Chapter 106 106. Gratitude
Yue Wenxuan walked into the ward carrying a food box, where the patients and their families were having dinner lively.

During the patient's hospitalization, the patient and the patient's family members can get meals in the hospital cafeteria after handing in the food stamp.

As a key hospital, the supply is somewhat biased, and the food in the No. [-] Hospital is better than that in the Dongfang Machinery Factory.

Of course, the so-called goodness is just that there are less other things mixed in the corn bread, so it is not so hard to swallow.

The variety of vegetables is also richer than that of ordinary units. Although the amount of each dish is not large, there are four or five kinds of vegetables in each meal, including potatoes, cabbage, and radishes. There is still a lot of room for choice in the supply of dishes.

Song Jianfang and Zou Xinzhuang were very frugal, and they only had a portion of shredded potatoes.

The cornbread was brought by Zou Zou Xinzhuang from his hometown. It looks dark, and I don't know what is mixed in it.

Just such a cornbread that looked unpalatable at first glance, the two of them were also reluctant to eat more, and each only shared one, and this was their dinner.

Yue Wenxuan put the food box in his hand on the cabinet next to the hospital bed, and said to the old man with a smile on his face:

"Master, I think you are much more energetic now. Seeing how delicious their food is, are you also hungry?"

The old man was very happy when he saw Yue Wenxuan. He had a good impression of the eldest son's comrade-in-arms, and said cheerfully:

"It's true that my spirit is much better. After all, it's a big hospital. Now that the fever has subsided, I feel that my body is very strong.

In addition, I ate three big meat buns at noon, which is too much. I don't think I won't be hungry if I don't have to eat for at least a day. "

"You can't do without food. You are a patient now, and your body is a little weak. Every meal must be full and well-fed.

Besides, the doctor also said, let you eat more nutritious things, so that your body can recover faster. If your body recovers faster, we can be discharged from the hospital one day earlier, right? "

As he spoke, Yue Wenxuan opened the food box, and a scent immediately filled the air.

"It's so fragrant, why are you still stewing fish? It's too expensive.

I'm recovering well now, so I don't need to eat these nutritious things, just a casual bite will do. "The old man said embarrassedly.

"I caught this fish from the river myself, and it didn't cost me a single penny, so it's not an expense, and I still have plenty at home.

This crucian carp soup is boiled for you by my grandma, so you can drink this jar of fish soup steadily. "

Yue Wenxuan first brought out a crucian carp soup from the food box.

The old man pointed to the half jar of roasted tofu with green onions in the food box and said: "The crucian carp didn't cost money, so the half jar of tofu was bought, right?
Too expensive!Forget it this time, don't spoil these good things next time.

The one who has caused you so much trouble and asked you to pay for the ticket is not dragging you down. "

"You are worrying too much, this tofu didn't cost money, because ah, there is nowhere to buy it.

This is exchanged by the neighbor across the door and me. One fish is exchanged for two pieces, and I can't finish it in a few days.

I have the ability to fish, and no one will starve me when I am hungry, so you can eat a full meal steadily, and don't be afraid of dragging me down.

My family really can't go hungry, otherwise, Xinwu wouldn't have entrusted you to me. "

Whether the old man believes it or not, Yue Wenxuan must find a way to dispel his worries.

In addition to fish soup and roasted tofu, Yue Wenxuan also displayed several other items in the food box.

The staple food is two big white steamed buns and a bowl of millet porridge, which are naturally also for the sick old man.

In addition to these, he also brought two canning jars.

He opened two canning jars, one containing shredded pickles and the other containing pickled radishes.

He put two canned jars in front of Zou Xinzhuang's eyes, "Taste the taste of homemade pickles and dried radish."

This time Zou Xinzhuang did not refuse, but said happily:

"That's good, I really want to eat pickles. Originally, I brought a few pickles from home, but someone gave them away on the way, so I could only eat steamed buns.

With these two bottles of pickles, there is no need to order food from the cafeteria. The food in the cafeteria is good, but it is too expensive and expensive. "

Once Zou Xinzhuang was happy, he began to call himself I again. "

Song Jianfang took out another lunch box and greeted, "Brother Wenxuan, I made you two steamed buns and a portion of cabbage with minced meat. You should eat it quickly, or it will be cold if you don't eat any more."

Yue Wenxuan said apologetically, "Sister-in-law, I ate at home, so don't beat me up for lunch in the future.

Hurry up and share this portion, don't leave any leftovers, or you'll have to eat something cold for your next meal. "

"It's okay, it's delicious when it's cold. I'm quite full from the meal tonight, so I just save it for tomorrow morning."

For the two of them, it would be nice to have a steamed bun for a meal, and I would definitely be reluctant to eat such a good meal.

Although the two didn't say anything, they both wanted to save the steamed buns and vegetables for the old man to eat tomorrow.

Under Yue Wenxuan's persuasion, the old man swept up all the dinner he brought.

The old man has a good appetite and looks refreshed. The imported western medicine prescribed by Director Wan is very expensive, but it is really effective.

Through this incident, Yue Wenxuan deeply realized the scarcity and preciousness of medicines in this period.

The old man got pneumonia, and penicillin is not very effective. If it continues like this, it will really kill him.

That is to say, Sanlingyao Hospital has better imported western medicine, and if it is replaced by a smaller hospital, the old man's disease may really not be cured.

Yue Wenxuan stayed there until ten o'clock in the evening before leaving. When he left, he made a special promise that he would bring the old man's breakfast tomorrow.

It will be the same in the future, the old man's three meals a day, he will prepare them at home and deliver them specially.

He also specially told Song Jianfang not to be reluctant to use the milk powder he brought, and to take good care of the old man's body as soon as possible so that he could be discharged from the hospital earlier.

After Yue Wenxuan left, the old man said with emotion:

"The comrade-in-arms of the boss is too sincere, and I have to thank him after he comes back.

I won’t talk about the painstaking efforts. If I prepare three meals a day every day, if it is like today, how many good things will have to be ruined.

In my life, I have never enjoyed such a blessing. I never thought that I would be able to eat good food instead of being hospitalized. "

Zou Xinzhuang also said annoyedly: "I was too hasty when I came here, and I didn't even think about bringing some good things from home. We ate so much food for Wenxuan Brothers for nothing, and we couldn't even give a gift in return. My face is ashamed." Da da."

Song Jianfang also had the same thought in her heart, but she could only comfort her:

"Xinwu and Wenxuan are the kind of comrades-in-arms who can trust life and death, and they have a good relationship. This time we owe brother Wenxuan, and we will just make up for it slowly in the future.

We don't need to worry about this matter. After Xinwu comes back, he will take care of it. "

(End of this chapter)

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