Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 66 Control Yourself, Control Your Enemy

Chapter 66 Control Yourself, Control Your Enemy

Just a few words makes him look like he's going crazy, so unbearable, how can he be a magician? No wonder he has practiced for decades, but he is not as good as his wife Tian Xiaodie who is just a beginner...

Zhang Zhiwei slandered a few words in his heart, sighed, and said, "Brother Zhuge, it's boring to say that everything is dead. You can try to jump out of these four sets and take a look at yourself."

"Then you will find that there is a bigger situation in your body. If you control this situation, you will control yourself, and if you control yourself, once you enter the pattern of heaven and earth, you will not only stare blankly, but you will be able to make a big difference. Innately lead Zhou Tian, ​​cover Zhou Tian's changes, and turn me into a king!"

As soon as these words came out, Zhuge Yunhui looked as if he had been struck by lightning. These words undoubtedly shattered his world view and subverted his perception of warlocks.

He lost his voice: "Brother Zhang, you said that there is a bigger situation in our human body. The previous practice was actually to better understand this situation in our body, so as to control it, and then control the world. It’s true, but Senior Brother Zhang, you obviously didn’t control the four sets, and you were able to stay in the armor all night, how did you control your so-called human body?”

Zhang Zhiwei explained: "Didn't I say it? The road leads to the same goal by different routes. The method of controlling the body structure is not only the method of magic. One method can master all kinds of methods. Otherwise, why do you think those former masters have all kinds of spells?" proficient?"

Zhuge Yunhui covered his head, his eyes were bloodshot: "Brother Zhang please clarify, I am really confused, the more I listen, the more confused I feel, my mind is in a mess, like a paste, as if I have lost the ability to think , ask Senior Brother Zhang for advice!"

Looking at Zhuge Yunhui's appearance, Zhang Zhiwei felt that if he was the one who answered the riddle, this kid would definitely go crazy.

But preaching to others is not reflecting oneself, preaching to oneself, just talk about it.

Zhang Zhiwei said: "If you want to know, then I will tell you, do you still remember that when I first entered your Qimen game, you set me at the door of death. This is a very fierce feng shui level. In your After reminding me, I began to look inside myself to see what effect this fierce feng shui had on me?"

"As a Taoist priest who majors in inner alchemy, I have achieved a little achievement in the practice of life. I can look inside my body and know the changes in my own life like the palm of my hand. My internal organs, meridians, sebum, Vessels, blood, etc., are all as clear as palm lines."

For Zhang Zhiwei, this is not a difficult task, because his Golden Light Mantra has been practiced to an extremely high level, which can accurately cover the internal organs and meridians, so he naturally knows the body well.

Zhang Zhiwei continued: "I can clearly perceive that standing on the death gate you arranged for me, there is a wave of qi from the outside world that has invaded my body and caused some effects on my body, although these effects are extremely small, It’s so small that it’s hard to notice, but it still has an impact.”

"As a person who pursues both life and life, I naturally don't allow flaws in my 'fate', so I use Qi to penetrate into the internal organs, concentrate my mind and spirit, and test it bit by bit."

"Immediately, I discovered that the qi intruding into my body has a fixed route. They enter from my Baihui acupoint and go down along my spine. During this process, the invading qi, Every time a vertebra passes through my body, there is an extremely subtle reaction in my body."

"Why do you say it is extremely subtle? Because my life is too strong, and the qi in the Qimen game you set is too weak, so the influence on me is very limited, and there is almost no real effect. However, there are two parts no the same."

"When this qi passed through my 6th and 7th cervical vertebrae, I keenly felt a slight abnormality in my lungs, and the innate lung gold qi inside was turbulent!"

"It's not that my lungs are injured, because what I practice is the Yang Wu Lei in the five thunders. The Yang Wu Lei starts from the heart and lungs, so I'm particularly sensitive to these two parts."

"At that time, I had a doubt in my heart. This qi can affect my lungs after passing through my 6th and 7th vertebrae? Does it mean that the 6th and 7th vertebrae represent the lungs? The five elements of the lungs It’s gold, what about the others?”

"I started to look inside more meticulously, and then found that these very small qi, hitting my spine, would cause a chain reaction, causing some subtle effects on my internal organs, and even the eight extraordinary meridians."

"This is the reason why people in the great fierce feng shui level suffer from various strange diseases. It is not something mysterious and mysterious. In essence, it is the energy of the outside world, which affects the operation of the body."

"I am a person who likes to analyze a thing, and then get the simplest answer. I started to connect these influences with the spine one by one, and connected them in series, and got some interesting results."

"As we all know, the human body is differentiated from the innate qi, which fills every corner of our body and is the basis for maintaining life."

"And the Yuan Qi on the spine is the most basic unit in this operating system, so if the spine is damaged, the whole body will be paralyzed, and the Yuan Qi on the spine is affected by the external Qi, which will cause the whole body to go wrong."

"After I corresponded the 24 vertebrae with the internal organs one by one, the internal organs represent the five elements. Based on this rule, I divided the 24 vertebrae into the five elements..."

"Finally... I discovered a very complicated but well-understood law. The situation of Yuan Qi running in my body is not different from the strange game you put on outside, but in detail, the situation in my body is different. It's infinitely more complicated than your so-called four games!"

"So, I started to reflect the strange pattern of the outside world on my body, analyze the corresponding parts of my body and the strange pattern of the outside world, and use my five internal organs to compare the five elements in your game..."

"And as I said just now, the qi on my 24 spines is the most basic unit of energy to construct the human body structure. During the correspondence, I found that these 24 spines are exactly the same as the 24 solar terms in your Qimen structure."

"My first cervical vertebra corresponds to the heavy snow in the 1 solar terms, my second cervical vertebra corresponds to light snow, my third cervical vertebra corresponds to Lidong, the fourth cervical vertebra corresponds to frost, the fifth cervical vertebra corresponds to cold dew, the sixth cervical vertebra corresponds to the autumnal equinox, and the seventh cervical vertebra corresponds to Bailu, above are the 24 cervical vertebrae."

"And my 1st thoracic vertebra corresponds to summer heat, the 2nd thoracic vertebra corresponds to the beginning of autumn, the 3rd thoracic vertebra corresponds to the great heat, the 4th thoracic vertebra corresponds to the minor heat, the 5th thoracic vertebra corresponds to the summer solstice, the 6th thoracic vertebra corresponds to the awn seed, the 7th thoracic vertebra corresponds to Xiaoman, and the 8th thoracic vertebra corresponds to In the beginning of summer, the 9th thoracic vertebra corresponds to the rain, the 10th thoracic vertebra corresponds to Qingming, the 12th thoracic vertebra corresponds to the vernal equinox, and the 13th thoracic vertebra corresponds to the Jingzhe...

"As we all know, if you warlocks want to start a strange game, you need to start with 24 solar terms. These 24 solar terms constitute all the changes in your strange game, so solar term is the unit of time in the game."

"I don't understand how the 24 solar terms in your bureau work, and I don't need to understand, I just need to understand myself!"

Zhang Zhiwei stretched out his hand to hold it empty, and the solar terms in the Qimen pattern suddenly became turbulent:

"I entered your strange game, the game in my body was attacked by your strange game. To a certain extent, didn't your strange game also entered my game? You can attack me , I can naturally attack you too!"

 It seems that Fuyang is in Fuyang, and my mind is a little muddled. I wrote and corrected a few things. If there are typos, you can mark them.

(End of this chapter)

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