Hogwarts: Harry Potter and the Glock 18.

Chapter 1 Glock Forehead Lines, Born to be a Social Person

Chapter 1 Glock Forehead Lines, Born to be a Social Person
(This book is faithful to the original, there is no magic modification of half a word——A.K. Rowling.)
People who live on Privet Drive know one thing. There is a strange boy living in the Dursley family in house No. [-]. I heard that the strange boy is the child of Mrs. Dursley's sister, but because of the accidental death of his parents, he has a kind heart. The Dursleys adopted him.

But people kept a polite distance from this boy. How could he get a weird tattoo on his forehead at such a young age? People even figured out that his parents died in a gang vendetta. Maybe someday there will be a gang The strange man in black came to the door, broke down the door of Dursley's house and took him away.

And this strange boy named Harry is waking up from his sleep at the moment with cold sweat on his forehead.

He grabbed the quilt and wiped it on his face. Although the occasional nightmares became less frequent and more blurred as he got older, the dark dreams still made him sweat.

Harry pushed open the door of his bedroom and came to the bathroom, turned on the faucet, a stream of icy water sprayed out from the shower, and then gradually warmed up, and the water mist began to fill. He washed off the cold sweat on his forehead, and borrowed Hot water to relax yourself.

Not long after, the sound of the running water died down, and a big hand wiped away the moisture from the mirror. Harry stared at himself in the mirror, and let out a foul breath.

"11 years," he muttered to himself, "it's time to wake up from this damn dream!"

Harry patted his face vigorously, staring at himself in the mirror in a daze. On his forehead, there was a conspicuous scar with lines that outlined the outline of a pistol. If Harry did not admit his mistake, it was A Glock G18 pistol, which uses 9mm Parabellum pistol bullets. He shot it when he was traveling abroad in his previous life. He fired three ten-round magazines, because he scored a high score of 50 on a 299-meter target. The store manager of the shooting range gave him a free order and gave him a gold-plated Zippo lighter as a souvenir.

But that was my previous life!

Yes, I am a time traveler. I came to this world 11 years ago and became a baby named Harry Potter.

However, he feels that the world seems a bit different, and the Harry Potter world that he knows is not the same as the Harry Potter written by JK Rowling.

Just like the nightmare he dreamed just now, he heard a terrified female voice calling her husband's name. The man's name was James. With a loud bang, the man flew upside down. The woman who should be his mother She threw herself in front of him, as if trying to protect him with her own body, Harry couldn't hear what she was saying, and he heard another loud bang, and the woman fell down.

A man with a handsome but ferocious face laughed maniacally and raised a .50 caliber Desert Eagle in his hand. A dazzling green flame exploded from the muzzle of the gun.

This T! M! D!Something is wrong!

If it was Harry Potter!Shouldn't Voldemort raise his stick and shout at himself, 'Avada gnaws a big melon'?

It's green light, but there's something wrong with this green light!
This isn't J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter, this is A.K. Rowling's Hallelujah!God girl in a bikini bless you from stray bullets!Hallelujah! (Hallelujah: Praise be to you, Lord!)
Harry's cheeks hurt when he thinks of this fucking setting, and what makes him even more miserable is that, as a time traveler, he doesn't seem to have a standard golden finger, any system panels, none of them exist, except for the outrageous nightmare Other than that, everything about him was perfectly normal, or so it seemed.

Probably because I lost my head. Although my name is Harry, I also live in the house of my uncle and aunt at No. 4 Privet Drive, and I also have a brother named Dudley, but Harry at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry prefers to believe that There's something like England Superman.

He's been to the zoo, but he didn't make the glass disappear, let Dudley have a close encounter with the snake, he didn't fly up the chimney, let Aunt Petunia be pointed at the nose by the teacher, and he didn't sleep in the cupboard under the stairs. The bedroom is next to Dudley's, and the two of them also like to get together to play computer games against aliens, share French fries and fried chicken, and watch TV on the sofa with potato chips in their arms, but Dudley grows fat and muscles together , is thick and strong, and has an amazing ability to resist blows, while Harry only has muscles, and he is lean and knotted and has great explosive power. Get beat up by them.

The Dursleys were very kind to him. Apart from not mentioning their parents, they were not harsh on themselves. They also hoped that the two brothers could be admitted to the Royal Military Academy together and take care of each other.

After taking a shower, Harry kicked open the door of Dudley's room refreshed.

"Get up, brother, today I plan to challenge the squat of [-] kilograms, do you want to try it later?"

Dudley, who was woken up by a slap, rubbed his eyes, covered his yawn, and muttered, "Squat, last time my crotch burst, I almost lost my waist, just do bench press , I'm afraid I won't grow taller if I squat."

Rubbing his hair and getting out of bed, Dudley stood up straight and made gestures with Harry. Although the weight of the two was almost the same, he was half a head shorter than Harry, and he seemed to be several circles thicker than Harry, like What a horse.

"Then hurry up and wash your face and brush your teeth. I'll make you breakfast. Steak or pork chop? Or some roasted deer leg?"

"Deer leg." Dudley wiped the corner of his mouth, as if he could already smell the fragrance, "When next weekend is your birthday, let Dad take us to the countryside again, and shoot two deer. After eating something warm, I feel strong.”

"Okay, then hurry up, I'll heat it up in the oven and eat it."

Harry patted his ass and went downstairs, proving that this world is not the Harry Potter world. Another thing is that the technology tree of this world is not right. There are guns in this world. Dursley has a hunting gun at home, and it needs to be charged for two hours. , can emit five pulsed laser beams, disposable high-energy batteries are controlled products, and civilian firearms use low-power rechargeable batteries.

There are plasma weapons and high-energy ray weapons in this world, but there are no gunpowder weapons that he saw in his previous life.

What Glock 18, what Desert Eagle point 50, none of them, so Harry firmly believes that the memory of his previous life caused the nightmare of the demon, because he was shot and was involved in a sudden accident on the streets of the United States. He shouldn't be loitering in Brooklyn.

The venison shank is left over from the last time I ate it. It is half-cooked and semi-finished. It can be fragrant and oily after being thrown into the oven for 15 minutes. Five kilograms of venison shank is enough for myself and Dudley to fill my stomach and take a walk to the gym to torture those If you use the equipment, you will become addicted to fitness, and you will feel uncomfortable and panic if you don’t move for a day.

It was seven o'clock in the morning. The milkman and the newspaper worker arrived one after another. They wiped the oil stains from the corners of their mouths. Harry opened the door, reached out to pick up a dozen milk, and then groped in the letter box and took out a stack of milk. New letter.

"Uncle Vernon, last month's bills have arrived, and a check for Dudley and I's boxing prize money has also arrived. It adds up to two thousand pounds."

"is it?"

Uncle Vernon, who was eating a piece of buttered toast with a coffee cup, looked up, and slapped Dudley on the back hard, almost pushing him into the plate.

"Both of you are good boys!" He touched his trouser pockets and counted out a stack of banknotes, "[-] each, go and buy something you like, and we'll save the rest for the two of you to use when you go to college. "

The tuition fee of the Royal Military Academy is not low at all. Even though Uncle Vernon's drilling rig business is doing well, it is still a bit troublesome to support the two of them. burden.

"Hey! I have money to change my gloves."

Dudley happily stuffed the money into his trouser pocket, and emptied the plate with a few strokes.

"What's the matter, Harry, what are you looking at?"

Seeing Harry holding the letter and staring there, Dudley leaned over curiously.

Hogwarts School of Wizardry and Warfare
Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore

(President of the International Federation of Wizards, first-class great magician of Sir Merlin, chief magician of Wizengamot)

Dear Mr. Porter:
We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted to study at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Enclosed is a list of required books and equipment.

The semester is scheduled to start on September 31st, and we will be waiting for your reply before July [-]st. At [-] o'clock in the morning on the receiving day, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Warfare will send our faithful Mr. Rubeus Hagrid to Your home will introduce you to everything about us, your doubts will be answered, and we look forward to meeting you.

Vice Principal (Female)
Yours sincerely, Minerva McGonagall.

Something exploded in Harry's mind!
His brain was buzzing, and the letters in his hand were scattered all over the floor, petrified as if stupefied.

"Harry! Harry! Wake up! Wake up!"

Dudley looked at him worriedly, and in hesitation, he raised his right hand, spat and rubbed it.

(End of this chapter)

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