Chapter 231 Revenge from Amaterasu

Just after breakfast, Kitagawa Yu was dragged to their school by Xiaoxun and Xiaoai. He looked much more active than when he was in school.

As expected, Mogu Middle School today is much more lively than usual, and tourists can be seen everywhere.

"Qian Shu and Irena, they are all busy and can't come over?"


"It's a pity."


Kitagawa Yu glanced at Xiao Ai's excited and joyful expression, but couldn't see any pity in her.

However, Sensu is going back to the world of Ricolis to deal with the big villain Majima. Irena is also planning to go home to see her mother and ask if her mother is Nico. In addition, Artoria is also planning to return to Camelot. Teach your younger self a lesson. One of Yuuna and Ayako wants to draw, and the other wants to practice singing. So apart from him, Kaoru, and Ai, the only one who came here this time was Sakura, who was particularly attached to him.

But even so, Kitagawa Yu soon discovered that they seemed to have become the focus of attention and discussion.

"Hey, look, look! Is that Hoshino-san?"

"Is it really Hoshino-san? Who is the boy next to her? He seems very close to her?"

"He looks like a high school student, and he's very handsome! Could he be Hoshino-san's boyfriend?"

"No, no, no! Hoshino-san is an idol, how could he have a boyfriend——"

I don't know if he heard the buzz around him, but Xiao Ai suddenly made a face at him. The close distance from the beginning turned into holding Kitagawa Yu's arm, and then his little hand moved down, and finally made a face at Kitagawa Yu. He clasped his fingers in surprise.

For a moment, there seemed to be a heartbreaking sound all around.

Even Xiaoxun, who was most familiar with Xiao Ai, couldn't help but widen his eyes, showing an expression like "How dare you go faster than me", and then a look of annoyance.

There was no way, Kitagawa Yu's other hand was firmly occupied by Sakura. Even if she wanted to snatch it from Sakura, she couldn't.

If Kitagawa Yuu hadn't been here, Sakura would have thrown her into a dark room~
"Okay, let go now, stop making trouble~"

"No! I'm not messing around, I just like senior!"


The sudden confession was in line with Xiao Ai's style, but it still caught Kitagawa Yuu off guard, and in the end he could only let it go with a wry smile.

Now, Kitagawa Yu and the others were more conspicuous in the school, attracting countless shocked and hostile looks along the way.

But among these glances, there was one that was very special.

She was clearly in the crowd, but was ignored by the surrounding pedestrians. The blond girl, who looked eleven or twelve years old and looked like an angel, looked at Yu Kitagawa through the crowd from a distance, with a sarcastic sneer on her face.

"Do you dare to pretend that nothing happened if you killed me? If you really join forces with Inari God, I won't dare to touch you? Stupid mortal! Do you know why no human being can resist my rule for thousands of years? "

"Forget the memory of this life and reincarnate me! Reincarnation!"

As the girl quickly formed the seal, a golden light that no one noticed passed through the crowd like an arrow and shot towards Kitagawa Yu from behind.

The noisy environment, his hands were tied, and most importantly, he didn't expect to be attacked in broad daylight, leaving Kitagawa Yu completely defenseless.

Although the Conan amulet on his body lit up as soon as he fulfilled his duty, it was unable to withstand this magic that far exceeded its level.

In just an instant, the golden light passed through the protective shield and hit Kitagawa Yu.

Kitagawa Yu also lost consciousness and fell to the ground amidst the exclamations of Xiao Ai and the other three.

"Strange, why hasn't reincarnation been opened?"

There was a hint of confusion on the face of the blond girl in the distance. Logically speaking, no human being could resist her move as she was in charge of reincarnation, but there seemed to be a slight deviation.

But she didn't have time to think about it further. When she saw a layer of blood-colored mist lighting up the body of Kitagawa Yu who fell to the ground, the girl's expression changed slightly, and she hurriedly dodged and disappeared without a trace.

"Hello, Master Chess Saint? Master Chess Master, are you okay?"

A woman's urgent and caring voice came to his ears, which made Kitagawa Yuu feel a little confused.

"Chess master? Go master? Have I traveled through time and become a Go master again?"

"and many more."

"Why do you use 'again'? Have I traveled through time before?"

Kitagawa Yu tried his best to open his eyes, and what he saw was a woman with clean black pupils and a beautiful face. Her black hair was tied into a ponytail. She was holding a katana in one hand and supporting him with the other. She looked to be only seventeen years old. Eight years old.

There are towering trees around, but the strange thing is that not only the turf, but also the trunks and branches of the big trees are covered with colorful and extremely bright flowers.

Behind the woman, there was a young man with white curly hair, his hands tied with ropes, and at the young man's feet, there was a big man who had lost his breath and had various weapons inserted all over his body. corpse.


"Why does this picture seem familiar?"

"What did you say, Master Chess Saint? What is familiar?"

"Damn it! Thrush Pill? Zuo Qie? Jigoku Raku?!"

A flash of inspiration flashed in Kitagawa Yu's head, and his whole body bounced off the ground.

"Yes, isn't the white curly hair the male protagonist of Hell Music, the strongest ninja, Thrushmaru? Then the woman in front of me is Yamada Asae Monsakiri, the heroine's executioner clan, the Yamada family. Damn it! How do I travel to the world of Hell Music? coming!"

"Wait a minute, chess master? Could it be that Asaemon Yamada, the sage who showed up to be awesome, but was attacked by a sea monster when he was leaving the island? The second he jumped on the street, right?"

"It's over! Why did you travel through time and become a sidekick? Now you're really dead!"

"Even the Kitchen God in the outermost layer of the forest probably can't be defeated. No matter whether he escapes in a boat and encounters a sea monster or stays in the forest and encounters the Kitchen God, it seems like he is going to die!"

"If you are unlucky enough to meet an immortal, your death will be even worse. You are no match for him!"

"How to do how to do--"

"After all, I am a time-traveler who is familiar with the plot. There is no reason to rush into the street as soon as it comes up, right?"

"That's right! Goldfinger!"

"As a time traveler, I should have a golden finger no matter what, right?"

"Don't give me too strong a golden finger, just Gojo Satoru's Six Eyes plus Unlimited Techniques, Akainu's Rockberry Fruit, or Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni's Zanpakutō Ryuken Wakami."

"The enemies on this island are all kinds of plant-shaped monsters, and fire-based abilities can defeat them."

Various thoughts quickly flashed through Kitagawa Yu's head.

In the end, he didn't know whether he heard his prayer. As soon as the idea came to him, there was a mechanical and somewhat familiar system prompt in his head.

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Zanpakutō·Flowing Blade Wakahara]

[The current level of the Zanpakutō is Lv1, and the host can upgrade the Zanpakutō by killing enemies] [When the level of the Zanpakutō reaches Lv2, the initial solution can be activated]

[When the level of the Zanpakuto reaches Lv4, the swastika can be turned on]

"Damn it! There really is a golden finger! And it's the Zanpakutō Ryukenwaka. This is the strongest fire-based Zanpakutō that has a temperature equivalent to the core of the sun after its swastika. One move can turn hundreds of kilometers into purgatory!" "

"So what if your immortal recovery ability is strong? Can you still recover if you are really burned and there is no carbon left?"

"Stable! It's stable now!"

"I'm just saying how can a time traveler rush into the street without a golden finger~"

Sensing that the mediocre katana in his hand had been transformed into a blade like fire under the mysterious power, Yu Kitagawa was in a good mood and wanted to laugh to the sky. Now he ran to level up, and then pushed through this small town full of monsters. island.

But at this moment, Huamei Wan, who had been in a daze on the side, suddenly frowned, ducked and attacked him.


Before Kitagawa Yuu could take action, Sakiri on the side had already blocked Thrushmaru's attack with his sword, and asked angrily: "Thrushmaru, what are you doing?"

Hearing this, Huamei Wan picked his ears and said, "I don't know if this guy was poisoned or something, but his brain is obviously a little damaged. With your temperament, you must keep him by your side, or send him back to the ship, right? No matter what. Either way, he will waste time and delay our progress in obtaining the elixir of life."

Obviously, Thrushmaru didn't want to bring along Kitagawa Yu, a 'brainless' burden, to slow down his progress.

After all, there is only one death row prisoner who can get the elixir of life and be pardoned. If someone else beats him to it, he will not be able to be pardoned and reunited with his wife.


Sakiri Yanagi stood on his head. She was an upright person and obviously could not allow Thrush Maru to do this.

What made her even more unexpected was that Thrush Pill also attacked her.

"Your existence will also be a drag on me, so I have no choice but to kill you!"

Before he finished speaking, Thrushmaru took the initiative to attack Sakichi. His body strengthened by ninjutsu could resist the sword without losing any force, and there was a clanging sound of metal.

Forcing Zuo Che to quickly fall into a disadvantage.

Of course, this is also due to Saki's own unstable temperament. Otherwise, with her attainments in execution swordsmanship, even if Thrushmaru's defense was twice as high, she would be able to break it as easily as a cook trying to untie a cow.

Of course, these are not the point, the point is
"Why do I feel that these two people are a little weak?" Kitagawa Yu couldn't help but touch his chin, feeling confused.

"Forget it, Zuo Che. Only when he faces those who are guilty of heinous crimes and deserve to be punished can his real fighting power be unleashed."

"But Thrushmaru, as the protagonist of this anime, should be one of the strongest even at this stage. Why does he look so weak?"

"It feels like I can kill him easily without using my sword like fire."

With a thought in his mind, Kitagawa Yu suddenly said to Zuoqie: "Zuoqi, please step back and leave him to me."


Because Kitagawa Yu's sudden voice caused Sakichi to be distracted and almost injured, which made her anxious and angry.

But Kitagawa Yu had already put his hand on the handle of the knife, lowered his body, and assumed the posture of drawing the knife.


A stream of steam-like white gas erupted from his nose, and immediately after, dazzling golden lightning burst out from his body, making his whole body enveloped in golden lightning, as if the God of Thunder had come to the world.

"what is this?!"

Zuoqie couldn't help but look shocked. We all grew up together, but she never knew that the 'Chess Saint' had mastered such a seemingly extremely powerful move.

Not to mention the thrush pills.

As the strongest ninja, this was the first time in his life that he encountered such a terrifying attack that he could not avoid, could not receive, and could not see a trace of life at all.

Under the pressure of this desperate situation of death, he directly activated his best fire ninjutsu, and his whole body turned into a burning fire man.

However, in fact, Kitagawa Yu was no less surprised than the two of them at this time.

"Isn't this special thing the breath of thunder?"

"When did I master the Breath of Thunder?"

"Could it be that the system didn't tell me because it was a hidden cheat?"

"Breath of Thunder·One Type·Thunderbolt Flash!"

With a deafening thunder, Huamei Wan felt that his vision was completely filled with a gorgeous golden color, and then the beautiful scenes of being with his wife in the past appeared in front of his eyes.

"Ah, is this the legendary marquee?"

In reality, only two seconds passed. The flames on Huamei Wan's body quickly extinguished, and then his face showed deep nostalgia and reluctance, and his head rolled down from his shoulders.

Thrush Pill is not a fairy. Although he is very powerful in combat, he does not have the terrifying recovery ability of a fairy. He cannot die even if his head falls off. He is obviously dead now.

"Ah! Thrush Pill——"

After coming back to his senses, Saki couldn't help but exclaimed, and quickly ran to Thrushmaru's body lying on the ground, and then glared at Kitagawa Yu with anger.


Kitagawa Yu, who had just put away the knife, scratched his head a little belatedly, with a look of embarrassment on his face.

"Sorry, I'm used to it."

"Wait, why do you say habit? This seems to be my first time to kill, or even my first time to fight, right?" A look of confusion flashed across Kitagawa Yu's eyes, and then he continued: "And he was the one who violated the rules first, Attacking me and you, trying to kill us, don’t you?”


Zochie, who usually values ​​rules very much, was speechless.

Thrush Maru attacks her and wants to kill her, which is indeed a violation of the rules and should be punished by death.

However, it was Thrush Maru who taught him to face the sin of killing and gave her the courage to kill the enemy in actual combat.

In return, she originally wanted to help Thrush Wan fulfill his wish so that Thrush Wan could be pardoned and reunited with his wife. However, not long after arriving on the island, Thrush Wan died.

This made her feel a little overwhelmed for a while.

"Then the mission failed, do we want to go back now?" Zuo Qie looked at Kitagawa Yu with a hint of confusion.

According to the rules, the death of the prisoner the executioner is responsible for supervising means that the mission has failed and the fairy island needs to be evacuated.

But Kitagawa Yu shook his head when he heard this and said: "This island hides a huge conspiracy, especially in the sea area around the island. There are many huge sea monsters hidden in it. They are only allowed in but not allowed out, so even if we leave now I can’t leave, I can only go deeper.”

(End of this chapter)

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