Chapter 1 Evergreen Farm
"Su Jiu, uncle knows that Changqing Farm was left by your parents, but you have seen the income of the farm in the past two years. The wages have not been paid, and the workers are scattered. There was a heavy rain two days ago. , this batch of sweet peaches is almost all ruined, I don’t think you can count on it. Boss Jin is willing to pay 300 million to buy the farm, so you can have fun secretly, and listen to my uncle’s advice to sell it as soon as possible..."

Su Jiu just woke up when he heard a familiar voice buzzing in his ears, his already pale face became more and more ugly, he pinched his eyebrows and said, "Shut up!"

Su Youcai's face turned blue from choking, and he secretly resented his niece and daughter for being ignorant. If his elder brother and sister-in-law had died two months earlier, he wouldn't have been here to see the face of this dead girl, Su Jiu, and he would have sold the farm long ago.Thinking of the big red envelope of 50 that Boss Jin promised, Su Youcai took a deep breath, and continued to advise: "Su Jiu, this is a good thing that you don't have after passing this village. 300 million is not a lot..."

Su Jiu, who couldn't bear it anymore, directly rang the bell in the ward.

Soon the nurse came in, seeing the pale face of the patient on the bed looking at the middle-aged man beside the bed with red eye sockets, she thought to herself that every family has a hard-to-recite scripture: "Sir, you disturbed the patient's rest, please You go out."

Su Youcai was ashamed by what the nurse said, and left in a hurry after leaving a word and coming back in two days.

Su Jiu smiled gratefully at the nurse: "I'm sorry to trouble you again."

Nurse Liu felt more and more that this child was not easy, and her heart became softer: "You still have to look forward, there is nothing you can't get over."

"I'm fine. Thank you for taking care of me these few days." Su Jiu was full of gratitude to Nurse Liu. Every time Su Youcai came over, Nurse Liu would help drive her away so that she had a rare cleanliness.

When Nurse Liu went out, Su Jiu faintly heard Nurse Liu complaining to other nurses about her nasty uncle coming over again.

"Hey! Su Youde and his wife from Changqing Farm are famous people in the town. I heard that the couple just renovated the farm and planned to transform the farm into a farmhouse. accidental car accident interrupted all this. .”

"I heard that the little girl was the champion of our college entrance examination back then, and she is a young genius after graduating from university this year. Her parents are well-known entrepreneurs nearby. This family is very powerful, but...the fate is not very good. .”

"It's true that good people don't live long! I see that the little girl's uncle is not a cheap lamp. Fortunately, this child has grown up, otherwise Changqing Farm will probably be swallowed up by her uncle." Nurse Liu said through Su Youcai. After several times of movement, it is guessed that the other party has long thought about Evergreen Farm.

"No way, he hasn't given up yet, even the little girls say they won't sell it, really..."

The sound of conversations and footsteps gradually faded away...

Su Jiu shook his right hand and smiled sarcastically. Even the nurses thought that her good uncle should give up, but it's a pity that the other party had extraordinary perseverance this time!She really didn't know where Su Youcai had the face to say "300 million is a lot". You must know that the renovation of Changqing Farm this year cost more than 300 million, plus other infrastructure far exceeded 300 million. As long as she let it out If Feng wanted to sell Evergreen Farm, there would definitely be buyers who could bid no less than 800 million.

These two days Su Jiu didn't show it on the surface, but inside it was extremely complicated.Hearing the bad news of her parents, Su Jiu hurried back. Unfortunately, she was also hit when she was approaching the door of the house. Fortunately, it was not serious, but she also fell into a coma on the spot.It was just an ordinary traffic accident, but Su Jiu unexpectedly awakened the memory of her previous life. She turned out to be an interstellar citizen who was born on the black star and came to the blue star because of an accident.

The Black Star is also known as the Garbage Star. The environment is harsh, resources are scarce, and survival is not easy.

The a719 black star where Su Jiu is located is a famous garbage star. The planet is full of mechanical waste. Once upon a time, she buried her head in the garbage dump to pick up usable garbage. Her first housekeeper was found from the garbage dump.Thinking of this, Su Jiu's eyes were filled with nostalgia. Her wood-type supernatural ability reappeared intact with her rebirth. Unfortunately, all her family fortune accumulated in her previous life was gone, including the life steward "Qiuqiu" who should have been eliminated long ago.

When mentioning wood-type powers, Su Jiu was full of nostalgia and gratitude for his parents who passed away.

When Su Jiu was young, he couldn't control his abilities at all. Not only did the plants in his house always grow wildly, even the green plants in the community they lived in inevitably showed strange growth phenomena.Worried that their daughter would be found abnormal, the couple, who had good jobs, resigned and came to Zhuxi Town with a loan to buy three mountains and more than 1000 acres of land, which later became Changqing Farm.

Blue Star is now in an era of rapid development. The Hua country where Su Jiu lives attaches great importance to the development of agriculture. Therefore, Changqing Farm received government support in the early stage of development. Coupled with Su Jiu's wood-type abilities, Changqing Farm quickly developed. Start making a profit.Over the past ten years, Changqing Farm has become a living sign of Zhuxi Town, but unfortunately there have been unforeseen winds and rains. In the past two years, Zhuxi Town has suffered from natural disasters, and the farm's income has dwindled and even started to lose money.

Father Su is a bold man. He saw that the farm was going to fail and he heard that farmhouse music is becoming popular now. Yucheng, where Zhuxi Town is located, has a developed economy. Transform the farm.The reason why Su's parents got into an accident this time was because of the loan. As a result, no one expected that there would be a series of car accidents on an ordinary road, and the Su's parents were killed on the spot.

Thinking of his deceased parents, Su Jiu's tears became uncontrollable...

Su Jiu, who was only eighteen years old, was almost broken by the sudden death of her parents. Fortunately, she had awakened the memory of her previous life and had years of experience in the chaotic Black Star. At the moment, he is probably still struggling to deal with Su Youcai who has a weird mind.

Both parents died in a car accident, but the driver's family was extremely poor. Not to mention the compensation, they couldn't even afford the funeral expenses of Su's parents!In order to renovate the farm, Su's father specially invited the famous architect Lei Jiaming to design it. The design cost alone was 100 million, plus the follow-up construction cost, 800 million would not be able to afford it.

Those who don't know the truth will think that Su Jiu is very short of money at the moment. In fact, Su Jiu, a gold finger with wood-type abilities, will never worry about funds. He can fill the bill with a few pots of top-quality orchids casually. There is no need to sell the farm at all.

It's a pity that Su Youcai didn't know about his niece's situation, so he came to the hospital repeatedly, and Su Jiu was annoyed to death.In order to keep her ears clean, she felt that it was better for her to leave the hospital and return to the farm as soon as possible. At least the farm had the final say, and people could be turned away if they didn't want to receive the other party.

Su Youcai came again before Su Jiu went through the discharge procedures, and he had no choice but to be rushed by Boss Jin.

"I said, why are you so stubborn? If I let you sell Changqing Farm, I could harm you. I am your uncle! Your parents owe a lot of foreign debts now. When you leave the hospital, they will definitely come to ask you for money." Debt..." Su Youcai talked a lot.

Su Jiu lowered his head, his eyes were cold. The relationship between the two families was extremely bad when her parents were alive. In order to prevent her uncle from doing bad things, Su's father kept saying that he owed foreign debts. In fact, the number in the family passbook was as high as seven. The number of digits, this rectification is also spent on previous deposits.

Su Jiu, who is in a bad mood, is too lazy to go around with the other party now, pointing his right index finger to the door, and said coldly: "Get out!"

Su Youcai froze on the spot: "..."

The girl on the hospital bed seemed to have just stepped out of a painting, with a hazy halo around her, her face was indescribably exquisite and deserted, a pair of silver thin-rimmed glasses hung on her straight nose bridge, and the mirror chains elegantly wrapped behind her ears .

Su Youcai was in a trance, as if he had returned to 30 years ago, there was a boy who also liked to stare at him with a cold face wearing a mirror chain, and that person was his elder brother——Su Youde.He didn't like his big brother who used to pretend since he was a child, but what's the use if he doesn't like it?His parents liked him, his classmates liked him, his teachers liked him...and he was always the one to be hated.

Pulled out of his memory, Su Youcai glanced at his niece in disgust, secretly thinking that Su Youde's daughter likes to put on a show, and it seems that the matter of Changqing Farm is not going to work.Then he thought maliciously that the eldest brother had always been superior and died early, and that his niece might also follow the old path of his dead brother, so he just waited and watched.

When he was leaving, Su Youcai directly took away the box of milk that he had brought over. He brought it, and the two sides are now torn apart. The milk he bought with money will not give Su Jiu such a supercilious look. The wolf is drinking!
Su Jiu is noncommittal, it's not that she can't afford a carton of milk, so it's no wonder her parents, who are always good-natured, don't want to talk to this younger brother. It's really speechless, and then she puts this person behind her and closes her eyes repose.

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  How about the daily change~ Please collect and sprinkle flowers~

(End of this chapter)

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