Chapter 99 The Eternal Train

After a while, the sound of the doorknob being turned came from the room.

Li Xiao yawned, wrapped the quilt tightly and asked.

"what's up?"

"Fuck, why do you have such a thick quilt, no wonder you have to take care of us, the fat man is going to freeze to death."

"A quilt is 30 yuan, a heater is [-] yuan, you choose."

"I can't bear the quilt. I was there when you bought the heater. It costs 3000 yuan a set, but you actually set the price on the floor!"

"Well, you guessed it."

Li Xiao's cold voice came, flat and without any disturbance.

It seemed that there was nothing in this world that could arouse his emotional changes.

This kind of indifference completely blocked the way for the fat man to bargain.

"I'll buy!"

In the end, the fat man who couldn't stand the cold bought three quilts and two heaters with tears, and went back to the house in pain.


Paradise Train, No.30 for eight days.

The temperature has become colder.

In the morning, when Su Xiaoxiao woke up, she found that she was covered with a thick quilt. She stretched out her hand from the quilt and put it back in an instant.



Then immediately put his hand back under the quilt.

The announcer's voice came from the radio. It seems that there is a different person today. This announcer's voice is a bit rough, unlike the sweet young lady before.

[Good morning, dear passengers, today the temperature outside the car is minus [-] degrees, and the temperature inside the car is kept at a constant temperature of [-] degrees. Passengers, please prepare for the cold. ]
[Passengers, please don’t panic, the government has organized an expert group to study the temperature, and I believe that the problem of sudden climate change will be solved soon. ]
[Today, there is a problem with the electric circuit on the car. The government is organizing maintenance personnel to rush to repair it. At this difficult time, the government calls on all citizens to reduce the use of high-power electrical appliances. All electricity will be used for heating on the car. ]
It seems that it is indeed as she speculated, the climate began to gradually decline after a sharp rise, and the terrible La Niña phenomenon has already occurred.

Downstairs, the fat man said that her courier had arrived.

The last piece was in the courier, she took a deep breath and left the quilt, then gritted her teeth and quickly put on the clothes.


Downstairs, the fat man and the bodyguard were each wrapped in several quilts, wrapping themselves like a polar bear, looking very funny.

Li Xiao still sat gracefully at the table.

He luxuriously turned on three heaters at his feet, and there was a cup of steaming coffee on the table. This scene was like a perfect painting.

The contrast is too strong.

As usual, Su Xiaoxiao greeted Boss Li first, but the other party's response was not very enthusiastic, "Well, you can sleep a little longer, and then have dinner directly."

"Why don't Fatty and the others have a heater?"

"Because they are poor."

"Then I don't have one either?" Su Xiaoxiao asked worriedly, "I paid all my money to the decoration team yesterday."

Li Xiao turned a page of the book and answered calmly.

"It's okay, you can write me an IOU."


The final result was that Su Xiaoxiao went upstairs angrily with the courier and a heater in her arms.

She kept repeating the two words in a low voice.


Turned on the heater, and the small room warmed up.

She sat on the carpet and flipped through the hot news on her phone.

Many people died in this sudden drop in temperature, and some people just got up to go to the toilet, and then they were found cold to death in the toilet.

Most were found naked.

(End of this chapter)

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