What bad thoughts can Batman have?

Chapter 75 The City of Bats

Chapter 75 The City of Bats
all in all.It was nothing short of a massacre.

As the clock ticks, the mighty Talon Assassins join forces throughout Gotham to a complete defeat.

When the Freezing Man, who was driving the cold wave, sprayed out the last blast of cold air on the battlefield, everything was over... The battle gradually ceased.

Claw Assassins lay all over the ground, most of them were torn in half like pieces of paper, and were thrown on the ground like a pile of broken dolls.

The Scarecrow just wanted to slip away quietly, but when he turned around, he bumped into Batman's chest.He heard the other party say expressionlessly:
"Nuclear weapons, Klein."


Bane wrung the neck of the last Talon he could find, and the Joker walked slowly to his side.

Bain didn't continue to attack, but looked at Chen Tao with a playful look.


Chen Tao lifted the scarecrow by the neck: "Don't play dumb, Klein, you know, you stole the nuclear weapon from Copopat."

"Ha - nuclear weapons, what are you talking about?" the Scarecrow replied, "I don't know anything about it!"

Immediately afterwards, his eyes showed the same astonishment as the Riddler: "Oh, I see...so that's the case, no wonder you took so much trouble to come here...hahahahaha!"

He started to laugh nervously, and the clown bit his lip while watching.

The penguin next to him only felt his head buzzing.

"You...you..." He ran up to the scarecrow, also stood on tiptoes, and grabbed the outside of his jacket.

"Stop kidding me, Klein! Didn't you really steal my nuclear bomb?"

A terrible truth occurred to him.

There are only a few people who have the motivation and ability to steal the nuclear bomb. If the nuclear bomb is not taken away by a straw man, then it means...

He remembered that the arms deal with Bane was tonight.It happened to be tonight, and it happened to be outrageous.

He also remembered that he had contacted the Scarecrow a few days ago to hand over Mayor Carlo to him, oh, but the other party kept procrastinating, and the date was also set by the other party, which happened to be tonight.

And Penguin's subordinates should start handing over the goods at about this time. If the time is so accurate, it means...

Penguin's phone rang, and he answered with a gloomy expression:
There was a lot of noise on the other end of the phone, with the sound of gunshots and explosions.Penguin heard his men yelling:
"Damn it, Boss! They're black and white, and they don't want to pay for the ammunition!"

Penguin only felt a rush of anger from the soles of his feet to his head.

He figured it out, that is to say, Bane not only snatched his nuclear bomb, but turned around and lied to him with a bunch of things and a suggestion with the emperor penguin like a normal person, and today he was paid a lot of prostitutes for nothing weapons and equipment!
Wool grabbing a sheep?

"That's right, I was the one who stole that nuclear bomb."

Chen Tao put down the scarecrow.

Bane reveals the truth: "Where do we start?"

He turned his head to look at Lincoln March, the man in the white owl mask still stubbornly did not hang up the communication, even though there were many corpses in disorder on his computer screen.

And the man with the white owl mask also watched the other party's eyes: "Stupid, Bane. You will definitely regret it because of today in the future."

The other party was sitting in the gutter, like a king dominating the garbage dump.But what Bane said next made him unable to maintain this posture anymore.

"The most expensive private residential complex in Gotham, worth 5800 million US dollars, and the upper 3 floors belong to the famous Pavos Hotel. The patriarch of the Palos family... Joseph and his wife Maria also live there."

The man in the white owl mask hiding behind the screen finally stood up.

"How do you know my address and identity, I never...how dare you..."

It's the words that are repeated over and over again.Chen Tao's ears were calloused.

Bane said nothing.

He just looked at Lincoln March, at the figure projected by his armor, and it was chilling to watch.

It was the look of the dead.

Then he blew lightly.

"Shameful betrayer! You will..."


The violent explosion and flame instantly drowned out the opposite video.

Bain put his fingers on the earphone calmly: "Caveman... have you done it?"

The other party's voice came from his earphones: "It's completely dead, there is absolutely no problem, Bane."

Bane spread his hands.

"It's amazing." Chen Tao commented: "You planned everything, right? Bain?"

"The Court of Owls provided you with amber gold for free, and perhaps provided you with a lot of funds, right? But you killed their important figures backhanded... You have premeditated what happened today.

I guess more than that.You probably have a list of the real identities of the other members of the court, don't you?You will soon have to kill them one by one to get rid of them all. "

No matter how many times he watched it, Chen Tao couldn't help being amazed by Bain's leverage plan.

"Oh... Penguin was even more unlucky. Not only was he stolen by you, but he was also blackmailed by you. The scarecrow first gave you a free job, and then served as a scapegoat for you, luring me to fight him to death."

"As for you, you calmly hid the nuclear bomb. Now that the Owl Court and the Scarecrow are finished, you can take it out at any time, threaten the entire city, even the entire country, and me, so as to completely conquer Gotham..."

Chen Tao said: "Everything is going according to your plan. At this moment, you must feel that most things are under your control, right?"

Bane was a little stiff.

At that moment, he kept reviewing his plan in his mind to see if there were any omissions.He calculated everything Batman should know.What is he missing?
"You counted everything I could mobilize, Bane. Even on the plane just now you were trying to hack into the Batplane to find out what Robin and I were talking about, right?"


"The more scheming a person is, the more often he will fall into unexpected difficulties. The more complicated the plan and the more sophisticated the instrument, the easier it is to be stuck by an unexpected pebble..."

Chen Tao said: "You only need someone who is beyond your expectation..."


"Why have you never considered that at the same time, you sent out your men to steal black penguin goods, and murdered the members of the court according to the list, so that the power to guard the nuclear bomb at the end would gradually become empty?"

"Why do you think that when you are carrying out the plan, I will not move?"

Lincoln March put down his arms silently, and he walked to Chen Tao's side.

Bane stared at him closely.

An unexpected existence, a person without warning, he is obviously a member of the court of owls, how did he mix with Batman?

"Is there a possibility: I let you plan this just to find the place where you store the nuclear bomb at this time?"

Bain's phone rang.

"...an enemy suddenly broke in, and their goal is the thing you told us to protect..."

"Can't be stolen, that's—" Bane said immediately

"This thing has been snatched away..."

"Damn it!" Baine said angrily, "With your strength, how could you not be able to stop it? I have already retained a lot of people..."

"It's Claws, Bane. Claws of the Court of Owls, and they used your titan venom, they're all muscle! There's nothing we can do to stop them!"

"So, the most important point is, Bane..." Chen Tao said, "This is Batman's city."

He whispered: "This is Batman's home field."

 Finally finished writing.sleepy.

(End of this chapter)

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