Doupa: More sons, more blessings, I build the strongest family

Chapter 227 Xun'er Gives Birth to Twins!

Chapter 227 Xun'er Gives Birth to Twins!
"Quick, prepare hot water!"

"Mrs. Xun'er is about to give birth, you guys hurry up!"

Once entering the small world, the excited voice of the midwife reached Chenfeng's ears.

"Looks like it's really about to give birth!"

Seeing this situation, Chen Feng was also a little excited, and hurried out of Xiao Xun'er's room.

Outside the room, Queen Medusa had already been waiting here. When she noticed that Chen Feng was coming, she didn't stick to it like before, because she knew that Chen Feng's current thoughts were all on Xiao Xun'er in the room.


Soon, Xiao Xun'er's painful cry came from the room, which touched Chen Feng's mind.

"Is childbirth really this painful?"

Listening to Xiao Xun'er's painful cries in the room, Queen Medusa's delicate body trembled slightly, and she couldn't help stroking her swollen belly with her palms.

She even dared to try to burn her body with different fires, but now she is a little worried about giving birth.

"Ma'am, use your strength!"

"Ma'am, if you work harder, you will give birth soon!"


"Madam, come on, you've seen the end!"



"Born! Born!"

The loud cries of the child and the surprise voice of the midwife sounded from the room, and Chenfeng was relieved and full of anticipation.

"one left!"

"Ma'am, don't relax, keep working hard!"

"It's coming out soon!"

"It's twins!"



Inside the room, the second baby's cry sounded.

Soon, the door opened.

The midwife blushed and said loudly: "Congratulations, Your Majesty, congratulations to Your Majesty, Mrs. Xun'er has given birth to a pair of twins!"

"Good! Good!"

"There are many rewards!"

Hearing the midwife's words, Chenfeng was ecstatic and laughed heartily, and immediately rewarded the midwife with a bag of gold coins, at least a thousand.

Holding the heavy bag of gold coins, the midwife was so happy that the corners of her mouth burst into laughter. This was the first time she had seen so many gold coins.


Chen Feng walked into the room, held Xiao Xun'er's soft little hand, and said softly: "Xun'er, thank you for your hard work!"


Xiao Xun'er smiled, Chenfeng's caring words and that warm and generous hand made her feel that any pain was worth it.

The next moment, Chenfeng quickly took out the Rejuvenation Pill that was rewarded by the system when Nalan Yanran gave birth and gave it to Xiao Xun'er.

Under the powerful curative effect of Fuyuan Pill, Xiao Xun'er's body recovered quickly, and the trauma caused by childbirth also healed quickly.

"Master, show me the child!"

"It's a pair of dragon and phoenix twins!"

Chen Feng took the child from the maid, hugged it to Xiao Xun'er, said with a smile, "I've already thought of the names, they're called Shu Xun and Zheng Xun!"

"Shu Xun... Zheng Xun..."

Xiao Xun'er smiled brightly, and on her pure cheeks, there was the brilliance of motherhood, which was radiant and moving: "Listen to the master!"

After dealing with the matter here, Chen Feng came out of Xiao Xun'er's room to let her have a good rest.

At this time, Chen Feng began to check the rewards Xiao Xun'er brought for her childbirth.

The system reminded before that Xiao Xun'er gave birth to twins this time, and was rewarded with a super big gift bag, and Chen Feng was also a little excited.

"System, open the gift package!"

Chen Feng said silently to the system in his heart.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Nine Rank Dou Zun Peak Experience Card!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the heaven-level advanced soul attack fighting skills, Huang Quan Tian Fu!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the secret art of soul cultivation, Soul Accumulation Art!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for increasing the lifespan by 200 years!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining ten Dou Zun Shengxing Pills!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining two intermediate puppet pills!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the divine blood pill!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, everyone recorded in the genealogy of Wanshi, the cultivation speed has increased by [-]%!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining an intermediate experience pill!"

"All the above rewards have been distributed, please pay attention to the host to check."

"As expected of a super gift package!"

Hearing this series of system prompts, Chenfeng became excited again.

The first reward this time, the Nine-Turn Dou Zun Peak Experience Card, is currently the most practical for Chenfeng. Using this experience card can eliminate many troubles.

The second and third rewards, Soul Attack Fighting Technique and Soul Cultivation Secret Art, are simply matched.

Huang Quan is angry.

Chenfeng is not unfamiliar with these words. In the original book, this kind of soul attack fighting skill is described as very powerful, and it is very easy to leapfrog challenges. However, one of the first conditions for practicing this fighting skill is Need to reach the soul of heaven.

Chenfeng had absorbed two groups of miniature soul sources before, but his current soul state still hadn't reached the heavenly state, and stayed at the late stage of the spiritual state. For the time being, he still couldn't cultivate Huangquan Tianfu.

Next, after Chenfeng lightly practiced the Soul Accumulation Technique, he threw away this trouble.

Because, Chenfeng discovered that this Soul Accumulation Art was more than a hundred times more effective than the soul cultivation method that Yaochen had told him before.

Although Yaochen's soul cultivation technique is not the top in the Douqi Continent, but it is hundreds of times stronger than Yaochen's soul cultivation technique. Except for this soul cultivation technique, there is absolutely no second one.

"That's right, with this Soul Accumulation Art, even a step-by-step practice can make me break through to the heavenly realm!"

With a word of admiration in his heart, Chen Feng continued to look at the fourth reward.

This time, Morrowind increased his lifespan by 200 years. The previous two times, each time he only increased his lifespan by 100 years.

Combined with the fact that Xun'er gave birth to twins this time, Chenfeng speculates that every time he has an extra heir, he will be able to get a 100-year lifespan reward.

The fifth reward is Dou Zun Rising Star Pill, the eighth-rank peak elixir. The effect of this elixir is to enable people who stay in the Dou Zun stage to break through the one-star cultivation base. Each person can take it three times in a lifetime, and it will expire after three times , without any side effects...

This Dou Zun Shengxing Pill is worthy of being the pinnacle pill of the eighth rank. An ordinary Dou Zun might not be able to break through in decades, but if he has three of this kind of pill, it can be used in the world. In a short time, span three stars.

You know, in the Dou Zun class, the three-star cultivation base gap is extremely terrifying. If a nine-star Dou Zun powerhouse makes a move against a six-star Dou Zun powerhouse, it will be crushed under normal circumstances, and the six-star Dou Zun powerhouse will have nothing to do. The power of resistance.

Chenfeng can't use this kind of pill for the time being. Some people around him, Yaochen has the strength of Dou Zun, but he hasn't recovered his physical body, so this pill is useless for the time being. , he will arrive soon.

(End of this chapter)

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