It can be said that when he first learned that Su Jiu's Wanjie live broadcast room could connect to the Daqing plane, Gu Ye understood the idea in his heart, and he wanted to change the ending of Daqing.It wasn't that he hoped that the Great Qing would last forever, without borders, but that he hoped to change the tragic ending. The demise of the Qing could not be due to foreign aggression.

Su Jiu, who had dealt with Kangxi several times, knew very well what a stubborn king Kangxi was, and at the same time, his heart was terrifyingly tough.

Regardless of how nicely he said "Manchu and Han family members", in fact he is still hostile to Han people in his bones, like Dai Zi, a famous firearms manufacturer in the Qing Dynasty. Azusa did have the act of "privileging the East".

In fact, many people were very aware of the conflict between Nan Huairen and Dai Zi at the time. Dai Zi successfully created the "Sky Cannon", which offended Nan Huairen unintentionally.Nan Huairen's ability to stand out among many missionaries is due to his outstanding ability. The most important thing is that he can accurately grasp Kangxi's psychology.From Dai Zi's research and development, he saw the other party's terrifying talent in firearms. If the other party continued to develop, the strength of the Qing Dynasty would be further strengthened. This was obviously not what he and his country wanted to see.

Therefore, after realizing Kangxi's fear of Dai Zi deep in his heart, Nan Huairen waited for an opportunity to retaliate, accusing him of "connecting with the East".Emperor Kangxi believed the slander and exiled Dai Zi to Shenyang, causing Dai Zi to die in poverty in his later years.

Su Jiu felt that Kangxi was full of low self-esteem, so when he faced the Han people, he always wanted to suppress them, but to provide them with opportunities to make them stronger.Just because Dai Zi was Han, Kangxi was afraid, worried that the Han would overthrow the rule of the Qing Dynasty, so he directly killed the crisis he guessed, and also cut off the development of Qing Dynasty firearms.

Kangxi's thinking was too extreme, and it was simply unrealistic to reverse the other party's thinking all at once.Su Jiu and Gu Ye discussed for a long time, and they felt that it is still necessary to subtly influence Kangxi's thinking, let him understand that the 56 ethnic groups in China are one family, and don't treat them differently.Let Kangxi understand that the Manchus, Hans, and other ethnic groups were cleared out, so don't keep fighting.

At the same time, many Han people in the Qing Dynasty called the Manchus Tartars, which is a very disrespectful name. Saying this name shows their deep disdain for the Manchus.The conflict between Manchu and Han was not only caused by the ruler Kangxi, it can be said that the Han people also accounted for more than half of the reasons.

Through the live broadcast room, let the people of the Qing Dynasty or the Han people understand the customs and customs of various ethnic minorities, get rid of prejudice against the Manchus, and downplay ethnic conflicts, which is exactly what Su Jiu wants to do.

As for the plane of the last days, they are busy building infrastructure and restoring productivity. Su Jiu only needs to provide enough food.

Clothing, food, housing, and transportation on the plane of the last days, among which "living" and "travel" have basically been solved, and the remaining "clothes" need forging products. There is not much shortage of ordinary cloth clothes. After all, there is an old saying There is a good saying "three years for new, three years for old, and three years for sewing and mending". As long as a piece of clothing does not leave the base, it can be worn for many years without breaking.

Gu Ye is currently working hard to forge clothes with special attributes, specially for the end-time plane.Although each piece requires a lot of merit points, the supply is still in short supply.

Every time Su Jiu sees the audience in the end-time plane chasing Gu Ye, he feels a sense of pride in his heart. This man belongs to her, and she really has a good eye.

Qiuqiu, who accidentally learned the voice of the host, scorned the host fiercely, but when he thought that he was bound to a host, it was unexpectedly like binding two powerful hosts, and he felt a burst of pride in his heart. sharp!It can only be said that Su Jiu deserves to be chosen by Qiuqiu himself, and it is exactly the same as it.

With the increase of the planes, Su Jiu gradually became a bit stretched for the food and other food needed by the planes, but now she no longer has such worries.Ever since she met Gu Ye, Su Jiu no longer has such worries, she has the supplies of a whole planet.Although Wufu Planet was not built into a planting base like her Paradise of Paradise, it couldn't hold a large enough area, and neither Su Jiu nor Gu Ye had put things in it before.

After all, country Z is different from the west side, because of the orders from the three planes, Su Jiu needs to purchase from the market from time to time, although she has tried to reduce the one-time large purchase, but the purchase quantity can't stand up to scrutiny if someone is interested Like Gu Ye, he noticed the problem with her through his own orders before.

Fortunately, after meeting Gu Ye, her purchase data was tampered with, and with Gu Ye's technology, no one in country Z can crack it.

The only pity is that the flow of time in Wufu planet is a bit slow, like the fruits and mountain products that grow wantonly all over the mountains can completely supply the needs of the three planes, but the staple foods such as rice and flour are not enough, and they can only rely on Dongtianfu Real Estate out.Fortunately, the five-color planet is rich in a rare colorful space stone. After devouring countless colorful space stones, Su Jiu's Dongtian blessed land area has finally doubled. Coupled with her wood-type ability, the supply of green rice The amount is finally enough.

As for the Zerg plane, to be honest, compared with the nutritional supplements on the Zerg plane, the random dishes cooked by Su Jiuyang's chef mechanical bugs are all delicious.The poorest worms of the Zerg race are considered rich compared to the people of the Qing Dynasty. The rich worms order the menu without blinking, making fifty mechanical chefs seem to be dedicated to serving them. Jiuyi added chef robot bugs three times in a row, and now there are a total of [-] chef robot bugs in Dongtian Paradise. Except for a very small part of the delicious food that was eaten by Daqing and Doomsday, the rest were all wrapped up by bugs.

For the worms who are not short of money, Su Jiu directly served a wave of [-] dishes in the Manchu Banquet, and those worms who hadn’t experienced the taste of gourmet food for thousands of years screamed, and kept urging the anchor to order something more fundamental Not enough to eat.Seeing all kinds of ores and energy stones in the warehouse, Su Jiu felt that she should be thankful that the raw materials for cooking came from the space of the two of them, otherwise she would not be able to make ends meet just by buying vegetables.

In addition to food, the Zerg side has a very large demand for the mecha forged by Gu Ye and the medicine refined by Su Jiu. Of course, the best-selling medicine is the spiritual power pacifier made by Su Jiu. Anyone with a little ability will store this medicine in their own space button Stock up on two or three spares.Therefore, Su Jiu would set aside two hours every day to refine the potion.

The two studied the three planes one by one, and found that the Qing side was the most troublesome. The other two planes only needed to sell goods. Unlike the Qing plane, they had to be ideological and moral teachers to teach them ideas. Work……


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