What bad thoughts can Batman have?

Chapter 53 Batman and the Joker

Chapter 53 Batman and the Joker
On the way here, the Joker had imagined countless times what kind of traps Batman would set.

He knew that once he got to the address on that piece of paper, Batman would probably be there waiting for him.

And him?He is not prepared for anything.

There are no hostages, no giggling piranhas, not even a bomb ready to go off.

He didn't even kill for a bat!

He should stand in the middle of dozens of grinning corpses, applaud the belated Batman, offer his favorite Darling his daily greeting from Gotham, and spray him with acid corsages or throw Clown Dynamite and the like, like a girl in first love sending a kiss to her lover.

Then his bat would feed him his favorite big mouth, like a lover's pampering scratching of a girl's tiny nose, and send him to Arkham in a pleasant slap.

He might reap some roses (spitting blood from a beating), a few hickeys (broken ribs), or a peak of nearly being strangled.

But now there is none of that, no dynamite, no hostages, it's like a wonderful night before, without a movie, candlelight dinner, romantic date, and fireworks display, and straight forward to two people sitting on the bed together looked at each other.

But that's okay, right?
Because that's what Batman wants.

Mayor Carlo is a rag, and no matter how much he (or she?) puts it on, he can't seduce Batman.

Then this dress is a bad dress.

The girl's heart is full of anxiety. She feels that her lover's love is being lost, but she doesn't know how to restore it.

Even Mayor Carlo's short skirt with hollow black silk rabbit ears can't seduce her lover, so can candlelight dinners and glasses of wine like hostages or explosives win his lover's favor?

But it's too late to plan a fireworks display such as releasing laughing gas in the city center or a reservoir, or blowing up some buildings.

Oh, and Bane, that little bitch, huh?A hateful third party, but she is a magnanimous person, she will not rush to grab the other person's face, she restrains herself, that will destroy his lover's sexuality.

Oh, so now the pale-skinned little girl is a little bit tangled up again, she feels that she seems a bit contemptible, like those people who are waiting for business on the street, and Batman sends them up with a wave of his hand, without any restraint or shame.

But who told him to hate Batman?
He couldn't stand Batman ignoring him, and he couldn't tolerate Gordon or those boring cops messing with him.

So...if Batman doesn't come.

Then he can just send it to the door by himself, even if he is regarded as stupid, it doesn't matter.

Even a cruel touch is better than the gentlest ignorance.

And then... now.

"Do not."

The clown staggered back.

It wasn't supposed to be this way.

"No... no no no no!"

The clown rushed towards Chen Tao, but Chen Tao didn't hide, he saw that it was not a hysterical attack, but just an unbelievable touch.

"Who are you? What the hell are you? Give me back my bat!"


"Don't you understand? I'm Batman."

The silver-white particles trembled, and the Joker saw the face of Batman suddenly appear, and then disappeared into nothingness again in an instant.


The clown felt that he had been hit hard on the face, and he saw the purple-haired pale monster on the opposite side raised the crowbar in his hand, and beat himself one after another.

Without the sweet love of Batman, there is only cold viciousness and cruelty that hit people's souls.

The refreshing feeling was gone, only the deep cold pain.

He felt Batman lift himself up by his collar, and he was dragged by Batman to the corner of the room.

The Joker saw Batman, no, the pale monster Batman had turned into, open the wooden box in the corner.

"A Batman costume?" The Joker said, "My God."

His tone of voice was normal and flat, his mouth pulled down, even though the cut corner of his mouth made it weird and scary to make such a calm expression, but the Joker didn't care about it at all, he heard Batman laugh.


The clown felt cold all over, he never thought that his familiar laughter would sound so terrifying.

"I've been thinking, clown."

"Tell me, what is winning?"

The Joker heard the pale freak that Batman turned into laughing wildly: "Let's get straight to the heart of the matter, shall we? Little black heart, jump, jump, jump, why didn't I kill you?" you?"

Then his head turned back into Batman's head in a piece of silver. That beautiful bat head with pointed ears was simply and rudely installed on the body of the purple suit, mocking everyone.

In every of Gotham's deepest nightmares, not even a twisted head like the Joker has seen such a terrifying scene.

"Because then you win."

Batman's voice was low and deep, the call of his sweetheart was gentle and hoarse, he lowered his head and his face was filled with compassion.

"Batman, it's you! What's going on, what's all this..."

"I, I can't control myself..."

"No, no! Honey, I'm here... Batman, you'll never be defeated, you won't—"

The clown stretched out his hand tremblingly, his five fingers twisted under the violent beating, like a twisted twist.

But the clown felt no pain at all.As long as there's Batman, as long as Batman is around, no matter how bad Batman is, Batman always wins, Batman always beats him, beats anyone!

Trembling, he tried to touch Batman's cheek, but only found the corner of his mouth raised high.

Batman's voice turned into hysterical laughter in the next second.

"Haha, haha, hahahahahahahahaha—"

The hoarse laughter gradually deformed and became louder. He seemed to be choking on laughter. The Joker saw that the corners of Batman's mouth were split, and the face under the bat hood was pale, like his own reflection.

"no no!"

The clown screamed hysterically, almost vomiting his throat out of his mouth.

The pale freak began to put Batman's clothes on him, and the lower half of his face under the mask had turned pale Batman was still talking, and the upper half of his face turned back to pale in the silver-white light:
"Hahaha I love that answer! Then you win and I win! But it's not the same, you know? It's not the same, now it's me winning, Bat, I'm sticking with it."

"You just said you don't do it because it's going to make me win, that's what you tell yourself and others, because you don't want to admit the truth - and the old slippery slope excuse, am I right?"

"Batman kills the Joker and then suddenly, who knows, what's going to stop Batman from killing all the bad guys like the Joker and going completely insane?"

The clown looked at the pale monster and said with a smile, "But I think that's bullshit, old friend."

Little by little, the clown's whole body has been put on a Batman uniform by that pale monster, and half of his pale face is covered under Batman's pitch-black mask.

Accompanied by the silver-white light, the monster also changed back to the appearance of Batman, wearing a Batman uniform, with pointed ears—oh no, as it should be, the face under the mask was still pale, with a mouth grin to the ears.

Well, now the two of them are almost identical - the pale man in the Batman suit.

"I mean, do you really think you can't just kill me clown and stop? Nobody's going to know, you can go somewhere out of sight and do it in the dark, you can take it right? Afterwards Say something like 'Gee, poor clown, I know him'?"

"No!" said the clown, "I will never do that!"

His bat uniform and pointy ears shine brightly in the dark.

Then in an instant, everything was gone.

Hysterical laughter, raised mouth corners, bright red teeth and vicious eyes.

The Joker heard Batman say to him, "You... you have to help me... I can't hold him down for long."

The clown's neck was loosened, and he staggered and stood on the ground in a daze.

He touched his bat mask and cape.

"Beside...the crimson cabinet at the corner next to it...you have to go in and crawl inside!"

He heard Batman say to him, "You have to go in so you can turn me back!"

(End of this chapter)

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