Chapter 508 Twins (8)

While receiving the information fed back by the spirit body, Qu Yiyang said: "The amount of bleeding is huge. It is likely that the heart or the arteries next to the heart have been injured."

"Based on the rigor mortis of the body, the time of death should be around four in the morning."

"In addition to the wound on the heart, there were obvious strangulation marks on the deceased's neck. It is currently impossible to determine the cause of death."

Cheng An paused while searching for clues: "Did he fight with the murderer before his death?"

"I don't know..."

As soon as he finished speaking, Chi Yu on the side answered: "I am a very light sleeper. I will be awakened by the slightest noise around me. I slept next door last night and did not hear the sound of fighting."

Qu Yiyang also reacted at this time: "Yes, the sound insulation of the room here is very poor. Even if the deceased struggled before death, there should not be much movement."

Otherwise, he and Chi Yu, who had been waiting outside, would have noticed.

"Officer Cheng." Chi Yu asked, "Did you find any clues there?"

"No, the place is very clean."

Cheng An replied, "Except for the knife, there are almost no clues left."

He looked up at Chi Yu and others, "Do you have any impression of this knife?"

"I haven't seen it before." Qu Yiyang shook his head, "But judging from the style, it was probably taken from the Xu family's kitchen."

"Kitchen...does the Xu family have a chef?"

"It seems not."


Qu Yiyang spread his hands: "After all, we are just here to take shelter from the rain. The only Xu family we have seen so far are the ones downstairs. We can't even name them all. How do we know if they have a chef?"


He added, "There shouldn't be, at least we've never seen it."

Cheng An nodded, walked to Tang Wenxuan's body, used the tools he carried with him to collect the fingerprints left on the knife handle, and used a tablet computer to transmit the information.

In the corner of the room, Xia Yanzhou pulled Chi Yu and asked in a low voice: "There are no other clues, which means we can only start with this murder weapon and continue the investigation?"

Chi Yu actually wanted to say something, don't be so quiet, the place is so big, no matter how low you lower your voice, people can hear it... But in view of the presence of NPC, she still resisted and did not tear down her teammates.

Instead, he whispered cooperatively: "That's it for now."

"By the way, Officer Cheng didn't even doubt us, and even asked for our opinion... This rules out the possibility that we are the murderers, isn't it bad?"


Chi Yu glanced at Cheng An and saw that the other party did not notice them, so he continued, "First, both [Elnia's crown] and the props presented by Brother Hai before have special effects that confuse people's perceptions. Once you believe in our identity, there is basically no doubt about our words.”

"Second, as players, we met Tang Wenxuan, who is an NPC, completely by chance, and we had no interaction before. This can be clarified by just checking... Of course, there is a high probability that the system will not let him NPC went to investigate us."

Xia Yanzhou understood: "So, this is protection from the system?"

"...You can think so."

"No wonder."

Xia Yanzhou muttered.

With systematic endorsement, it is understandable that the NPC will have faith in them.

"By the way." She then asked, "What do you think of the strangulation marks that Brother Ganghai mentioned?"

Chi Yu asked, "Do you think this situation looks familiar?"


Xia Yanzhou didn't react. "Obviously, the knife in the chest could kill someone, but the clues at the scene proved that there was more than one wound."

Xia Yanzhou was stunned for a moment: "You mean...Lin Ziyu?"

That is the first phase of the main line that they just completed not long ago!

"The situation at that time... is still very different from now, right?" Xia Yanzhou thought, "According to our inference, it was Lin Ziyu who acted first, and then..."

She paused, "He was killed by the other party, so there were two blood stains of different shapes on the murder weapon."

"But the current situation is that there are two scars on Tang Wenxuan's body..."

Xia Yanzhou gestured, "It seems like there isn't much connection between the two?"

Chi Yu's expression remained unchanged: "But it's the same weird thing."

As soon as these words came out.

Not only Qu Yiyang, but also Cheng An, who was waiting for the fingerprint matching results opposite, also turned his head and looked over.

Chi Yu ignored their gazes and pointed at his neck: "The strangulation marks were very thin and located on the front of Tang Wenxuan's neck. In other words, the murderer attacked him from behind."

Qu Yiyang and Cheng An nodded at the same time.

"However, if the murderer was really standing behind the deceased at that time, the table knife should not have appeared on the deceased's chest."

"Where should that appear?"

"The back mind." Chi Yu said solemnly, "That's the more reasonable place."

"Besides, don't you think this table knife is a bit too formal?"

"Sure?" Xia Yanzhou was confused.

What does Banzheng mean?
Chi Yu thought for a while and explained: "Judging from the position, it hit the heart accurately... I won't talk about this. Maybe the murderer is very familiar with the human body. But... if Tang Wenxuan was not dead when the knife was inserted, he should Will you resist at least a little bit?"

Xia Yanzhou scratched his head: "He didn't resist...what does it mean?"

Chi Yu raised the index finger of his right hand: "First, the deceased was most likely strangled."

"Second, the murderer did not leave immediately after killing Tang Wenxuan. Instead, he performed a series of treatments on the deceased's body... for unknown reasons."

Qu Yiyang frowned and carefully observed Tang Wenxuan's body.

The intricately decorated table knife was inserted straight into the chest of the corpse, as if it were inserted into a mannequin.

"Speaking of which... when Tang Wenxuan was attacked, he probably wasn't lying on the bed, right?" Qu Yiyang said.

Chi Yu nodded: "If so, the marks on his neck cannot be explained."


Qu Yiyang's expression was a little strange, "What happened last night was that after the deceased sneaked into the room, he first attacked Tang Wenxuan from behind, strangled him to death with a rope prepared in advance, then dragged the body back to the bed, and used the rope from the kitchen to The knife that came out stabbed the corpse in the heart?"

"This, this is not..."

Isn’t this taking off your pants and farting?
Since there were two girls present, he did not say this somewhat rude complaint.

But it was obvious that everyone understood what he wanted to express.

Xia Yanzhou also couldn't understand this slightly roundabout operation: "Perhaps... the murderer wanted to create suspicion and cover up the real cause of Tang Wenxuan's death?"

"is that useful?"

Qu Yiyang was speechless.

Didn’t we deduce it easily?

"Whether it's useful or doesn't matter even if we say it." Xia Yanzhou said with a smile, "Doesn't it just mean the murderer thinks it's useful?"

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