shock!I became the full-level savior of the infinite game

Chapter 325 Reality Broken Chapter The Truth

Chapter 325 Reality Broken Chapter The Truth
"Millions?" Xia Yanzhou frowned.

When Qu Yiyang explained the situation before, he didn't mention what price Su Xia paid. Now it seems...

She confirmed: "That Jiang it because you are rich, that's why you came here?"

No, just like what Su Xia just said, once the authenticity of the ability is confirmed, there are definitely not a few people who are willing to spend millions of dollars to trade with Jiang Lan.

Chi Yu denied it in his heart.

If you must find a reason why Jiang Lan finally targeted Su Xia...

First, Su Xia is a public figure, so she can definitely afford the price without doing more research.

Second... From Jiang Lan's point of view, compared to other wealthy people, Su Xia has a reason to pay for supernatural powers.

Sure enough, hearing Xia Yanzhou's question, Su Xia shook her head slowly: "There are so many rich people, it's not just me."

"I've been thinking about it for a long time...the real reason for her to stare at me...probably Zhou Shang."

"Zhou Shang?" Xia Yanzhou became more and more confused.

Contrary to her, a flash of inspiration flashed in Chi Yu's mind, and he suddenly realized the incongruity hidden behind the appearance.

She thought about it and said, "Zhou Shang...isn't actually your illegitimate fan?"

Xia Yanzhou suddenly turned his head to look at her, with an expression of "what do you want to understand again".

Chi Yu glanced back at her, and explained very caringly: "From the results of our investigation, Su Xia took the initiative to meet Zhou Shang."

"If it were you, and there was an illegitimate child who has been pestering you, making you bored to the point where you even want to kill him... Even if he asks you out, will you agree to meet him?"

"Of course not!" Xia Yanzhou blurted out.

If she really met this kind of person, how could she agree to meet him before she had time to hide?

Chi Yu turned to Su Xia with lowered eyes and complicated expression: "So, the reason why you killed someone was not at all because you couldn't bear Zhou Shang's endless pursuit and harassment."

"The reason why I did it that day was not impulsive."

Her tone was firm, "If I'm not mistaken... You must have something in Zhou Shang's hands, right?"

"If not, there is no need for you to switch identities with your assistant and meet Zhou Shang alone in the middle of the night."

"If it weren't for that..." Chi Yu paused, "Jiang Lan might not necessarily find you."

Su Xia was silent for a long time, then smiled with relief: "You are right."

"You should also know that... Zhou Shang was already my 'die-hard fan' when I first debuted and was not well-known."

She said with sarcasm, "Of course, it's a fan... In fact, he and I are in the relationship of investing and being invested."

"The Zhou family supports me behind the scenes and the company I work for. I'm responsible for...doing things that are inconvenient for them to do in front of the stage."

"Not to mention, the movie Xingyuan invested in not long one of their methods of money laundering."

Su Xia smiled reluctantly, "Although I really want to argue for myself and tell you in a righteous tone, the reason why I killed Zhou Shang was because I didn't want to continue to be the scapegoat of the Zhou family. I want to rescue Sister Feng and other people in the company from this bottomless pit..."

"But I know in my heart... I'm not that innocent."

"If I had been less greedy back then, if I hadn't been blinded by Zhou Shang's promise of a bright could I have come to where I am today?"

Xia Yanzhou sighed.

Although she sympathizes with Su Xia, she has no way to comfort her "it's not your fault"... She can only say in a sincere tone: "We will tell the police what you said today, if it is all true... at least , to ensure that your agent and company will not be implicated in the Zhou family's affairs."

"Thank you." Su Xia smiled back, "In this way, I can rest assured."

After finishing the words, she took a deep breath and looked up at Chi Yu: "There is one more thing, I thought it was irrelevant at first, but after thinking about it... I still think it is necessary to tell you."

Chi Yu frowned slightly, remembering the flash of surprise in Su Xia's eyes when he first saw her.

Before Chi Yu could reply, Su Xia continued, "I saw your photo in Jiang Lan's phone."

Chi Yu was startled when he heard the words: "...Me?"

Su Xia nodded slightly: "Because your appearance... is more eye-catching, so even if I just glanced at it by accident at that time, I still left a very deep impression on you."

At this time, Xia Yanzhou's expression also became serious.

A strange, possibly very powerful player has his eye on Chi Yu... This matter can be big or small.

To put it mildly, maybe Jiang Lan only sees Chi Yu as a potential trading partner... The premise is that she doesn't know the latter's financial situation.

On a bigger scale...the other party might know Chi Yu's identity in the game, and...he has already taken "Chi Yu" as his target!

If it is the second case...will it be related to Chi Linian who died unexpectedly nearly 20 years ago...that is, Chi Yu's father?

Xia Yanzhou was thinking, when suddenly, the melodious ringtone broke the silent atmosphere in the room.

Su Xia took a look: "It's Jiang Lan."

Xia Yanzhou frowned, and two seconds later, she nodded and said, "Go."

Chi Yu also recovered from his contemplation, with a guarded look on his face.

Su Xia swiped the screen and pressed the speakerphone: "Hello?"

"Hello? Hello, I'm Jiang Lan." A slightly distorted and completely unfamiliar female voice sounded, "Is this Miss Su Xia?"

Su Xia showed doubts on her face: "...I am."

For some reason, she always felt... Jiang Lan's attitude seemed a bit strange.

"I heard that you have a business that you want to interview with me. Is it about... abilities?"


Su Xia responded subconsciously, and then froze for a moment.

It is said that……

A few minutes ago... Didn't I just call you, tell you about this incident, and make an appointment for a time and place to meet...?

So where did you hear about this... from whom... did you hear about it?

At this moment, not only Su Xia, but Chi Yu also realized that something was wrong.

Just as she was about to step forward, she heard the girl's sweet voice on the other side of the phone again: "Then... now I'm here to see you."

In the air, around Su Xia's body, an extremely strong spiritual fluctuation suddenly exploded!

Xia Yanzhou slammed the table and stood up, shouting loudly: "Get out of the way!"

Without any hesitation, Chi Yu rushed towards the door.

Now she doesn't have [Prayer Crystal], which means she can't use Shata in reality, including [Ernia's Crown]!
Therefore, in the face of a possible can only hide first!
At the same time, Xia Yanzhou advanced instead of retreating, his entire left hand was coated with a layer of gold in an instant, and he grabbed Su Xia who was stunned in place!
Before she could approach, suddenly, beams of sword light flew out in all directions starting from Su Xia's heart!

(End of this chapter)

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