Chapter 221 Unexpectedly Smooth

"No need to bother, uncle, we already know that the mini dragon is in this Dragon Valley~"



The administrator was dumbfounded when he saw the area that Kitagawa Yu casually pointed out on the map.Obviously, Kitagawa Yu really knows that the mini dragon lives in the so-called 'Dragon Valley', which is a small lake surrounded by rocks.

"Wait! How did you know that the Mysterious Dragon was there?!"

"Would you believe me if I guessed it?"

"." The administrator's face changed for a while. Seeing that Kitagawa Yu and others were already walking towards the direction of Dragon Valley with the elf balls, he finally subconsciously picked up the double-barreled shotgun on the table next to him, pointed it at them, and shouted loudly warned: "No! You can't disturb the mini dragon!"

When Kitagawa Yu saw this, his face turned cold and he stopped.

"You, an adult, actually pointed a gun at several children?"

The administrator was shocked when he heard this, and there was a hint of shame on his face, but for the sake of the mini dragon, he still did not remove the muzzle of the gun.

This made Kitagawa Yu couldn't help but snort again.

"Since the mini dragon is in the wild wilderness, it can be captured according to regulations. What qualifications do you have to stop us?"

Kitagawa Yu's question left the administrator speechless again.

In the end, the administrator acted shamelessly and said loudly: "No, it's not possible. In short, if you want to capture the mini dragons, you can't! They should live freely here! If you want to capture the mini dragons, you have to step on my corpse!"


Looking at the administrator who became more and more excited as he talked, Yu Kitagawa inexplicably thought of the extreme environmentalists and some extreme dog lovers in his previous life, with a look of disgust on his face.

And if he remembered correctly, in the original plot, when faced with the forced confession from Kojiro and the others, this guy easily revealed the hiding place of the mini-dragon, right?
Too lazy to waste any more time with him, Kitagawa Yu directly activated the Breath of Thunder, turning into a golden lightning that instantly appeared beside him. Then he grabbed the double-barreled shotgun from his hand and pulled the barrel out of his hand. Kneaded into twists.

But just like this, Kitagawa Yu was still a little upset.So he rolled his eyes, called for thousands of electric flying squirrels, gave the administrator an electric shock treatment, and stunned him directly.

This way, in the subsequent process of conquering the mini dragon, this guy will not come out to cause trouble again.

"Let's go! Go to Dragon Valley to capture the mini dragon first!"

Of course, although mini dragons are relatively rare and precious, they still don't like them. What they really like is Kuailong, the ultimate evolution of mini dragons.

You must know that this is the only Pokémon below the legendary level. If nothing else, just its super high racial value and the fastest flying speed among all non-legendary Pokémon make people fascinated.

"Speaking of which, I don't know when 'Mewtwo's Counterattack' will start. If you have the chance, you can use Mewtwo's upgraded and improved Pokémon cloning machine, so that you can clone a Pokémon directly without leveling up. Dragon or Charizard Legion."

Qian Shu and others all showed surprised expressions.

"Is the world's technology capable of large-scale cloning of Pokémon?"

"That's right," Kitagawa Yu nodded. "Although the technology tree of this world is a bit biased, it is really powerful in some aspects."

"That's right!" Speaking of Chaomeng, Kitagawa Yu suddenly thought of something very important.

"There is a legendary Pokémon called Celebi living in the forests of the Johto area. This Pokémon has the ability to take people through time."

The hair on Arturia's head immediately stood up when she heard this.

"The ability to take people through time?"

"That's right, I just don't know if its time travel ability can be applied to your world. But when we get to the Johto area, we can try to find and conquer it."

"What about its combat power? It has the ability to travel through time, and it is a legendary Pokémon. Its combat power should be very powerful, right?" Irena asked curiously.

"No," Kitagawa Yu said with a smile: "Celebi's abilities and skills are very strong, but he is not good at fighting and has little courage. He basically runs away when encountering enemies. He has the ability to travel through time. It’s really hard to catch him.”

"Is that so?" The dull hair on Artoria's head instantly lost its strength.

It's time travel, and it's a magical escape skill when used properly. It's obviously very difficult to catch.

"But it's always good to have one more way. And with your lucky attributes, maybe Rabbi Shi will take the initiative to make you the master as soon as he sees you~"

Kitagawa Yuu said with a smile that was half teasing and half comforting, which immediately made the dull hair on Artoria's head regain its vitality.

"Are there any other powerful legendary Pokémon in this world?" Qian Shu couldn't help but ask at this time.

"There are quite a few. Basically, legendary Pokémon at least have the ability to affect the natural energy balance of a city or even a region." Kitagawa Yu introduced.

"However, the vast majority of legendary Pokémon have very poor combat skills and awareness. Even if they have existed for thousands of years, their pure skills and awareness may not be as good as being trained by human trainers for several months. The Pokmon relies solely on its strength to overwhelm people."

"The strongest among them is Arceus, who is called the 'Creation God' who created this planet. Besides that, the most powerful one should be Mewtwo, who was artificially created by Blue Man with the dream gene."

"But the most useful thing to us, besides Celebi, should be Jirachi who has the ability to make wishes."

"This legendary Pokémon has the ability to fulfill any wish. It lives in the mountains of Farnes. However, it absorbs energy through sleep and only wakes up for seven days every 1000 years. Only during those seven days can you make a wish.”

After hearing this, Qian Shu and the others showed shocked expressions again.

"Sleeping for a thousand years? Only woken up for seven days? Uh-huh."

Qian Shu doesn't know how to evaluate it. He can sleep for 1000 years in one sleep, which shows that Jirachi's lifespan is extremely long. However, he only wakes up for seven days every thousand years. From a human perspective, this is really a bit pitiful.

Then Kitagawa Yu taught a few people about some other more distinctive legendary Pokémon, such as Xerneas, the fairy-type legendary Pokémon that looks like a deer and has eight branch-like horns on its head. Its special ability is that it can share its near-eternal life with others, allowing humans to have a near-eternal life like it.Another example is the 'God of Time' Dialga, who although he cannot travel through time, can speed up, slow down or even stop the flow of time in an area at will. He lives in another dimension.

Another example is the Phoenix King who has the ability to resurrect, and Hu Pa who has the ability to master space. They couldn't help but yearn for Qian Shu when they heard it.

"If we defeat them with our own power, can we conquer them like other ordinary Pokémon?" Irena asked this most critical question.

It's a pity that Kitagawa Yu doesn't know the answer either.

"I don't know. After all, although there are many people in this world who have superpowers, there are no humans who are as powerful as legendary Pokémon."

"As for technology, there are many evil scientists or trainers who have also tried to use technological devices to capture legendary Pokémon, but in the end they only succeeded briefly before being escaped by those legendary Pokémon."

"So so far, the only way to conquer legendary Pokémon is by making friends with them."

"Of course, with our strength, we can try to conquer them by force."

Because they did not waste time hunting monsters on the road, but planned to wait until they conquered the two mini dragons before hunting them together, the six of them quickly arrived at the small lake in Dragon Valley.

I don't know if it's because of the existence of the two mini dragons, but this small lake looks extremely calm, and there are almost no other Pokémon in it.

Originally, Kitagawa Yuu planned to follow Team Rocket's example and directly ask Sakura to open the imaginary space to collect the lake water. In this way, the two mini dragons naturally had nowhere to hide and could only be exposed.

However, it was somewhat unexpected and somewhat reasonable. As soon as Arturia approached the lake, a huge whirlpool appeared in the center of the lake, and then dark clouds gathered above her head, and the sky quickly dimmed. Come down.

Then, two mini dragons, one big and one small, flew out of the whirlpool and flew towards Artoria on their own initiative.

Feeling that there is no hostility in these two mini dragons, it is easy to guess that they are probably attracted by the higher dragon factor in Artoria's body and want to take the initiative to claim Artoria as their master.

"Thanks to my silly king, even after leaving the Xingyue World, this luck value is still frighteningly high. Maybe if she takes action, Celebi and Jirachi will really choose to recognize her as their master. She has conquered her."

Arturia looked at the two mini dragons rubbing their heads in her palm, with a smile on her face.

Because she already knew in advance from Kitagawa Yu that the larger mini dragon among them had reached the threshold of evolution and could evolve into a Harker dragon at any time.

The evolved Hack Dragon will be much stronger than the Mini Dragon, and it will gain experience faster, so the time required to evolve into a Fast Dragon will be much reduced.

However, she soon discovered a problem, that is, each trainer can only carry six Pokémon at the same time.

Once there are more than six, the new Pokémon are transferred to the Pokémon Center where the Pokémon is registered, or where the Pokémon Pokédex is issued.

Just like when Master Zhi conquered the crabs, because there were more than six crabs, the crabs were teleported to Dr. Oki's research institute.If you want to use it, you need to go to the Pokémon Center and use a special machine to transfer and replace it, which is very troublesome.

So she could only tame one and let Kitagawa Yuu tame the other one.

"No problem, leave it to me. Anyway, I'm not in a hurry to level up my Gyarados~"

Thanks to the mini dragon's relatively high intelligence and Artoria's orders, Kitagawa Yuu directly subdued the smaller mini dragon without going through a battle.

The whole process went beyond imagination.

Even when they left Dragon Nest and returned to the wilderness area outside to start leveling up, the administrator who was clamoring to protect the mini dragons to the death was still fast asleep in the management office.

"When I came here just now, I found another nest of Spearows, with a number of seventy or eighty. Let's go over there first!"

Like the Giant Stingray, the Spearow is also a Pokémon with a strong sense of territoriality. They live in groups and will launch ferocious attacks on any outsiders who step into their territory, whether they are humans or Pokémon.

Although they are not very strong on their own, if they are in groups, they are still quite threatening to ordinary trainers or lone Pokémon.

Once they evolve into toucans, perhaps because of the improvement in individual strength, they will no longer live as a group, but will leave the group where they originally lived, living alone or as a pair.

"Let's upgrade the two mini-dragons first. Seventy or eighty Spearows should be enough to upgrade them to Hackrons."

The mini dragon is really mini. It is so small that it is only about one meter in length, but the Harker dragon is different. It can reach four meters in initial length and can fly with people.

In this way, including Gyarados and Charizard, they can directly turn on the full flight mode when they are on their way.


Six people and two mini-dragons had just stepped into the territory of the Spearow. They were caught by the Spearows on the outermost edge and were on patrol while catching bugs in the grass.

And after seeing that there were a lot of them, he immediately issued a warning, started to call the other Spearows in the nest, and launched an attack on them.

To be honest, if it was a Spearow trained by a trainer, it would be quite troublesome to have so many of them together.

The combination of gas gathering, high-speed movement, and drill pecking will not only allow the Spearow to burst into sprint speed several times its normal speed in a short period of time, but its attack power will also be greatly increased. By then, let alone two mini dragons, even if it is another In addition, the fire-breathing dragon and the four small fire horses may not be the opponents of these firebirds.

It's a pity that the combat awareness of completely wild Pokémon is really poor.

These Spearows rushed over in a swarm, and the skills they activated were only random attacks and collisions with very average power.

"Mini Dragon! Use Tornado!"

The two mini-dragons, commanded by Yu Kitagawa, who was more familiar with the skills and fighting methods of this world, worked together to launch the tornado.

In an instant, a huge wind pillar no less powerful than the original Gyarados was formed in front of them, and then crashed into the flying Spearow group at an extremely fast speed.

At this time, the Spearow finally sensed the danger and moved at high speed, but it was already too late.

(End of this chapter)

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