What bad thoughts can Batman have?

Chapter 215 Wonder Woman's Princess Hug, Scarecrow's Seduction of Shazam

Chapter 215 Wonder Woman's Princess Hug, Scarecrow's Seduction of Shazam
"No time for you to play games!"

"No, this one won't work. Absolutely nothing."

Billy felt himself returning to that night again.

That hazy fog, the trams creaking and making ugly noises, and the roar of monsters coming from the car windows, seemed to be the deepest dream of every boy curled up in the quilt on a midsummer night.


The confused boy pushed open the door of the carriage, and saw the old wizard sitting tall at the top of the hall.

His hair was like flowing seaweed, and he wore a linen robe.His staff rested on the crook of his right arm, and he propped his head on one hand, carefully looking at the boy in front of him.

"People like you can't take on heavy responsibilities."

So he concluded.

"After recruiting a child, my magic must have weakened."

"I'm not a child anymore, and who are you, what the hell is this place?"

Billy heard himself yelling.

"This is my home, and you are only qualified to answer when you are questioned. I am the last member of the Magic Council and the manager of the Eternal Stone Castle! This is the greatest magic fortress in history!"

"Hey, listen, perverted old man, it's okay for you to deceive six-year-olds, but if you dare to take a step closer, I'll beat you to the teeth."

"Hmph! The search spell not only gave me a child, but also an uneducated one. I'd better get over with the scene."

Billy's pupils reflected the wizard's raised staff, with thunder and lightning entwining on it and penetrating his body: "Will this boy be the magic warrior I am looking for? Is this boy the most benevolent existence?"


Billy saw himself on the ground.He heard the old wizard say, "Why does magic make me waste my time with these blemishes? The evil has been unleashed. Forgive me, God, Black Adam is about to go free."

"What did you do to me just now?" Billy looked up, and saw the old wizard was bleeding from all seven orifices while talking, and his bony head, which was already skinny enough, gradually began to appear blue and black that only the dead would reveal. .

Maggots appeared in his eye sockets and gnawed half of his face into bones in just a few seconds, but he still said as if he hadn't found anything:

"As I have done with so many others, I read your life in search of a perfect being. But you are as imperfect as the souls I have brought with me... No! More than imperfect, you It’s full of all five poisons!”

The haggard wizard grabbed Billy by the collar: "You liar! Liar! You use the power I gave you to steal money from the bank's cash machine? A coward like you, if you really see Black Adam , will only take the road and flee!"

"You don't have any good qualities in you, you stole my power with your sweet words!"

"Give me back my strength! Come back! You can't bear the burden at all! You are a waste, a villain who tells lies! I made the wrong choice!"


Billy yelled and stood up, holding his head, fell to the ground with a bang, and slammed the table against the smooth floor with his hard head and slid out.

He got up in embarrassment, and saw that his classmates and teachers were all looking at him.

"Ah, Billy, are you feeling unwell?" He heard his teacher, Mr. Wilson, whispering to him from the podium.

If it was a few weeks ago, this middle-aged man with a big belly should have been cursing loudly at this moment, or ridiculing him in a strange way for doing such a behavior that "not a normal child" would do in class.

But at this moment, his wrinkled face like poop was full of disgusting flattery and flattery. Instead of calling "Billy", he might as well be calling "Daddy".

Mr. Wayne's support for this school made all the teachers and students recognize Billy's status. After only a few weeks, Billy became the most untouchable person in the school. Under the deterrence of money and power, a bitter teacher will become kind and pleasant.

Even kind to the point of being disgusting.

Billy wasn't at all happy about being treated this way.

If Mr. Wilson had cursed him with vicious language, he might have insulted him without fear, but now the way the other party wanted to lick the soles of his shoes only terrified Billy.

This is not the treatment he deserves.

You see, he didn't think it was real at the time, he thought he had just fallen asleep on the train and had a fantastic dream.

He told the old wizard a lot of stories about no one is perfect, and then the other party seemed to lose his mind and said something weird like "You have the fire of hope, you are the one I am waiting for", Then the power was given to him in a daze, and he didn't even know what happened.

Then, the famous Mr. Bruce Wayne came to their school and directly used green banknotes to dry out more than 90% of the troubles in his life.All those who troubled him, the rich Mr. Blair and his three rogue sons whose leisure hobby was bullying, the vitriolic Principal Peach, all fell flat under the majesty of Mr. Bruce Wayne.

Billy knew something was wrong with his situation. Normal people should be happy when they find out that they have super powers and make super friends. Super friends can help you improve your life with just a few clicks of a finger, right?

But... Belgium often thinks about those who pinned their hopes on him.They call him a god and think he can fix anything, but Billy knows that's not true, he's just a little boy, and a little boy with low morals at that, and his first instinct when he gets superpowers is to steal A bank's automatic teller machine.

"I'm all right, Mr. Wilson."

Billy shook his head. He refused the special care. He didn't play truant or do any naughty things. Instead, he just went to class quietly and waited until after school in the afternoon. After returning home, Billy, who put away his textbooks, slowly picked up his schoolbag and came to the medical office.

The medical office was very large, and Billy came to the psychological consultation room with all kinds of hoops.There are many students in the classroom who are reading quietly.

Billy knew that this clinic was also a venue for the psychology club.

He passed those classmates and knocked on the door of the innermost small consulting room: "Dr. Fell, I'm here again, uh..."

When Billy calls Dr. Fell by his name, he is completely unaware that "Fell" actually sounds a lot like "Fear".

Just a little bit, neither more nor less, not enough to make people think.

"Diagnosis," and Billy heard Dr. Phil's voice from the small consulting room.

Warm, kind, and powerful.

"A little free diagnosis, Billy. There's nothing to be ashamed of, the stress has always been high in modern times."

The voice dispelled Billy's shyness with just a few words, and the boy heaved a sigh of relief. He pushed open the door and saw the tall and thin Dr. Phil sitting on the main seat.

His limbs were skinny, like the arms of a scarecrow.

"Ah, here you are, Billy." Doctor Phil politely asked Billy to sit down, but he didn't flatter him at all.This made Billy very comfortable.

The other party is worthy of being a psychiatrist, every move makes people feel refreshed, and there will be no displeasure.

"So... where were we talking?"

"...Dr. Phil, won't you sit down?" Billy asked.

He saw Dr. Phil walking to the window excitedly, straightening his long, thin body, like a scarecrow watching crows in a wheat field. "I'm fine, I can stand. Let's discuss the topic we interrupted last time: about fear."

"You're afraid you're not good enough, aren't you, Billy?"

He said: "...responsibility and ability must be relative. The most important thing for human beings to live in groups is that they can divide and cooperate..."

"...find the things you're good at, Billy, and the things you're not good at..."

The scarecrow disguised as Dr. Phil's mouth quietly curved: "You can completely entrust this position to someone who is good at doing these things."




"Kara Zor El has been on Earth for more than 37 hours." Chen Tao said.


"That means she's absorbed enough yellow sun rays to turn her into a strong girl."


"Okay, Diana, I admit, the reason I have nothing to say is because I hope you can change my position and carry me."

Chen Tao finally spoke up helplessly.

When Diana took him to find the invisible plane, they found that the fuel tank of the plane was broken by coincidence and inexplicably, and there was no drop of fuel in it.

Alfred showed great surprise and full regret in the communication channel, Chen Tao fully believed that this was definitely not his handwriting, haha.

In the beginning, Chen Tao tried to transform into a broken bat and fly by himself. That's right, he had a good idea, and he happened to be side by side with the heroine.But the truth is, he simply can't keep up with Wonder Woman running on the ground.

Diana's demigod body endowed her with a speed beyond human imagination, second only to Superman, Leopard Girl and several speedsters who have mastered the speed force.

After Chen Tao synchronized with the Broken Bat, his flying speed was indeed fast enough, but it was still not enough in front of the woman hero. At first, he could barely keep up in the downtown with complicated roads, but he was quickly overwhelmed by the woman hero. Left behind.

All in all, now that there is no supersonic plane, the situation becomes that Wonder Woman is running on the ground with Chen Tao in her arms...

"I tell you, I am Batman." Chen Tao said: "You can't carry me around like a cat. Even if I have a nano body that can turn my body into a lump without a human form, this is not for It’s convenient for you to use my skills.”

"Okay." Then he heard the woman say.He originally thought that he could finally get rid of that shameful posture, but in an instant he found that he had been adjusted into a princess hug.


Chen Tao was still talking about something, but quickly changed his mind...

That's fine too, so be it, haha.

So he didn't say anything, and covered his face with nanobots, so that what Wonder Woman was holding was more like a huge black cat than a person.

Without the threat of being seen, Wonder Woman hugged Batman and soon came to the place where Supergirl haunted.

This is the outskirts of Kansas, across the bank from the large farmland is the dense forest, the breeze is coming, and the rustling of the trees is heard in the ear.

Chen Tao got off Diana's body and quickly got into working mode.

"This place was located by Superman in the Fortress of Solitude by using Kryptonian technology and super dog Krypton's sense of smell." Chen Tao said:
"The accuracy rate is probably above 90%. To be honest-this place is not particularly far from the place where the spacecraft crashed, and it is much closer than I thought.

She had been falling for more than a day, and she only walked a little bit, either she was lost, or she was too scared to go out.Either way, he would be wary.When we find the Kryptonians, we'll do it together. "

Chen Tao said.He looked at Diana who had crouched on the tree.

"Natural scenery, right." Chen Tao said, "So we can't let this natural scenery be destroyed. We must stop her in an instant and try not to cause more damage."

Diana knew that Chen Tao didn't mean to say it.The greater the damage caused by their battles, the easier it is to attract the people sent by the organization called "Government".

"So, we must search carefully." Chen Tao threw a communicator to Diana, and said: "Superman and his dog will provide us with technical guidance, and when we find someone——"

But as soon as he finished speaking, he heard a loud bang from the jungle not far away, followed by a series of explosions like mountains and seas.

Chen Tao and Wonder Woman looked at each other.




Have you ever felt this way.

It seemed to have fallen asleep for a long time at once, as if for a lifetime.

There are also strange dreams, something you never imagined, and then when you wake up... the dream continues? !

Carla looked at her hands.

Almost unsteady, but who gets tired in a dream?

The Kryptonian girl looked down at the s uniform and cape she was wearing.That is the crest of the Al family.She stared blankly at the sign for a while, then tilted her head and laughed three times foolishly.

However, I knew it was a dream.

Because only in my dreams can I wear this formal uniform, otherwise my mother will kill me.I will wear this to receive my degree at my graduation ceremony in a year - if I ever graduate.

I know this is a dream because Krypton has not been home to any species other than Kryptonians since I was a toddler.

And if it's not a dream...

I have long since died of organ failure from being outdoors without a ventilator.

But at this moment... I can only feel a burst of coolness——


Kara saw the rocks on the ground trembling, and then a large number of armored robots broke through the obstacles of the jungle, aiming at her with various long guns and short cannons: "Don't move!!! Aliens, this is the earth!! !"

(End of this chapter)

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