Chapter 94

"Contemplating the Fa" may sound mysterious, but it is actually the general term for internal cultivation methods. To sum up all the internal cultivation methods in the world, there is only one word - to see.

However, different opinions often lead to essentially different results, which is the origin of many schools of thought.

Therefore, although all internal cultivation methods are observation methods, their manifestations are quite different.

Some people like to contemplate themselves, so the contemplation method created is to use the body as the country, let the spiritual consciousness look after the whole country with an attitude of inaction, just like the so-called internal sage and external king, the series of inner alchemy of the Golden Light Curse Gong, most of them take this path.

And some people like to look at things outside, so the created method of observation tries to see the reason behind everything around them.

For example, Ding Zhan'an, one of the two heroes of the later generations, practiced the inner cultivation method, which is the way he walked, so he has good eyesight, and he can see at a glance that the old celestial master is like a natural disaster, and the alchemy is like a man-made disaster.

Of course, the category of external things is very broad, not just referring to people, like the Wuhou school's Qimen visualization method, which looks at the pattern of heaven and earth.

There are also people who like to observe people's hearts, such as Tangmen's Avalokitesvara Mind Method, those with advanced cultivation can use a series of methods to control people's thinking.

And the inner demon, this kind of product embodied by the delusional attachment in the mind, is undoubtedly the best at this.

In the eyes of experts who are good at observing people's hearts, people in the world have two sets of thinking.

A set of thinking that belongs to itself and is manipulated by itself.

There is another set of thinking that is mistakenly thought to belong to oneself, but is actually just thinking itself.

In short, the former can be completely controlled by oneself. This thinking is one's own thinking and judgment of oneself and the external world.

The latter is that you cannot control yourself, or even be controlled by yourself. This kind of thinking is a delusion imposed on you by the past and future, and it is the manipulation of yourself by the outside world.

Those who are good at this way can guide, use, and even create new thinking to control the behavior of the other party, so once the thinking is controlled, the flaws will naturally follow.

The series of behaviors of the heart demon, whether it is the first Huangquan Road, Wangchuan River, Sansheng Stone, or the following farce, are all for the sake of influencing Zhang Zhiwei's thinking a little bit.

These influences are so small that they are hardly noticeable, but it is undeniable that as long as people are human, they cannot be exempted from vulgarity.

Walking in the underworld for a while, I saw tongues pulled out, put into oil pans, plunged into a sea of ​​fire, climbed up a mountain of knives, was sawn to pieces bit by bit, was crushed into meat by a stone mill, and was eaten by wild dogs...

All kinds of horrific tortures can be seen in full view, no matter who they are, they will be touched, and Zhang Zhiwei is no exception.

Thinking is an uncontrollable thing. You can’t be affected if you don’t know it’s illusory or false. It’s like some people can tremble for a long time after watching a ghost movie.

Zhang Zhiwei underestimated the power of the demon in the inner scene, or in other words, he underestimated the weight of the demon born from the paranoid in his heart.

With this in mind, Zhang Zhiwei certainly can't let the demons continue, the embankment of a thousand miles collapsed in the ant nest, and the ant nest should be dealt with first.

Zhang Zhiwei went towards the "self" who was being judged.

But at this moment, the "Zhang Zhiwei" who was being judged was still in a state of fear and fear, never noticing the approach of another self.

"Although you have affected me a little, you are not me, coward!"

Zhang Zhiwei walked up to him and grabbed the neck of the "Zhang Zhiwei" who was being judged. Without any nonsense, thunder gushed out from the palm of his hand, blasting the impostor into powder in an instant.

The counterfeit is gone, and the protagonist is gone in this scene. In an instant, Zhang Zhiwei felt many eyes focus on him.

Those Hades, judges, impermanence, bull-headed horse-faced, etc. in the hall who couldn't see him before can finally see him!
"Heart Demon, I know you are hiding in the Palace of the King of Hades, and if you haven't come out yet, do you want me to drag you out?" Zhang Zhiwei said.

What responded to him was an angry shout from Lord Yan:

"Come on, take down this villain for me!"

Immediately afterwards, many eerie evil spirits rushed in from outside the hall, surrounded Zhang Zhiwei, and killed them wave after wave like a tide.

But Zhang Zhiwei was fearless, he used the way of killing in anger, swung his halberd to fight, slapped the bull's head to death with a forehand slap, slapped a horse's face to death with a backhand slap, slapped Bai Wuchang to death with a head blow, and slapped Hei Wuchang to death with a backhand slap...

In just a few minutes, the last ghost fell to the ground.

The entire gloomy hall was swept away, leaving only Hades sitting slumped on the throne.

"You are the mouthpiece of the heart demon, you are very good at giving people a face, my master never said that to me!"

Zhang Zhiwei casually pulled a chain from Niutou's body, and walked towards Lord Yan.

"What a thief, what a madman, how dare you make trouble in the underworld, all the gods and Buddhas will not let you go!"

King Yan Luo was sullen, impotent and furious.

"The last one who made troubles in the underworld has become the Monkey King!"

Zhang Zhiwei flicked the soul hook iron chain, wrapped it around Lord Yan's neck, pulled him closer, and said calmly:

"Earlier you asked about counterfeit products. Now I will tell you the answer. Good and evil in this world have different positions. Just like sheep and wolves, when you use kindness to protect the flock of sheep from wolves, then for wolves, this It is evil, because they will starve to death."

"The position is wrong. He is great good, and I am great evil. And I have always been a person with a very good position. If you are on my side, then you are kind, and if you are on the opposite side of me, then you are evil. I will kill you." You, this is called acting on behalf of the heavens, as for who is the sky and who is the dao, then it is not up to you to judge!"

When he was speaking, Zhang Zhiwei kept tightening the hook, so that Hades couldn't say a word.

He didn't come to argue with the other party. The other party only needs to listen, and he will die after listening.

Accompanied by a "click".

Hades' head fell to the ground, but Zhang Zhiwei strangled him with an iron chain.

"get out!"

Zhang Zhiwei yelled angrily, and stepped on the ground fiercely. Amid the "rumbling" crackling sound, the ground split open like a spider's web.

Zhang Zhiwei stretched out his hand and reached into the crack to grab it. He grabbed the neck and pulled out the ferocious white ape with a blue head and white body, surrounded by lightning.

"Caught you!"

In Zhang Zhiwei's hand, Xin Yuan struggled and roared, trying to escape into the ground, but was pulled out bit by bit.

The monstrous waves were also pulled out together. Zhang Zhiwei pulled out the heart ape, as if the plug of the sea eye was pulled out.


Dim, foul-smelling turbid waves slapped against the wall, and the waves that devoured people abruptly smashed through the Hall of Yama, rushed out, and submerged the underworld in an instant into a vast sea of ​​suffering.

But these evil waves can destroy the Hall of Yama, but not Zhang Zhiwei.

In the dim sea of ​​bitterness, a bright golden light flickered up and down in it, and Zhang Zhiwei pinched the neck of the vicious white ape tightly with his hands.

This heart ape transformed by the heart demon can evolve into the underworld in the interior scene, and can turn into a monstrous sea of ​​suffering, almost omnipotent.

But in Zhang Zhiwei's hands, the wind and waves couldn't be lifted at all. He was struggling like a drowning ordinary person, kicking his legs wildly, and holding Zhang Zhiwei's forearm tightly with his palms.

"I can feel the weight of this sea of ​​bitterness. This inner scene has a deeper impact on my body. With such proficient use, you didn't appear recently. You have appeared a long time ago. It's just that my heart has been rioting recently. You It was only through this that I manifested and emerged, let me tell you, you have been 'watching' me in secret for a few years?!"

Zhang Zhiwei put more force on his hands, his face was full of rebellion, and his smile was fierce no matter how you looked at it.

Inexplicably, it gives people a feeling of changing form in offense and defense. He is a heart ape who breaks into the underworld and troubles the heavenly palace, and the heart ape is the master of suffering.

(End of this chapter)

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