What bad thoughts can Batman have?

Chapter 258 Black Manta: No gaming experience, bad review

Chapter 258 Black Manta: No gaming experience, bad review

"Let me guess, you plan to let Clayface pretend to be Aquaman again." Amanda Waller said: "But do you really think you can fool him just by doing this?"

"Of course not." Chen Tao said: "Black Manta has been chasing Neptune for too long, and has been obsessed with him for too long."

"To a certain extent, he is the person who knows Aquaman best in the world and has been his lifelong enemy."

Chen Tao said:

"Just as even a great actor like Clayface couldn't fool me pretending to be Bane, it's obvious that Clayface pretending to be Aquaman couldn't fool Black Manta, let alone... The end of his wrath.”

"Then what exactly do you want to do?"

"I already told you, bring the living Sea King to him and let him kill him."

"I remember you as Batman, not the Riddler."

"I meant that literally. Black Manta was behind this, and he didn't want to kill Aquaman."

While he was communicating with Amanda Waller through the on-board computer, he transformed his head back into Batman's pointed ears, retaining only the entire mechanical state inside, and reshaped his mouth and nose into the same mouth and nose as the decoration.

Then he walked up to Sea King Arthur in front, stretched out his hand, and patted the other person's shoulder in a friendly manner.

"Huh? Batman, what's going on?"

Neptune Arthur, who was still chatting with the two Kryptonians and who was currently ignorant of the situation, turned his head curiously: "We are about to go to the prison of Atlantis. The Hong beasts who previously plotted to attack the surface Lars, the leader of the organization, is imprisoned here.”

He said: "If you can, you can make a video to prove to the United States that they are just a group of terrorists. Every country has terrorists, doesn't it? It is absolutely ridiculous to blame an entire country for the actions of terrorists behavior."

He pulled over a young girl dressed like a seahorse: "Oh, by the way, I just saw who you were talking to by pointing at the earphone with two fingers, so I didn't bother you. This is Regent Tula , you just came to greet us while you were on the phone."

He pulled over another man with a scar on his face: "This is Commander Mook, the commander of the Atlantis Vanguard Force."

Regent Tula nodded slightly to show respect, but Commander Muke made no secret of his hostility: "Your Majesty, people on land will only take away our freedom and rule. You should not invite them to Atlanta." Teece, this is definitely a mistake—"

"That's enough, Muke! Shut up!" But before Commander Muke finished speaking, he was interrupted by Regent Tula.

"Excuse me, I don't have time to pay attention to your dispute right now." Chen Tao interrupted Regent Tula again.

He ignored the other party and greeted loudly:
"Hey, hey, hey - everyone, come here, come here, look at me, look at me. Yes. Stop for a moment."

Two Kryptonians, Super Boy and Super Girl, walked over blankly.Sea King Arthur, who was stupid and didn't know what was going to happen, followed closely.

"Be quiet for a moment and listen to me first. I want to announce something."

Everyone was waiting for Batman to say something.

"We're going to kidnap Aquaman Arthur and give him to Black Manta!"


Everyone present was stunned at the same time, and no one's mind turned around for a while.

In that flash of lightning, silver-white particles emerged from Chen Tao's body, instantly dyeing his body into the red death state of gold and red.

Chen Tao grabbed the super boy Connor who was still in a daze - he really picked up the whole person. He used it like a strange weapon and the one-legged bronze man, and took him around at a speed that exceeded the limit of normal human reaction. The group of them turned around five or six hundred times, and then, using the inertia, they lifted the big living person and hit it on the head of King Arthur with a clang.

Please forgive me, he didn't have a crowbar at hand, and he didn't have anything hard enough around him to knock out a thick-skinned superhuman like Neptune Arthur.

Anyone who has killed a pig knows that the key point is to hit the pig's head directly with the first hammer, so that the pig completely loses its ability to resist. Otherwise, the pig will bark and run around, which will only make it more troublesome to catch it. The same is true for kidnapping.

So this time, the fight was quick. Neptune originally thought that they had settled the matter, and the next step was just a process, so he was not prepared at all.

Caught off guard, he was knocked unconscious.


The still young regent Tula, the future water girl, widened her eyes.She drawled:

With a bang, Regent Tula rolled his eyes, and was beaten to the point of fainting.

Supergirl appeared behind her, carefully raising her little fist.


Chen Tao once again picked up the one-legged super boy Connor, and Commander Muke soon followed suit.

"What's going on?!"

After knocking down two of Neptune Arthur's courtiers, Super Girl Kara couldn't help but complain loudly: "Why do you suddenly hit people when you are so good?"

She touched her fist a little aggrievedly: "It makes me have to fight too!"

"I don't have time to explain to you, get in the car quickly." Chen Tao said.

"What do you mean?"

"I want to go back to my old job."

The next second, without saying a word, the big black bat put Super Boy Connor and Super Girl on his shoulders on the left and right, then picked up Arthur the Sea King and clamped it under his ribs, put his feet together, and with a swish sound, he Became two wheels.


The water flow does nothing to stop the spinning tire.The steel rings and rubber on the tires automatically flip up and become the propellers of an underwater submarine, providing power for the entire person.


Not far away, some Atlanteans finally discovered that their king rolled his eyes and was clamped under his ribs by a big bat, and the alarm bell rang.

"Sit tight and hold on tight." Chen Tao said, "I'm going to start sprinting."

Before Super Girl and Connor, who had just been used as a weapon to knock Neptune on the head and hit himself dizzy, could reply, Chen Tao rushed out like an arrow from a string.

Not far away, he had already used the bat mage's magic to open a gap in Atlantis's shield when he entered, just waiting for his escape.




Puerto de Alta, Azores.

NEMO temporary command base.

at last.

A long cherished wish for many years.

"NEMO will not hide forever, we must let the world know our existence and our capabilities..."

Black Manta spoke.

At this time, he was sitting in the NEMO conference hall, his eyes lingering on the faces of every senior executive.

He sat in the main seat and looked down at them, as if looking down at the chessboard from the edge of the world.

He was calm, yet very excited, and he was addicted to this feeling.

He felt like he was split in two, as silent as a plant and tree, and as determined as an antelope flying across the cliff with its life. "...We will sacrifice ourselves when we are ready. I know Arthur Curry and Batman better than any of you... You should never underestimate him. If you use him as a sandbag, you will destroy yourself, and he will too." Fighting back..."

Black Manta twirled a golden ball under the table.

This is the secret that allowed him to teleport through the golden vortex-shaped space door before: the Death King's treasure - the golden bead.

It belongs to one of the six-piece set of the Death King. It has the function of long-distance transmission. It is one of the six artifacts created by the ancestor of the ancient Atlantis king, the Death King.

Through the temporary legal status gained by working for Batman, he successfully found the treasure and became its owner.

He has been chasing one goal for most of his life.


He became a mercenary to make money for revenge, and working for Batman to obtain a legal identity was also for better revenge. He studied science and personally created this high-tech armor specifically for Aquaman, also for revenge.

No one knows how much he paid for this goal, and no one knows how many hardships he went through.

This is Black Manta, a super monster without any superpowers, but who can rely on his armor and fighting instincts to stand side by side with front-line villains such as Luther, the Joker, and Brainiac.Even at his lowest moments, Black Manta never gave up on the idea of ​​revenge.

That misunderstanding that killed each other's father permanently changed not only Aquaman Arthur Curry, but also him.From that moment on, their fates were firmly entangled.

Black Manta died the night Aquaman Arthur killed his father.

Deep down, he knew exactly what had brought about this misfortune, he knew exactly how he had incurred Arthur Curry's wrath, and he knew clearly that it was him who should have died that night, not his. Father.

The overwhelming guilt and sorrow engulfed him, eating him alive, sucking out his bones and marrow.Then first there was unforgettable hatred, and finally it turned into blazing anger.

The goal called revenge always drives Black Manta and becomes the meaning of his life, making him a walking dead.

Apart from that, there was nothing else in his life.

He expected and feared.

He has been looking forward to achieving his goal for many years: murdering Sea King, but he is also afraid that he has lost the goal of revenge, and why does he exist?But he was looking forward to it more after all, so he didn't hesitate at all when he decided to take action.

"The activation process is in place, sir, ready to launch at any time, but..."

Black Manta looked up at the other person.

"You know the code, soldier. Launch."

"Sir, I'm a little worried. Once activated, this thing cannot be stopped." The soldier said: "The hairy man is a monster that only knows destruction. It does not distinguish between ourselves and the enemy."

"I'm a fisherman, don't question me. Just shoot."


The soldier manipulated the dashboard for a while:

"Initiating...Launch location on the Atlantic sea floor, Pharos Reef, 80 miles northeast of Atlantis."

"Activation complete."

"Wait, sir, there's a problem. The seismic detector reports that the protective box is damaged. This means that the route of the hairy man may deviate."

"Launch confirmed. Don't worry about him."

"Sir? We must select the target while basic navigation is still available. Once we reach full firepower, we will lose control. If the route programmed in his mind deviates, it may end up running On land—"

"You know where the target is."

Black Manta said.

"his home."

The hairy man who has been enchanted by the Meditation Mite can invalidate the teleportation magic on the Atlantean shield. Even if it is teleported away for a short time, it will come back immediately.

With unparalleled strength, the Shaggy Man was able to directly break through Atlantis's magic shield with brute force, knocking a big "hole" out of the shield.

Then, the blood mage Atrocitus driving the chemical waste monster will follow closely.

After passing through the big hole and entering Atlantis, he can use magic to completely disintegrate Atlantis's shield from the inside.


The hairy man will be unstoppable and single-handedly pierce through the entire country with a population of millions, while the chemical waste monster will spit out venom and wantonly pollute the sea area where the Atlanteans live.

In order to deal with the two existing Kryptonians, it had already eaten two tons of artificial kryptonite in advance. Although the kryptonite had too many impurities and was extremely ineffective, it could not sustain the large amount.When combined with the highly toxic chemicals in the chemical waste monster's body, it becomes even more deadly.

[Outsiders] The crisis specialists who have been placed in the US government and have been controlled by their minds will coordinate at the same time, sending real US troops and the "truck cards" hidden by the government that have not been exposed specifically to target superheroes to attack Asia. Atlantis.

They will block information from the Justice League and cut off the communication between Batman and the Justice League. The important thing is to create a time lag for everyone to react.

Everything is ready. Even if Batman and Aquaman Arthur can stop the Shaggy Man and Atrocitus with personal force, the chemical waste monster's group-damaging poison will completely pollute the waters of Atlantis.

Millions of people were displaced, and Neptune was devastated and lost everything.This is the sweetest revenge, and it's what Black Manta dreams about.

Not to mention that the United States will actually participate in this battle to destroy Atlantis. There will always be survivors among the millions of people in Atlantis, and they will also become mortal enemies with the United States under their own guidance. .

And what about Arthur, the King of the Sea, who had been guiding Atlantis and the land people to live in peace?What would his countrymen think of him?
I'm Black Manta and I'm on the move.

Do you want land and sea to be united?Do you regard this illusory ambition as the goal of your life?

Why are you!You are not qualified!
You are so unrealistic.

The world fears you, and they should fear you.

You ruined my world, you broke me.Those people...Arthur.All those people you're trying so hard to impress, they don't know your deepest secrets, do they?Not as knowledgeable as I am.

You are a murderer.

This kind and noble king who wanted to be loved by the world was a murderer.

You will never be whole, Arthur Curry, ever.

The destruction of you and all you stand for is the point.There will be no compromise, no hesitation.

Today, he finally has to do it himself...

At this moment, with a deafening explosion, a half-human, half-car, half-bat monster actually crashed directly into the outer wall of the mobile base ship, and stopped directly in front of Black Manta among the flying building materials. Make Batman's voice.

"It's you, Black Manta! Old friend, I've found you!"

In Black Manta's dull eyes, he saw the monster shrinking its body and turning into the form of Batman, grinning high and casually killing the half-dead Aquaman, the object of revenge that he longed for. The enemy who had been dealt with with all his heart was just thrown to the ground so easily.

"Why don't you just kill Neptune? What a big deal. If you had told me earlier, wouldn't I have helped you?"

Black Manta just watched as Batman took out a lot of messy weapons, which looked like the standard weapons of the regular Atlantean army. There were firearms and cold weapons, and they piled up into a small mound on the ground. , and then push it directly in front of yourself:
"Come on, pick whatever you want, use it whatever you want, use it whatever you want, kill Neptune, the main thing is a sense of ritual."

"Do you like it? Are you satisfied? Do you feel happy? Do you feel fulfilled? Do you feel this is meaningful?"

Black Manta stared at everything in front of him blankly.

He wants revenge, but...not in this way!
(End of this chapter)

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