Chapter 14
"So big? Didn't the military clear the vicinity?"

He Yun was taken aback, he did not doubt Luo Li's judgment.

Wang Zuo, who was driving, subconsciously swallowed and spit, feeling a little dignified in his heart.

Lin Yang became interested.

A strange beast with this size would definitely not be weak, in any case, it was in the middle of the awakening state.

As for the impossibility of the high level of awakening, this place is not near famous mountains and rivers, and it is difficult to support a strange beast of high level of awakening in this environment.

In today's environment, the gap between two and three paragraphs cannot be easily bridged.

"This is tens of thousands of experience points."

Lin Yang secretly said.

The off-road vehicle was passing through the mountain path, and after turning its direction once, the headlights also illuminated a large area of ​​old trees that had been trampled down.

After seeing this scene, Luo Li lowered the car window and stared at the broken parts of the ancient trees.

After a while, she said, "It won't be long before these trees are destroyed, and that strange beast should be active here."

The big trees in this mountain forest are at least ten or twenty meters high, so they can fully hide the strange beast, and the three people in the car are all nervous at this moment.

Lin Yang also unbuckled his seat belt, took a Gatling from the back row, and stacked armor-piercing chains on his legs.

Before the exact strength of the alien beast is known for the time being, Lin Yang is not going to fight the alien beast in close quarters. Although his Xingyiquan has reached the level of supernatural power, it is only at the level of mastery.

When it comes to combat experience, he is completely blank.

How could he gain combat experience enough to fight the enemy to the death from the third-person perspective in the dream? This is completely impossible.

Since there is a choice, Lin Yang naturally chooses to use hot weapons, so that it will not affect the performance of He Yun and the other three.

Bullets don't have eyes.

"Under the condition that safety can be guaranteed, the injury is the main priority."

Lin Yang asked again.

After all, it was tens of thousands of experience points, so he didn't want to give up.

Moreover, creatures in the awakening state also have a probability of bursting out historical markers, which is completely different from those ordinary creatures.

So Lin Yang didn't spend too much time on frying fish, because he couldn't get anything other than experience points.

And considering the purchasing power and transportation problems of the catering department, in today's inconvenient transportation situation, the number of fish that can be fried by him will drop sharply in a few days.

The same goes for chickens, ducks, cattle and sheep.

The three of them didn't say anything at this time, they were all on guard, and Wang Zuo, who was driving, became more cautious.

Luo Li held Barrett in front of Plump. It seemed that she was not going to aim, but was going to use Barrett as a shotgun.

With her physical fitness, Barrett's recoil is not a big problem and can be tolerated.

It wasn't that she couldn't aim correctly, but that in the complicated terrain at this time, it was far less profitable to aim hard than this.


A deafening roar came from the depths of the forest, and the nearby ancient trees trembled, and large pieces of dead leaves fell.

The cold wind at night became even more violent at this moment. Even though they were sitting on the off-road vehicle, they still felt the ground trembling slightly, and a huge monster with a huge tonnage was rushing towards them.


An ancient tree about ten feet thick was broken abruptly, and its trunk smashed into the off-road vehicle. After seeing this scene, Wang Zuo stepped on the accelerator without hesitation.

The sound of the engine roaring like a beast came out, and several people in the car felt a strong push back.

Under the violent acceleration, the fallen tree trunk was avoided, but the splashed debris still shot towards the off-road vehicle after landing, but it failed to penetrate the bulletproof layer of the vehicle body.

At this moment, Lin Yang could already see a huge figure rushing towards several people in the darkness.

It was a huge yak seven or eight meters high, like a three-story building, covered in brown hair, with blood-red eyes, and the eyeballs were several circles larger than a human head.


The giant yak became even more excited after seeing the people on the off-road vehicle. It roared and accelerated its sprint, intending to overturn the 'little guy' in front of it.


The roar resounded through the night sky at this moment, it was Barrett's gunshot.


One of the huge yak's blood-red eyes exploded directly, and the special armor-piercing bullet penetrated directly into the yak's brain.

It was Luo Li who shot.

She knew that for the size of the yak, this kind of injury was not serious, so she started reloading without looking at the result of the first shot.

She shot the yak's eyes out in a dark environment nearly [-] meters away, which shows her precision in marksmanship.

At this time, He Yun also pulled the trigger.

"Da da da!"

Blue flames spewed out from the muzzle of Gatling's gun, and dozens of armor-piercing bullets rushed towards the yak every second.

Considering the size of a yak, He Yun didn't aim at all, and he could easily lock onto the yak's head.


The originally excited and violent yak showed a trace of fear.

After being targeted by Gatling and Barrett, its sixth sense was frantically warning.

However, it didn't have time to dodge, and could only barely move its head away, keeping its vitals.

But in an instant, the torrent of armor-piercing bullets bombarded the yak's body, which looked like a three-story building. Immediately, its flesh and blood were splattered everywhere.

At this moment, Lin Yang who lifted the Gatling also pulled the trigger, blue flames emerged from the rapidly rotating barrels, and hundreds of armor-piercing bullets rushed towards the yak.


The extremely penetrating gunshots resounded through the night sky, and Luo Li, who loaded the second bullet, fired again.

Because the yak struggled violently and wanted to escape, the shot missed the yak's vitals, but only caused a large cloud of blood to splash on the blood-stained body.

In just a dozen seconds, the huge body of the yak collapsed, directly crushing the nearby big tree and shaking the nearby earthquake.

[Obtain [-] experience points. 】

A system prompt appeared before Lin Yang's eyes.

"There are five levels of awakening? It's really rough and thick."

Lin Yang was secretly surprised.

As far as the tenacity of vitality is concerned, this giant yak is definitely second to none in the five stages of awakening.

Otherwise, it would be absolutely impossible to last more than ten seconds under this kind of fire suppression.

It's also fortunate that they are all aliens, and their physical fitness is quite terrible. Otherwise, with Gatling and Barrett in the car with full firepower, the powerful recoil would have made them unable to bear it.


Lin Yang dropped Gatling, whose gun barrel was already a little hot, and asked Wang Zuo to continue driving.

Looking at the huge figure that fell to the ground, the three of them took a few deep breaths.

All this did not seem dangerous, but the exaggerated size of the yak put them under great psychological pressure. If they were slow to react for a second or two, the yak would rush to them.

At that time, it will be impossible to be as unscathed as it is now.

Lin Yang originally wanted to send a location to Wang Na and ask Wang Na to send someone to take away the yak's body, but he found that there was no signal here at all, so he dismissed the idea.

Soon, the off-road vehicle disappeared in this desolate forest.

(End of this chapter)

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