Chapter 90 Launch
"Although I didn't intend to kill you at first, are so boring, and I will change my personality three times before breakfast."

said the clown.

"You think I don't know? Oh, Bane, you did it first. My heart breaks for your distrust."

The clown wiped away the non-existent tears, spread his hands and said:

"Wow, you just entrusted me with nuclear weapons, such a beautiful big firework, you just gave it to me casually, do you think I will believe this fairy tale?"

"The nuclear bomb you gave me is fake. An empty firecracker, um~ you cunning wolf, the real one must be lying quietly in some corner now.

You never thought about destroying Metropolis in the first place, did you? "

The clown seemed a little frantic and grabbed his hair, and those green strands of hair were straightened under his vigorous fingertips:

"It's so blasphemy, showing such a big firecracker to others, but not igniting it, it's fraud, fraud!

That's right, you just want to be the emperor in a city, not the public enemy of mankind.Letting a mushroom cloud rise in the metropolis will only make the national government kill you at all costs, just like bin Laden back then. How can he be the king of Gotham with peace of mind? "


The clown retched.

"I really want to throw up."

He said.

He held his chin: "So at first I thought, uh huh, you know."

He opened his palm and waved it enthusiastically in the air a few times, as if he was directing some non-existent band.

"It's going to be fun to help you get to the brink of victory, and then throw it all in your face."

"I wanted you to just carefully defeat Batman and take the city, and then I'd steal it all right under your nose."

"I prepared a death trap for you, here, you will suddenly laugh out loud when you fight Batman to the most intense point - this will definitely add a lot of humorous cells to you!"

"Of course, it could be fatal, but it's also possible that you'll slog through the worst part and think you won, that you beat Batman—"

Chen Tao's heart tightened, he already knew what the clown could do.

Bane said: "It's hard... ho ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha... don't you?"

In the current situation, it is difficult for him to even speak.

"Well, it's really difficult to monitor your conversation with the mysterious man. It's strange. I have never been clear who he is, and I can't guess it. I think Mr. Nigma may like this puzzle very much, but yes It doesn't matter to me."

The clown said: "No matter who gave you the nuclear bomb, since you have the cannonball, you have to use it, right?"

"You hid this beauty well and refused to let others see her beauty. Shouldn't I pull him out?"

" have secretly mastered my nuclear bomb...the nuclear bomb I hid so well, the real nuclear bomb?"

The clown laughed maniacally and said, "Bingo! That's right, when you are at your happiest and happiest, when your life reaches its pinnacle——I'll blow up Metropolis right away.

Then everyone will know that you did something good, and in no time you'll go from mafia star about to take over the city to fugitive on the run!happy? "

The clown raised his hands, as if he was embracing the summit's plan, and then pinched the bridge of his nose in disappointment:
"Well, that was the original plan, you know, Bane?
I've been investigating you since you released me from Arkham Asylum, and spent the past few months in Gotham Playground trying to recreate your little watery cell in Penaduro Prison, I Interviewed quite a few witnesses to try and make it a memorial to your failure—"

The Joker grabbed Bane by the jaw.

"Just to let you see your foreseeable dream of King of Gotham shatter before your eyes!"

"I even plan to let the bats participate in the first stage of the government's siege on you, and then when you are fighting, I will blow you to the sky together, and then let everyone see what I have done to you."

The clown held up his corsage, and let Bain see it: "See this little fountain? It's filled with a special corrosive acid, adding a special destruction solution for plants, and making your half hair grow. The Lazarus pool where the rotten body is in pain."

"If I aimed at you, it could eat all your temples and skin, and then go all the way down while you screamed, eating your brain from the sides to the middle, before your extraordinary brain and strong muscles Outline a perfect smiling face."

He whispered in front of Baine in frustration:
"You can feel it shutting down, Bane. Piece after piece, your mental and physical strength diminishes over time, and your loss is fully felt, and you will feel pain and pain until the end."

"You will be my new masterpiece, just for the bat!"

"That's my whole plan, my perfect beautiful plan—"

"Batman, the nuclear bomb interception system is ready." The voice of Poison Ivy Girl Ivy rang quietly in Chen Tao's earphones: "If there is no accident, the nuclear weapon will climb upwards, leave the atmosphere, and then fall."

"And the plants of Poison Ivy can help us detect the trajectory of missiles, you know, those plants pollen spores spread in the air..."

Lucius' voice came out from the side of the communication channel, and he said very fast:
"I'm sorry, I'm not a plant expert, I really don't understand the principle, but in terms of effect, she is like a human-shaped sensor radar, or a human-shaped plant sensor radar? All in all, compared to all of our The sensors are accurate and have a great range.”

"With Poison Ivy helping us locate, we can confirm the launch trajectory of all nuclear bombs in a very short period of time, but please note that we must not rule out that dozens of missiles are launched at the same time as a cover-up to ensure that the real A situation where one is not intercepted by our interceptor missiles."

He said: "If that time really comes, Batman, you must intercept it yourself... Your nano body is extremely fast, extremely tough, and extremely dexterous, as long as your head and chest are equipped with Protection, you can surpass the performance of most aircraft, break the shackles of the atmosphere in a short time-"

Lucius said: "As long as the nuclear bomb does not fall from the atmosphere, there is no risk of it exploding. As long as you can slow it down before it falls, or simply detonate it in outer space, then this crisis It will disappear into nothingness immediately."

The clown's voice resounded at the same time as Lucius' words: "Look at that, what a perfect plan, but such a perfect and beautiful plan, because of an accident, it can't be done now, I'm so sad."

The clown said: "There are no more complicated and interesting plans, and there are no more troubles."

"I'm going to launch a nuclear bomb directly."

(End of this chapter)

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