I became popular in Wanjie live broadcast

Chapter 113 Jade Bone King Kong

Chapter 113 Jade Bone King Kong
No matter how reluctant the two parties were, the time to say goodbye still came according to the stipulated time. Su Jiu looked at the closed panel, feeling empty in his heart.Due to Long Xia Kingdom, Su Jiu had more contact with them than Zerg plane in the end-time plane. She said "goodbye" all of a sudden, and she felt really uncomfortable.

Gu Ye touched Su Jiu's long hair with concern, and said, "Think about something happy, such as how many merit points you have earned this time..."

Su Jiu made a rough calculation, and the Doomsday Plane alone contributed a full 300 million merit points to her on the last day. It would be enough for her to sprint to the second level of the "Spirit of Merit and Virtue Cultivation" a few more times, but she is just Think about it, how can such a good thing happen every day.She still hasn't found a solution to the perennial problem of the Qing plane. Su Jiu is thinking about whether to open up contact with Westerners, after all, they also belong to that plane.

If Su Jiu is still unaware of this kind of mistake, Gu Ye intends to remind her euphemistically. In fact, whether it is Westerners or Orientals, everyone is human. The crisis in the Qing plane is obviously not just because of the Qing Empire. The colonial activities of western powers are also affecting this land.

"Hey——" Su Jiu asked Qiuqiu to pull Westerners into the live broadcast room, but still in terms of merit, people like slave traders are obviously those who owe their merit, and this group of people can't enter the live broadcast room at all.

After she figured it out, Su Jiu didn't care about the people from other countries who had just entered the live broadcast room. What she cared more about now was the gift given to her by the world consciousness of the end-time plane - "Jade Bone King Kong Jue".Originally, Su Jiu thought that he would get another special product like the blue-gold bee, but what was surprising was that he gave him a copy of the exercises. Yes, it was only now that Su Jiu believed that many of the myths and stories on the plane of the last days had actually happened.

The practice of "Jade Bone King Kong Jue" will make the body gradually perfect and full of strength. After all, King Kong giant apes are famous strongmen in ancient times. It is rumored that their bodies can go head-to-head with powerful dragons.

This exercise is very suitable for Su Jiu, who loves beauty, and it is also suitable for Gu Ye's practice. The only thing that confuses her is: "Isn't it a waste of our practice in this life, and it can reach a certain level when we practice to a certain extent? The state of rottenness is even more terrifying than the legendary unmelted bones, once our souls leave, won't it be cheaper for others?"

Gu Ye took the "Jade Bone King Kong Jue" and studied it for a long time before he said: "You are wrong, the body that has practiced the "Jade Bone King Kong Jue" cannot be taken away!" The ability only possessed by weapons, how can it not be powerful after solving it with one skill!

Su Jiu couldn't help looking at the exercises again, and found that he hadn't noticed these small details just now, and he really didn't have to worry about his body being used by villains.

Gu Ye pointed to a certain place and said: "If we complete the bone refining layer, we can reincarnate with our physical bodies!"

Su Jiu's eyes widened in shock, and he read it again carefully, and found that Gu Ye was not joking, and of course his statement was not accurate.

After practicing the "Jade Bone King Kong Jue", the bones of their whole body will gradually be dyed the color of jade. When the bones of the whole body are completely transformed into jade, their tendons will gradually be dyed the color of jade until they become jade... The parts that have been completely jadeized can enter reincarnation with the soul, but they do not enter the body of the previous life into the mother's body of this life, but the jaded bones are completely integrated into the bones of this life.

Of course, this kind of strengthening is not without restrictions, there are only three things, and it can come up to three times!

The more Su Jiu studied, the brighter his eyes became, and he sighed: "As expected of the world consciousness, the "Jade Bone King Kong Jue" is really a rare treasure! Should we start practicing now?" After all, there are only three chances, and she has some Can't make up my mind.

Gu Ye smiled: "Of course we have to practice. Although this exercise is not as good as the one cultivated since childhood, we have the backing of Wanjie Mall. If we really can't do it, we will finally buy more spiritual plants for body training."

"Alright then, I'll buy some robots and give them to Qiuqiu. It's the best way to wake up the consciousness. It doesn't matter if you can't wake it up. Anyway, most of the products in the live broadcast room now only need to be mass-produced."

Seeing Qiuqiu quickly fleeing the scene, Gu Ye felt happy: "Stop tossing about Qiuqiu, it has been busy recently."

"I didn't torment it, just do whatever it wants, I'm not in a hurry, just take my time."

Gu Ye let out a chuckle, and said after a while, "Maybe Qiuqiu was frightened by you before, you may not have noticed that every time you buy a robot from Wanjie Mall, Qiuqiu is always busy. After busy work, one-fifth of the robots I bought before have awakened into mechanical life, and this awakening rate is definitely contributed by Qiuqiu."

If Gu Ye hadn't mentioned it, Su Jiu really didn't notice the possibility of awakening, so it seems that she squeezed Qiuqiu too much: "Forget it, I'll buy some mango-flavored mechanical oil for Qiuqiu later."

Qiuqiu's voice came from a distance: "Host, I still want peach-flavored mechanical oil—"

That wavy sound almost made Su Jiu get goosebumps, he quickly shook his head and said, "Speak well."

"Host, I still want peach-flavored mechanical oil." This mechanical oil is newly produced, with a novel taste and excellent quality, but the price is high, and Qiuqiu has never been willing to buy it. Finally, the host let go, and it must be used superior!

Seeing Qiuqiu's guilty look, Su Jiu rolled his eyes speechlessly in his heart, she is not stingy, seeing it frightened: "I'll buy you three bottles!" Who did Qiuqiu learn to be so petty.

Hearing Su Jiu's mumbling by accident, Gu Ye took a meaningful look at the other party, whoever's son naturally resembled whom.

"I haven't broadcast live for so many days, and I don't know what happened to the plane of Qing Dynasty, the plane of Mercury, and the plane of the game? By the way, the jewelry made from the jewelry blueprints that the elf sold me last time is simply too exquisite. I have a hunch These jewels are sure to sell!"

"The elves have a unique appreciation for beauty, and they are quite ingenious. You can buy more design drawings from them in the future. By the way, the tree of life in the cave has begun to sprout, but I think the birth of elves It's unlikely." After all, Paradise of Paradise is not a real small world, not to mention that as the owner of Paradise of Paradise, Su Jiu is not willing to give birth to intelligent life.

Su Jiu patted her forehead, and she almost forgot about the tree of life that Gu Ye had bought at a huge price: "It's only now that I started to grow the tree, fortunately I planted it near the wine-making cave, where time flows so fast , if it were replaced with other trees, it would probably have blossomed and bear fruit long ago."

Gu Ye rubbed Su Jiu's head amusedly, and said, "Be content, some people spend thousands of years to make the tree of life germinate."

"It's so scary—"



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(End of this chapter)

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