Hogwarts: Harry Potter and the Glock 18.

Chapter 27 The Forbidden Forest

Chapter 27 The Forbidden Forest

"Fred! George!"

"Two damned bastards!"

The tall Hagrid has a much wider field of vision than Harry. Before Harry saw anything, he had already confirmed the source of the commotion. Those two little bastards with striking red hair were definitely Hagrid. Unmistakable person.

Less than 20 meters behind the twins who were about to break their legs, there were seven ogre giants chasing them. The monster staggered half a step. Compared with the spells such as the stun spell that directly acted on them, the invisible air wall created by the obstacle spell could still play some role.

If it weren't for the giant ogre's brain capacity not being much larger than that of a fool like a troll, the twins would have already been caught by them and torn into pieces in two or three times. delayed their respective steps.

Ogre monsters are not gregarious creatures, but in the Forbidden Forest, dragons have to coil up, and tigers have to lie down. Even if Hagrid is not mentioned, there are all kinds of vicious and magical creatures in the Forbidden Forest that can teach them how to behave. demon.

For example, the mountain tyrannosaurus that Hagrid used as an example, as a giant subsaurus that looks exactly like a Tyrannosaurus rex and has no wings on its back, this guy is completely a bully in North America, even if it is a fire dragon, as long as he dares to fight They fight hand-to-hand on land, and they can't run away without leaving their arms and legs. This is the only sub-dragon creature that can fight giants hand-to-hand without being killed on the spot.

But in the forbidden forest, there are many 'people' who can kill the mountain tyrannosaurus.

Due to various reasons, it wasn't that the ogre monsters living in groups had to hug each other to keep warm, otherwise this dark green forbidden forest would be their future cemetery.

The moment the twins, who had almost collapsed from running, heard Hagrid's voice, their nerves that were about to collapse were forcibly bonded together. The excitement and excitement of being rescued made them burst out with the little energy left in their bodies. They ran wildly, but before they could get close to Hagrid, there was a deafening shout.

"You two idiots, get down!"

Hagrid, who had already taken off the huge bow behind his back, pinched a five-foot-long thick arrow with the thickness of an arm. The brutal force exploded in an instant, and the huge bow that was pulled into a full moon made a sound of being overwhelmed. The murderous aura burst out in an instant, even if it was not aimed at the twins, it made them sweat all over in an instant.

The tense twins flew forward in embarrassment and fell to the ground fiercely, but even so, they subconsciously hugged the ball in their arms tightly.


The bowstring, as thick as a steel bar and extremely elastic, rebounded and straightened in an instant, and the giant arrow like a ballista crossed a distance of tens of meters in an instant, and the twins who were already lying on the ground were wet. Da's hair was blown on end by the blast of air as the arrows passed through their heads, and at the same time, Harry witnessed the most brutal scene of his life.

The moment the giant ogre at the front of the queue touched the crossbow arrow, a huge pothole the size of a washbasin exploded in its chest. The huge body flew upside down in an instant, and before the short ogre standing behind it could react, its ugly head exploded like a cowhide water bag!
Scarlet blood splashed out a bloody carpet with a radius of several meters, torn hairs and blasted bone fragments scattered all over the ground, but before the bloody carpet was laid, the flying giant ogre had already They were nailed to death by arrows on a giant tree 50 meters behind them.

This cruel and friendless greeting stunned the remaining five ogre monsters. They subconsciously picked up a handful of sticky plasma and stuffed it into their mouths. They didn't seem to mind that these things were so-called 'companions' body tissue.

The bloody pieces of meat that moistened their lips seemed to awaken their hungry bellies again, and the corpses of the same kind that had been shot in the head but remained in place became the objects of their contention in the next instant, more expensive than the previous two. The little ones who were chasing after them were obviously more tempted by the ready-made food on the ground.

Almost without hesitation, the remaining five ogre monsters grabbed a certain part of the headless corpse in an instant and tore it forcefully, but before they could complete the 'five monsters', a thunderous rumbling sound broke in. their ears.

Hagrid had already left behind that huge bow that was almost useless. He was eager to save people before, but Hagrid used too much strength all of a sudden. The bow and arrow made 30 years ago could no longer match his current strength. Ge is now in his 60s, which is a bit old for humans, but for Hagrid, who was born as a half-blood giant, 60 years old is just the age when his body has reached its peak. The half-blood giant's spellcasting ability is weaker than that of wizards. But their lifespan is longer.


In a few breaths, he strode across a distance of tens of meters, and Hagrid, who was close to the giant ogre, grasped his iron fist, and the fist containing a thousand pounds of strength struck out violently with howling winds!
At the moment of contact with the fist, the giant ogre, which was dented into a U-shape, seemed to be hit by a battering ram. Before the sound of the shattering of the spine reached its ears, its huge hairy body had already vacated And rise.

Followed by a positive kick!
The back of the unlucky kid who was kicked by Hagrid suddenly protruded a footprint of a hundred yards. Perhaps because the violence came too suddenly, the paraplegic troll instantly stuck to the sole of Hagrid's foot. For a moment, under the effect of the burst of brute force, they flew backwards, and a giant tree with the thickness of at least four or five people hugging it fell down, and the overwhelmed screams from the breaking of the wood kicked off the massacre.

Hagrid couldn't care less about the sticky greasy feeling on the giant ogre's body at this moment, and each of his free hands grabbed the head of a giant ogre and lifted it up, and the giant ogre that rose from the ground lifted it up in the air. Finished with an intimate face-to-face hug.

The heavy blow that almost fused their faces together was not a huge force they could bear at all, and the giant ogre who fainted was thrown to the ground by Hagrid, and his eyes fell on the last survivor.

Hagrid twisted his neck, and there were a few crisp clicking sounds. He clenched his fists, and the crunching sound seemed to be an omen of death.

"You can't kill them all, Professor Grindelwald still needs to use them."

There was a kind smile on the face filled with messy beard, Hagrid raised his hand, and smashed it under the horrified eyes of the ogre. The ogre was originally as tall as Hagrid's shoulders The demon was knocked down by three feet, its legs sunk deep into the ground had long been twisted, its shoulders under the force were softly dented, and it couldn't even make a scream, and it lost consciousness in an instant.

"The disobedient guy got it done."

Hagrid bent over to wash his hands in the stream after finishing the chores. When he beat the ogre, his hands were covered with foul-smelling sticky liquid. This corrupt 'hair oil' was Hagrid's favorite The cause of the disgusting ogre.

"Now, you two little bastards, shouldn't you give me a reasonable explanation?"

The giant, still stained with blood, strode forward. He looked down at the gasping twins below, almost gnashing his teeth.

"Look at what you've done! I—"

Before Hagrid could finish speaking, the twins rolled their eyes and passed out in unison, leaving only the bird with drooping wings trying to bury its head into its furry body trembling and shaking its little tail.

"You two. Ugh."

(End of this chapter)

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