Empress of Erzhoumu: This plot is wrong!

Chapter 60 The Bet: Wearing a Dragon Robe and Performing a Dance

Chapter 60 The Bet: Wearing a Dragon Robe and Performing a Dance
Weiyang Palace, next to Taiye Pond.

Li Yunsheng cupped his hands.

"See Your Majesty."

Seeing Li Yunsheng again after a few months, the empress also gained a bit of confidence.

"Li Xiang has worked hard."

Li Yunsheng could see her emotions clearly.

"Sharing worries for His Majesty is the duty of the minister."

The Plum Blossom Internal Guard was established in private, and with the support of Liu Cheng and Xia Houxun, the wings are going to be hardened.

The smile on the queen's face suddenly disappeared, and she asked angrily.

"Li Yunsheng, you are guilty!"

Li Yunsheng was taken aback for a moment.

"What is the crime of the minister?"

"You used the money in the treasury to buy grain in the Western Zhou Dynasty without permission, do you think I don't know?"

Jiang Qingying was aggressive, as if he was asking questions.

During this time, she was not idle.

The Ministry of Households used a large amount of government money to buy grain in the Western Zhou Dynasty, and she has already checked the facts.

Although this matter was carried out quietly, her Plum Blossom inner guard was not established in vain during this period of time.

The ins and outs of the matter have basically been investigated clearly.

All of this was ordered by Li Yunsheng.

"Tell me, have you been greedy for the food that was originally shipped to the capital?"

Li Yunsheng looked at the empress with great interest.

"It seems that His Majesty's Plum Blossom Internal Guard has some skills."

"That is--"

Just halfway through speaking, the smug look on Jiang Qingying's face disappeared immediately.

"How do you know?"

Li Yunsheng stretched out two fingers, pointing to his star pupils.

"For the minister, His Majesty has no secrets."

Jiang Qingying just pretended not to hear such outrageous words.

"So, you admitted it?"

"Even if he is corrupted by the minister, how does His Majesty plan to deal with it?"

cough cough.

The empress cleared her throat and said with her hands behind her back.

"I think you are the assistant minister, and you have to work hard without credit.

Hand over the internal treasury, and then make up for the lack of money in the national treasury, and I can make a difference. "

After so many things, Jiang Qingying also knew that it was impossible for him to take down Li Yunsheng all at once.

Liu Cheng was right, she had no military power, no power to guard the palace, even if she caught Li Yunsheng's criminal evidence, it would be useless.

Therefore, she didn't really want to punish Li Yunsheng, but just wanted to get her internal treasury back.

Li Yunsheng suddenly thought of an idea to harvest emotional value.

"Your Majesty, the reason why I keep the treasury surplus every year is because I can make money generate money.

The temporary embezzlement is only for the future revenue of the treasury, not for selfish desires. "

Let money make money?

Jiang Qingying stared at Li Yunsheng, do you think I'm stupid?
"Let money make money, can you turn stone into gold?"

"You can't turn stone into gold, but within a year, you can double the money in the treasury."

Li Yunsheng's tone was flat, as if he was talking about a trivial matter.

From Jiang Qingying's ears, it was not a trivial matter.

The revenue of the treasury is 7000 million taels, which doubles to 4000 million taels.

How is this possible?

Just relying on him to take the money from the treasury and go to the Western Zhou Dynasty to buy grain?
This is not like a profitable business!

Although the money in the treasury is not at her disposal.

But when she thought of doubling the money in the treasury, her obsession with money was revived.

Li Yunsheng asked.

"Your Majesty, is the subject still guilty?"

Naturally, Jiang Qingying would not let this handle go so easily.

"You said double, what if you can't do it?"

Li Yunsheng was happy, and he was hooked.

"Your Majesty, do you dare to make a bet with the minister?"

Upon hearing the bet, the empress had a look of vigilance.

She doesn't like gambling to lose money, let alone betting with thief Li.

However, Li Yunsheng's increased bet made her unable to refuse.

"If I can't do it, I am willing to resign from the position of assistant minister, and respectfully ask Your Majesty to take charge."

Hearing the word pro-government, the empress took a deep breath, and her chest swelled even more.

Such a big bet!

[Emotion value +10000]

The queen's throat rolled, and there was a tremolo in her voice.

"You, what do you want to bet?"

Li Yunsheng gambled on pro-government, she didn't know how much she would bet.

But now that even the internal treasury has been taken away, what is left for thief Li to covet?
Li Yunsheng said word by word.

"If Your Majesty loses, he will wear a dragon robe and perform a dance for his ministers."

"What did you say!"

[Emotion value +15000]

Hearing the bet, Jiang Qingying almost jumped.

If it wasn't for the fact that there were no guards by her side, she really wished she could order this daring guy to be thrown into the pool of Taiye to sober up.

The majestic Empress of Chu, dance for him?
The big joke of slipping the world!

Looking at the empress who bared her teeth and claws in front of her, Li Yunsheng still had a calm face.

"If Your Majesty is afraid of losing, then he will not say anything as a minister."

After speaking, he bowed again.

"My minister retire."


Jiang Qingying stood where she was, looking at the receding figure, struggling extremely in her heart.

(`): There is fraud in it!
(ˊˋ): Pro-government, the opportunity is here!
(`): Ever since Li Yunsheng became the servant of the household department, the money in the treasury has been booming. Maybe he really has this ability.

(ˊˋ): The treasury's money is booming day by day, that's because his father is a minister!

(`): But in the years he has been a minister, the treasury has never been short of money!

(ˊˋ): That's because the Ministry of Accounting has been making false accounts all the time, but this time it was discovered that the Ministry of Accounting embezzled money from the treasury without permission.

(`): If you lose, you have to dance!
(ˊˋ): If you don’t fight at this time, when will you fight!Hasn't it always been your greatest wish to be pro-government?
(`): Dance in a dragon robe!

(ˊˋ): May I ask how many golden opportunities there are in life, don’t rush over and seize them vigorously!

(`): Dance!
(ˊˋ): Pro-government!
(`): Dance!
(ˊˋ): Pro-government!

[Emotion value +1000]

[Emotion value +1000]

[Emotion value +1000]


If the empress hadn't been so upset, she would have noticed that Li Yunsheng was not leaving fast.

It can even be said that he deliberately slowed down.

Hearing the system's constant prompts, he knew that the empress was struggling violently.

He was also beating drums in his heart, wondering if the empress could be tricked.

In fact, he also thought about taking the empress's forbidden army into his own hands.

However, that was too obvious, and I almost told the empress that I was going to rebel.

In the capital, the Forbidden Army is the Empress' last reliance, and she will definitely not give it.

Moreover, winning the control of the forbidden army, how can dancing in a dragon robe can stimulate the empress' emotions more.


Just when Li Yunsheng was about to walk out of the small island in the Taiye Pool, the voice he had been looking forward to for a long time finally came from behind him.

However, he was not in a hurry to turn around, but continued to walk forward.

"I told you to stop!"

Hearing some urgent shouts from the empress, he stopped and walked back.

"Your Majesty, what else do you order?"

(End of this chapter)

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