I don't want to be a star, I became popular

Chapter 132 Mysterious gift, will the 2 rookie kings fight?

Chapter 132 Mysterious gift, are the two rookie kings going to fight?

The fragments of the five mysterious gift packages were finally collected.

A prompt message immediately appeared in front of Zhou You.

[Mysterious gift bag fragment * 5, can be exchanged for a big gift bag, do you want to exchange it? 】

"Exchange!" Zhou You couldn't wait.

After spending five lucky draw chances, Zhou You also wanted to see what this mysterious gift pack could offer.

As Zhou You's voice fell, the five fragments were pieced together in front of Zhou You's eyes, shining a brilliant golden light.

[The mysterious gift package is being exchanged...]

[Randomly drawing...]

[Congratulations on obtaining Villa No. 11 in Junting Villa District]

Actually opened a villa?
The purchase contract, real estate certificate and other relevant information immediately appeared in the system's item column.

Zhou You immediately opened the real estate certificate in the inventory, and found that Junting Villa No. 11 is a single-family villa with a total area of ​​1380 square meters, and the price is 45 per square meter!
1380 square meters, then its total price is more than 7 million...Zhou You roughly estimated it in his heart.

This big gift bag is really big! !

It's worth spending five draw chances.

Now that Zhou You has some funds in his hands, he originally planned to go back to Jinghai to look at the houses and buy one if he finds it suitable.

After all, the rental house is not my own home, so I have no sense of belonging.

Furthermore, the rental is too small.

It is not realistic for Zhou You to build a music room for himself to enjoy music immersively.

But I didn't expect that the fragments of the mysterious gift package were randomly exchanged for such a super mansion!
The Junting villa area is second only to the Tangong villa area in Jinghai.

There are 21 villas in the entire villa area.

Located in Jinghai East District.

It is known as the West Sandalwood Palace and the East King's Court.

Owning such a luxury house, life in the future will be very comfortable and comfortable, gardens, swimming pools, jacuzzi... find a wife and have a few cubs, and live a leisurely life like this, it is beautiful to think about.

At the end of this journey, go back and see your "new home".


During the tour around Mount Everest, Li Yan and I saw the Rizhao Jinshan, the beautiful glaciers, and the gorgeous starry sky at the highest point in the world.

Mount Everest is a place that many people yearn for.

But there's really nothing to do here.

Basically, I can only eat instant noodles and compressed biscuits for every meal.

So Zhou You and Li Yan didn't stay here too long after seeing the golden mountain in the sunshine and taking pictures of the starry sky and the Milky Way.

Zhou You is fine, Li Yan relies on oxygen inhalation here.

So they went down the mountain early the next morning.

Wan Junfeng has also gone down the mountain.

He went straight back to Jalan Sa, and then flew back to Kyoto.

After parting, Zhou You and Li Yan went to the next stop - Ali!
From the base camp of Mount Everest, we will pass Rongbuk Monastery.

I heard that the "face" of Mount Everest can be seen on the mountain behind Rongbuk Monastery.

Mount Everest is also known as the "Goddess Peak". How can Zhou You and Li Yan resist looking at the face of the goddess?
Come all come!

Go check it out!

When they came to the mountain, they really saw the face of the legendary goddess.

Beautiful silhouette.

Her nose and eyelashes can be clearly seen.

Zhou You and Li Yan planned to take a look at the goddess, took two photos of the "goddess" and left.

However, when they came down from the mountain, they met a pair of gray-haired couples, who helped each other to Rongbuk Monastery.

They looked like they might be 80 or [-] years old.

Both are very thin.

But the spirit head is not bad.

The old man and the old lady are dressed in fashion.

Seeing the camera following Zhou You and Li Yan, he greeted them with a blind smile, and the camera brother quickly took a shot of them.

The old man said, "Can you see the goddess's face on it?"

Zhou You said, "I can see it."

Old man: "That's great."

Li Yan: "Grandpa, your wife is by your side, isn't it afraid that she will be angry if you look at the goddess so happily?" Li Yan was obviously joking.

The old man said cheerfully: "Guan Guan Jujiu, in the river continent, a fair lady, a gentleman is so good~~" He answered humorously.

Li Yan: "You seem to be 60 years old, right?" Li Yan deliberately made the age look younger.

Old man: "Hahaha! My wife and I are both 75 years old this year!"

Li Yan: "It doesn't look like it at all."

Although Li Yan's words were a bit "flattering", they made the two old people very happy.After the atmosphere gradually improved, Li Yan finally asked the question that both he and Li Yan were most curious about, "Weizang is so high above sea level, don't you two worry about accidents when you come here?"

The old man smiled and said, "What is there to worry about? Wouldn't it be romantic if we both died on the road together?"

The smile on the old man's face grew even brighter.

The lady held her husband's hand, her face was filled with happiness.


under the sun,

The white hair on their heads is like the perennial snow on the top of Mount Everest, reflecting an enviable brilliance.

They will die together on the road as the romance of life and love!
These words were extremely shocking to Zhou You and Li Yan's ears.

Death is a very sad thing.

But what came out of their mouths was so bland and understated.

After taking a photo with the two old people, Zhou You waved goodbye to Li Yan, and Li Yan said: "This is probably holding your hand, let's grow old together."

Zhou You quoted a lyric saying: "The most romantic thing I can think of is to grow old with you."

Li Yan: "I think it can be written into a song."

It was originally a song... Zhou You said: "Probably maybe maybe maybe."

Li Yan: "It depends on Teacher Xiaoyao's mood?"

Zhou You: "Yes."

Leaving Rongbuk Monastery, the red wild horse runs towards Old Tingri.

Perhaps because of the replacement of the spare tire, both Zhou You and Li Yan felt that the Mustang, which had been damaged to a certain extent, was much more comfortable to sit on than before.

Come to Weizang, it’s really a waste car.

It is unscientific not to blow out one or two tires.

If you don't get stuck in the car several times, you won't be called to Wei Zang.

U-Tsang is a place where you can get stuck, and it’s also a place where cars can get stuck...

On the way to Laodingri, the scenery is desolate.

The mobile phone has a signal on the road, but it is intermittent.After passing Laodingri, the car drove towards Saga and went straight to Gang Rinpoche.

After having a lunch in Old Tingri, the red mustang drove out of Old Tingri.

About an hour later, on the left side of the road, Zhou You and Li Yan saw a familiar figure from behind!

Xu Lang who ate Tibetan noodles together in Jasa!

He is now pushing his bicycle towards the wilderness on the left side of work.

Li Yan: "Is that Xu Lang?"

Zhou You: "It's him."

Li Yan: "Why is he pushing the cart over there?"

Zhou You is also very curious.

Even asked Uncle Dorje to stop.

Zhou You and Li Yan got out of the car after pulling over, and Li Yan shouted: "Xu Lang!"

Xu Lang heard the sound of a car, and he knew there was someone behind him.But he didn't look back.He didn't stop and look back until he heard the sound of Xu Lang.

Seeing Zhou You and Li Yan, a surprised and delighted smile appeared on his dusty face, "Eh? Teacher Zhou You! Teacher Li Yan!"

Zhou You and Li Yan quickened their pace to meet them.

As the distance got closer, Zhou You saw that Xu Lang's skin was darker today than when he saw it in Jasa.

Riding in the wind and sun every day, it is normal to be tanned.

His lips were slightly chapped.

It may be that Wei Zang is too windy.

But his eyes were still as determined as they had been when they first saw them.

"Why are you leading the car this way?" Zhou You asked curiously.

It's more than two o'clock in the afternoon. Under normal circumstances, he should hurry up and hurry.

Xu Lang pointed to the front and said, "There is a hot spring over there. I plan to go take a bath, take a rest and eat something."

"I haven't showered in the past two days, and my body is dusty."

Li Yan's eyes lit up when he heard that there was a hot spring.

After leaving Kangbu, he missed the daily dip in that place every day.

They hadn't bathed since they left Comb.

Li Yan said: "It just so happens that the two of us haven't showered for several days, so let's go take a bubble bath together."

Xu Lang: "Okay."

So the three of them hit it off and made an appointment for a soak...well, an appointment for a bath.

The hot spring is on a small hillside on the left.

After departing from the road, the three of them walked for a while.

When I came to the hillside for a tour, I quickly saw several springs.

The steaming spring water gurgles out from the spring, forming a large circular pond.

There are also many springs flowing towards the low-lying places, forming a large warm water not far away.

This hot spring should have been discovered long ago.

Because not far from the spring, there are four large rectangular pits lined up.It has been filled with hot spring water.

Obviously, these rectangular pits are "open-air bathtubs" dug out by humans.

For bathing.

Xu Lang leaned his bicycle aside.

He took six eggs out of the bag.

Come to the spring with the highest temperature, and then place six eggs at a certain distance, and put them down one by one!
This guy is going to boil eggs here.

This wild spring looks very comfortable.

After putting the eggs into the hot spring, Xu Lang came to the square pool where the temperature of the spring water was not so high, took off his shoes, socks, clothes and pants, even his pants, and jumped in!

Not far away, Wang Jia almost screamed when she saw this scene, and immediately turned her back, muttering, "Is this something I can watch for free?"

Xu Feifei: "It's true that you can watch it for free."

Wang Jia: "Have Zhou You and Li Yan off?"

Xu Feifei: "It's taking off."

Then Wang Jia turned around slightly, covered her eyes with the palm of her right hand, opened her fingers a little, and looked at Zhou You and Li Yan through the gap between her fingers...

Wow! ! ! !

Zhou You's almost perfect figure and muscle lines made Wang Jia salivate.

Xu Feifan looked at the corners of his mouth twitching slightly... This Wang Jia! !It's really not reserved at all.

Xu Feifei: "Isn't it good for you to peep like this?"

Wang Jia: "I'm looking at it openly."

Xu Feifei: "You look like a female hooligan now."

Wang Jia: "So what? Zhou You is too predictable."

Xu Feifei: "Pay attention to your halazi."

Zhou You and Li Yan jumped into the square pool one after another.

Then Zhou You saw Li Yan's cute pair of yellow pants...the color!

Zhou You just glanced at it, then took off his pants and soaked in the hot spring.

"You...you don't wear it either?" Li Yan didn't expect Zhou You to be so relaxed.

"No one is looking at you around here." Zhou You said, "What are you afraid of?"

Speaking of taking off his pants, the scene of Kangbu Hot Spring entering the shower room by mistake appeared in Li Yan's mind...

just now!

Again he was alone in his underpants.

To take off or not to take off?
This is a problem!
who cares!
take off!
Then jump into the open-air tub.

Gentle spring water enveloped him.

So cool!
Xu Lang, Zhou You, and Li Yan, the three of them each had a pit, lined up one by one, soaking in the square pool, and all three of them had an expression of enjoyment.

[The first time to soak in wild hot spring life points +1]

[Naked hot springs, life points +1]

I used to soak in the hot springs in Kangbu wearing shorts, and I didn't fully stretch... Now that I'm in good health, Zhou You thinks this is the hot spring!

The point is that you can earn a living in this way.

It seems that the system wants me to let myself go, not to be a caged bird.

The three of them soaked in the hot spring comfortably.

Li Yan closed his eyes and sighed: "It's still comfortable to go wild."

Zhou You and Xu Lang turned their heads to look at Li Yan after hearing the words.

Seeing that the two ignored him, Li Yan slowly opened his eyes and found that both Zhou You and Li Yan were staring at him strangely.

"Why are you all staring at me?" Li Yan was worried.

"Remember to say Yequan next time." Zhou You said.

"Is there a relationship between Ye Pao and Ye Quan?" Li Yan blurted out, and before Zhou You could speak to Xu Yun, he realized that Ye Pao was indeed quite a joke... "Okay, Ye Quan."

Li Yan's cheeks were slightly hot.

I'm not what you think.

Immediately changed the subject and said, "Xu Lang, how did you know there is a hot spring here?"

Xu Lang: "During the live broadcast before, the water friends told me that I must come to Bubble. Hey, where did you come from?"

Zhou You: "I just went to Mount Everest."

Xu Lang: "Did you encounter good weather?"

Zhou You: "It happened to be a clear night, and I took pictures of the starry sky and the Milky Way, and saw the golden mountains illuminated by the sun."

Xu Lang: "Great! I didn't see anything when I went! It really depends on luck and fate."

Both sides talked about the itinerary and experience of Jasa Yifae.

During this period, Xu Lang experienced a life-and-death danger. When he was riding through no man's land, he was chased by wild wolves. Fortunately, he escaped with quick wit.

Zhou You Li Yan and Xu Lang's next destination is the same.

They all go to Ganggang Rinpoche.

Zhou You invited Xu Lang to go with him for a while.

Xu Lang was a little hesitant at first, but after thinking about it carefully, it's not too far from here to Gang Rinpoche, and it's fine to walk for a while.

But he said, only walk this part of the road.

After Gang Rinpoche, he still had to complete his cycling tour by bicycle.

After soaking for about two hours, the three of them came out of the bath, put on their clothes and pants, and Xu Lang went to the spring to get six hard-boiled eggs.

Divided two for Zhou You and Li Yan.

After eating the eggs and adding a little dry food and water, Xu Lang's bicycle was tied to the roof of the red Mustang.

The red Mustang is on again.

The three embarked on a journey to Gang Rinpoche.

Xu Lang suddenly felt unaccustomed to sitting in the car. He said, "I feel like I have traveled through time, from the age of bicycles to the age of automobiles."

After all, he's been on a bike all the time.

It will take another six hours to drive to Kailash.

It is four o'clock in the afternoon.

They planned to drive for a part of the night until they arrived at Talqin Village at the foot of the sacred mountain Kailash.

Talqin Village at night is very quiet.

Because the function of the weather card is still there, I traveled around and arrived at Mount Kailash. It was a clear night and I could see the stars all over the sky.

Mount Kailash stands sacred in the dark night.


It was getting late and everyone was lying in bed ready to go to bed.

Zhou You swiped his phone for a while.

Only then did he notice that Qian Qiuyuan had sent him a message on Xia Guo Music Network.

The three scumbags even came to Wei Zang.

It's really here!
Before, I thought Qian Qiuyuan was joking.

Zhou You replied in the name of Xiaoyao: "Now at Gang Rinpoche, the signal is weak, and I don't use my mobile phone much."

After all, Qian Qiuyuan is an A-level creator in the industry.

It's not bad to make friends.

Therefore, Zhou You, who never explained, explained for the first time the reason why he didn't reply to the message.

After a brief chat with Qian Qiuyuan, Zhou You received the song file from Zhang Yao.

The two songs "Rain in June" and "Always Quiet" in "Legend of Sword and Fairy" have already been recorded.

It seems that Su Qianxia has arrived in Jasa.

Zhou You listened to two songs, whether it was Chu Liang or Su Qianxia, ​​the recorded versions of both were good.

Zhou You: "Yes. How is the progress of the recent filming of "Sword"?"

Zhang Yao: "Six episodes have been filmed, and editing has already begun. It is expected that this one will be broadcast in early August."

At the beginning of August, it was almost the end of the U-Tsang trip.Pretty fast.

Blue Star's filming and broadcasting system has greatly shortened the cycle from filming and production to broadcasting.

Moreover, Blue Star's shooting technology and system are better than Earth's, and the progress is faster than Earth's.

Zhang Yao: "By the way, boss, Daxia Publishing House sent over the cover and page design of "Jieyou Grocery Store". Please see if you need to adjust it."

Zhang Yao quickly sent the book cover of "Jieyou Grocery Store".

Daxia Publishing House made the book cover green.

The overall look is very fresh.

A shop called Naniya General Store can be glimpsed from it.

The whole is very artistic.

Zhou You: "No problem."

The release date of "The Grocery Store" has been confirmed.At present, the preparatory work for this book has been completed, and the publicity before the release will be carried out tomorrow.

Today, Shen Xiaolong's new work "Star Abyss" has begun to be fully promoted.

Under the arrangement of Daxia Publishing House, Shen Xiaolong attended an exclusive interview with a writer.

In the interview, we talked about the title of the new book, the source of creative inspiration, the creative cycle and so on.

Shen Xiaolong answered one by one.

Because it was a live interview conducted by the editorial department of Daxia Publishing House, many fans of Shen Xiaolong watched the live broadcast that day.

So the topic of "Shen Xiaolong's new work "Xingyuan" is about to hit" rushed to the second place on Weibo's hot list.

The response from fans has been overwhelming.

"Ahhh!! I finally got Xiaolong's new book."

"Woooooo!! It's actually science fiction."

"I'm ready to burn a hole in my brain."

"I'm ready to be depressed."

"I hope it's a dark sci-fi style!! I really like Xiaolong's style."

Just looking at these readers' comments and feedback, you can know how popular and anticipated Shen Xiaolong and Shen Xiaolong's new work is.

However, just when Shen Xiaolong's new book became popular.

At ten o'clock the next morning,
Daxia Publishing House released a similarly shocking Weibo.

"After the book "The Devotion of Suspect X" became a god, Ye Youshen's new work "Jieyou Grocery Store" will be released soon!"

As soon as the news came out,
The reader circle instantly boiled!

These two "newcomer kings" are publishing books at the same time. Is this going to fight?



5000 word chapters.I really can't write the second update today.Data is not ready.I'll fill it up later.

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Excellent product~~ The author kneels down and kowtows to everyone, thank you, dong dong dong~~
(End of this chapter)

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