Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 30 Zuo Ruotong Meets the Celestial Master, Young Lu Jin

Chapter 30 Zuo Ruotong Meets the Celestial Master, Young Lu Jin
Zuo Ruotong?As soon as Zhang Zhiwei opened his eyes, he saw not far away, a white-haired young man in a white gown, handsome and elegant.

This white-haired young man didn't wear shoes, and walked barefoot all the way. There was no mud or dust on his feet. They were white and crystal clear, and there was an air of supernatural beauty.

Behind the white-haired young man, followed a white-haired young man, about fourteen or fifteen years old, dressed in a red robe and mandarin jacket, with shawls and white hair, his face was still childish, but his nose bridge was high, his facial features were correct, and he had a somewhat extraordinary bearing, and The white-haired youth stood together, like two brothers.

The two walked through the crowd, but strangely, the crowd turned a blind eye to their arrival, as if they hadn't seen them.

In the whole scene, only Zhang Zhiwei and Zhang Jingqing noticed them.

This white-haired youth who looks younger than me is Zuo Ruotong?The white-haired boy behind Zuo Ruotong should be the boy Lu Jin, but he has a good skin... Zhang Zhiwei secretly complained.

Seeing Zuo Ruotong for the first time, Zhang Zhiwei was a little surprised. He really looked too young, and he didn't seem to be of the same generation as his master Zhang Jingqing at all.

If Zuo Ruotong hadn't reported his family name as soon as he came up, and met outside, maybe he would have thought it was the Lu family's double jade.

After all, Shuangbi of the Lu family also has white hair, and, judging from the comics, Lu Ci looked like a dog when he was young, no worse than Lu Jin.

But soon, Zhang Zhiwei withdrew this ridiculous idea.

Appearance can bluff people, but qi cannot.

The qi on Lu Jin's body is nothing special, let alone mention it.

But the qi in Zuo Ruotong's body is very strong and special, giving people a feeling of emptiness, as if he would ride the wind and go away at any time.

This is a very contradictory feeling. It is obviously a body of flesh and blood, but it seems that it will turn into a ball of innate energy and fly away at any time.

For this contradictory feeling, Zhang Zhiwei guessed that it might be caused by the practice of the three-one method "Reverse Life Triple Layer".

Because the third level of reverse life is to go against the sky, and to refine one's body back to the innate qi, isn't this the embodiment of the deep state of the third level of reverse life?

As for why Lu Jin next to him didn't have it.

It should be that he hasn't cultivated enough yet.

With just one glance, Zhang Zhiwei came to the conclusion in his heart that this Zuo Ruotong didn't have a false name, but he had something in his strength. If he could match up, what chances would he have of winning?
"Long time no see, the head of the left gate is still handsome!" Zhang Jingqing greeted with a smile.

"Not as good as the Heavenly Master!" Zuo Ruotong smiled lightly, "Jin'er, why don't you come and see the Heavenly Master!"

Lu Jin took a step forward, clasped his hands and said, "Lu Jin of the Trinity School, meet the Celestial Master!"

"Okay, your great-grandfather has praised you so much in the letters. When I saw you today, you are indeed a good-looking talent with extraordinary bearing!" Zhang Jingqing praised with a smile.

"The celestial master has won the award, what the grandfather said, you can't take it seriously!"

Lu Jin said with a humble face, but the smile on his face couldn't be stopped. After all, he was still a teenager at heart. How could he not be happy to be praised by a celestial master like Taishan Beidou?

"Tianshi, please don't praise him. My stupid apprentice has never suffered a single loss when he joined my Trinity sect. If you praise him a few more times, his tail will not be up to the sky!"

Zuo Ruotong patted Lu Jin's head and said.

Although he talked about a stupid apprentice, it was not difficult to see that Zuo Ruotong was quite satisfied with Lu Jin.

Zhang Jingqing said with a smile: "Young man, it's normal to be a little angry, and it's the same with me, a scoundrel. Come here and meet the head of the left door!"

"Zhang Zhiwei from Tianshi Mansion, pay homage to the head of the left sect!"

Zhang Zhiwei clasped his hands and said, he still couldn't lose his courtesy when he was out of the house.

"As expected of a celestial master's apprentice, he is really full of vigor!" Zuo Ruotong immediately came to have a business exchange.

"The head of the left gate is absurd!" Zhang Zhiwei said.

After a few polite words and getting acquainted with each other, Zhang Jingqing said:
"I heard that Brother Zuo's Dafa is so powerful recently that he killed a few dog officials from the fish and meat villagers, and even captured the warlord leader from the Wanjun, but he stole the limelight!"

Zuo Ruotong waved his hand: "Wherever it is, it's all rumors in the Jianghu. There is no such thing as a million troops. There are only a few hundred people. It's not worth mentioning!"

"That's not easy anymore. Now that the firearms are used fiercely, the power of others is not as good as before!" Zhang Jingqing sighed.

"That's right, the situation is chaotic now, when will this battle end!" Zuo Ruotong also sighed.

As for Zhang Zhiwei and Lu Jin.

Standing behind Zhang Jingqing and Zuo Ruotong respectively.

Lu Jin is looking at Zhang Zhiwei, this senior is so tall, like his predecessors, this is Lu Jin's first impression of Zhang Zhiwei.

The current Lu Jin is just fifteen years old, and his body is not yet fully developed. He is not the tall man he was later, a little taller than Zhang Zhiwei's shoulders.

Zhang Zhiwei, on the other hand, looked at Zuo Ruotong thoughtfully.

The master called Zuo Ruotong Zuo Laodi, and he spoke as if they were of the same generation, which showed that there was not much difference in age between the two.

Most of the master's hair is gray, and he is almost seventy years old. This Zuo Ruotong must be in his 60s or [-]s, otherwise he is not of the same generation.

At such an advanced age, he is just like a 16-year-old boy. Could it be that Trinity School's "Reverse Life Triple Layer" still has the effect of retaining beauty?

But if it really has the effect of keeping the face...then why did Lu Jin in the movie become an old man?Instead of a permanent face like his master?
Is it because Lu Jin's "Three Layers of Reverse Life" is not perfect in cultivation, or is it that Zuo Ruotong has gone too far on the road of "Three Layers of Reverse Life"?

Well...probably both.

But if this is the case, why would it fall on the hands of Wugensheng?Is it because Wu Gensheng is a supermodel, or is there something wrong with Zuo Ruotong himself?
Zhang Zhiwei thought about it for a while, and then stopped thinking. He had never seen Wugensheng, so it was impossible to judge this matter.

Besides, Zuo Ruotong is not related to him, so even if there is any problem, it is none of his business.

As for whether rootless students are supermodel or not?That's even more unimportant, no matter how supermodel he is, I'm not a supermodel anyway.


"By the way, Jin'er, you take this little Gao Gong around for a walk, you have something to say as a teacher and a celestial master!" At this time, Zuo Ruotong said.

"Good master!" Lu Jin said.

"Go along, have a good time, practice together, and relax!" Zhang Jingqing instructed.

"I know Master!" Zhang Zhiwei said.

Lu Jin took a step forward: "Senior brother Zhang, please come here, I will take you for a walk. This time, my father invited a lot of fun people over!"

"Really? That should be an eye-opener!"

Zhang Zhiwei went with Lu Jin, and when he left, he vaguely heard his master Zhang Jingqing talking with Zuo Ruotong.

"Brother Zuo, what's the matter?"

"Master Tian, ​​I got news not long ago that the Mo Jin Rou Gu Sect has been destroyed!"

"Huh?! Who did it?!"

"It's a civil strife, a disciple named Liang Ting did it..."

The ink tendons are tender... The white owl is straight... Zhang Zhiwei pricked up his ears, wanting to hear more, but was interrupted by Lu Jin who was beside him.

"Senior Brother Zhang, there is a waterway in front of it. There are many painted boats on the waterway. There are performances on each of the painted boats. Many of my friends are there. Let's go and have a look!"

(End of this chapter)

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