I don't want to be a star, I became popular

Chapter 198 Poor Disease, "As long as it is ordinary"

Chapter 198 Poor Disease, "As long as it is ordinary"

Jinghai Jiahua Entertainment.

Directors Wu Senyu and Hu Chunsheng chatted about the October prime time while puffing.

Hu Chunsheng: "The prime time in October this year is even more voluptuous than in previous years. The theaters have introduced two films from Datang and Shang Guo. It is difficult to compete for a box office champion."

Wu Senyu: "It's a matter of manpower. It's more difficult, but it's not impossible."

Hu Chunsheng: "So confident?"

Wu Senyu: "If I don't believe it myself, how can my dream come true?"

Hu Chunsheng didn't talk about this topic anymore, but said: "Dayu Studio's "I'm Not the God of Medicine" is also released in prime time, and the screenwriter is still the God of Night. But I heard that he was on the bench and didn't get a decent film schedule."

Wu Senyu: "When a "Legend of Sword and Fairy" became popular, I thought that I could find a sense of presence in the prime time. Big Fish Studio was a bit overconfident. It can't make any waves. This time, Big Fish Studio may be It’s going to stumble, after all, the three major films are not easy, not to mention there are two Tang and Shang Guo films.”

Hu Chunsheng: "Over there, I heard that the film that Ding Hai is in charge of is very strong."

Wu Senyu: "We'll know if it's strong or not when it's released. Big Fish Studio can only survive in the cracks this time. Kill him."

Jiahua Entertainment, Guangdian Entertainment, and Star Media, the three entertainment companies are all inquiring about each other's news.

At the same time, I also noticed "I'm Not the God of Medicine" by Big Fish Studio.

But "I'm Not the God of Medicine" got all the garbage schedules.

This made the three majors not take it seriously.

Usually getting this kind of scheduled film is the fate of running with you.

Not to mention making money, it is already good to be able to pay back.

Most even lose money.

So none of them regarded "I'm Not the God of Medicine" as a competitor, but waited to see the joke of "I'm Not the God of Medicine".


Jinguan City.

On the first day of Su Wen's vacation, he was woken up by his mother knocking on the door. Hey, it's been a long vacation, can you let me sleep a little longer?
"Su Wen! Get up! Forgot what I told you last night?"

"I haven't woken up yet!"

"Did you talk to me before you woke up? Get up quickly! If you don't get up again, I'll break the door. I have an appointment with your Auntie Gu, you can't let me release other people's pigeons. Hurry up!"

Mom's tone was hard and stern.

Blind date on vacation!
I'm so annoying.

Since the Chinese New Year this year, I don't know how to open Pandora's box, and my mother has been keen to arrange blind dates for him everywhere. As long as he is on vacation, he will immediately let him meet so and so.

At first he was cooperative.

But after seeing more, I feel more and more that it is normal that there are not many blind date girls... The first blind date partner said that he had a car and a house and gave a gift of 30 yuan.The second requires an annual salary of 50.The third is that the single-parent family is worried that her father will not be taken care of, so they have to buy a house in her hometown and live with her father in the future. What is the difference between this and becoming a married woman?What a big face plate.

The fourth one has no requirements. Su Wen thinks it is quite suitable in all aspects and intends to develop it.In the end, the other party told him that she had a girlfriend and it was fine to get married, but they were just a formal marriage. They would not make babies or have babies, just give their parents an explanation.

Very hurtful, very insulting!
After going through all this, Su Wen now doesn't have any expectations about the blind date... There is a reason why these women can't get married.Of course, there is a reason why he can't marry a wife, poor!No money!

This time he didn't want to go either, but in the end he was dragged up by his mother.

He put on a T-shirt casually, put on a pair of jeans and went out.

Mom asked him to dress better.Su Wen said: "Mom, let's focus on the truth. I'm like this. She can talk about it if she likes it. If she doesn't like it, she can't be dragged down."

Su Wen's mentality now is to meet and finish the task, and then go home and lie down.

If you can find a girlfriend on a blind date, pigs will climb trees.

Su Wen didn't have any extravagant hopes.

Just hope it all ends soon.

The meeting place was at the so-called Aunt Gu's house, my family, Aunt Gu's family, the woman's family... There were more than a dozen people in a room. This is not a blind date, it is simply a large-scale execution scene.Su Wen was very resistant to it.

As soon as Su Wen and the others entered the door, Aunt Gu introduced them, "This is Su Wen, the young man is a good-looking guy, right? Su Wen, this is Zhuang Xiaobei. Look at the two of you. You two are so talented and beautiful together. You are a perfect match. A perfect match... "

Aunt Gu, how many lines have you been involved in and how many matchmakers have you done?It's hype.

But the child named Zhuang Xiaobei really caught Su Wen's eyes. He was tall, Su Wen was 1.7 meters tall, and the other party should be 1.7 meters two...Light makeup, T-shirt and jeans, clean and simple.Looks like a good girl.


You can understand...Su Wen immediately abandoned his "principle of completing tasks".It's not that I don't like blind dates, but that the person I'm dating isn't pretty enough... Bah, it's not reliable enough!

Aunt Gu: "You two add a WeChat message."

Then Su Wen and Zhuang Xiaobei added WeChat in a daze.Aunt Gu also said that you should find a place to chat alone.

There's no room in this house... The two looked at each other, and Zhuang Xiaobei said, "Why don't you go for a walk?"

"Okay." Su Wen responded.

Then the two left Aunt Gu's house and the community.They didn't know where to go for a while, and then they found a shopping mall, so they walked clockwise around the shopping mall.

There was a period of silence, and then Zhuang Xiaobei took the initiative to start the topic, "What do you do for work?"

"Edit." Su Wen said.

"No wonder she looks so gentle." Zhuang Xiaobei said.

"That's right," Su Wen said, "Like a gentle scum."

The chatterbox opened up, and then the two passed a milk tea shop, each bought a cup of milk tea and sat down to chat.

Zhuang Xiaobei doesn't like to read novels, but she always talks about the little things in her life, which Su Wen thinks is very good.Later, when it came to music, the two finally found a common topic, and they both happened to be fans of Zhou You!Speaking of movies again...

Su Wen: "Is there any movie you want to watch recently?"

Zhuang Xiaobei: "I'm Not the God of Medicine from Big Fish Studio, how about you?"

Su Wen: "I just want to watch it too! Well, look at the tickets...it's all in the morning, and the nearest one is 10 minutes away..."

I don't know what to do next... Zhuang Xiaobei said, "Why don't we just watch this one. It happens that there is a theater on the third floor of the shopping mall."

It seems good to watch a movie together... Su Wen agreed to come down, bought a ticket, and hurriedly went to watch the movie.

It was agreed to finish the task and go home and lie down... Su Wen had already forgotten his original intention.

There were not many people in Hall 4.

Su Wen and Zhuang Xiaobei sat in the back row, feeling like they were booking the venue.

Zhuang Xiaobei: "There are too few people, right?"

Su Wen: "At this point, everyone is still sleeping late. Besides, the three movies, Datang, and Shangguo are all big productions. You should tend to watch those movies. They happen to be in the afternoon and evening, and the time is also the same. suitable."

Zhuang Xiaobei: "Oh."

Until the movie started, the audience in the theater could count on their fingers, sitting sparsely.

Attendance is too low.

The lights in the theater are turned off and the movie begins.

The big screen was plunged into darkness.

White text appeared on it, all of which were information about the partner, producer, and so on.Immediately afterwards, music that made people want to dance sounded, very cheerful...

On Earth, the opening music of "I'm Not the God of Medicine" is called "Aankhein Khuli", which is a Divine Comedy by Asan, which means "burning fire of love".Also known as "The bride is married, but the groom is not me".

The rhythm is cheerful, the magic is high, and the brainwashing divine comedy!

A kei coolie hoo ah hoo rush, di da Lu Gong ga hoo da hey, change sei to red and kill Europe~~~
The Blue Star version of "I'm Not the God of Medicine" also retains this song.After all, Asanyu still exists as a dialect in the Star Federation.

Zhuang Xiaobei: "Is this a song and dance movie?"

Su Wen: "It sounds like I really want to jump twice. It sounds so good."

Zhuang Xiaobei: "Is it weird and nice?"

During the talk, the feature film has started.

The story happened in Jinghai in 2002.

Cheng Yong opened a "Hardness God Oil", ah, that's wrong, it's "Asan God Oil". He made a living selling aphrodisiac medicines, and lived and ate in the shop.

But business is not so good.

Because now everyone is directly using Viagra, and the effect of Asan oil is not very good.

As a result, Cheng Yong fell into financial difficulties and could not pay the rent.

He has been divorced for many years, his eight-year-old son lives with his mother, and his father is seriously ill.

In middle age, Cheng Yong's life is a mess.

The family broke up, no money, no career, and the ex-wife had to take their son abroad... It was a trough in life.

Soon Lu Yiyi, played by Li Yan, appeared on the stage.

Lu Yiyi wore a thick three-layer mask on his face!Standard three-tier set.

In order to play this role well, Li Yan insisted on starving himself thin. The sallow color on his face was not painted by makeup, but because he really starved himself so much, he is a ruthless person.

Lu Yiyi was introduced by someone and learned that Lu Yiyi has channels to get generic drugs. In Zhou You's reconstructed worldview, there is no mention of smuggling.It only said that Cheng Yong had some contacts in Asan, and he could get in touch with drug dealers who manufactured and sold generic drugs.

However, it is illegal to manufacture and sell generic drugs.

Lu Yiyi asked Cheng Yong to help make generic drugs, but Cheng Yong refused, which would be punishable by imprisonment.Not worth it for 3 yuan.

Drive away Lu Yiyi.

But Lu Yiyi cheekily left his phone number. He waited for the medicine to save his life, and then put on a three-layer mask.

At this juncture, Cheng Yong's father fell ill and needed 8 yuan for treatment!He is poor and white, where did he get 8 yuan?Lu Yiyi waits for medicine to save lives!Father is waiting for money to help!

So for help!Cheng Yong decided to go to Ah San to sell "generic drugs" and earn a lot of money.

Money is a bastard!
But this bastard is so pretty.

Money can't solve all problems, but not having money is 100% the problem.

Money is not everything, but no money is absolutely impossible.

Su Wen felt that this paragraph was too real, and said, "Seeing a doctor is really expensive now."

Zhuang Xiaobei: "Yeah, last time I had a bad cold and spent more than 1000 on water for two days. If it wasn't really unbearable, I wouldn't want to go to the hospital..."

Su Wen felt the same way.

Various inspections are performed at every turn.

So he likes to see Chinese medicine, but under the operation of capital and chaebols, Blue Star's Chinese medicine is not cheap...a ​​medicine can cost hundreds of dollars.

drug!The price has always been raised by capital and chaebols.

The Star Federation has been working hard to solve this problem, but the Star Federation's plate is too big, and it is not so easy to uproot it. The chain of interests in it is intertwined and extremely complicated.

Cheng Yong took the risk to get the generic drug and made a fortune. His father had a successful operation.

After that, he withdrew for a while because of the risks, but Lu Yiyi was tortured by illness because he no longer provided generic drugs, and finally had to choose to end his life.This had a great impact on Cheng Yong, so for the sake of the lives of more patients, he started selling generic drugs again.Even lowered the price to 500 at the end!Sell ​​these medicines to patients in need with your own money.

However, such a large-scale sale of generic drugs has mobilized the capital and the cheese of the chaebol, and soon Cheng Yong was investigated by the relevant departments...

Zhuang Xiaobei couldn't help but shed tears as she watched.

Seeing this, Su Wen immediately handed over a tissue.

Zhuang Xiaobei took the tissue and wiped away her tears: "This movie is so touching! I cried so much."

Su Wen blinked his eyes a few times. In fact, his eyes were rosy, but after all, it was a blind date, and it was too unmanly to cry in front of Zhuang Xiaobei. He endured it and held it back. "yes."

What impressed Su Wen the most was the role of Lu Yiyi, who performed so well that it made people feel distressed.

Li Yan's acting skills are really good.

In addition, patients were brought back to the bureau for investigation, but no one spoke, and finally an old lady stood up and said:

"I just want to beg you, stop chasing generic drugs, okay?"

"I have been ill for three years. I took 4 yuan a bottle of medicine for three years. My house was gone, and my family was devastated by me. Now I finally have cheap medicine. You insist that it is a fake medicine. Can we not know if the medicine is fake or not? The medicine only sells for 500 yuan a bottle, and the drug dealer doesn’t make any money at all..."

"You took him away, we all have to die."

The word "wait for death" pierced the hearts of Su Wen and Zhuang Xiaobei.

Forty thousand bottles of medicine!
How many people can afford it?
Wait to die!

The deep despair and helplessness made people cry.

The few audience members in the theater were wiping away their tears.

Immediately afterwards, the role of Zhang Changlin appeared again. He was going to extort money from Cheng Yong, but he was moved by Cheng Yong's act of righteousness, and he uttered a heartfelt statement, which was also the lowest and cruelest logic in the world:

"I have been selling medicine for so many years, and I discovered that there is only one disease in this world—the disease of poverty!"

"You can't cure this kind of disease, and you can't cure it, forget it."

Another extremely realistic line.

Severely pierced the hearts of the audience.

At the end of the movie, Cheng Yong was sentenced to five years in prison. When he was sent to the prison, countless patients caught him seeing him off. At that scene, Su Wen suddenly burst into tears, and Su Wen, who had been holding back his tears, finally couldn't hold back anymore.

Oh shit! !
This movie made me cry as a big man.

At the end of the movie, the theme song "Just Ordinary" also played at this time.

"Maybe it was far away or yesterday, here or on the other side, the long road was full of joys and sorrows, people gathered and scattered..."

As the singing sounded, the images and characters in the movie uncontrollably appeared and flashed back in my mind.

It's like playing PowerPoint in your head.

"Let's let go of right and wrong to know the answer, live bravely, without the halo of God, you and I are born ordinary..."

"Recognize regret in heartbreak, life is long and short, vines grow from a beating heart, willing to fight for danger..."

The song gradually comes to an end.

The big screen also faded into darkness.

The movie is over!
But no one in the theater left.

Everyone burst into tears!

Wiping away tears.



First more.

"I'm Not a Great God", so I want: monthly pass, monthly pass, monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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