taste was really good, with a graceful and mellow aroma.

Seeing this, the others also began to taste it.

"Unfortunately, my partner didn't have the chance to drink this fine wine thousands of years ago."

Kaguya swayed the red wine in the glass, and said slowly, "Our Otsutsuki members are divided into two parts: 'Guardians' and 'Guardians'. When performing tasks, Otsuki's senior management will let the guardians and the protected people form partners. Let's go to other planets to plant the god tree together."

Everyone knew that she had started to tell them the important information she knew, so they listened carefully.

"...And I, a lowly person from the Otsutsuki branch, am just a guardian, destined to be fed as a living sacrifice to the juveniles of the ten tails, so that the ten tails will become the form of the sacred tree!"

Kaguya didn't hide anything, and told little by little what she knew, and when she said this, she was so angry that she clenched her fists tightly, and her nails sank deep into the flesh.

Everyone analyzed what she said in their hearts, and gradually understood why she betrayed Otsutsuki and why she made so many Baijue.

However, they were somehow familiar with this kind of family relationship, and many people looked at Hyuga Hyuzu of the Hyuga family present here.

Rizu also knew that this relationship of splitting up and sacrificing for the main family was indeed similar to his own family, so he was a little embarrassed, so he lowered his head to cover it up.

Kaguya took a deep breath, and after stabilizing his emotions, he continued to tell them more information.

She also said "deed", "all kinds of reincarnation eyes", "divine magic", "chakra fruit"...

"The chakra fruit contains a huge amount of energy and genetic information, including the life energy of many planets floating in this universe,

"Otsutsuki members will continue to evolve upwards after eating the elixir made by the high-level with the chakra fruit produced by the sacred tree, until the moment they become unparalleled "gods"!"

After she was silent for a while, she said again, "Before I was sealed, there was one person in my family who was going to be infinitely close to God, we already called it 'God',
"His name is Otsutsuki Yara, and he is also the source of our Otsutsuki magic!"

Otsutsuki Yara?Everyone chanted this name in their hearts, and suddenly felt a heavy pressure in their hearts.

This is not the kind of "God" that Payne claims to be, nor is it recognized by their world as the "God" of the Sage of the Six Paths. This is someone who is equivalent to a "God" even in the eyes of people like Otsuki Kaguya.

And when they were contemplating, Yu Yu noticed something, his eyes fell on the uncleared snowdrift in the corner of the hall, where a crab-like robot emerged from the snowdrift, and the eyes of the robot were shining red Like scanning and reading.

You Yu frowned slightly, flicked her finger slightly, and a beam of light shot out to blow up the robot.

Seeing other people looking over, Yuu asked Kaguya directly, "How many people are there in Otsutsukimoto's family, and how many are there in the branch family?"

Faced with the inquiry of this key information, Kaguya did not hide anything, and said, "Thousands of years ago, there were 73 people in Otsutsuki's main family and 440 people in his branch family."

"!!!" That means that the Otsutsuki Clan has a total of five hundred people. When I think of five hundred enemies as powerful as Kaguya, except for Yu Yu, I feel more pressure in my heart, and even find it difficult to breathe. .

Kaguya looked at these people, seemed to know what they were thinking, she shook her head,
"It's not what you think. My talent is at the top of the Otsutsuki family. After eating the chakra fruit, even some members of the family may not be my opponents!"

"..." When everyone was analyzing quietly again, they heard a cold voice, "Otsutsuki Kaguya!!"

Everyone looked over, and there was a burly man standing on top of a tall stone statue in the upper right corner of the living room.

The man's eyes were white, and he was wearing a loose white dress that covered the right side of his face. He was over 2 meters tall and had a huge body, with thick hands and feet like trees.

He has Kaguya's pale skin and gray-white long hair. He also has no eyebrows, and there is an upturned hard horn on his head.

"It's Otsutsuki!! Ambush?!"

Everyone was startled, they all jumped up from their seats and stepped back, their eyes fixed on Kaguya Otsutsuki.

"I didn't call this person!"

Kaguya also stood up and hurriedly explained, she also looked at that person, and asked coldly, "Kinshi!? Why are you here!"

The person who came was in the style of big tube wood and gold. He jumped off the statue and landed heavily. He made a huge red ax from the red ring behind him and held it in his hand.
His voice was also very cold, "You and the group of Yishi haven't handed over the Chakra fruit for thousands of years, do you think the elders won't look for you?
He looked around again, "This is the only place where we can find you. We have been waiting for you here for a long time."

us?Everyone looked at other places again. Are there other big tubes coming?
"These are all your descendants?"

Otsutsuki Kinshiki glanced at everyone present, "Kaguya, if you betrayed Otsutsuki a thousand years ago, there would be many descendants?
"Unfortunately, in my opinion, they are all just low-level creatures. What's the use of having more creatures of this level, telling them our information will only make them die faster—"

He stopped suddenly because he saw a very special person.

After he appeared, all the people present backed away as if facing an enemy, only the child remained on the seat drinking red wine.

"..." Jin Shi looked curiously, and he thought that the child was probably frightened by his appearance.

He looked at the others again, and was frightened into a cold sweat by the many people he swept across with his murderous eyes.

Kaguya's white eyes were also looking at other places, and asked, "Kinshiki, where is your partner?"

Jin Shi sneered and said, "I can take you away alone! Besides, I will also kill you descendants who have obtained our information!"

After he walked over step by step, he chose to rush towards the "scared and stupid" child who was closest to him. He wanted to kill the easiest one first.

The golden figure was so fast that many people present couldn't see his movement at all. When he reappeared, the red giant ax in his hand had already swung at the child on the seat.

"Boom!!" Before the golden ax fell, his body flew upside down like a cannonball, crashing into the wall and falling into the snow outside the house.

Jin Shi covered his damaged face and howled a few times in the snow, then stood up again, and roared angrily at the distant castle, "Who did you hit me just now?! Come out for me!!"

"..." The group of people were speechless, couldn't this person even see clearly when Yu Yu hit him?

Is it too high to look at this big tree?
More than a dozen people rushed out from inside, and after Madara dropped a ninja knife into his hand, he rushed towards the big Tsutsuki.

"Bang! Bang!" After a few rounds of tentative confrontation between the two, Madara probably knew the strength of this person.

The Otsutsuki Kanshiki in front of him, like Hashirama, has the powerful taboo power to smash the earth and tear everything apart with one punch, and has the same magical power as Obito. In addition, he can also absorb ninjutsu.

"The Tomb of the Wheel, Border Prison!" Madara activated her proud ability to return to the wheel.

"What is the reincarnation eye ability of this descendant of Kaguya?" Jin Shi quickly felt that there was something in the snow, but he saw nothing in his white eyes.

Sensing the danger, Kinshiki turned his body to avoid the ninjutsu slash, but his arm was cut by another strange force.

"What did you just say, that you want to kill us all? You repeat it again!"

Uchiha Madara stood with arms folded, he stopped doing anything, and only let his four round tomb clones attack the big man.

Seeing that Madara could handle it alone, the others did not intervene and began to observe this big Tsutsuki.

"The golden style has not been seen for a thousand years and is still so reckless!"

Kaguya Otsutsuki in the living room also didn't make a move, she was still observing here, "Momoshiki, are you here? If you don't come out, I will leave!"

"Kaguya! The shame of our Otsutsuki!" A cold voice echoed throughout the hall, "You think you can escape—"

You Yu flew over when the person was talking, and kicked the space here violently, the sound stopped abruptly, with a bang, someone in the space was kicked out, and fell heavily on the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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