Doupa: More sons, more blessings, I build the strongest family

Chapter 229 Promoted to the Divine Grade Bloodline!

Chapter 229 Promoted to the Divine Grade Bloodline!
After the two little guys were full, Chen Feng carried them back to the room alone, and then came to the small world, and sent the two of them to Xiao Xun'er.

"Hehe...Master, look, the little guy is peeping at you with his eyes open!"

Xiao Xun'er happily teased the child, and looked at Chenfeng from time to time, her eyes full of happiness.

Chen Feng's gaze at Xiao Xun'er became very soft at this moment, and suddenly, his hand stroked Xiao Xun'er's pretty cheek, and said softly: "Xun'er, from now on, don't call me Master anymore, just call me Brother Feng alright!"

The reason why Chen Feng said this suddenly was because he felt that now that Xiao Xun'er had given birth to a child, he couldn't keep calling himself this way in front of the two children, and it would have a bad influence on the two children. .


Hearing Chen Feng's words, Xiao Xun'er was stunned for a second, then with an excited smile on her face, she gently rested her head in Chen Feng's arms.

"Brother Feng ~ you are so kind!"

The change in Chenfeng's attitude filled Xiao Xun'er with a sense of happiness.

Smelling the faint fragrance from Xun'er's hair, Chen Feng stretched out his palm involuntarily...

Soon, Chenfeng called the maid and temporarily took the two children away.

"Brother Feng~"

At this moment, Xiao Xun'er's face suddenly flushed with a layer of blush. After holding back for several months, some of her skills were almost rusty. This time, she made up her mind to ask Chenfeng for it...


With Chenfeng's current strength, Xiao Xun'er was no match at all by herself, and it didn't take long before she was defeated.

"Ah~ Brother Feng, I really can't deal with you alone..."

Xiao Xun'er opened her small mouth slightly, and the expression on her face looked very satisfied.

"It's okay, Xun'er, it's pretty good that you can hold on for so long!"

Listening to Xiao Xun'er's words of begging for mercy, Chen Feng had a smile on his face, and reached out to touch Xun'er's rosy cheeks.

The next moment, Chenfeng took out the divine blood pill that was previously rewarded by the system.

"what is this?"

Looking at the golden pill that appeared in Chenfeng's hand, Xiao Xun'er's eyes were full of curiosity. Ever since the golden pill appeared, she could feel that her blood was flowing faster.

"Take this elixir, and your bloodline level will be raised to that of a god-grade bloodline!" Chen Feng explained with a smile.

"What, taking this elixir will allow me to reach the divine bloodline?"

Hearing Chen Feng's introduction, Xiao Xun'er's mouth opened wide, as if it could stuff a big sausage into it.


Seeing Xiao Xun'er's alluring expression, Chen Feng smiled and nodded, "Try it!"

"it is good!"

Although she doesn't believe that there are such miraculous items in this world, Xiao Xun'er is very dependent on Chenfeng now, and she is willing to give it a try no matter if it works or not. Besides, the appearance of this golden pill really makes the blood in her body There is a change in the power of blood.

Gently pinching the golden pill with her little hand, Xiao Xun'er opened her mouth to swallow it without hesitation.

The golden pill melted into the mouth and turned into a golden liquid that entered Xiao Xun'er's body along her throat. After entering Xiao Xun'er's body, the golden liquid turned into a strange energy that penetrated into her blood Within, her blood was dyed golden at this moment.

Feeling some strange changes coming from her body, the expression on Xiao Xun'er's face was also very focused.

The next moment, a golden beam of light burst out from Xun'er's tender body and penetrated the roof, an extremely strong pressure diffused from the beam of light.

"This is……"

Under this coercion, even Queen Medusa had to deal with it with all her strength, and the rest of the women and maids almost knelt down.

Fortunately, this coercion only lasted for a moment before disappearing.

"Brother Feng, am I really a divine bloodline now?"

On the soft couch in the room, Xiao Xun'er asked Chen Feng in disbelief. After all, among the ancient clans, the god-grade bloodline had existed for thousands of years and had never appeared again.

"It's true! You are now the blood of the divine grade!"

"Brother Feng, you are so kind, you actually gave me such a precious treasure!"

Xiao Xun'er threw herself into Chenfeng's arms with a face full of excitement.

Now, her talent is much stronger than before. You must know that among ancient races like them, as long as the bloodline level reaches the ninth rank, it means that in the long years to come, she can successfully cultivate to become a fighting saint. .

And once someone's bloodline level reaches the tenth rank, that is, the divine rank bloodline, it means that this person has the potential to become the most powerful Nine Star Dou Sheng in the mainland in the future.

Although the difference between divine rank and ninth rank is only one rank, the difference between the two is like cloud and mud.

Seeing that Xiao Xun'er's bloodline has evolved to the god level, Chenfeng is also a little happy. The stronger her female cultivation talent is, the faster she can improve her strength. Strength can also be increased.

Perhaps because of the evolution of her bloodline, Xiao Xun'er regained the physical strength she had just consumed. With tenderness in her eyes, she slowly slid her cold little hand down...

After some cloud and rain, Xiao Xun'er was defeated again, and Chen Feng also understood her, and did not continue to perform, and he left the small world directly with a thought.


In the room, two slim figures sat at the table.

Xiao Yu rested her white hands on her snow-white chin, and with some resentment in her beautiful eyes, she said to herself, "Where will Brother Feng go?"

"Your Majesty, Chen Feng, is he going back to the Imperial Capital?" Xiao Mei who was at the side replied softly.

"No, if Brother Feng leaves, he will definitely tell me!" Hearing Xiao Mei's words, Xiao Yu shook his head.

Suddenly, in Xiao Yu's line of sight, a naked male figure appeared on the originally empty soft couch.

"Brother Feng~"

Seeing the figure suddenly appearing on the soft couch, Xiao Yu smiled and stood up in surprise.

Seeing Xiao Yu's sudden reaction, the little beauty Xiao Mei's eyes suddenly showed suspicion, and she slowly turned her head.


"This figure is too good..."

With this tilt of her head, the scene in her eyes made Xiao Mei a little dazed, and immediately, a layer of blush gradually appeared on her green face.

On Chenfeng's side, as soon as he came out of the small world and saw Xiao Yu in the room, the evil fire in his heart suddenly ignited again. He made a move towards Xiao Yu with his palm, and a huge suction force emerged in his palm to draw Xiao Yu's body. The body is photographed in front of the body.

"Brother Feng, are you coming again? I haven't...uh~"

Being sucked into the bed by the morning breeze, Xiao Yugang wanted to speak, but suddenly felt his lips were blocked, and only made intermittent "uh" and "uh" sounds.

"I go first!"

Seeing Chen Feng's actions towards Xiao Yu on the soft couch, Xiao Mei blushed even more, and then turned around to leave the room.

(End of this chapter)

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