Naruto: Cherry Blossom Snow

Chapter 708 The Legendary Excellent Employee [Part [-]]

Chapter 708 The Legendary Excellent Employee [Part [-]]

"Finally home!"

After walking out of the space passage, Sakura immediately looked towards the corner of the tower. When she saw the dusty corpse, she breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, this The first trip through time and space did not go wrong.

"I don't know how long our world has passed!"

Naruto looked at the thick layer of ashes on the centipede's body, and suddenly became worried.

"I hope we won't be too far apart when we leave!"

"It shouldn't be long!"

Kakashi glanced at the corpse and said, "There is only a layer of ash on the corpse, but there is no serious decay, which means that it is not long before we leave!"

"Let's go, go home and have a look. After wandering outside for such a long time, I feel quite homesick!"

Sakura sighed and walked towards the outside of the tower. However, as soon as she walked outside the tower, when she saw the scenery in the sky, Sakura's footsteps stopped instantly, and her pupils shrank suddenly.

"problem occurs……"

"Huh? What's wrong?!"

Seeing Sakura stop suddenly, and hearing her say that something happened, a group of people in the tower behind them suddenly asked in doubt.

While the curious people were asking questions, they also quickened their pace and walked out. When they saw something in the sky outside, they couldn't help but gasped, their hearts almost stopped beating.

When Sakura and the others came back, it was just at noon, and at this time, a huge shadow appeared in the sky that was supposed to be cloudless. blocked.

The shadow is round and looks like a huge disc. However, with the power of the Infinity Gem, Sakura can clearly see the whole picture of the shadow. The huge round shadow is not a circle at all. It is not a disk, but a super-giant planet. The volume of this planet is many times larger than that of the earth. According to the observation of the advancing route of this planet, it may not be long before it will directly collide with the earth.

Of course, if it was just a planet that was about to collide with the earth, Sakura wouldn't be worried. After all, no matter how big the opponent was, she could use the power gem to destroy it directly. will be crashed.

However, while seeing this planet, Sakura also saw a group of creatures living on this planet. They were a group of creatures with white eyes and one or two horns on their heads. If she didn't If you guess wrong, this group of creatures should have a unified surname-Datongmu!

"It is indeed a member of the Datongmu family. As for this planet, it is the ancestor star of Datongmu..."

After listening to Sakura's description, Kaguya's expression was filled with panic.

"If the number you said is correct, then I am afraid that 90.00% of the Datongmu people have gathered on the ancestor star. As for the reason why they appear here, I am afraid that they do not want to pass by here, but they should be fancy. something on Earth!"

"Looking at something?" Sakura was a little confused. "Is there anything on Earth that they want? According to the strength of the comments, Otsuki's power is much higher than that of Earth!"

"The Otsutsuki clan has been continuously searching for something..." Kaguya frowned, with an anxious expression on his face. "Huge energy!"


"That's right, it's energy!" Kaguya sighed, and began to speak slowly.

"The Otsutsuki clan can refine the absorbed energy into elixir to obtain powerful power and long life. Therefore, the Otsuki clan basically wanders in the universe, looking for someone with huge energy. planet, and then seize the energy of the planet, and the sacred tree is one of the ways they seize energy..."

"The sacred tree will absorb energy continuously, then blossom and bear fruit, and transform the energy into chakra fruit. When the chakra fruit matures, the Datongmu people who planted the sacred tree will go to pick the fruit, and the sacred tree absorbs the fruit. A planet with a lot of energy will quickly decay, and will soon become a dead star with extinction..."

"The earth was also one of the nurseries they chose, but later, due to some accidents, I ate the chakra fruit that was not yet fully mature, which prevented the earth from being completely absorbed by the sacred tree. You already know..."

"The Datongmu family is used to fighting alone, and it is rare for multiple people to go to a planet together, unless..."

"Unless what?!" Sakura asked.

"Unless the target planet they are going to is extremely rich in energy, it can completely spawn several sacred trees. Only in this case, they will act together and several clansmen will go together to plunder the target planet's energy!"

Kaguya looked at the sky worriedly, and said: "As for the current situation, I'm not too clear about what they want to get from the earth. It can make the entire Otsutsuki clan come out, and even the ancestor star has been moved by them. Things like this shouldn’t exist on Earth!”

"Does the Otsutsuki clan only take action when they find a planet with huge energy? I think I know what the energy that can make the Otsutsuki clan come out in full force!"

Xiao Sakura rubbed the center of her brows with some headaches, and couldn't help showing a wry smile on her face.

"I'm afraid they are here for the infinite gems!"

According to Kaguya, combined with the fact that the Otsutsuki clan has come out in full force, even their own lair has been brought over, besides coveting the energy in the infinite gems, Sakura really can't think of any other What can attract them so much.

"Infinity Gems? What is that?" Kaguya's expression was a little dazed. She had lived for a long time, but she had never heard of such things as Infinity Gems.

"A very powerful thing is also the source of my power, and the infinite stones contain an extremely large amount of energy. The Otsutsuki clan should be attracted by them!"

Sakura sighed, she was really bothered now, Otsutsuki Ancestral Star didn’t matter, destroying stars is not a difficult thing, but the troublesome thing is the Otsutsumu people on the planet, there are so many of them, it’s really troublesome Ah, if only she had an infinity gauntlet, just put six gems on it, and snap her fingers down, no more troubles.

"Yo, girl, it seems that you have encountered something troubling..."

A voice with a local accent suddenly sounded, and a portal that looked like an office door appeared in front of Sakura. A piece of paper was pasted on the door, and there were only four words on the paper.

(End of this chapter)

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