Time flies in the world of film and television

Chapter 748: Integration of Companies (3)

Chapter 748: Integration of Companies (3)

In the reception room of the main building of Xinghan Building, seeing that Lin Bai and Lin Shaotao had reached a consensus, Chen Long and Zhang Qingming had probably made up their minds that 50 million was not a lot.

For them, the annual income is about three to five million, but in the entire company, only the two bosses have this income.

The others only have a maximum of one million, there are a few who have 300,000 or 400,000, and most of the rest have only around 200,000. The average of the 50 million is more than one million per person.

Even if he takes the lion's share, and the others get calculated based on their normal income ratio, the core partners can still get three to five million, and the rest can get hundreds of thousands on average.

It can be said that it is equivalent to three years of net income, which is still quite attractive. After all, the company with this price is already a leader.

There is no way around it. The competition in their industry has been very fierce in recent years, and some are even in a loss-making state.

There are three main reasons. One is that the firm's operating costs are relatively high, including employee salaries, rent, software fees, etc. These fixed costs may lead to losses when the business is not saturated.

Secondly, competition is fierce. In order to compete for clients, some firms may adopt low-price strategies, resulting in insufficient income to cover costs.

Finally, there is the issue of client churn. After all, talent is limited. If a firm cannot continue to provide high-quality services, it will lead to client churn, which in turn will affect revenue.

Of course, Lin Shaotao also saw what the two were thinking, so he smiled slightly and added fuel to the fire:
"Mr. Chen, Mr. Zhang, you two have already understood the general situation. I wonder what you think about it?"

"Boss Lin, I want to know, if we choose to join Hantao Capital, what arrangements will Chairman Han make for us?"

After Chen Long finished his question, Zhang Qingming also nodded, "And I also want to know, how does Mr. Lin, or Mr. Han arrange the current personnel of our company?
Will there be a large number of layoffs? How will the salaries of those who stay be determined? "

Hearing this, Lin Shaotao looked at the two people and responded: "Mr. Zhang, Mr. Chen, this needs to be discussed in detail after reaching a consensus.

However, one thing is certain, unless there are special circumstances, all personnel who can meet the company's requirements will sign new labor contracts.

After all, what we need is a team that can respond quickly without too much running-in.

The two companies happen to have certain conditions, so they will only streamline and optimize, and will not lay off large numbers of employees.

And I can guarantee that the income level of Hantao Capital’s employees, even ordinary employees, is definitely among the highest among all companies in Shanghai.

The remaining management, in addition to normal salaries and bonuses, can also participate in project dividends.”

Lin Shaotao was not bragging. After all, money didn't mean much to Han Tao. As long as he could get a mature team, it didn't matter whether he spent more or less.

The most important thing is that Han Tao has the system and knowledge that exceeds reality by many years. It is not difficult for him to make money. Although he cannot make every employee rich, he certainly will not exploit them.

Seeing that the two had no other opinions, Lin Shaotao continued: "As for the arrangements after the merger, the initial plan is that Yiren Finance Company will take over the financial department, and Mr. Chen Long will serve as the deputy director of finance.

Tiansheng Accounting Firm took over the audit department, and Mr. Zhang Qingming was appointed as the deputy director of the audit department.

The two deputy general managers at all levels of the Audit Department and the Finance Department shall submit the list and continue to stay in office after passing the assessment and review. "

"Okay, Mr. Lin, Tiansheng is willing to merge into Hantao Capital, and there is no need to pay a premium for the acquisition, just the market price."

As he spoke, Zhang Qingming stood up and stretched out his hand, smiling and continuing: "We are all boring researchers, and our work is boring and rigorous. We will need your care in the future!"

The value of the deputy general manager Lin Shaotao is not comparable to theirs. After all, they are all deputy directors. Unless they take the position of CFO, why not show goodwill at this time?
Zhang Qingming's decisiveness caught Chen Long off guard. Although the two graduated from the same school and major, they had always been at odds because of their different philosophies. The two companies were also in a state of competition because of the boss's ideas, and the employees were also competing with each other.

However, he had already been preempted. Chen Long could only secretly say "not a good son", and then nodded, "Boss Lin, Yiren Finance is also willing to join!"


Lin Shaotao happily stretched out his hand and shook hands with the two again. He felt relieved and felt that he had completed his task for the day.

Han Tao chose these companies because of checks and balances. The human resources are mainly in Deren because Lin Bai and Zheng Qiudong are relatively young and energetic. They are committed to realizing their life values ​​and will not easily form cliques.

However, Yiren Finance Company and Tiansheng Accounting Firm are in opposition to each other because of the relationship between Chen Long and Zhang Qingming. One is responsible for finance and the other is responsible for auditing, so they can supervise each other.

Of course, this does not mean that there will be no changes in several departments. When they are reorganized, personnel will still be drawn from several branches to join them.

In this way, when new people continue to come in, even the old hands will work desperately to maintain themselves and hold on to their status.

In order to get ahead and gain a foothold, the newcomers who were transferred from the branch companies will work harder and keep a close eye on the old employees who joined as a whole.

In this case, without a year or two of running-in and adjustment, the distinction between the new and the old will be blurred, and the original feeling will disappear with time.

In this way, the only ones left in the end will be people from Hantao Capital, and only people from Hantao Capital, because people with different ideas have already been eliminated.

"Mr. Zhang, Mr. Chen, the people from the legal department and the existing financial department of the head office will fully cooperate with the two of you to complete the merger.

All existing employees of Yiren Finance and Tiansheng Law Firm will sign new labor contracts and will abide by the regulations and systems of Hantao Capital in the future.

In this regard, President Han also specifically explained that regardless of whether the employees failed the assessment and had their labor contracts terminated, or stayed, they would receive the best economic compensation and treatment.

The specific amount will be based on the previous years of work, with one month's salary paid for each full year.

For those who stay, their jobs may be adjusted later to meet the company's new strategic needs, while providing corresponding training and promotion opportunities.

Existing welfare policies, such as medical insurance, annual leave, employee training, etc.…………

Now that both parties have reached an agreement, Lin Shaotao began to talk about the plans after the merger and acquisition.

During this period, Zhang Qingming and Chen Long also put forward their own ideas and perfected some details.

At this point, Hantao Capital's integration and establishment plan has successfully taken the first step. Needless to say, the group's legal department will be foolproof with the backing of Mingtang.

In addition to the operations department led by Lin Shaotao himself, the human resources, finance and audit departments have also been resolved, and the basic framework has been established.

In other words, the core departments of the head office are the administrative department, the secretarial department, and the public relations department.

As for engineering, information, R&D, marketing, investment, customer service, and other related departments under each department, they cannot be accomplished in a short period of time and will take some time to complete.


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