Chapter 147 Fairy Tale Town

The ninth day of Fairy Tale Town.

Su Xiaoxiao is hiding in the Duke's house, and everything is safe.

The Duke is still the boss, he succeeded in killing the Duke again and took his place.

The tenth day of Fairy Tale Town,

At seven o'clock in the evening, the king held a dinner.

A group of witches riding brooms came in from the outside, and they walked gracefully to the middle of the hall. The witch who walked in the front toasted the king with a glass of wine.

"Oh, my dear king."

A ghostly smile appeared on her sharp, awl-like face. She raised the wine glass, first sniffed it, and then took a sip.

Intoxicatedly said: "How about, let me add something interesting to your castle."

Under the moonlight, the witch's face seemed to be shrouded in a shadow. She swept around the people in the seat, "After midnight tomorrow, this place will become a killing paradise, and everything will become more interesting."

Su Xiaoxiao only felt a chill on her neck.

She knew that the words of these witches in fairy tales were never good.

After the leading witch finished speaking, she rode away on a broomstick.

Tomorrow is the No.11 day, and it is time for the game to enter a crisis. What kind of disaster does the witch's words mean?

The Duke found an excuse and took Su Xiaoxiao away.

Back in the house, Brother Li pushed a bunch of knives, crossbows, food... and other supplies in front of Su Xiaoxiao, "Put these into your space, and find a safe place quickly after waking up." hide."

"Where's the bead you found earlier?"

By the way, beads.

Su Xiaoxiao fumbled in her pocket, and handed the bead that was snapped off the king's shoe to Mr. Li.

Li Xiao took the bead, looked at it, and handed it back to Su Xiaoxiao, shaking his head: "This is not the bead you need to find in the mission."


Fairy Tale Town, No.11 Days.

After Su Xiaoxiao took care of a small flower garden, it was already twelve o'clock at noon.

She wiped off her sweat, looked at the large piece of unfinished land in front of her, and felt that it was really not easy for the working people.

The manager brought Su Xiaoxiao a box of shortbread.

He is an enthusiastic uncle, Su Xiaoxiao found out that he was a player when he picked up the shortbread.

The two sat on a field ridge and had lunch.

Su Xiaoxiao looked at the coarse bread in his hand and asked curiously, "Don't you like shortbread?"

"My daughter likes to eat shortbread." The uncle was silent, and took a bite of bread: "She is as old as you, I don't know if I can see her."

"Then live well."

Su Xiaoxiao said meaningfully.

She has already clicked here, and there is nothing more to say.

Su Xiaoxiao turned her attention back to the flowerbed. She found that the flowerbed grew very tall and the flowers bloomed very densely. If an adult lay down in the flowerbed, it would be difficult to find him outside.

However, this flower garden is a little too lush.

Unlike ordinary flower gardens, it seems a little weird, what kind of fertilizer is used, it has such a good effect.

"The flowers here are very beautiful, but the king has never seen these flowers." The uncle said this inadvertently.

There is a sense of regret between the lines.

Hearing this, Su Xiaoxiao's back was covered in cold sweat, and it was true that the king had never seen these flowers.

If the flowers were not for viewing, why did the king plant them?

Su Xiaoxiao didn't think that the king would be a person who would consider others.

At this moment, a group of people came to the garden, and the person walking in the front saw Su Xiaoxiao, and there was a trace of murderous intent in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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