What bad thoughts can Batman have?

Chapter 211 The mother box, but it was identified as a pure mud face (I finally finished it, woo woo

Chapter 211 The mother box, but it was identified as a pure mud face (I finally finished it, woo woo)
As the lightning rod suddenly closed, the storm subsided, and the speed force continued to fill the gaps that suddenly appeared in the upper middle city one by one from the void.

So the world comes alive.

Barry had already put all the residents thrown out of those buildings safely on the ground, and then worked with the rogue gang to collect all the building fragments that were pushed down by the giant ape Titano one by one. Pile them up on the wide road into a mountain of ruins to prevent them from falling down and killing innocent residents after time passes.

So at this moment, the years are quiet.

From the perspective of the residents in Midtown, they were only in a daze for a moment, and then they found that the old and dilapidated apartment buildings that had not yet paid off their mortgages were all turned into ruins and debris in an instant, and were neatly stacked outside On the street, there are three words "You are welcome" written by Captain Cold in Frost.

And he was wearing shorts, shirtless, standing on the street like a fool.A gust of wind blew, and he shrank his neck in the cold.

Of course, this is only the relatively lucky part. Some residents were hit by buildings when time stopped, hugging their bodies and crying with blood.Chen Tao gave them emergency treatment with the Red of All Beings, and after working with Barry for a long time, he finally settled them down one by one.

"Huh!" Barry breathed out, wiping the sweat from his forehead.

Not far away, a humming ambulance is forcibly carrying an old man into the car. The old man with a vicissitudes of life, haggard like a skeleton, is very emotional:
"No!!! Let me go, don't take me to the hospital! I can't afford the medical bills! Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow My ass hurts, I'm only 23, wow wow..."

But he was still forcibly carried by the nurse. With a bang, the car door closed, and Ulaura pulled him away.


Chen Tao really wanted to shout that Mr. Wei would pay for all the consumption present, but it seems a bit inappropriate for this occasion.

Time to reimburse the bills for the unlucky bastards here in the name of Bruce Wayne.Fortunately, the scope of their battle was not too wide, and not the entire Midtown was affected.

But Midtown is really a magical city. If it were Gotham, there would already be piles of bones and blood flowing into rivers, and their casualties were not particularly serious.Can it only be said that the painting style is not on the same channel at all?
He turned his head and saw Barry's serious face, so he coughed lightly, and said in a voice that seemed to be choked with phlegm: "We basically have nothing to do here. To be honest, the casualties this time are actually..."

"It's too tragic." Then Chen Tao saw Barry's face full of pain: "This is the worst casualty in Midtown in the past 10 years."

Chen Tao was too frightened to say a word, and hurriedly swallowed "the casualties were relatively small" back into his stomach.

However, Flash Barry obviously didn't care about these minute details of Chen Tao's expression. He turned his attention to Captain Cold and his group who had run away in the distance.

"You just ignore them and let them go?"

The Flash Barry Allen asked.

Then he saw Chen Tao looking at him with a half-smile, and immediately raised his hands to defend:
"I let the magician go last time because I knew he would go back to the police station by himself."

He pointed at Captain Cold and his group who were gradually receding at the horizon: "But Snart (Captain Cold's real name) is a slippery man. He will never return to the police station to surrender. Believe me, I have been deceived by them many times - —”

"as well as."

He looked at the eyeballs of the dead giant ape Titano, which was bigger than a basketball, in Chen Tao's hand: "Please, can you stop playing with that giant ape's eyeballs? yes."

He tilted his head as if he was vomiting: "Listen, Batman, I believe from the bottom of my heart that you are not a pervert, but your behavior is disgusting!"

Chen Tao froze, and put down the huge eyeball in his hand with a smirk.He also realized that it seemed strange to hold an eyeball and pet it around.

The death of Titano the Great Ape provides him with a targetable Batman who is actually a chimpanzee: Bat-Gorilla Detective.

It seems to be a fusion of another magical superhero, the orangutan detective and Batman, with the ability to communicate with all creatures and extraordinary detective skills.

But what's the use?Probably won't use it.

Chen Tao quickly forgot about the orangutan. He tossed the eyeball into the air like a basketball, and then pushed it out with his shoulder, which attracted a burst of Zhongcheng police next to him, "No! Littering" yelled.

"Never mind him." Chen Tao said, "But for the rogue gang, I already have a way to deal with them once and for all."

"What way?" Barry blinked.

"Don't the rogue gang like to rob banks and regard it as their way of life? That's no problem." Chen Tao said to Barry: "I like this kind of villain who likes money the most. Tell me—"

"Which bank is the largest in Midtown and has the most stores?"





A beam of light struck down from the top of the dark space, causing Scarecrow Jonathan Klein to squint his eyes.

He looked down to see himself strapped to a huge torture chair, still wearing his full equipment: his trademark scarecrow hood, syringes, and a shabby suit that looked like a scarecrow in a field. clothing.

But the Scarecrow was pretty sure that there wasn't a single drop of fear toxin in the syringe he was hiding in his arm at this moment.

It's an interesting intimidation technique, giving him a false sense of security by giving him these familiar pieces of equipment, then shattering them abruptly at the last moment.

Scarecrow has used these tricks, and Batman has used them.It's just plain stupid to play these tricks in front of the Master of Fear.

The Scarecrow lowered his head.He chose words and sentences carefully, and carefully adjusted his voice. He bluffed, making people feel that what they caught was not a thin middle-aged man, but a beast.

He tries to achieve the greatest reverse intimidation effect possible.

"Whoever you are, wherever you take me - I'll crush you to the crows that feed me."


Then the Scarecrow heard footsteps coming from the darkness, another tactic to create psychological oppression.The Scarecrow laughed inwardly.

"That sounds really pleasant, Professor Klein." Then he heard the visitor's reply.

He turned sideways and carefully looked at the man in front of him.

He wore a bowler hat, a purple robe, high boots, held a civilization stick, and spoke with a British accent.His skin is eerily pale, a strange color that reminds the Scarecrow of a clown.

But there was a silence on his face.


He said.

"Leave these harsh words to your enemies."

The Scarecrow carefully observed the other person's appearance, but could not find any corresponding object in his heart.

"Who are you?" He asked bluntly.

"Do you remember what happened before you woke up here?"

"I... I was imprisoned back in Arkham." The Scarecrow said: "Then one day, I was suddenly transferred to the ward... Then there was a sudden explosion."

"Indeed, there was a big explosion, and then I saved you."

The scarecrow's face was gloomy: "And I have given a psychological hint to an Arkham guard for more than three months, and I will be able to escape through him immediately. You don't need to make it so rough."

Then the Scarecrow saw the unknown man in front of him and gently snapped his fingers, and a three-dimensional projection appeared in front of him:
"You have used the same trick too many times, Klein. The guard you thought you controlled was discovered after you terrorized him for three weeks, and he was immediately suspended and sent to prison. Psychotherapy."

The Scarecrow pursed his lips.

"Then they specially assembled a team of psychiatrists who are good at dealing with psychological suggestions, and conducted special training for the guard. You see, Professor Klein, you may be one of the top psychiatrists on this planet, And almost every member of that psychiatrist team is much worse than you."

"But if they put their brains together, it's enough to fool me. My escape is almost impossible to succeed, and even if it succeeds, it will be quickly picked up by Nightwing and the suicide squad who keep law and order in Gotham. You helped me Very busy."

The Scarecrow admitted, "What do you want from me? And..."

The Scarecrow deliberately looked at the other person up and down: "What do you call him?"

"Outsider, you can call me an outsider, Professor Klein."

(Note: The outsider, the evil version of Alfred from the parallel universe Earth 3, he and the evil version of the Justice League "Crime Syndicate" in that universe triggered a big event in the original comics: Eternal Evil. This is just foreshadowing, I don’t understand Comic classmates do not affect reading)
The Scarecrow heard the man in front of him say:

"If you are in trouble again and are arrested or in danger, you can contact me and I will save you like I did today. I am happy to provide help to dangerous characters like you-"

"Just like I gave Bane the nukes before."

The Scarecrow was shocked immediately.He observed the words and expressions, and was almost sure that what the other party said was true and not an impostor.

He didn't know that the nuclear bombs that Bane detonated in Gotham before had such origins.

"In exchange, I want you to do one thing for me. Immediately afterwards, someday, someday far away... I will need you. I ask you to answer my call without hesitation." He heard that The man called the outsider said.

"..." The scarecrow was silent for a while, and then said slowly.

"What if I say no?"

The outsider unscrewed the top of the civilized stick, and it turned out to be a hidden pistol.

Without saying a word, he put the muzzle of his gun against the Scarecrow's head.

"Then I'm afraid your lifelong struggle to be the top dog in Gotham will come to an end."

The atmosphere was a bit tense.

"I am not afraid of death," the Scarecrow answered him.

"But you like to feel fear, don't you? Isn't that what you created the fear gas for in the first place? Until it doesn't work as well on you."

Said the man named Outsider, screwing the cane gun back onto the stick of civilization and spreading his arms: "That's why you stopped using those chemicals on yourself and started hurting innocent citizens so that the Huge and terrifying Batman is chasing you."

He said:
"You fear Batman, and the taste of that fear is so sweet. But I'm going to bring something even scarier than Batman into the world—and you, the first to see it."

"You can feel fear like you've never felt in your life."

"Please tell me, what is he? What makes me so scared?"

On the outsider's face, which looked like it was made of pale marble, there was an undetectable smile at the corner of his mouth.

"Join us and you will know."




This is a secret base somewhere of the government.

Since the mother box was found by Batman and those monsters last time, the government's attention to the mother box has immediately increased several levels, and the level of security has naturally become stronger, but at this moment...

A loud bang.

Amanda Waller twisted her fat hips, used her bucket waist to narrowly dodge the wreckage of the iron door splashing like cannonballs, so as not to be cut in two, and then rolled and crawled Hid behind the table.

Then she saw that the katana she had placed high hopes on was also knocked out like a cannonball. After bouncing around the room several times like a pinball, it fell to the sky next to her - the katana was a dead sword. A married Japanese woman possesses a demonic sword that can seal her soul.

"Katana! Katana!"

Amanda Waller got up from the ground in a panic, ran to the side of the katana and slapped her face desperately: "Don't lie down, get up and chop him quickly, chop him quickly, chop him with your knife! "

The Steppenwolf in full metal armor didn't walk through the iron gate smashed by the samurai sword at all, but smashed the wall next to it with an axe, and walked in directly.

Countless demons around him followed him.

"Stop shooting, Waller." Katana got up from the ground: "And that's not my sword, but my husband! You need to respect him."

She said loudly: "My husband's soul is trapped in the knife, he is still alive!"

"Yes, yes, your husband is still alive, stop talking nonsense, kill him quickly!!!" Amanda Waller was about to go crazy, she didn't want to argue with the katana sword about these meaningless issues, he looked at Steppenwolf Little by little, the final protective measures they put on the mother box were broken through, and the eyes almost turned red:
"The mother box is about to be taken away!"

Then she saw this stupid Japanese woman katana pointing at his sword and said, "Okay man, got it man!"

Then he said to Amanda Waller solemnly: "My husband told you that he forgives you for disrespecting him."

The fat Waller was almost killed by the samurai sword.

Seeing that the other party was really going crazy, Katana hurriedly raised his sword and rushed towards Steppenwolf.

But after such a delay, Steppenwolf had already arrived in front of the Mother Box.

"Mother box..." He stretched out his hand towards the metal cube placed on the stage: "For Darkseid!"

Under Amanda Waller's wide-eyed eyes, he grabbed the mother box, and then the whole person suddenly froze.

(End of this chapter)

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