The Motherland Comes to the United States

Chapter 232: I'll pay for the money, don't let her take medicine all the time, it's n

Chapter 232: I'll pay for the money, don't let her take medicine all the time, it's not good for her health

While Bai Ye and Mikaela were doing fill-in-the-blank questions together, Sam was lying on his bed, constantly thinking in his mind, what were Mikaela and Bai Ye doing at this time?

He should be doing it!


He began to constantly imagine Mikaela and Bai Ye, holding the moon in his arms, old trees with entwined roots, and old apes hanging seals...


Sam sat up suddenly.

"I know what I should give Michaela when I buy a gift next time." He quickly took a note and wrote it down: "Just give her lipstick, so that when she kisses Brother Umbrella, I can feel involved. ah!"

"By the way, I have to buy her a pair of inner height increasers. I see that there is a slight height difference between her and Brother Umbrella. I'm afraid that she will be tired when she kisses Brother Umbrella."

"Also, I'll pay for the money, don't let her take medicine all the time, it's not good for her health."

Sam dug out his savings, and with his father's support and his own savings, he spent $4000 to buy the Beetle. He basically had no money, but fortunately he still had $290 from selling glasses during the day:

"It's definitely enough to buy lipstick, penis enlargement, and arbitrage money. But that's Michaela, so I have to buy it for her. If others have it, Michaela must have it too, and I won't allow her to go there. I envy the children at home.”

"Then I will go to my father's construction site to move bricks during the summer vacation. I can still earn dozens of dollars a day. But if that doesn't work... I have hands and feet, so can't I still sell snow and donate money?"


As Sam thought about it, he couldn't help but be moved: I really love Mikaela so much. When she is dumped and doesn't ask me to take over, who can love her like me?

He wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes and was about to continue thinking about where else he was not thoughtful enough...


Downstairs from Sam's house, there was a roar of cars.

Sam's heart skipped a beat.

He quickly lay down beside the bed and looked around, and saw his Beetle speeding away on the road.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" Sam was furious: "Are you crazy? There are two cars in my garage. If you don't steal my father's good car worth tens of thousands of dollars, you steal my broken car worth several thousand dollars. ?”

Sam's father, who also came out to check the situation because of the siren, said: "???"

"As a thief, you are a fucking waste. You will never be able to eat four dishes in your life!"

He yelled and cursed for a while.

Sam began to cry: "Nima, why are everyone bullying me? It's just a goddess getting into someone else's car. Even the broken car that is about to be scrapped, someone stole it from me..."

Although the car was very old, it was his only car. It was better than nothing, right?

Sam feels that life is not worth it.

He just wants to be a funny young man, what's wrong with him?


A beat-up Chevrolet drove down the road.

If anyone observes carefully, they will find that there is no one in the driver's seat of this Chevrolet - yes, this should be the most advanced driverless technology.

"Search... with a gun and no umbrella on a rainy night... Los Angeles, interference... interference... interference..."

"Hobel Hill Manor?"

Bumblebee was very confused. The information that had been interfered with all the time was suddenly successfully searched?
It's as if you were driving drunk and were stopped by the traffic police. Suddenly, the traffic police received a call, changed their attitude, and waved you away.

This left Bumblebee very confused.

He was ordered by Optimus Prime, the leader of the Autobots, to protect the holder of the glasses with the coordinates of the source of fire engraved on them, to ensure that they would not fall into the hands of the Decepticons.

The glasses were in Sam's hands before, and he came to protect Sam. But Sam has sold the glasses, so he must still follow the glasses to protect the new owner of the glasses.

Otherwise, when the Decepticons get the source of fire, the consequences will be disastrous. They will definitely transform all the machines on the earth into Decepticons and occupy the earth.

The Autobots are peace-loving Transformers, and they will never allow the Decepticons to start such a war so wantonly against other races in the universe.

After thinking for a while and unable to figure it out, Bumble Bee gave up and happily headed towards Mount Hebel Manor.

Bumblebee's character is very silly, like a child, not Optimus Prime with a mature way of thinking.

Hebei Mountain Manor is a villa belonging to the Osborne family.

Bai Ye was working hard when suddenly, his phone vibrated crazily.


Bai Ye glanced at Mikaela who was showing her ugly face. Seeing that she was so tired, it was better to let her rest. So, he reached out and took the phone over.

What was displayed on the screen was the White Queen's warning that someone was intruding into the network and retrieving his information.

Bai Ye quickly understood that this was either a Decepticon or an Autobot.

Because he had just bought Captain Witevich's glasses home not long ago.

"Forget it, White Queen, let the other side go." Bai Ye smiled and said: "In addition, launch a counter-intrusion, be careful not to let the other side discover it, and enter the road management network in Los Angeles, check, the other side is now in Where."

"Okay, sir."

With the use of Bai Ye and the continuous iteration of technology, the White Queen has become more and more intelligent.

After all, the White Queen itself is an artificial intelligence developed based on "Friday" as a template. If White Night hadn't intervened, Tony would have developed a new artificial intelligence assistant "Friday" after Jarvis became Vision.

And now Bai Ye asked Mr. Fantastic Reed Richards to help modify the underlying code, and asked Ivan Vanke to repair the framework. Serol Stern also helped a lot, and even Bai Ye himself was working on the super brain. With help, the core code of White Queen was modified.

As a result, the White Queen's intelligence is now very high, only slightly inferior to Jarvis.

"Invasion of the Los Angeles road system...successful!"


Bumblebee, who was flying happily on the road, had no idea that the people on earth already had strong artificial intelligence that could counter-invade silicon-based life forms like Transformers, so all his whereabouts were exposed to Bai Ye. Within sight.

——Transformers have innate abilities in network technology. Each of them is a master hacker, but Transformers are not invincible. Compared with them, human technology is not without its strength, otherwise , they will not be reduced to the point of being hunted by humans on earth. As long as they mess with Wall Street and other banking and financial systems, wouldn't they be able to mess up the earth in an instant?


Bai Ye recognized who it was at a glance and smiled:

"It is indeed this kid! When you infiltrated Sam before, you let him buy your broken car at a low price. I want to see how you can infiltrate me?"

"What are you looking at?"

Michaela came back from the state of fireworks in her brain. She saw Bai Ye smiling and looking at the screen of her mobile phone. She curiously stretched her head to look and found... Bai Ye was looking at a broken Chevrolet.

Her head is full of black question marks.

Is there anything interesting about a crappy Chevy?
Even if you lose a hair on your Rafa, it's thicker than the thighs of this old Chevy, right?
"You can't understand, right?" Bai Ye hugged Mikaela's waist and said with a smile, "I'm here to show you a big baby today."

Michaela: "..."

Haven't you already seen it before, and it doesn't have any sense of mystery anymore, so why are you still watching it?

Mikayla discovered with confusion that the Chevrolet's route seemed to be heading towards this villa.

Because she was driving Rafa, she also asked Bai Ye to let her drive back and forth several times, so she was very familiar with this road.

and many more!

Michaela's eyes suddenly widened. She seemed to see through the reflector of the surveillance camera that there was no one in the driver's seat of this Chevrolet?


Michaela was really confused.

Bai Ye pays inexplicable attention to a broken Chevrolet... There is no one in the driver's seat of the Chevrolet... It always feels like she is experiencing a... strange event?

the world?
Just when Michaela was thinking wildly, the Chevrolet parked at the door of Baiye's villa. For some reason, Michaela actually saw hesitation in the car.

Bumblebee hesitated for a moment.

“Cool kaka—!”

Accompanied by a burst of mechanical operation and the sound of gears colliding, this tattered Chevrolet with dozens of hands discovered changes that almost made Michaela's eyes pop out. Its body quickly decomposed and unfolded, and the four corners of the body began to shrink inward. The windows and doors disappeared, and a pair of arms suddenly stretched out from under the hood...

Just in the blink of an eye, that tattered Chevrolet that no dog wanted to mark on the tires turned into a tall, big, almost golden giant robot, which made people feel full of mechanical beauty at first glance, strong and powerful. cool.

"This is damn, it's so cool!"

After being stunned for a long time, Mikaela finally came to her senses. She clenched her fists and looked at Bumblebee with a flushed face:
"Is there any technological product in this world that can transform between a car and a robot? That's great! If someone gives me such a car, I will decide to marry him, give him a child, and create a football team. Anything is fine!”

"Girl, how can you repay kindness with hatred?"

Bai Ye blinked.

Those who can afford Transformers must be the top rich, and the top rich have children... Do you think it is you who make the money, or the rich?

"I just think about it, can't I?"

Mikaela gave Bai Ye a roll of her eyes.

I just want to have both money and sex, isn't that allowed?

"By the way, this robot came here... isn't it to trouble you?" Michaela came back to her senses and asked worriedly: "Then should we run away first?"

"No need." Bai Ye smiled slightly: "You are not here to trouble me. On the contrary, you are here to give me a gift."


"Yes, this should be because he knows that I am missing a mount, and he is here to deliver the goods."

Bumblebee invaded the villa's network management system. He thought that no surveillance could see him, so he turned into a robot and swaggered towards Bai Ye's garage. Little did he know that everything about him was under the surveillance of the White Queen.

The garage door opens.

Bumblebee walked in and saw... more than a dozen top luxury cars in the garage?
He originally planned to disguise himself as Bai Ye's Lafa. Now that there are so many luxury cars, which one should he choose to disguise?
It’s really a headache for him who has difficulty choosing.

He bit his finger, looked around, and decided to choose Bai Ye's Lafa.

Walking in front of Rafa, Bumblebee said "pia" and gave Rafa a big slap in the ear. It's because of you that Sam beat and scolded me on the way home. What's so great about you?
After being slapped, Bumblebee was still upset and hit the roof of Rafa's car with his fist. Then he jumped directly onto the roof of Rafa's car and jumped as hard as he could.

A Lafa with a mileage of less than 200 kilometers was trampled into scrap metal.

"Uh..." Michaela looked at it speechlessly and said, "Bai Ye, he seems to have completely destroyed your Rafa."

"It's okay. I originally planned to throw away the Lafa and replace it with a super intelligent robot. I won't lose money on this business, okay?" Bai Ye said with a smile.

Bumblebee lifted the crushed Rafa with one hand, then found a random place and threw it away. Then he returned to Bai Ye's villa, clapped his hands, and came to the place where Rafa parked before. The robot's body changed. , it turned into the same car as Baiye Lafa before.

I'm the most handsome kid in the car!
Rafa, what's your level? Do you dare to compete with me?
Bumblebee lay quietly, faithfully executing Optimus Prime's orders and protecting the coordinates and holder of the fire source.

But Bumblebee didn't expect that soon the lights in the garage were turned on, and Bai Ye and Mikaela walked in.

what's the situation?
It's so late at night, do you still want to go out?

"Robot, stop pretending!" Michaela crossed her arms and said calmly: "We have all seen it. You crushed Rafa, then carried it out and threw it away, and you became Rafa!" , what on earth do you want to do!"

The bumblebee remained motionless.

Who are you scaring?

You said you saw it when you saw it, couldn't it be that you were daydreaming?

"It's been exposed, and you're still pretending?" Michaela snorted: "You're not interested anymore. Come on, get up and turn into that big robot. We've all seen it! Which company's technology product are you from? Aliens invading the earth? Please explain clearly quickly, otherwise we will call the police."

Bai Ye saw that Bumblebee ignored Mikaela and treated her like nothing. He felt like he couldn't live with laughter: "Okay Bumblebee, you don't have to pretend, we already know your background. From Cybertron Planet, peace-loving Autobots, right? Under the order of Optimus Prime, the leader of the Autobot Transformers, you came to protect the information about the source of the fire from being obtained by the Decepticons, right? In fact, we high-level humans have long known that you have transformed. King Kong exists, and just a few days ago, the American base in Qatar was attacked by the Decepticon Transformers and the Decepticons Dizzy, in order to find the source of the fire, right?"

Bumblebee saw that he really couldn't hide it anymore, "Cool Kaka", after a burst of mechanical operation and collision, a large robot four to five meters tall stood in front of Bai Ye and Mikaela.

" know?"

Bumblebee looked at Bai Ye warily.

There are too many things that humans know, right?

"Formal introduction, Bai Ye, nicknamed 'Blue Devil', is the founder of the Avengers." Bai Ye smiled slightly and said: "Some time ago, the Secretary of Defense of the United States came to the door in person and invited me to make a special talk about Transformers. Advisor to the Seventh District, a special unit created.”

"The Avengers……"

Bumblebee begins searching for anything related to the Avengers and White Night.

"Are you actually one of the founders of the Avengers?" Michaela looked at Bai Ye in surprise: "Didn't you say that Spider-Woman is the founder of the Avengers?"

"So, the information will be distorted during the transmission process. The information has been deformed when it is transmitted from the east coast to the west coast." Bai Ye rolled his eyes and said: "In fact, the Avengers are me and Iron Man Tony "Stark and Spider-Woman co-founded it, but Spider-Woman was the spokesperson, and Tony and I were responsible for the money."

"You and Tony Stark contribute money together? He is the richest man in the world." Michaela was even more surprised: "Are you so rich?"

"...The Osborne Group is also a top chaebol no less than the Stark Group, right?" Bai Ye looked at Mikaela helplessly: "Don't you ever read financial news or anything like that?"

The Blue Devil armor comes from the biological armor originally developed by the Osborne Group. This is something that all children in New York know.

Michaela stuck out her tongue: "I just like to read car magazines and some fashion magazines."

Bai Ye glanced at Mikaela.

No wonder you women’s productivity is always somehow behind that of men. While you are reading fashion magazines and caring about beauty, men are paying attention to current affairs, especially when Osborne is associated with mechas, whether it is against the rich. Those who scold Osborn still want to turn on the mecha and envy Osborn... The men's time is either engaged in sex or political affairs. Hey, speaking of it, this seems to be a special Chang Kaishen, deal with it After finishing official duties, I went to a prostitute.

"Little Osborn... the eldest son of the Osborn family, owns the Galaxy Group, with assets of approximately US$6000 billion... the superhero 'Blue Devil', one of the founders of the Avengers..."

A lot of introductions about White Night came from Bumblebee's speakers.

At this time, he also discovered that Bai Ye's identity was not simple. Translated into the Autobot camp, Bai Ye was almost equal to Optimus Prime.

"You should know my identity now, right?" Bai Ye said with a smile: "Bumblebee, please inform Optimus Prime. Just say that as a representative of mankind, I have something to discuss with him."

"Talk about... what?"

Bumblebee is just silly, but it doesn't mean he is really a fool. Now he is still wary of Bai Ye.

"Let's talk about the cooperation between your Autobots and humans!" Bai Ye shrugged and said: "Your Autobots' home planet has been destroyed, and you will definitely choose to live with humans on the earth in the future, and you Autobots It’s not like the Decepticons who want to attack and kill humans and monopolize the earth, so are you sure Optimus Prime doesn’t want to talk to me about the survival of the Autobots on the earth?”

Bumblebee thought about it for a while, and felt that Bai Ye was right. He would definitely talk about this matter. Even if he knew it was a trap set by humans with malicious intentions, Optimus Prime would definitely try it first before talking about it. Because the Autobots are a group that really yearns for peace.

"I know...I will inform him."

Bumblebee replied.

"OK, that's it for the time being. You can stay here. Tomorrow I will ask the butler to bring you the best No. 92 oil for breakfast."

Bai Ye nodded and pulled Mikaela away.

Michaela was reluctant to let go. She wanted to watch Bumblebee transform back and forth a few more times. It was really cool, but how could she survive the white night?

He is not just a simple rich man, he is a real plutocrat. He has also built his own business empire. He is even a superhero and founded the League of Legends.

Well, compared to car robots, of course, a chaebol prince is more attractive!

Michaela considers herself to be a common person, and she is not so noble as to regard money as dirt. Her desire to lick the rich man's heart is the same as those boys' desire to lick the rich woman's heart.

Who doesn’t want to get something for nothing?
Women, they always have to do fill-in-the-blank questions with men. It's not Bai Ye, it's someone else. Compared with someone like Sam, she has to have a good appearance, a good look, a good education and a medical record, an IQ and hemorrhoids, and a good conversational skills. A spitting man, then why doesn't she find Bai Ye, a top player with looks, money, and strength?
She didn't ask for much, the eldest young master was having a great time, and a reward of tens of thousands of dollars would be enough to improve her life's destiny.


Michaela's sexy and charming face was quickly covered with a layer of white frost.

(End of this chapter)

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