Chapter 82 Midnight
Late at night.

Standing by the Gotham River, Chen Tao saw that under the vast night, a bright moon disturbed the cold wind, blowing across the river to the east.

The tide produces white waves, reflecting spots of sparkling light.

What a magnificent and majestic night!

"Beep beep..."

Chen Tao answered the phone.

"OK, a strong capitalist, after planting for so long, Ivy and I have finally planted trees around Gotham! God, I'm exhausted from working day and night without rest. You should really hang up street lights. "

Harley Quinn's face appeared on the opposite screen, with big dark circles under her eyes-this is not the effect of her makeup in the past, and she complained loudly: "Ivy is about to collapse!"

Beside her, Poison Ivy looked like a consumptive person, and the Cheshire Cat supported her.

"Thank you, Harry, and each of you."

Chen Tao's voice was quiet, distant, with an unearthly deepness.

"I appreciate your dedication."

He said: "All of this makes sense. You are Gotham's last line of defense. Once the worst happens, Ivy's plants will be the best assistant to confirm the trajectory of nuclear weapons to ensure our interception Missiles can have more time and opportunities to catch up to the nuclear bombs that are launched."

Harley still wanted to say some nonsense about asking for salary, Chen Tao told her directly: "Your account will be transferred to 10 million US dollars in 1 minutes, and Poison Ivy will also have it. Okay, shut up Bar."


Chen Tao hung up the phone.

He silently looked at the river, the middle of the river, the corner that the moonlight could not reflect.It was pitch black and gloomy, as if a real monster was lurking in it.

"Beep beep..."

Chen Tao made another phone call.

"Batman calling Robin. Gotham City's signal blocking devices are in place?"

"Batman has been completed. According to what you said, we have arranged more blocking devices in key areas such as the circus, playground, and Wayne Tower."

The weary voice of young Robin appeared on the screen: "Our chief scientist said this thing has a range of more than 20 meters. If what he said is true, then no one will be able to launch anything in these places."

But not necessarily in other places.

Chen Tao thought about it.

Deadshot's head burst into the shot.

"We have been climbing up and down for the past four days, and you have been ordered to turn around, Batman. To be honest, you have already snatched back that nuclear bomb, and there will really be a second one..."

"Hey, smart ghost, you obviously don't understand Gotham." The killer crocodile next to him interrupted him, and the big green monster chewed instant jerky beside him, and said vaguely:

"The worst things will always happen in Gotham. You know, this city is a vicious watch, and she never knew how to write mercy."

"There is no doubt about it."

Chen Tao replied in a low voice: "So we need to be more prepared."

"See you."

Chen Tao hung up the phone.

He stretched out a hand.

Silver-white particles were entwined around his hands, and half of his hands festered into a crimson black veil.

He stretched out his other hand, and driven by the silver-white particles, the giant green dinosaur claws faintly emerged.

Chen Tao snorted.

He waved away the two forms of deformation.

"I'm not done yet."

He muttered to himself silently.

He stared at the darkness in the middle of the river, staring at him deeply, as if he wanted to imprint it into the galaxy in his eyes.

"I've gotten this far and I've been doing really well. I haven't lost. I've done as well as the real Batman."

In the world of imaginary space and thinking, in the hideous darkness, a bat howled silently.

Chen Tao looked directly at him, at the miserable, dripping blood in the bat's mouth!

"I'm sure I'm not done yet."

"Between us, you, me, our story still has some time to end."

He grinned lowly: "Look, fate tells us that I'm afraid I will fight you for the last time on behalf of Batman."

A little light lit up in his heart, sweeping away all timidity, hesitation and fear.

He yelled loudly at himself, the roar of the mountains and the tsunami, loud and loud like the sky collapsing, roared in his heart to all directions of the world:

"Listen up!!! In life, even though there are thousands of paths, there is no way out! But when you do something, you either don't do it, or you do it absolutely. There is no such thing as giving up halfway!"

"Everyone! That cowardly and incompetent self! Listen to me!!! I'm Chen Tao!"

"But I also—"

"Bat! Bat! Man!!!"

He whispered:


"I am coming!"

The silver-white particles entangled again, turning him into the nano body of the Broken Bat.Chen Tao rolled up his fluttering cloak, and walked away with the most unbearable evening wind in Gotham tonight——

There is no turning back!




One last time, Bane went over the booklet Batman had given him on how to fight the Joker.

He stroked the spine of the booklet, with a murderous intent showing infinite tenderness and sweetness on his face.

He finally reviewed all the plans in his mind, then turned off the desk lamp in the room, and locked the booklet back in the safe with great care and solemnity.

But before he had time to reach the door, he let out a muffled snort, and his whole body sank down like a leak.He hastily pressed the input of the venom, and then quickly returned to normal.

He pushed open the door, and what greeted his eyes was a scene full of enthusiasm.

This was originally Gotham's largest prison: Black Gate Prison, but now it has completely become a garrisoned military camp.

A large number of guns and weapons were distributed in an orderly manner. This war machine, with the original Bane's men as the backbone and the prisoners of the Black Gate Prison as the flesh and blood, is ready and ready to drink blood at any time.

"Where's the clown?"

He casually grabbed a soldier who was passing by, and when the other soldier saw Bain, he snapped to attention immediately, and the prisoners from the Black Gate Prison behind him also followed him and made all kinds of non-standard gestures of standing at attention and saluting.

After being shown the way by the soldiers, Bain saw the clown after turning a few corridors.

"Hey, you know, I was like, 'You're going to want to turn off the flashlight when I'm halfway up and make me fall to the ground!' Hahahahaha!"

The atmosphere at the scene was unexpectedly harmonious. Bain squinted his eyes. A cruel and depraved villain like the clown actually got along well with his soldiers.


Of course he is not a good person himself.

He called the clown out of the room, and the clown still had a bottle of beer in his hand.

He pulled the clown aside: "My ally, I have a very important task to entrust to you. In order to completely defeat Batman, we need to work together..."

"you must……"

"...When the time comes..."

After dismissing the clown, Bane stood by the window.

The moonlight was bright, and he guessed that this moonlight must also be shining on Batman at the same time.

"It's time for a decisive battle."

He whispered to himself.

"I'm not done yet, Batman."

"We are destined to be entangled and killed together for the rest of our lives."

(End of this chapter)

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