Chapter 373, Yama City again
Delia and the two did not leave.

Jiang Chen teamed up with Angelina, and Dilia teamed up with her priest. The four of them went to Yama City to find the magic water of power. This magic water can improve the four dimensions, especially the attribute of strength, which can make a qualitative leap.

Especially for Angelina, Jiang Chen couldn't figure out why she increased her four-dimensional attributes by ten thousand points after drinking the blessing water. This kind of improvement is simply amazing.

The basic attributes of the badge, plus the attribute value given by the equipment, this is the source of the brave's strength.

The stronger the basic attribute value, the higher the lethality.

Yama City.

The four hid outside the city of Yama.

Jiang Chen asked: "Do you know where the power divine water is?"

Delia nodded: "I know, there is a spring in the northwest of Ama City, and there are giants guarding it. The giants here are all covered with armor, so it is very difficult to kill."

Jiang Chen has been here before, giants are all in armor.

It is indeed difficult to kill as Delia said.

And the most frightening thing is the leader of the giant clan, the owner of Yama City is actually a magician?

Jiang Chen reminded: "The city lord of Yama City is not a melee profession, but similar to our magician, he is a magician."

Delia exclaimed, "Magic Sealer?"

"Yes, I saw it once. His power is very unique. He seems to be able to seal the power of the badge. Once the power of the badge is sealed, you know the consequences."

Once the badge is sealed, all that awaits them is death.

Their source of power is the badge.

Delia was thoughtful: "The magic sealer is also an ancient profession. They are very unique and can seal the power of the brave, but they don't have much lethality themselves."

"In ancient times, it was considered an auxiliary profession, but this auxiliary occupation is very scary. Once you are recruited, there is no chance to escape."

"But my speed is very fast, even a magic sealer can't seal me."

"You want to force your way in?"

Delia nodded.

Her speed is very fast, she can even fly in the air, if she steals the spring of strength, there is really a possibility, Jiang Chen can also use her speed to steal the spring of strength.

It's just that the door is closed now, and you can only enter it from the air.

And there is an enchantment in the air, covering the entire city.

Delia asked, "Do you have flying skills?"


"Then how about the two of us forcing our way in?" Delia looked at Jiang Chen and expressed her thoughts;
Jiang Chen chuckled: "Why don't I just come here to congratulate you on your success."

Delia rolled her eyes.

This guy wants power spring water, but he doesn't want to take risks?

Let me go in alone?

Melissa was furious: "Can you be a little manly, how can you let a girl enter it to steal the spring water, isn't it time for you to show your manly demeanor!"

Jiang Chen ignored it.

I'm so crazy!

There are many dangers inside, you let me go in to steal the spring water, and you also show a manly demeanor, after all, how much is your demeanor worth?

Delia nodded: "Okay, I'll go steal it, you just wait here for me, I'm enough alone."

Melissa was startled: "Are you really alone?"

"It's okay, they can't catch up with me at my speed."

Jiang Chen smiled and said, "I support you spiritually."

Delia stood up and flew into the air, her whole body emitting yellow light.


A ray of light flashed, and Delia rushed directly into Yama City, piercing through the barrier, and the moment the barrier was penetrated, the alarm sounded throughout Yama City.

Melissa looked at Jiang Chen viciously: "You see her go in alone like this, you have no heart."

"What can I do? I'm not as fast as her!"

"Hmph, as timid as a mouse."

"I'm not as timid as a mouse, I never fight an uncertain battle." After finishing speaking, he stood up;

Angelina asked, "You want to go in?"

"Well, I can't let my companions take risks. Now is the time for me to show my manliness."

Melissa smiled.

It is enough to have Jiang Chen's help.

Angelina frowned: "But giants have thick armor."

"It's okay, I can handle it."

Although sword qi can't penetrate thick armor, Jiang Chen has the true qi of a fallen person, and true qi ignores any defenses, so it should be able to penetrate the enemy's armor.

No armor is effective against the true energy of the fallen.

This is also the unique attack method of the Fallen.

Only special clothing can resist the Faller's Chi.

Obviously, the giants did not.

Jiang Chen cast his skills, Yuanshi's wings, Jiang Chen flew into the air, and quickly rushed to Yama City.

Melissa smiled and said, "Actually, you are not a bad man!"

Angelina didn't say anything, but looked at Yama City.

I began to worry in my heart.

As soon as Jiang Chen entered it, he saw many giant guards gathered together, heading to the northwest direction, it should be Delia who was stealing the spring water, Jiang Chen immediately flew down, unable to use the volley flash skill in the air.

Can only be used on the ground.

"Brave, seek death."

"Kill the brave man."


As soon as Jiang Chen came down, he was discovered by the giants. With a thought in his mind, Jiang Chen immediately unleashed his sword energy. Thirty thousand sword energy emerged from the sky, and quickly attacked the giants.


The thick armor keeps the sword energy out.


Sword Qi cannot penetrate 40 cm thick armor.

So what about the vitality enchantment!
Jiang Chen immediately cast the vitality barrier.

Within a kilometer, all the giants were lying on the ground unable to move.

Although the sword qi was ineffective, the vitality enchantment was deployed, and it was subjected to a hundred times the gravity. Coupled with the thick armor, it is estimated that thousands of tons of weight were added to the giants.

It will be much easier if it works.

Jiang Chen walked in front of a head of giants, Xuan Tian pointed and shot at the head of the giants.

True Qi penetrated the armor, but did not kill the giants.

Jiang Chen frowned tightly.

No way!
Xuan Tian can penetrate armor with one finger, but it consumes too much energy, it can only leave a scar on his forehead, it is impossible to kill him.

With a quick flash, Jiang Chen galloped towards the northwest.

Dozens of blinks, and you can see the big Delia fighting with the giants. Delia's speed is so fast that the giant warriors can't see Dilia at all.

But Delia's attack couldn't break the giant's thick armor.

Only the lightsaber in his hand can break the armor, tear the armor apart, and leave a scar.

Delia's attack method was also very unique. She aimed a sword at the giant's neck, and the yellow lightsaber slashed across the neck, killing the giant.


The giants fell to the ground one by one, unable to move.

Delia saw Jiang Chen approaching: "Why are you here?"

"help you."

"What is your ability?"


"Your equipment actually has abnormal status attributes?"


Jiang Chen explained: "There are abnormal status attributes, but they can't kill the giants. Their armor is too thick. They can only be controlled to lie on the ground, but they can't be killed."

Delia smiled: "I'll do it."

Delia turned into a light beam and harvested the giants on the ground.

In less than a moment, the giants were beheaded.

Jiang Chen: ? ? ? ?

I made them immobile, but you took advantage of me and robbed me of experience points?
This woman is too shameless.

(End of this chapter)

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