Naruto: Cherry Blossom Snow

Chapter 235 Insects that evolve [1]

Chapter 235 An Insect That Will Evolve [[-]]

"Well, shall we fight now?"

The two stood in place and waited for a while, and found that the other party showed no sign of making a move. Takiya hesitated for a while, and then asked a tentative question.

"let's hit!"

The high-necked jacket that Zhi Nao was wearing blocked most of his face, and with the black sunglasses covering it, people couldn't see his face clearly at all, but his voice was very calm.

"Then I'm on..."

Takiya made up his mind, drew out the long knife behind his back, and forgave her for being frightened by Shino's elusiveness before.

After calming down, Takiya rushed towards Shino with a long knife in his hand.

"Are you attacking with physical skills?" Zhi Nao pushed his sunglasses, his voice was very calm. "If it's just a physical attack, it won't work for me. As for the reason, it's because I've already made sufficient preparations..."

Takiya's long knife slashed across Shino's chest, but Shino, who was still talking just now, the moment he was stabbed by the long knife, his body instantly turned into a lot of small bugs and scattered in all directions.


Takiya suddenly screamed, his body backed up extremely quickly, and in the blink of an eye he ran to a place far away from those bugs.

"Why are you screaming? You look scared?!"

A large group of bugs gathered together to form Shino's body. Seeing the unconcealable panic in Takiya's eyes, Shino suddenly became a little puzzled. "Bugs are so cute, why should you be afraid of them?"

"Who's afraid of bugs?" Takiya yelled at Shino angrily, thinking of the dense group of bugs just now, he took another step back uncontrollably.

"When you talk about bugs, you back away, which means that you must be afraid of them in your heart!"

Zhi Nai pushed his sunglasses, with a bit of resentment in his tone. "I think bugs are very cute little creatures, but it's a pity that many people hate bugs!"

"I don't hate bugs..." The smile on Takiya's face was very stiff. "I just hate that kind of dense crowd of creatures crowded together!"

"You are..." Shino suddenly thought of a symptom that Sakura had inadvertently mentioned to him. "Intensive phobia!"

"What is trypophobia?" Takiya was stunned for a moment, is trypophobia talking about his own symptoms?

"Dense object phobia refers to the feeling of fear, dizziness, nausea, sweating, scalp numbness and other discomforts to some relatively small objects that are densely arranged, and often has avoidance behaviors. It is a kind of phobia!"

Shino repeated to him what Sakura said at the time, and then said: "Just now you said that you hate densely packed creatures crowded together, which is obviously the cause of trypophobia!"

"Okay, I admit, I should just have trypophobia..."

Takiya thought about her symptoms, and every time she saw a lot of small things crowded together, she felt an indescribable sense of fear in her heart, and she always felt that her scalp was numb, and she could not help but If you want to avoid it, it’s like when you see Kirabi incarnated as Eight-tailed, many ninjas in Yunyin Village admire them, but she feels a little disgusted by those eye-like holes on Eight-tailed feet. Now that I think about it, It should be the intensive phobia at work.

The atmosphere between the two began to become silent again. Takiya, who suffers from intensive phobia, did not dare to get too close to Shino, but only dared to stare at Shino from a distance to prevent the other party from suddenly turning into a bunch of bugs. And Zhi Nai finally met someone who would pay attention to him all the time [From Zhi Nai's own perspective], and he didn't want to end the battle so quickly, so he didn't take the initiative to attack, the two of them just stood there, affectionate Look at each other.

"What the hell are they doing?" Sakura glanced at Gu Shino and then at Takiya in the stands, and said suddenly: "These two suddenly met each other on the field, and they are going to have a big fight love?"

"Your brain hole can be smaller!" Hinata glanced at Sakura and said, "Didn't you listen to what Shino said just now, that ninja from Yunyin Village named Takiya suffers from intensive phobia, and Shino's battle style……"

"Tianke..." The corners of Sakura's mouth twitched, and her body couldn't help shivering a bit. Shino's fighting style is not to mention a patient with intensive phobia. Normal people like them feel terrified when they come into close contact. This The person named Takiya was really unlucky. As a patient with intensive phobia, she was able to stand together with Shino. I guess she must be feeling uncomfortable now.

"Hey, the next two, are you still fighting?"

Someone in the stands couldn't help shouting, these two people stood there without making a move, just looking at each other like this, it was really boring.

"Do you want to fight again?" Shino asked.


Takiya's hand holding the knife trembled, but finally mustered up his courage, not wanting to give up the game so easily.

"Close-to-body combat is really disgusting. If that's the case, then use Lightning Dun's long-range attack to find opportunities to kill with one blow!"

Takiya thought about it, if she was allowed to fight with Shino in close quarters, she wasn't sure if she could bear being disgusted again, so she stood directly in the distance and used Thunder Dungeon to create opportunities, trying to achieve a sure blow. kill.

"Thunder Dun - walk on the ground..."

Takiya formed seals with his hands, and the Thunder Chakra spread out, turning into a dazzling thunderbolt.

"Do you want to use Thunder Dungeon to create opportunities? It's a pity that it still doesn't work..."

Zhi Nao's fingers moved, and a huge beetle burst out of the ground, and blocked him from the ground. The lightning struck the beetle's body, making the beetle's body charred black, but Zhi Nao himself was safe and sound.

"Cut, are you blocked by bugs? It is said that the oil girl clan controls bugs to fight. Now it seems that the rumors are true!"

Takiya frowned, made seals with his hands, and walked out again, and the thunder and lightning appeared again. "However, I want to see how many giant beetles you can feed!"

"The same trick won't work on me a second time, because..." The back of the charred beetle corpse in front of Shino suddenly split open, and a slightly smaller beetle crawled out from the crack. Some blue stripes can be seen on the newly emerged beetle. "Bugs are constantly evolving!"

Takiya's lightning tunnel was blocked again, and after resisting the lightning tunnel, the beetle died, but this time the corpse was much better than the first time, obviously, the damage of Takiya's lightning tunnel to the beetle Lowered a lot.

"What's going on here?" Takiya opened his mouth slightly, puzzled.

 ps: I saw some comments saying that the skills of the protagonist team are too cheating. In fact, this is because of the problem of comparison. The current enemies of the protagonist team are just a group of people who have taken the Chunin exam, so they seem to have a kind of invincibility I feel, but in fact they are not that powerful, just like Gokage, facing ordinary ninjas, they are invincible, but when facing Madara, they can only be pressed on the ground and rubbed, so whether this skill is powerful or not is a matter of choice. It depends on who the enemy they face is.

(End of this chapter)

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