The Motherland Comes to the United States

Chapter 58 The bigger the storm, the more expensive the fish

Chapter 58 The bigger the storm, the more expensive the fish


Bai Ye sighed and said:
"It's a pity that Roxon's size is still too big, otherwise, what a chance to swallow Roxon!"

Jordan gave Bai Ye an awkward yet polite smile.

Young master, you really dare to think.

Roxon's original market value of 3500 billion US dollars is much larger than your Osborn's.

Young master, do you still want to annex Roxon with your own strength instead of relying on Osborn's power?

Snake swallowing elephant is not such a swallowing method.

Ordinary people are still lamenting that Roxon is too unlucky. The two big explosions in the factory are really blessings and misfortunes never come singly.

And Roxon's internal executives have begun to panic.

"Boss, the White House was furious at the two big explosions in Roxon, and completely refused to see our lobbyists."

The head of Roxon's public relations and government affairs department has an unconcealable look of panic on his face at this moment:
"The antitrust investigation by the Ministry of Commerce initiated by the White House before, the attitude that had gradually softened under the lobbying has become tough again."

He said harshly:
"Boss, maybe the White House is going to get serious about us this time."

On this land of America, the most powerful person will always be the president, and any chaebol who confronts the president alone will only have one result - crushing defeat.

And Dario Agger's personal assistant also said cautiously:

"Boss, I have already contacted Roxon's allies and business partners, but they... are all prevaricating and refuse to meet with Boss at this time!"

"The mountain and rain are about to come and the wind will fill the building."

Dario Agger stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of the Roxon Building, overlooking the foolish men and women holding signs below the building to protest against Roxon.

There is no reason.

Obviously, the person who suffered the most from the two big explosions was the Roxon Group itself, but now Roxon is required to bear the pressure from all over the place.

The common people don't understand the court's difficulties!

Even though Dario Agger was a tauren with the power of a demigod, there was an unconcealable tiredness on his face.

He turned around, looked at Roxon executives, and said:

"Everyone, Roxon is now at the most dangerous time, but if those people think that they can defeat Roxon in this way, then they are too naive! Roxon still has 6 domestic bases and 17 overseas bases, with a total of more than 3000 people. Special forces, countless advanced technological weapons, if these are still there, no one or any force can defeat Roxon!"

"The current situation is actually not as bad as everyone imagined. It's just that a group of hyenas saw a lion that fell into the water and tried to hunt it down."

"It's true that Roxon has been too anxious to do things these years. He has involved too many fields. Although he has made a lot of money, he has offended too many people. Now that we are surrounded by hyenas, we might as well implement a slimming plan. Unsophisticated divestitures, throwing out this carrion for those hyenas to scramble for."

"The darkest moment that everyone has seen, for Roxon internally, is the moment when he is concentrating on cultivation and forging ahead. As long as this most difficult time is over, believe me, I will definitely lead Roxon King back."

In the face of Dario Agger's soft and hard words, what else can Roxon's executives say?

Let's take a look first.

Dario Agger is also a knowledgeable person. After reading many military works, he understands a truth-is it more powerful to punch the fist directly, or to retract the fist first and then punch it out?

The fist was retracted in order to punch out more powerfully.

If the direction is right, even one step back is progress, and one step back is to take two steps forward.

Whether it's for those hyenas who are coming, or the black hands hidden in the dark, the weight loss plan is very necessary.

Galaxy Capital.

During this period of time, Roxon also let Bai Ye and Jordan see with their own eyes what it means to push the wall down.

Roxon Chemical, in addition to the petroleum supporting industry chain, was packaged and sold to DuPont for almost US$167 billion.

Roxon Financial, three medium-sized banks, two insurance companies, and two fund companies, all of which are high-quality assets, were sold to Morgan for $198 billion.

Roxon Military Industry was sold to the Stark Group for $85 billion.


In short, during this period of time, Roxon was mobbed and attacked. Giant man-eating crocodiles emerged from the water, showing ferocious faces, and opened their mouths wide open, crazily devouring the properties that Roxon had sold off in order to save his life.

This is a capital feast.

Even Osborn acquired two biological laboratories under Roxon.

"The more you think about it, the worse it gets."

Jordan is very sorry:

"Obviously this is an operation led by us, but when it came time to divide up the spoils, we only picked up a little soup."

Whether it is Koch Industries, DuPont, or Morgan, the money earned in this operation is undoubtedly much more than that of Galaxy Capital.

"No way, the strength of Galaxy Capital is still too weak. When I see this fat, I can't swallow it. It's easy to choke myself to death." Bai Ye spread his hands and said, "Don't talk about it, I just saw Morgan swallow Lost Roxon Finance, my eyes are almost red."

If the three medium-sized banks, two insurance companies, and two fund companies owned by Roxon were absorbed by Galaxy Capital, Galaxy Capital would be able to become a Wall Street giant. However, Roxon and Morgan were privately traded, and there was no public bidding at all. Well, even if Galaxy Capital came up with a higher offer than Morgan, they were not qualified to buy it.

"Get something with Morgan..."

Jordan sneered twice, forget it.

"But just watch, wait until the next time to attack Roxon..."

Bai Ye clenched his fists:

"I want it all!"

After implementing this weight-loss plan, Roxon only has a size of [-] billion US dollars left. In another year or two, Galaxy Capital may have a chance to swallow the opponent.

Qiao Dan immediately felt that Bai Ye's idea was a bit far-fetched, but he carefully believed that the speed of making money at Galaxy Capital...isn't impossible!
"Is the earnings report out?"

Hearing Bai Ye's voice, Jordan was startled awake, reacted, and said quickly:
"It should come out, I'll get it now."

The two of them stared at the market at Galaxy Capital for several days without even going back home, and now it's finally time to reap the rewards.

Profit from shorting this time: $23.92 billion.

"The Roxon incident caused such a big turmoil in the past two days, and I made a lot of money." Bai Ye smiled slightly: "The bigger the turmoil, the more expensive the fish!"

(End of this chapter)

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