What bad thoughts can Batman have?

Chapter 252 Chen Tao decided that it would be safest to eat the mother box as a snack

Chapter 252 Chen Tao decided that it would be safest to eat the mother box as a snack
"This is the red of all things, His Excellency President Clinton."

While Luther and Superboy Connor were riding to the newly established Hall of Justice, Chen Tao was busy meeting with the President.

President Clinton is a stocky, middle-aged man with a tall, big nose and thick eyelids.He has a head of white curly hair and round facial muscles. His appearance is very different from the skinny style of the previous president.

At this time, they were in the Red of All Beings, a different latitude where all the red beings on the earth gathered.

Amanda Waller and Steve Trevor will follow Batman and the President. The two green guys Martian Manhunter and Killer Crocodile will act as bodyguards in the back. Standing next to the President is The new Chief of Staff of the United States Army, Mr. Gantry.

"It's... incredible."

President Clinton knelt down, grabbed a handful of red sand on the ground, and then let the fine red sand, which felt like animal bones, slip from between his fingers.

"Your Excellency, this is the Red of All Beings. A safe hiding place."

"Hmm...just call me Clinton."

"Okay, Mr. Clinton." Chen Tao said, "As you can see, the Justice League plans to hide the Mother Box here—"

"No, if we can enter this alien space, how can you ensure that others cannot enter?" Before the President could speak, Army Chief of Staff Gan Cui, standing next to him, spoke first: "And we only have this What if Killer Croc can open another dimension and die?"

Chen Tao glanced at President Clinton, who said nothing and was still smiling.

The other party's appearance is very...people-friendly?There are some things that are not convenient for him to say, so is this a special mouth substitute?
Army Staff Officer Gan Cui's voice was still ringing: "And if we put it here, we won't be able to study the mother box, so..."

"The research on the Mother Box can be temporarily suspended until I return from Atlantis, and the research can be carried out when I am present."

Chen Tao said: "I haven't figured out anything after studying for a long time. It doesn't matter if I have more time or less time. If you can't solve the math problem, you can't solve it. No matter how long it takes, it's useless."

Without waiting for Staff Officer Gantry to continue, he ended the topic directly: "I think the most important issue before us is planning, not research, unless you tell me that you can research from the mother box in a short time. Find a way to deal with Darkseid."

"As for Killer Croc." Chen Tao said bluntly: "He will not die even if you die."


"Okay, okay, I thought our chat would be more harmonious." Clinton immediately came out to smooth things over: "Counselor Gantry just expressed his doubts."

Chen Tao immediately stopped.

This is not a question, but a test. His response must be strong and firm. There are enough things already. He does not want to encourage some people to do stupid things because of his lack of firm attitude.

Some signs are better nipped in the bud.

For the government, if external dangers like Brainiac and Darkseid were not imminent, and they were convinced that the government was unable to deal with them, they would not be so polite to superheroes like Chen Tao.

"We're going to confer on you the rank of general of the Army." Clinton changed the subject: "It's just an honorary title."

"Thank you very much, Your Excellency." Chen Tao said.

"Hey, to be honest, this is a little weird, I just call you Batman." Clinton said: "Can I just call you Bruce or Mr. Wayne?"

"It's up to you, Your Excellency," Chen Tao said.

"Okay, okay. Bruce," Clinton said. "Let's talk about Atlantis."

Clinton is a person who is very good at building close relationships. Although Chen Tao and he didn't have much communication before, after just a few words, the two of them have become like friends who have known each other for a long time.

"Atlantis is very powerful, beyond the power of ordinary people." Clinton said: "And based on the intelligence we have collected so far, they are not friendly to us. So..."

"I know it very well," Chen Tao said, "So this trip to Atlantis to ask for the mother box should not turn into a war between the United States and Atlantis."

"That's right, Bruce." Clinton said: "There are actually quite a few attacks by Atlanteans. The most recent one was just six hours ago. They were in Massachusetts (a state in the northeastern United States, east of the Atlantic Ocean). ) beat an illegal whaling ship to pieces, leaving no one alive on board.”

"It is true that those people are criminals who engage in illegal whaling, and I have no intention of excusing them. But the aggressive methods of those Atlanteans always make people worried that they will use such methods. On attacking us.”

Clinton said: "I know, I know, you will definitely tell me that the Atlanteans are not a crazy race and will not attack the United States. But as a president, I must be responsible for the country."

“We can never rely on the precondition that others will not attack us for our national security.

So I must regretfully tell you that as more and more Atlantean attacks occur, we are ready to deal with all national wars in Atlantis.

I also hope that in the event of war, you will give priority to ensuring the safety of the people in our country. "

Chen Tao and Clinton walked slowly on the red beach while listening to each other continue.

"But once the war starts, both sides will be devastated. Therefore, although I agree with your plan to obtain the Mother Box from Atlantis, I hope you will promise me to exercise restraint and never let Atlantis Sri Lanka attacks the United States because of this, otherwise we will be forced to fight back, and many people will die."

"Understood, Your Excellency." Chen Tao said.

"After we focused on the Atlanteans, Dr. Stephen Shen revealed a lot of his research to the Pentagon," Clinton said. "That was a nation of millions of superhuman beings."

"We absolutely, absolutely cannot conflict with them. But if a war starts - we have to fight back with all our strength as soon as possible to ensure that we are the safe one."




Go imagine the world.

A shameful fact.

Reminding mortals of their place in the universe.

Picture the ocean.

The average depth of the oceans is 2.5 miles, with the deepest depths well over 7 miles. They occupy almost 128000 square miles of the planet's surface.

That's 2/3 of the entire earth's surface, 97% of the global biosphere, and any human being is insignificant compared to that, unless he claims the oceans as his domain and rules over them as I do.

My name is Arthur Curry, and I am Aquaman, the ruler of Atlantis.

Those who were saved by me gave me a more affectionate name:


This is the western Atlantic Ocean, near Massachusetts.

"How far away is he from me?" In the rapids, Sea King Arthur was galloping at a speed of more than Mach 9 (3 kilometers per second).

Communications from the Royal Palace of Atlantis reached his ears.

"Your Majesty, our equipment indicates six miles to the quarry."

Sea King Arthur asked: "Has the target's identity been confirmed, Captain Salk?"

"Honey, I'm Mela."

Then Arthur heard his lover's voice: "The identity has been confirmed, it is [Hong Beast Organization]."

"damn it."

The man with flowing blond hair said.His hair was flying in the high-speed water, and countless tiny bubbles spurted out from the corners of his mouth, driving his speed a few minutes faster.

I'm Arthur Curry.I regard myself as the king and guardian of 2/3 of the world. Is this confidence or admirable determination, or is it arrogance?

But all in all, managing 2/3 of the planet is not an easy task.

Some would say that this is too heavy a burden for one person to bear. At this moment, I ignore the typhoon in Indonesia, the earthquake in the Sea of ​​Japan, and the sinking of a migrant ship in the Mediterranean, but I need to prioritize today. organize】.

They are an incredibly dangerous Atlantean terrorist organization.

The figure of Sea King Arthur stagnated in a sea area, which was filled with a large number of fleets and marine giants like dinosaurs, as well as cavalry directly riding sea beasts.

He stopped in front of the fleet, waved the Sea King's Trident in his hand, and cut open the thick steel armor of one of the Atlantean water boats.

"Now—stop it!"

Sea King Arthur stood in front of the screaming members of the [Hong Beast Organization]. He listened to the other party's roar indifferently:

"The king is here in person. Forget your loyalty, Hong Beasts. We swore to join in this operation!"

Neptune Arthur looked at them.

Due to Atlantis's famous isolation, its perfect society was not understood by the surface world.

[Hong Beast Organization] recruited the ninth tribe of Atlantis, which is what we commonly call the lowest people in the city-state. The people of the ninth tribe think that they are "Hadarin", which means inhabiting in Atlantis. In the abyssal area of ​​​​the deep ocean floor, organisms rely on the organic matter left over from the upper growth layer to survive, the "dregs of the bottom."

It is unequivocal to say that in the eyes of the Atlanteans, Hadalim are noble, and they do the most menial work to keep the sea clean.

"Culunlas of the Ninth Clan! I recognize you, you are a true Atlantean——"

Sea King Arthur dodged the bullets that came at him like a shoal of fish migrating in the deep sea: "-but betrayed his faith!"

"You are not my king. Where is your crown? You look like an idiot on land - you do not belong to us! Your brother Lord Orm should be the king of Atlantis, but he So pedantic that he abides by the law and voluntarily gives up the throne!"

[The Hong Beast Organization] regards the world on land as a filthy thing, and they oppose any contact between Atlantis and the land.

Perhaps more than anything else, they hated the fact that their king was born on land.

Arthur, the king of the sea, waved the trident of the sea king and split the steel shackles on the sea beasts:

"You started a war! You strapped hydrogen bombs to these enslaved sea beasts... Let me guess, you wanted to swim into some unsuspecting American seaport and flatten a city!"

"[The Hong Beast Organization] has been waiting for your move, 'King', but you didn't. You love your surface so much that you don't dare to face our power."

A bald leader of the Hong Beast Organization, Culunlas, roared:

"Landlanders are polluting our oceans! Destroying our living environment! And we should fight back!"

He controlled the heavy cannon carried by the giant beast, and sent Sea King Arthur flying away with one shot.

"The flames of the hydrogen bomb will carry our message to the land! The surface will burn, for Atlantis!"

"No! It's not for Atlantis." Neptune recovered, and he rushed towards the people of the [Hong Beast Organization] again: "This is definitely not 'for Atlantis'!"

At the same time, in the palace of Atlantis.

"The king attacks his own people in order to save those on land."

Someone said so.

"They are terrorists, Commander Mook, they are not 'our people'." Mera stood aside, retorting to the loyal Atlantis army commander "Mook."

"Poseidon knows that the underwater and land worlds have always been at odds with each other, but you heard what Arthur said... The Hong Beast Organization has prepared hydrogen bombs. They put the hydrogen bombs in saddle cakes. They can destroy a western coastal city in an instant. That will immediately Let the war involve both worlds."

Neptune's lover Mela turned around and asked the person next to her: "Captain Sack, are there any signs that the Americans know what is going to happen?"

"Not yet, but not necessarily if the battle moves a little closer to land. Do we need to deploy mobile troops to help His Majesty? Or even use our entire force?"

"Wait a minute Captain Sack, mobilizing our elite special forces or the full military power of Atlantis will cause an international incident, which will easily discover the existence of our world."

Mela heard her man's roar through the communication channel:

"They're destroying your nerves old sea monster with implants, I feel your pain. Be free and throw the one who enslaved you off your back!"

"No! You stopped me from destroying Boston, Puppet King! The bomb will still vaporize this coast! The voice of the Flood Beast will still-"

A muffled sound.

"Meila, it's over. Send someone over to tie the prisoner up, and then take care of the enslaved sea beasts."




"Well, yes, yes, put it here. I asked Clayface to make seven or eight fake ones, but I decided to bury the real ones here."

This is the territory of Red for All. Chen Tao is currently in a building, with President Clinton beside him.

Killer Croc kept the portal open, and everyone watched helplessly as the Mother Box was placed in this incredibly deep building that was protected and hidden by magic.

"We should go."

After the group of people completely disappeared into the red air of all living beings, the building specially cast to store the mother box also disappeared into the red air of all living beings. It stood there quietly, no one knew about it.

However, not for a while.

"Open the door, and draw the blood of the one who opens the red door to all living beings! (Use the blood of the one who opens the red door of all living beings, and draw the door open.)"

A portal suddenly appeared, and Chen Tao, maintaining the posture of a bat mage, returned here.

He checked one last time that there was no trace of Clayface's body tissue left on him, just to make sure that even Clayface wouldn't know what he had done.

After passing through the layers of security measures, he appeared in front of the two mother boxes. Then the power of the metal spirit condensed in his hands, and combined with the irony magic read by the bat mage, he created two other mother boxes that were exactly the same as the mother boxes. metal cube.

He took off the two mother boxes and held them in his hands, then stuffed the fake ones inside.

"Oh, I am still so relieved..." Chen Tao muttered while holding up the two mother boxes.

Then he opened his mouth.

The next second, his skin turned green, his sharp teeth stretched out, and he turned directly into a dinosaur's head. His long and sharp tongue rolled, and with just a gurgle, he swallowed the two mother boxes into his own body. in stomach.


He burped loudly, his belly swelled slightly, and the two mother boxes were stacked together in his belly.

He is a little over 1 meters tall, and the space in his belly and chest is more than enough for two mother boxes the size of an average person's head.

As for the internal organs?

After loading the Bat Monster, Chen Tao has long been a monster of the metal spirit. That kind of thing can be turned into mechanical parts at any time to make room.

(End of this chapter)

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