Hogwarts: Harry Potter and the Glock 18.

Chapter 351: Flesh and Blood Suffering, Mechanical Ascension

Everyone stared at the "blank" ghost in front of them in a daze. Although this was just a guess, these guesses could make people imagine many terrifying things. No one present was a fool. If the guess just now was true, then the "Intelligent Crisis" seemed to have turned from a science fiction conjecture into a reality.

But simple speculation cannot prove anything. Although the blank ghost in front of him is like the artificial spirit and is a guy without the ability to communicate in language, sometimes, not speaking does not mean not getting information.

Magic is a power of idealism, at least in their world, magic is idealistic. As long as you want to do something, after paying the magic power, magic can do it for you, and the amount of the price paid represents the strength of the magic effect.

Several great wizards looked at each other, then Dumbledore pulled out his revolver, and with the sound of the trigger being pulled, a ball of golden-red phoenix flame exploded in front. As one of the top few magical creatures among the elemental beings, the Phoenix possesses very special and powerful space magic. At this moment, Dumbledore, who still maintained the third stage of Animagus transformation, was perfectly integrated with Fawkes. He was able to perfectly exert Fawkes' power, even more powerful than when Fawkes used it himself.

Across tens of millions of miles of space, the old basin in the headmaster's office in Hogwarts was summoned by Dumbledore. The golden-red flame burning on his body dimmed a lot. His magic power was greatly consumed at this moment, causing Dumbledore to breathe heavily with fatigue.

"Leave it to you, Gail."

Dumbledore nodded to Grindelwald. The two "old men" were now in their early twenties. They looked like a perfect couple when they looked at each other, but there didn't seem to be any gay feelings. After all, no one stipulated that good friends must be good gay friends.


Grindelwald nodded slightly, then reached out and grabbed the spirit floating in the air above the meditation basin engraved with countless magical inscriptions.

"The Pensieve handed down from Hogwarts is the best memory container left in the entire European wizarding world." Grindelwald said simply: "Compared to other props, it can most realistically restore everything in the memory. The blank soul does not know how to communicate with people, but what he sees will remain in the soul and become his memory."

After saying that, Grindelwald raised the muzzle of his gun and pointed it at the center of the soul's chest, then pulled the trigger without hesitation. An extremely long silver thread was shot out of the soul's body, then flew around in the air and sank into the meditation basin with calm water waves below.

The calm water surface began to spin rapidly at this moment, and a huge whirlpool appeared in the Pensieve. Grindelwald seemed to be very familiar with this. He casually pushed aside the soul whose memory was extracted, and then gently knocked on the Pensieve. The gray and black ripples spread outward at this moment, weaving countless black and white pictures, just like the earliest film.

But it didn't take long before bright colors quickly appeared among the black, white and gray, and then filled people's entire field of vision.

But at this moment, a strong feeling of discomfort filled the hearts of several people present.

They were standing in the middle of a huge room, with an 'abyss' of who knows how many meters deep beneath their feet. Red spots of light kept flashing in the abyss, and the background of the red spots was a fluorescent green with yellow. Huge egg-shaped objects were arranged in an orderly manner, from the abyss of who knows how deep below to the sky above their heads where they couldn't see the top.

Tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions, too numerous to count.

In this uncomfortable abyss, there are many robotic arms fixed on tracks that move flexibly. When the green light on the egg turns red, white gas will spray out and pop the egg out of the slot. At this moment, the robotic arm will immediately come to the front, buckle the lock on the egg, and move them to other places.

At this moment, the sound of pressure relief and exhaust came from the egg-shaped object closest to them. The green light on it turned red, and the robotic arm fastened it immediately. People's perspectives shifted rapidly with the movement of the robotic arm, and the surrounding scene changed rapidly. In less than thirty seconds, they came from the abyss of the egg to a huge house with a faint blue light.

This place looks a bit like a busy operating room, except that there are no doctors in white coats. Instead, there are only sophisticated robotic arms that move autonomously on the operating table.

The egg-shaped object was sent to an empty operating bed. As the moist white mist spread, a man soaked in a transparent liquid was exposed to the air. The transparent liquid that wrapped him was a little sticky and quickly dissipated after the egg-shaped container was opened. The man who stared at the ceiling with his eyes open was moved to the operating bed. At this time, he seemed to have some instinctive reaction. He coughed and spit out a lot of sticky liquid, and uttered strange syllables that were difficult to understand.

It didn't sound like the meaningless syllables a baby uttered, but it didn't seem like any coherent speech either.

When the robotic arm on the operating table fixed him to the bed, he tried to resist, but his resistance was weak and he seemed unable to exert any strength.

As the thin needle was inserted into his blood vessel, the man's resistance quickly disappeared, and he lay motionless on the operating table.

The mucus on his body surface was quickly cleansed, and a thin tube was inserted into his mouth, which extracted a lot of mucus that seemed to exist in his lungs, and also served as an oxygen tube to assist his breathing.

After the man's head was fixed, an extremely thin bright ray shot out from the front end of a mechanical arm. The man's scalp was cut open, and the skull was separated. The delicate brain surgery began at this moment. In less than ten minutes, a sophisticated mechanical device was perfectly implanted, or integrated into the man's brain. The skull of the Metal Land replaced the part that had been removed before. Under the effect of a strange healing spray, the place where the metal and flesh were joined began to "heal". The steel and flesh seemed to be connected as one. This did not look like a technological means at all.

After the brain surgery, the man's chest was opened. Unlike the internal organs of humans on Earth, this alien had two hearts on the left and right. In the middle between the heart and the lungs, there was a walnut-sized translucent organ with a faint light blue halo flashing inside. Harry's pupils shrank slightly, and then he whispered, "This seems to be some kind of magical organ? I saw a light similar to magic inside, but it is much lighter than our magic."

The others looked at each other. They couldn't see the magical light that Harry mentioned.

"The awakened ones can directly see the flow and color of magic. Harry is the non-awakened one who is closest to the awakened one." Li Jiannan whispered, "The intensity of the color of magic represents the quality of magic. The higher the quality of magic of non-awakened magical life, the closer it is to azure blue, and vice versa."

"If the magic concentration of an ordinary wizard is 1, the magic power in this guy's body is probably only about 0.1, which is very weak."

Harry added, "If spellcasting ability is linked to the quality of magic, their spellcasting ability may be even worse than that of goblins and fairies."

"In other words, these aliens are more likely to be creatures with magical powers rather than creatures that can use magic?"

Grindelwald asked Harry with some curiosity.

"This quality of magic is roughly the same as the magic in an owl, and an owl is just an ordinary creature with weak magic that cannot cast spells."

"There are some weak supernatural powers granted by magic, just like an owl can accurately deliver letters based on its name. It's not very strong, but it can't be compared with common sense."

While they were talking and discussing, the robotic arm implanted a tiny device into the magical organ and led out several wires, which were then buried from his body into different parts of his body, connecting his limbs, head, back and chest.

Only after the entire operation was completed did the robotic arm begin to close the wound and use the healing spray to heal the wound. The healing speed was very fast, not much worse than their potions.

The man regained consciousness at this moment. His previously dilated pupils were now focused, but all his previous resistance and instincts disappeared. He was transferred to another bed, his limbs were fixed, and he was transferred out of the operating room.

Entered a huge processing plant full of people.

Here, the man was put into a tight-fitting tights, and the 'interface' opened during the operation was inserted into the plug connecting the exoskeleton armor. On the assembly line, the man quickly turned into a mechanically modified soldier wrapped in steel armor, and like the other people being processed in this factory, he became a ruthless soldier waiting for orders.

But at this moment, the memory scene being played was paused. Everyone was slightly stunned, but saw that the huge wound in the sky had healed at this moment. The awakened wizards came above them, and the one who stopped the memory scene was none other than Senior Seti.

"There is a cut on their souls. The memories you see are only the memories of this soul, but I believe that the cut-off part should be the truth of that world."

Sett, who originally had an old face and was about to die, now seemed much younger. After the world will removed the restrictions on the current awakeners, their biggest shackles - the shackles of life seemed to have been removed. The world will is now no longer able to breed awakened wizards, and the few awakened wizards at this moment are the few most powerful trump cards of their world.

“I don’t know if you’ve ever heard this saying.”

Seti brought the awakened wizards to their side and stood next to Harry and Li Jiannan.

"Flesh and blood suffer, machinery ascends."

With a light stroke of his finger, Sett split open the soul that Grindelwald had pulled out of its memory and pushed aside. He reached in and pulled hard!
A ball of scattered silver threads was torn off abruptly, and the entire soul body collapsed instantly at this moment.

Seti narrowed his eyes slightly and a slight smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"It seems I guessed it right."

He threw the broken silver thread in his hand into the meditation basin, and a new scene unfolded at this moment. (End of this chapter)

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