Chapter 30

The scale of the spirit fighting field is one of the important indicators to measure the comprehensive strength of a city, and it can be called the face of the city, so every city will try to build the fighting spirit field as magnificently as possible, and the big soul fighting field in Suotuo City is the same , This elliptical building can accommodate [-] spectators at the same time. It spent countless manpower and material resources during construction, and it also creates immeasurable tax revenue for Soto City every year.

Even in the middle of the night, the place is brightly lit, and the auditorium is always full of voices. Whether it is the rich in the VIP box or the common people who can only afford the cheap stand tickets, they are all shouting for the soul masters or teams they support. To cheer, throw gold or copper soul coins into the tray in the hand of the waitress in charge of placing bets.Commoners proudly show off their experience of watching the fighting spirit, while wealthy businessmen and politicians rely on gambling games to compete for intrigue.

Sangxia thinks this is a very interesting place. The Bone Burial Ground, the Gold Selling Cave, and Vanity Fair, where even the most well-dressed people will tear off their skin to reveal the violence and desire hidden in their hearts. The iron that rules Douluo Continent is here. It is vividly reflected everywhere but seems to be overturned. The low-level people who are mediocre to survive can kill and seize the soul masters sitting in the auditorium, while the soul masters who attach themselves to the people and suck blood show their strength in the soul fighting arena. His own methods are no different from those of fighting animals in cages for people to watch.

"What are you thinking about?" Sang Xia was staring at the overhead light hanging in the center of the spirit arena in a daze, and Flender sat over, "Don't worry, although the Berserker team is strong, but their past three months have not been in vain. I just heard that Tang San's arrangement was very clear, so it shouldn't be a big problem."

The Seven Shrek Monsters have successfully completed their one-on-one and two-on-two soul fighting schedules, and are preparing for their first team battle.


Sang Xia leaned against the back of the chair and raised her head to answer casually, her smile was as thin as the morning mist.

Her voice was faint: "The team battle is about to begin."

In fact, she was thinking, it is said that thousands of workers participated in the construction of this spirit fighting arena, how long would they have to save to buy the cheapest package ticket here?
But she didn't tell Flender about this. Flender is a soul master, and like most soul masters in this world, he will always only look up and will not pay attention to the struggling beings under his feet.She doesn't feel that Flender accuses him indifferently because of this, because the operating rules of this world are like this, most people support soul masters who are less than one-thousandth of the total population, just like hosts and leeches, he sees This is the kind of world I have come to, so I will become this kind of person.

Besides, she has no right to criticize Flender. Flender cannot see it, but she sees it but is indifferent. She has always been a completely indifferent person, and has no great ambition to save the common people and create a new world.

She stood up: "I'm going to buy a drink, what do you drink?"

"Don't you want to watch Xiaobai's game?" Flender asked. This time is the time when the soul fighting arena is the most crowded, and the rhythm of the team fighting spirits is extremely fast. The time to buy drinks and queue up and back and forth may be coming to an end. up.

"Didn't you say that the problem is not serious?" Sang Xia reached out to him, "I didn't bring any change, give me some."

She took some Gintama coins from Flender's pocket.

The line in the drink area was indeed quite long. Sangxia bought lemonade and corn juice, and the corn juice was for Flender and the others. The lemonade was to reward the Shrek Seven Monsters. The barbecue and fried skewers on the side stall looked like Yes, she packed a few copies too.

When she came back with big bags and small bags, the fighting spirit had come to an end, and needles could be heard in the auditorium, because Tang San put his left index finger on the position of his mask lips to signal silence, and the blue silver grass spread on the field, like The members of the Berserker Team were tightly restrained like a group of snakes entwining their prey, and his other hand was stuck on the neck of the female spider soul master, and the victory was already decided.

Sang Xia bit the reed pipe inserted into the cup and stirred the ice cubes at the bottom of the cup rattling. She remembered that Xiao Tang's character should not be so arrogant, could it be the character design of Ao Qianshou Shura?

She puffed up her cheeks and sipped the pulp in the drink, and after a little thought she understood that Tang San had released the external spirit bone he got from the Man Faced Demon Spider, and he couldn't fully control it now, so he would be affected by the remaining spirit bone on it. The hostility countered the influence, but it was not a big problem. This child is a person with a strong character, and he will not be controlled by a dead but not stiff spider and lose his nature. It will be fine when his soul power improves.


After the Shrek Seven Monsters got off to a good start in the first team battle, Sangxia was the first to applaud them. The silent applause was like a spark falling into a frying pan, instantly igniting the quiet auditorium, and a thunderous wave Like applause swept the entire Soul Fighting Hall, shouts of "Seven Shrek Monsters" and "Thousand-Handed Shura" came and went.

Dai Mubai raised Tang San's hand and waved to the audience with him, the young man's ostentatious spirit could not be blocked even by the mask.

Even the masters who have always been strict were satisfied with their performance, but Oscar felt a little guilty, feeling that he had lowered the team's combat effectiveness as an auxiliary soul master without boosting skills, and was patted on the shoulder by Ma Hongjun carelessly: "It's okay Xiao Ao, not all auxiliary system soul masters are able to carry, assist and fight like senior sister, it is enough for you to do a good job in logistical support."

"Yes, you are Teacher Shao's successor, the one who will take over the honorable position of Shrek Academy's logistics director." Sang Xia chimed in and stuffed a grilled oyster into Oscar's mouth.

Oscar, whose body was assisting and attacking with a strong heart, was very sad, feeling that they didn't understand the feelings he wanted to export, so he chewed the grilled oyster in his mouth, wiped his mouth, and then wiped the oil all over Ma Hongjun's body : "It's not big or small, it's called the second brother!"

The Seven Shrek Monsters ate the skewers while listening to the master’s replay. Their mouths were filled with greasiness, and they nodded frequently. The master’s analysis made them a lot of money, but the skewers were not very hungry. They were too greasy to digest at night. They didn't buy too much, and everyone got a little bit of snacks, which wasn't enough to fill their stomachs at the age when they were in their mid-teens.

So Dai Mubai led a group of people to the restaurant again, Ma Hongjun was a little excited, and when he entered the door, he yelled to bring the best wine here, but Sang Xia knocked the back of his head: "What do you drink for underage? Alcohol, premature intake of alcohol affects development."

"Juice is fine." She turned her head and said to the waiter who came up with the order book.

Ning Rongrong was stunned, and secretly pulled down Oscar's sleeve and asked in a low voice if the rules of your academy are so strict, even the Qibao Glazed Tile School doesn't allow students to drink alcohol, Oscar also answered in a low voice that her academy doesn't have this rule, but the senior sister hates alcohol Even the dean and Teacher Zhao would not dare to drink with her.

That's fine.Ning Rongrong let go of her hands as if nothing had happened, no wonder the teachers were not with them, she thought they didn't want to make them feel restrained, it turned out that they themselves didn't want to be restrained.

 Tried to study the economic system of Douluo Continent, the conclusion is that there is nothing to study ()

(End of this chapter)

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