Chapter 8 Merit Acquired
Gradually feeling that the power of the wood system was exhausted, Su Jiu stopped. It is very uncomfortable to completely use up the power of the body. She always leaves some leeway every time.She usually thinks that she is a very cold person, but she never thought that when she was in charge, she felt quite speechless.

After all the peaches were delivered, Su Jiu closed the live broadcast room.

"Host, take a look at today's income?" Qiuqiu felt that the host seemed to be a little depressed, so he hurriedly said encouragingly.

Hearing this, Su Jiu was also a little curious about today's income, and he was stunned when he opened the backstage and saw that his merit points had increased by 112 points!Thinking that I had saved a total of 18 points in the first 103 years, this gap... Then I checked my backpack dedicated to storing "currency", and there was a pile of gold glittering with more than 20 catties, and there were more than ten catties in the corner A bright green wood-type crystal nucleus, a thought came to Su Jiu's mind - she's going to send it!
It just so happened that she was planning to go abroad for a tour, and the gold came in handy. Feeling the tingling pain in her tendons, Su Jiu took out a wood-type crystal nucleus and held it in her hand. energy of.

Unexpectedly, she actually touched the advanced barrier. After thinking about it for a moment, Su Jiu understood that her supernatural ability was on the verge of breaking through in her previous life. Accumulation, today's wood system crystal nuclei stimulated the barrier.

The temptation to break through was too great, so Su Jiu simply sat cross-legged and took out all the wood-type crystal nuclei, intending to fight all night to achieve a breakthrough.

"The host waits first." Qiuqiu hurriedly stopped the host's actions, "Every time you break through, you will bring great benefits to the surrounding plants, and now most of the peach trees on the farm are dying, you do this Isn’t it a waste of resources.”

Su Jiu thinks about the grand occasion of every breakthrough in the past, and thinks that she really needs to think about it: "Qiaoqiu, do you have any good suggestions?"

"Host, in order to encourage new hosts to work hard, Wanjie Mall will have a chance to draw a lottery when the host earns 100 points of merit for the first time, and this time the lottery chance can specify categories, such as the space items that the host urgently needs now that can be planted." Ball Qiu feels that the host can definitely get what he wants.

In fact, Su Jiu's guess was correct at the beginning. Qiuqiu is different from the general intelligent brain customer service. It is not an intelligent AI produced by an assembly line.It was born as a prank on the whim of Chuangshishen. Compared with other intelligent customer service, it has higher autonomy and stronger reasoning ability.

When choosing a host, it was always picky and picky. Although this forced it to be imprisoned in a small black room for a hundred years, it did not regret it at all.Su Jiu was its first host. When Qiuqiu chose it, he not only considered the host’s personal ability but also his luck. Su Jiu is one of the lucky ones in a million. Another point is Su Jiu’s interpersonal relationship. Simple.

His parents had just passed away, his only uncle had his face torn apart, and an aunt who was married far away and had lost her relationship. As for Su's mother, she had no relatives at all. It can be said that the interpersonal relationship around Su Jiu is very simple, which is also indirect. Reduced the possibility of the Myriad Worlds live streaming system being exposed.

Qiuqiu believes that the host will be able to extract the space of his heart, but Su Jiu is not as confident as Qiuqiu. On the contrary, she feels that her luck has never been very good. The attack directly killed her on the spot. In this life, she had just graduated from the University of Science and Technology of China, and her parents were gone...

Su Jiu felt that if she was a child of luck, then her roommate He Xiaorong would be the darling of heaven.She doesn't believe in Qiuqiu's deceit, but 100 points of merit is only a matter of one night, and this promotion will not expire, so she really has nothing to hesitate.

According to Qiuqiu's instructions, Su Jiu chose to draw space items. Looking at the densely packed grids on the turntable, she became more and more uncertain: "Qiaoqiu, are you sure the lottery is more cost-effective?" She only has 116 points of merit now.

"Don't worry, the host. The cheapest space button here is more than 100 points of merit. One cubic meter of space button in Wanjie Mall costs 10000 points of merit, but it's a hundred times cheaper!" None of the related products are cheap, no matter what, Qiuqiu is not willing to let the host lose this opportunity.

Su Jiu immediately relaxed. It seemed that no matter what kind of space item she drew, she would make a lot of money. After thinking about it, she understood that most of the hosts would sell goods in the Wanjie live broadcast room. It is really inconvenient to have no space items.Su Jiu took a deep breath and clicked on the two big characters "Drawing", and the turntable began to spin rapidly...

Seeing the pointer getting slower and slower, Su Jiu clenched his fists: "Stop!"

"Immortal-level space--Cave Heaven and Paradise!"

Although Qiuqiu felt that the host's luck was good, he didn't dare to think that the host would draw the fairy-level space, so he hurriedly checked it carefully, and found that if this heaven-blessing place had enough natural materials and treasures, it could be upgraded to the god-level. Satisfied: "Host, this is a space that can be upgraded." That is, there are a lot of natural materials and earthly treasures needed.

"En." Su Jiu couldn't wait to chat with Qiuqiu and entered the cave. He saw that it was surrounded by mountains on all sides, and there was a flat field in the middle.For some reason, Su Jiu suddenly remembered the "thousands of hectares of fertile land" that the ancients boasted about the wealth of a big landlord's family. Now she can be regarded as an invisible big landlord!

Suddenly, Qiuqiu's seductive voice came from the side: "Host, there are grain seeds and planters in Wanjie Mall. These things are not expensive, and 16 points of merit are enough."

"No need, it's too late today, I'll go to the market to buy some corn seeds tomorrow morning." Su Jiu frowned, there was something wrong with this little guy, Qiuqiu.

Qiuqiu: "..." Wasn't the host very aggressive just now?Why are you taking a rest now?
"Qiaoqiu, are you getting a commission from it?" Su Jiu's faint voice came.


When Su Jiu heard Qiuqiu's guilty voice, he scoffed in his heart. It seemed that she had guessed right. No wonder this guy was so active in asking her to spend merit points.

Qiuqiu is indeed a little guilty. It didn't expect that the host would notice the tentative little feet just now. The host must be too sensitive.Although she only spent a short time with the host for a day, before that, Qiuqiu had studied the host's personality and knew that she would have a lump in her heart if she didn't explain this clearly.

"Every time the host consumes in Wanjie Mall, our smart customer service can draw one-thousandth of the commission, and merit points can help us upgrade. However, the Wanjie live broadcast system stipulates that we can only live in the special labor that sells in Wanjie Mall except for the live broadcast room. At the same time, because the host is a human being, Qiuqiu cannot choose a simulated robot when choosing a body.” One of the reasons why Qiuqiu chose Su Jiu as the host was because of her talent in business.

Su Jiu glanced at Qiuqiu thoughtfully. She originally thought that the intelligent customer service in the Wanjie live broadcast room was the most intelligent existence from the beginning. She didn't expect that the so-called God of Creation would make a mess of operations, but it was understandable, after all. Technology is constantly improving, just like buying a mobile phone now, it needs to be updated every once in a while.

"Is that kind of special artificial intelligence robot very expensive?" Su Jiu felt that if she couldn't help herself, she would need to reciprocate. Of course, the most important point is that even if Qiuqiu didn't tell her, she would still have to spend merit points. If Qiuqiu is good, it can also make it more interested in itself. If Qiuqiu hadn't informed her of this special offer in time, she might have missed it.

Qiuqiu didn't expect the host to care about him so much, and he was immediately moved.Qiuqiu's reasoning ability may be far superior to Su Jiu's, but after all, it is not a human being who does not understand so many twists and turns of human beings, how can it think of the little Jiujiu in Su Jiu's heart.

"There are expensive ones and not expensive ones. You can buy cheap ones with 10 points of merit. Host, I can help you with other things after I have a body. For example, I can do things like farming in the cave. By the way, I just scanned and found that there is a magical wine-making cave in Dongtian Paradise, the space inside is very strange, after the wine is brewed, it can be fermented faster, and it is predicted that the wine will be more mellow." The host is willing to think about it, and the ball is naturally He will also work harder to plan for the host, and Su Jiu easily achieved his goal.

Su Jiu was a little curious, so she asked Qiuqiu to find it from Wanjie Mall to have a look, when she stopped somewhere while turning the pages, her eyes suddenly lit up.

Although Su Jiu has a cold personality, she likes cute little things very much. Now she has a bunch of fluffy dolls in her room. The milky white robot with a little light yellow in front of her is so cute!
 click to collect

(End of this chapter)

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